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IMPORTANT FACTS Cost Price: The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as C.P.

Selling Price: The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as S.P. Profit or Gain: If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a profit or gain. Loss: If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss. IMPORTANT FORMULAE 1. Gain = (S.P. ! (C.P. ". #oss = (C.P. ! (S.P. $. #oss or gain is alwa%s rec&oned on C.P. '. Gain Percentage( (Gain ) Gain * 1++ Gain ) = C.P. ,. #oss Percentage( (#oss ) #oss * 1++ #oss ) = C.P. Selling Price( (S.P. (1++ . Gain ) SP = 1++ Selling Price( (S.P. (1++ ! #oss ) SP = 1++ Cost Price( (C.P. C.P. = 1. 1++ (1++ . Gain ) 1++ * S.P.


* C.P


* C.P.


Cost Price( (C.P. C.P. =

(1++ ! #oss )

* S.P.

1+. If an article is sold at a gain of sa% $,), then S.P. = 1$,) of C.P. 11. If an article is sold at a loss of sa%, $,) then S.P. = -,) of C.P. 1". 2hen a person sells two si3ilar ite3s, one at a gain of sa% x), and the other at a loss of x), then the seller alwa%s incurs a loss given b%( Co33on #oss and Gain ) " x " #oss ) = = . 1+ 1+ 1$. If a trader professes to sell his goods at cost price, but uses false weights, then 4rror Gain ) = * 1++ (True 5alue ! (4rror ). . !or" fro# $a%s: If 6 can do a piece of wor& in n da%s, then 67s 1 da%7s wor& = &. $a%s fro# !or": If 67s 1 da%7s wor& = 1 , then 6 can finish the wor& in n da%s. n 1 n .

'. Ratio: If 6 is thrice as good a wor&3an as 8, then( 9atio of wor& done b% 6 and 8 = $ ( 1. 9atio of ti3es ta&en b% 6 and 8 to finish a wor& = 1 ( $. . $eci#al Fractions: :ractions in which deno3inators are powers of 1+ are &nown as (eci#al fractions. 11 = 11 hundredths = .11; / = / thousandths = .++/, etc.; 1++ 1+++

&. Con)ersion of a $eci#al into *+lgar Fraction: Put 1 in the deno3inator under the deci3al point and anne* with it as 3an% <eros as is the nu3ber of digits after the deci3al point. =ow, re3ove the deci3al point and reduce the fraction to its lowest ter3s. 1 "++0 ",1 Thus, +.", ", = ; ".++0 = = . = 1++ ' 1+++ 1", '. Anne,ing -eros an( Re#o)ing $eci#al Signs: 6nne*ing <eros to the e*tre3e right of a deci3al fraction does not change its value. Thus, +.0 = +.0+ = +.0++, etc. If nu3erator and deno3inator of a fraction contain the sa3e nu3ber of deci3al places, then we re3ove the deci3al sign. 1.0 ' 10' 0 Thus = = . , ".1 "11 1$ 1 .. Operations on $eci#al Fractions: i. A((ition an( S+/traction of $eci#al Fractions: The given nu3bers are so placed under each other that the deci3al points lie in one colu3n. The nu3bers so arranged can now be added or subtracted in the usual wa%. ii. M+ltiplication of a $eci#al Fraction 0% a Po1er of 2: Shift the deci3al point to the right b% as 3an% places as is the power of 1+. Thus, ,.1-$" * 1++ = ,1-.$"; +.+/$ * 1++++ = /$+. iii. M+ltiplication of $eci#al Fractions: >ultipl% the given nu3bers considering the3 without deci3al point. =ow, in the product, the deci3al point is 3ar&ed off to obtain as 3an% places of deci3al as is the su3 of the nu3ber of deci3al places in the given nu3bers. Suppose we have to find the product (." * +.+" * .++" . =ow, " * " * " = 0. Su3 of deci3al places = (1 . " . $ = -. ." * .+" * .++" = .+++++0 iv. $i)i(ing a $eci#al Fraction 0% a Co+nting N+#/er: ?ivide the given nu3ber without considering the deci3al point, b% the given counting nu3ber. =ow, in the @uotient, put the deci3al point to give as 3an% places of deci3al as there are in the dividend.

