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English 2328

Spring 2011

MLA Documentation Exercise

Practice Exercises: For this exercise, you will practice your skills at MLA documentation strategies, for both in-text citations and Works Cited entries You are not searching or these sources! instead, these are "ust sample sources to help you practice your MLA documentation strategies A##$%&M'&() *lease compose both a +,- a Works Cited entry for each of the following sources using MLA documentation format and +.- a hypothetical +made up- intext citation sentence /nly one +,- sample sentence for each source 0se the strategy listed for that source 10') We will go o2er the exercise together in class next period, but those students who ha2e a good start on the exercise at the start of class will recei2e 3early-bird3 credit (he assignment will be due at your rough draft conference next week *L'A#' &/(') (his is an open-book exercise *lease handwrite your entries and sample sentences 4ou must use your Handbook to help you with the exercise #ee Chapter 56 on MLA in-text and Works Cited list documentation for different types of sources, such as books, articles, and essays, but see also Chapter 57 on strategies for citing sources in your paper, especially the list of 3tag3 words to use when citing sources

Example Source
/ne of our short stories entitled (he Fall of the 8ouse of 0sher by 'dgar Allan *oe, included on pages 79:-7,: in the eighth edition of our anthology entitled Literature) An $ntroduction to ;eading and Writing and edited by 'dgar < ;oberts and 8enry ' =acobs (he anthology was published in .99: in 0pper #addle ;i2er, &ew =ersey, by *rentice 8all 10') We will go o2er the exercise together in class next period, but those students who ha2e a good start on the exercise at the start of class will recei2e 3early-bird3 credit (he assignment will be due at your rough draft conference the next week Works Cited entry *oe, 'dgar Allan 3(he Fall of the 8ouse of 0sher 3 The American Tradition in Literature

'ds %eorge *erkins and >arbara *erkins <ol , ,.th ed >oston) Mc%raw-8ill, .99? @:.-@@A $n-text Citation #trategy , First mention of source +introBtagBdoc-) $n 'dgar Allan *oeCs short story entitled 3(he Fall of the 8ouse of 0sher,3 the narrator describes his feelings about the setting as 3an utter depression of soul which $ can compare to no earthly sensation3 +@:.-

$n-text Citation #trategy . #ubseDuent mention of source with last name in sentence +tagBdoc-) *oe ends the story with a description of the fall of the house) 3the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently o2er the fragments of the C8ouse of 0sherC3 +@@A$n-text Citation #trategy 5 #ubseDuent mention of source with source not named in sentence +doc-) (here is a poem in the story entitled 3(he 8aunted *alace,3 and the first two lines read) 3$n the greenest of our 2alleys B >y good angels tenanted3 +*oe @::, lines ,-.-

Practice Sources
, A book published by Longman *ublishers entitled 0nderstanding the Concept of 8appiness, by =ulia *rewitt >rown, an associate professor of *hilosophy at >oston 0ni2ersity (he book, ,5: pages long, was published in &ew 4ork in .99A Works Cited 'ntry)

#ample Citation #entence +strategy E, first mention-)

>y =ohn ;eynolds, =r , and =erry #mith, a "ournal article entitled 3'dgar Allan *oe and the *hilosophy of Fear3 in the =une .99A issue of the American Literary #cholarship, 2olume :@, winter issue, pages @@7-@?. (he "ournal uses continuous pagination Works Cited 'ntry)

#ample Citation #entence +strategy E. last name in sentence-)

(he electronic 2ersion of an article entitled 8istory and Fear by *rofessor Fenneth % =ohnston that you found using the Academic #earch Complete database at the C(C library web site (he source of the article is the "ournal #tudies in World 8istory, 2olume ,9, no ., Autumn, ,??., pp .55-.5@ Works Cited 'ntry)

#ample Citation #entence +strategy E5 no name in sentence-)

An essay entitled Fear as a *ositi2e Force by 1r #te2en >oyd, included on pages .A7.77 in the se2enth edition of Critical 'ssays on *opular *sychology, edited by 8arold ;osenbloom and =ulius Cox (he anthology was published in &ew 4ork by *egasus, an imprint of Addison Wesley *ublishers, $nc , in .995 Works Cited 'ntry)

#ample Citation #entence +strategy of your choice-)

A web page entitled 3,9 $mportant *oints about 'dgar Allan *oe3 that you found online at http)BBwww smithblog comBpersonalopinion html (he site pro2ides no publishing information besides the authorCs name, *eter #mith 5

Extra !re"it
For those of you working ahead, please draft both an +,- in-text citation sample sentence and a +.- Works Cited entry for one of your sources for your research paper using MLA documentation format Works Cited 'ntry)

#ample Citation #entence +first mention-)

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