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For my project I used the prompt: Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking

something different." I agreed with this prompt, and used the Milgram Obedience Experiment, Pavlovs Dogs Experiments, and the Discovery of the Bystander Effect to prove my argument During the 1950s many German Nazis were on trail in Jerusalem for their war crimes. Many people could not understand how people could commit such horrific crimes to other human beings. Stanley Milgram posed the question: Are they all bad man, were they born with bad intentions, or could it be that they were just following orders? Milgram designed an experiment to see how far an average man would go following orders from an authority figure, even if it meant harming or killing an innocent human being. This is the set up of the experiment: #1 and #3 were in on the experiment and were just acting #2 was the test subject #1 played the Scientist acting as an authority figure #2 was called the teacher and was told he should shock #3 whenever they answered a question wrong, increasing the shock level each time #3 was called the studentnot actually being shocked, then were just pretending to be in pain The results of the experiment showed 100% of the teachers (person #2) shocked the students (person #3) with at least 300 Volts. 65% of the teachers shocked the students with the maximum 450 Volts. Milgram conclude his experiment with: "Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority" The Pavlovs Dogs experiement discover classical conditioning. It began when Ivan Pavlov was studying salivation in dogs, he noticed they would salivate even when he was not bringing them food. Many thought of this just caused a mess, but it caused Pavlov to wonder why this happened. Pavlov then began the famous experiment most called "Pavlov's Dogs.

He experimented with this by presenting a neutral stimulus (tuning fork) right before the unconditioned stimulus (food) which is an stimulus that causes an innate response called the unconditioned response (salivating) This causes the neutral stimulus (tuning fork) to be linked the unconditioned response (salivating), so now a ringing a tuning fork would cause the dogs to salivate. This led to the discovery of classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov's discovery made a huge impact and opened many doors in the field of behavioral sciences. The bystander effect, was discovered after Kitty Genovese was murdered outside her apartment building. 38 people witnessed the attack, but no one called the police until 30 minutes after. When this had hit the new everyone wondered why no one tried to intervene or call the police. In court many people testified saying they wanted to call the police, or heard the attack and did nothing about it. From this Psychologists Darley and Latan discovered what is called "The Bystander Effect;" they describe it as a diffusion of responsibility, so the more people that are around the less likely we are to help. In conclusion: Each if these experiments and discoveries were made because a psychologist thought something different than everyone else.

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