Suppose we have to find the @uotient (+.+"+' AB 1/ . =ow, "+' AB 1/ = 1". ?ividend contains ' places of deci3al. So, +.+"+' AB 1/ = +.++1" v. $i)i(ing a $eci#al Fraction 0% a $eci#al Fraction: >ultipl% both the dividend and the divisor b% a suitable power of 1+ to 3a&e divisor a whole nu3ber. =ow, proceed as above. +.+++-- * Thus +.+++-1++ = = +.+-- = .++, +.11 +.11 * 1++ 11 3. Co#parison of Fractions:

Suppose so3e fractions are to be arranged in ascending or descending order of 3agnitude, then convert each one of the given fractions in the deci3al for3, and arrange the3 accordingl%. $ / #et us to arrange the fractions , and in descending order. , / 1 $ = +.-, - = +.0,/, / =ow, = +.///... , / 1 / $ Since, +.0,/ C +.///... C +.-. C C . So, / 1 , 4. Rec+rring $eci#al: If in a deci3al fraction, a figure or a set of figures is repeated continuousl%, then such a nu3ber is called a rec+rring (eci#al. n a recurring deci3al, if a single figure is repeated, then it is e*pressed b% putting a dot on it. If a set of figures is repeated, it is e*pressed b% putting a bar on the set. "" Thus 1 = +.$$$... = +.$; , $ / = $.1'"0,/1'"0,/.... = $.1'"0,/.

P+re Rec+rring $eci#al: 6 deci3al fraction, in which all the figures after the deci3al point are repeated, is called a pure recurring deci3al. Con)erting a P+re Rec+rring $eci#al into *+lgar Fraction: 2rite the repeated figures onl% once in the nu3erator and ta&e as 3an% nines in the deno3inator as is the nu3ber of repeating figures. Thus, +., = , 1 ; +.,$ = ,$ 11 ; +.+-/ = -/ 111 , etc.

Mi,e( Rec+rring $eci#al: 6 deci3al fraction in which so3e figures do not repeat and so3e of the3 are repeated, is called a 3i*ed recurring deci3al. 4g. +.1/$$$$$.. = +.1/$. Con)erting a Mi,e( Rec+rring $eci#al Into *+lgar Fraction: In the nu3erator, ta&e the difference between the nu3ber for3ed b% all the digits after deci3al point (ta&ing repeated digits onl% once and that for3ed b% the digits which are not repeated. In the deno3inator, ta&e the nu3ber for3ed b% as 3an% nines as there are repeating digits followed b% as 3an% <eros as is the nu3ber of non!repeating digits. ""/$ ! "" 11++

Thus, +.1- = 1- ! 1 = 1, = 1 ; 1+ 1+ 5. So#e 0asic For#+lae: i. (a . b (a ! b = (a" . b" ii. iii. iv. v. (a . b (a ! b

+.""/$ =

= "",1. 11++

= (a" . b" . "ab


= (a" . b" ! "ab


(a . b . c

= a" . b" . c" . "(ab . bc . ca

(a$ . b$ = (a . b (a" ! ab . b"

vi. vii. viii.

(a$ ! b$ = (a ! b (a" . ab . b" (a$ . b$ . c$ ! $abc = (a . b . c (a" . b" . c" ! ab ! bc ! ac 2hen a . b . c = +, then a$ . b$ . c$ = $abc.

Have a look on a set of awesome question and answer.! Question 1: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus: An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. An old friend who once saved your life. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car This is a moral!ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a "ob application. # You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first$ # or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to % pay him back. # &owever, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again. The candidate who was hired 'out of ()) applicants* had no trouble coming up with his answer. +uess what was his answer &e simply answered: ,- would give the car keys to my .ld friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. - would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams. /ometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. 0ever forget to ,Think .utside the 1o2., Question 2: What will you do if - run away with your sister , The candidate who was selected answered , - will not get a better match for my sister than you sir, Question 3: -nterviewer 'to a student girl candidate* 3 What is one morning you woke up 4 found that you were pregnant. +irl 3 - will be very e2cited and take an off, to celebrate with my husband. 0ormally an unmarried girl will be shocked to hear this, but she managed it well. Why - should think it in the wrong way, she said later when asked Question 4:

