ICD 10 Languages

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Contact points for the 42 language versions of ICD-10

I. WHO editions
Arabic World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Abdul Razzak Al Sanhouri Street, P.O.Box 7608, Nasr City, Cairo 11371 Egypt Telephone: (202) 227670 25 35 Facsimile: (202) 2670 24 92 or 670 24 94 Chinese Publication by the People's Medical Publishing House, Beijing, on behalf of WHO Translator: Peking Union Medical College Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing 100730 China fax (86) (10) 512 48 75 English Department of Measurement and Health Information Systems World Health Organization Avenue Appia, 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland classifications@who.int French Department of Measurement and Health Information Systems World Health Organization Avenue Appia, 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland classifications@who.int

Russian Translator: Department of Health Monitoring National Institute of Public Health Vorontsovo Pole 12 Moscow 103064 Russian Federation fax: (7 095) 916 03 98 Spanish (published by WHO/PAHO, Washington, D.C.) Centro Venezolano de Clasificacin de Enfermedades (CEVECE) Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social, El Silencio Centro Simn Bolvar Edificio Sir, Piso 3, Oficina 315, Caracas 1010, Venezuela fax: + 58 212 482 4897

II. ICD-10 in other languages

Albanian Ministry of Health Sector of Statistics and Information Technology Rruga B. Curri Tirana Albania Armenian Ministry of Health Republic of Armenia 8 Tumanian Street Yerevan 375001 Armenia Azeri The Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijani Republic Kichik Debiz Kuc. 4 370014 Baku Azerbaijan Basque Departmento de Sanidad Gobierno Vasco Alava 11

01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz Spain Bulgarian Ministry of Health 5 Sveta Nedelja Sq. Sofia 1000 Republic of Bulgaria Catalan Divisio d'Atencio Primaria 1 Servei Catala de la Salut Traverssera de les Corts 131-159 Edifici Olimpia 08028 Barcelona Spain Croatian National Institute of Public Health Rockefellerova 7 P. O. Box 684 HR-41000 Zagreb Croatia fax (385) (41) 27 21 66 Czech Institute of Health Information and Statistics Palackeho namesti 4 P. O. Box 42 Prague 2 Czech Republic fax (422) 24 91 59 82 or 24 97 27 17 Danish Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd 35 Nrre Sgade P. O. Box 2148 DK-1016 Copenhagen K Denmark fax (45) (33) 12 93 87 Danish rights granted to: Sundhedsstyrelsen/The National Board of Health 13 Amaliegade P. O. Box 2020 DK-1012 Copenhagen K

Denmark fax (45) (33) 91 16 01 Dutch Nationale Raad voor de Volksgezondheid/ National Council for Public Health Postbus 7100 2701 AC Zoetermeer The Netherlands fax (31) (79) 5108 81 Rights for CSIZ requested by: Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs P. O. Box 5406 2280 HK Rijswijk The Netherlands fax (31) (70) 20 17 03 Estonian Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 42 Hiiu Str. Tallinn Estonia 200015 fax (372) (5) 24 82 60 Farsi Ministry of Health and Medical Education Opposite Avesta Park Azadi Ave No. 211 P.O. Box 14155-6193 Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health Siltasaarenkatu 18 C P. B. 220 SF-00531 Helsinki Finland fax (35) (80) 76 13 07 German Several German-language publishers including Springer, Urban & Schwarzenberg and ECOMED (Germany) and Hans Huber (Bern) using translation by: Deutsches Institut fr Medizinische Dokumentation und Information (DIMDI) Waisenhausgasse 36-38A

50676 Kln Germany fax (0049) (221) 41 14 44 Greek Ministry of Health, Welfare and Social Security International Relations Division 17 Aristotelous Street 10187 Athens Greece Translator: Athens University Medical School Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology Hungarian Ministry of Welfare Department for International Relations Arany Janos U. 6-8 H-1361 Budapest V Hungary fax (36) (1) 111 80 54 Translator: Information Centre for Health Care, P. O. Box 526, H-7102 Szekszrd, Hungary fax (36) (74) 41 67 24 Icelandic Ministry of Health and Social Security Laugavegur 116 150 Reykjavk Iceland fax (91) 191 65 Italian Ministero della Sanit Servizio Centrale della Programmazione Sanitaria Lungotevere Ripa 1 00153 Roma Italy Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Statistics and Information Department 7-3 Ichigaya-Honmura-cho

Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162, Japan fax (81) (3) 32 69 88 24

Korean National Statistical Office Statistical Standards Division Hanta Building 647-15 Yoksam-Dong Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-080 Republic of Korea fax (82) (2) 538 38 74 Latvian Medical Statistics Bureau 5 Nicgales Street 1035 Riga Latvia fax (132) 27 64 45 Lithuanian Lithuanian Health Information Centre 13 Tilto Street 232001 Vilnius Lithuania fax (122) 62 45 67 Rights granted to: Ministry of Health 27 Gedimino Avenue 232682 Vilnius Lithuania fax (122) 22 46 01 Macedonian Ministry of Health 50 Divizija b.b. 91000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Mongolian Ministry of Health Central Post

P. O. Box 596 Ulaanbaatar 13 Mongolia Norwegian Statens Helsetilsyn/Norwegian Board of Health Department of Public and International Health P. O. Box 8128 DEP N-0032 Oslo Norway fax (47) (22) 34 95 90 Polish Vesalius University Medical Publishers Wislisko 1 31-538 Krakw Poland fax (48) (12) 21 33 87 Rights granted to publisher at request of: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Department of Science and Education 15 Miodowa Str. 00-923 Warsaw Poland fax (48) (22) 31 15 33 Portuguese Editora da Universidade de So Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto Travessa J, 374 6 andar Ed. da Antiga Reitoria Cidade Universitria 05508-900 So Paulo SP Brazil fax (55) (11) 211 69 88 Translator: Centro Colaborador da OMS Av. Dr Arnaldo 715 CEP 01255-000 So Paulo Brazil fax (55) (11) 852 96 30 Serbian

National Serbia Institute of Public Health and The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro (jointly) Slovak Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic Spitalska ul. 6 813 05 Bratislava Slovakia fax (42) (7) 57 508 Slovenian Intitut za Socialno Medicino in Socialno Varstvo/ Institute for Public Health and Social Welfare Trubarjeva 2 Postni predal 260 61000 Ljubljana Slovenia Swedish Centre for Epidemiology Classifications and Medical Terminology Socialstyrelsen/National Board of Health & Welfare S-10630 Stockholm Sweden fax (46) (8) 783 33 27 Rights granted to: Ministry of Health and Social Affairs International Secretariat 103 33 Stockholm Sweden fax (46) (8) 723 11 91 Thai Ministry of Public Health Devaves Palace 275 Samsen Road Bangkok 10200 Thailand Turkish Ministry of Health Health Project General Coordination Unit Atatrk Bulvari 65 06410 Sihhiye Ankara

Turkey fax (90) (4) 432 08 18 Turkmenian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry Mahtumkuli pr. 90 744000 Ashgabat Turkmenistan Ukrainian Ministry of Health of Ukraine Groushevskovo ul. 7 252021 Kiev Ukraine fax (7) (44) 293 69 75 Uzbek Ministry of Public Health Republic of Uzbekistan Navoi Str. 12 700011 Tashkent Uzbekistan fax (7) (3712) 68 08 11

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