-nterviewer: &e ordered a cup of coffee for the candidate. 5offee arrived kept before the candidate, then he asked what is before you 5andidate: -nstantly replied ,Tea, &e got selected. You know how and why did he say ,T6A, when he knows very well that coffee was kept before. 'Answer: The 7uestion was ,What is before you '8 3 alphabet* 9eply was ,T6A, ' T 3 alphabet* Alphabet ,T, was before Alphabet ,8, Question 5: Where :ord 9ama would have celebrated his ,;irst <iwali, =eople will start thinking of Ayodya, >itila ?@anaki's placeA, :anka etc... 1ut the logic is, <iwali was a celebrated as a mark of :ord Brishna Billing 0arakasura. -n <usavataar, Brishnavathaar comes after 9aamavathaar. /o, :ord 9ama would not have celebrated the <iwali At all% Question 6: The interviewer asked to the candidate ,This is your last 7uestion of the interview. =lease tell me the e2act position of the center of this table where u have kept your files., 5andidate confidently put one of his finger at some point at the table and told that this was the central point at the table. -nterviewer asked how did u get to know that this being the central point of this table, then he answers 7uickly that sir u r not likely to ask any more 7uestion, as it was the last 7uestion that u promised to ask..... And hence, he was selected as because of his 7uick3wittedness. This is What -nterviewer e2pects from the -nterviewee. .... ,T&-0B .8T/-<6 T&6 1.C, Third Quarter review of onetor! "oli#! 2$%&1%2&14

D1ank 9ate 3 E.))F 'w.e.f. (G!)H!()HI* 3 -ncreased from G.JKF which was continuing since (E!H)!()HL D5ash 9eserve 9atio '599* 3 I.))F 'wef )E!)(!()HL* 3announced on (E!)H!()HL 3 <ecreased from I.(KFwhich was continuing since L)!H)!()H( D/tatutory :i7uidity 9atio '/:9* 3 (LF'w.e.f. HH!)G!()H(* 'announced on LH!)J!()H(* 3 <ecreased from (IF which was continuing since HG!H(!()H) D9epo 9ate under :A; 3 G.))F 'w.e.f. (G!)H!()HI* 3 -ncreased from J.JKF which was continuing since (E!H)!()HL D9everse 9epo 9ate under :A; 3 J.))F 'w.e.f.(G!)H!()HI* 3 -ncreased from M.JKF which was continuing since (E!H)!()HL D>arginal /tanding ;acility '>/;* 3 E.))F 'w.e.f. (G!)H!()HI* 3 -ncreased from G.JKF which was continuing since (E!H)!()HL

1: The largest copper producing country in the World is 1. Chile ". 9ussia $. South 6frica '. China 6ns( 1. 2: If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its area is diminished by: 1. 1+) ". 11) $. "+) '. $-) 6ns( ". 3: A boat tra els 20 !ms upstream in " hrs and 1# !ms do$nstream in % hrs&'ind the speed of the boat in still $ater and the speed of the $ater current( 1. 1D" &3ph ". /D1" &3ph $. , &3ph '. none of these 6ns( ". %: At $hat time after %&00 p&m& is the minutes hand of a cloc! e)actly aligned $ith the hour hand( 1. '("1('1., ". '("/('1., $. $("1('1., '. '("1(''., 6ns( 1. *: A shop !eeper sold a T&+ set for ,s&1-,.%0 $ith a discount of #% and earned a profit of 1.&"%&What $ould ha e been the percentage of profit earned if no discount $as offered(

1. "'.0) ". ",) $. "-.') '. Cannot be deter3ined ,. =one of these 6ns( ,. ": If /2)0y12% then /")03y12( 1. 1, ". 1" $. 10 '. 1+ 6ns( ". -: A cloc! is set right at # a&m& The cloc! gains 10 minutes in 2% hours& What $ill be the true time $hen the cloc! indicates 1 p&m& on the follo$ing day( 1. '0 3in. past 1" ". $0 3in. past 1" $. "0 3in. past 1" '. ", 3in. past 1" 6ns( 1. #: What is the missing number in this series( # 2 1% " 11 ( 1% " 1# 12 1. 1". 1 $. 1, '. 6ns( ". .: 3inesh tra elled 1200 !m by air $hich formed 24* of his trip& 5ne third of the $hole trip, he tra elled by car and the rest of the 6ourney he performed by train& What $as the distance tra elled by train( 1. -++E3 ". /++E3 $. 0++E3 '. 1++E3

6ns( $. 10: A train $hich tra els at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after tra eling for an hour goes at 34*th of the original speed and reaches the destination 2 hrs late&If the fault had occurred after tra eling another *0 miles the train $ould ha e reached %0 min earlier& What is distance bet$een the t$o stations& 1. $++ ". $1+ $. $"+ '. $+, 6ns( 1. 11: The a erage bet$een a t$o digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is .& What is the difference bet$een the t$o digits of the number( 1. 0 ". " $. , '. Cannot be deter3ined 6ns( '. 12: 7ipe A can fill in 20 minutes and 7ipe 8 in 30 mins and 7ipe 9 can empty the same in %0 mins&If all of them $or! together, find the time ta!en to fill the tan! 1. 1/ 1D/ 3ins ". "+ 3ins $. 0 3ins '. none of these 6ns( 1. 13: A person has % coins each of different denomination& What is the number of different sums of money the person can form /using one or more coins at a time1( 1. 1". 1, $. 1" '. 11 6ns( ".

1%: The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years is 22* and the compound interest on the same sum at the same rate for 2 years is 1*3 then the principal in ested is 1. 1,++ ". "",+ $. $+++ '. 10/, 6ns( '. 1*: A co$ is tethered in the middle of a field $ith a 1% feet long rope& If the co$ gra:es 100 s;& ft& per day, then appro)imately $hat time $ill be ta!en by the co$ to gra:e the $hole field ( 1. " da%s ". - da%s $. 10 da%s '. "' da%s ,. =one of these 6ns( ". 1": 2 hours after a freight train lea es 3elhi a passenger train lea es the same station tra elling in the same direction at an a erage speed of 1" !m4hr& After tra elling % hrs the passenger train o erta!es the freight train& The a erage speed of the freight train $as( 1. '+ ". $+ $. 0+ '. -+ 6ns( 1. 1-: The t$o colors seen at the e)treme ends of the p< chart are: 1. 9ed and 8lue ". 9ed and Green $. Green and 8lue '. Frange and Green 6ns( 1. 1#: # 1* 2% 3* %# "3 =(

1. /+ ". 0+ $. /, '. 00 6ns( ". 1.: 5ne of >r& <orton, his $ife, their son, and >r& <orton?s mother is a doctor and another is a la$yer& a If the doctor is %ounger than the law%er, then the doctor and the law%er are not blood relatives. b If the doctor is a wo3an, then the doctor and the law%er are blood relatives. c If the law%er is a 3an, then the doctor is a 3an. 2hose occupation %ou &nowG 1. >r. Horton( he is the doctor ". >r. HortonIs son( she is the law%er $. >r. Horton( he is the doctor '. >r. HortonIs 3other( she is the doctor 6ns( 1. 20: In the gi en figure, 7A and 78 are tangents to the circle at A and 8 respecti ely and the chord 89 is parallel to tangent 7A& If A9 2 " cm, and length of the tangent A7 is . cm, then $hat is the length of the chord 89( 1. ' c3 ". 0 c3 $. - c3 '. , c3 6ns( 1. 21: @nion Information and 8roadcasting ministry recently ga e an indication to change $hich of the follo$ing la$s on a larger scale, as the e)isting pro isions of the Act are inade;uate to cater to the phenomenal gro$th of the print media in ie$ of the liberali:ation of the go ernment policies( 1. Press J 9egistration of 8oo&s 6ct, (P98 6ct 10-/ ". The ?eliver% Ff 8oo&s K6nd =ewspapersI (Public #ibraries 6ct, 11,' $. Indian Press (43ergenc% Powers '. none 6ns( 1. 6ct 11$1

22: 2 numbers differ by *&If their product is 33",then the sum of the 2 numbers is: 1. "1 ". ,1 $. "0 '. $/ 6ns( '. 23: Which number is the odd one out( ."-# %*-2 *2"1 3*2- --"# 1. //-0 ". $,"/ $. ',/" '. 1-/0 ,. ,"-1 6ns( ". 2%: Which one among the follo$ing has the largest shipyard in India 1. Eol&ata ". Eochi $. >u3bai '. 5isa&hapatna3 6ns( ". 2*: If )2y22: and )y:22*" then $hat is the alue of )( 1. 0 ". $ $. , '. 6ns( 1. 2": A radio $hen sold at a certain price gi es a gain of 20%& What $ill be the gain percent, if sold for thrice the price( 1. "0+ ". "/+ $. "1+ '. "-+

6ns( '. 2-: )% of y is y% of ( 1. *D% ". "% $. * '. canIt be deter3ined 6ns( $. 2#: If the alue of ) lies bet$een 0 A 1 $hich of the follo$ing is the largest( 1. * ". *" $. !* '. 1D* 6ns( '. 2.: The tutor of Ale)ander the great $as 1. ?arius ". C%rus $. Socrates '. 6ristotle 6ns( '. 30: Thirty men ta!e 20 days to complete a 6ob $or!ing . hours a day& <o$ many hour a day should %0 men $or! to complete the 6ob( 1. 0 hrs ". /1D" hrs $. / hrs '. 1 hrs 6ns( ". 31: Boitre caused by the deficiency of CCC 1. 5ita3in ? ". Iron

$. 5Ita3in 6 '. Iodine 6ns( '. 32: Who in ented Dapier?s 8ones 1. Lohn =apier ". 2illia3 Fughtred $. Charles 8abbage '. =apier 8one 6ns( 1. 33: The mass number of a nucleus is 1. 6lwa%s less than its ato3ic nu3ber ". 6lwa%s 3ore than its ato3ic nu3ber $. So3eti3es 3ore than and so3eti3es e@ual to its ato3ic nu3ber '. =one of the above 6ns( $. 3%: A and 8 can do a piece of $or! in %* days and %0 days respecti ely& They began to do the $or! together but A lea es after some days and then 8 completed the remaining $or! n 23 days& The number of days after $hich A left the $or! $as 1. 1 ". 11 $. 1" '. 1, ,. 16ns( 1. 3*: Eam and >ala ha e a con ersation& Eam says I am certainly not o er %0 >ala Eays I am 3# and you are at least * years older than me F Do$ Eam says you are at least 3. all the statements by the t$o are false& <o$ old are they really( 1. >ala = $0 %rs, Sa3 =$1 %rs. ". >ala = $0 %rs, Sa3 = '1 %rs $. >ala = $1 %rs, Sa3 = '1 %rs. '. >ala = ',%rs, Sa3 = '1 %rs

6ns( ". 3": What is the code name for Windo$s +ista( 1. #onghorn ". #onghund $. Stac&spra% '. Pearl 6ns( 1. 3-: 5n sports day, if 30 children $ere made to stand in a column, 1" columns could be formed& If 2% children $ere made to stand in a column, ho$ many columns could be formed( 1. "+ ". $+ $. '+ '. ,+ 6ns( 1. 3#: The probability that a man $ill be ali e for 2* years is 34* and the probability that his $ife $ill be ali e for 2* years is 243& 'ind the probability that only the man $ill be ali e for 2* years& 1. "D, ". 1D, $. $D, '. 'D, 6ns( ". 3.: In a single thro$ of a dice, $hat is the probability of getting a number greater than %( 1. 1D" ". "D$ $. 1D' '. 1D$ 6ns( '. %0: If e ery alternati e letter starting from 8 of the Gnglish alphabet is $ritten in small letter, rest all are $ritten in capital letters, ho$ the month HEeptemberI be $ritten& /11 EeptG>bGr /21 EGpTe>8Gr /31 Eeptembe, /%1 Eepte>ber /*1 Done of the abo e

1. (1 ". (" $. ($ '. (, ,. (' 6ns( '. %1: After allo$ing a discount of 11&11% ,a trader still ma!es a gain of 1%&2# % &at ho$ many precent abo e the cost price does he mar! his goods( 1. "0.,-) ". $,) $. ""."") '. =one of these 6ns( 1. %2: 7ipe A can fill in 20 minutes and 7ipe 8 in 30 mins and 7ipe 9 can empty the same in %0 mins&If all of them $or! together, find the time ta!en to fill the tan! 1. 1/ 1D/ 3ins ". "+ 3ins $. none '. ,+ 3ins 6ns( 1. %3: There are 3 triplet brothers& They loo! identical& The oldest is John, he al$ays tells the truth& The second is Jac!, he al$ays tells a lie& The third is Joe, he either tells the truth or a lie& Jimmie 3ean $ent to isit them one day& <e $as $ondering $ho $as $ho& Eo he as!ed each person a ;uestion& <e as!ed the one $ho $as sitting on the left: HWho is the guy sitting in the middle(I& The ans$er $as H<e is John&I <e as!ed the one $ho $as sitting in the middle: HWhat is your name(I& The ans$er $as HI am Joe&I <e as!ed the one $ho $as sitting on the right: HWhat is the guy sitting in the middle(I& The ans$er $as H<e is Jac!&I Jimmie 3ean got really confused& 8asically, he as!ed 3 same ;uestions, but he got 3 different ans$ers& $hich is not true( 1. left 3ost is Moe ". 3iddle is Mac& $. right is Mohn '. 3iddle is Mohn 6ns( '.

%%: A 4 8 2 9K 9 L 3 then 1. 6 is alwa%s greater than ? ". C is alwa%s greater than ? $. 8 is alwa%s less than ? '. none 6ns( 1. %*: 9onsider the follo$ing statements: 1& The Administrati e ,eforms 9ommission /A,91 had recommended that the 3epartment of 7ersonnel of a Etate should be put under the charge of the 9hief Eecretary of the Etate& 2& 9hief Eecretary of a Etate is not in ol ed in any manner in the promotion of Etate 9i il officers to the All0India Eer ices& Which of the statements gi en abo e is4are correct( 1. Fnl% 1 ". Fnl% " $. 8oth 1 and " '. =either 1 nor " 6ns( 1. %": The population of a to$n $as 1,"0,000 three years ago& If it increased by 3%, 2&*% and *% respecti ely in the last three years, then the present population of the to$n is : 1. 1,//,+++ ". 1,//,$-$. 1,//,'-1 '. 1,//,,16ns( ". %-: What is the population of India ( 1. 10 crores ". >ore than " billion $. >ore than 1 billion '. #ess than 1- crores ,. 1- crores 6ns( $. %#: Eome green are blue& Do blue are $hite&

1. So3e green are white ". =o white are green $. =o green are white '. =one of the above 6ns( 1. %.: What is the missing number in this series( # 2 1% " 11 ( 1% " 1# 12 1. 0 ". $. 1 '. 11 6ns( $. *0: A erage age of students of an adult school is %0 years& 120 ne$ students $hose a erage age is 32 years 6oined the school& As a result the a erage age is decreased by % years& 'ind the number of students of the school after 6oining of the ne$ students: 1. 1"++ ". 1"+ $. $-+ '. "'+ 6ns( '. *1: 5n sports day,if 30 children $ere made to stand in a column,1" columns could be formed& If 2% children $ere made to stand in a column , ho$ many columns could be formed( 1. '0 ". "+ $. $+ '. 1,. '+ 6ns( ". *2: Which of the follo$ing numbers is di isible by 3( /i1 *%132" /ii1 *."-013 1. (ii onl% ". (i onl%

$. (i and (ii both '. (i and (ii none 6ns( ". *3: A s;uare is di ided into . identical smaller s;uares& Ei) identical balls are to be placed in these smaller s;uares such that each of the three ro$s gets at least one ball /one ball in one s;uare only1& In ho$ many different $ays can this be done( 1. 01 ". 11 $. '1 '. ,1 6ns( 1. *%: A man o$ns 243 of the mar!et research beauro business and sells 34% of his shares for ,s&-*000& What is the alue of 8usiness 1. 1,++++ ". 1$+++ $. "'++++ '. $'+++ 6ns( 1. **: 1,2,",2%,=(

1. 111 ". 1,1 $. 1"+ '. 1", 6ns( $. *": The cost of 1" pac!ets of salt,each $eighing .00 grams is ,s&2#&What $ill be the cost of 2- pac!ets ,if each pac!et $eighs 1Mg( 1. 9s.,".,+ ". 9s.,$. 9s.,0.,+ '. 9s.-'./,

6ns( 1. *-: ,onald and >ichelle ha e t$o children& The probability that the first child is a girl, is *0%& The probability that the second child is a girl, is also *0%& ,onald and >ichelle tell you that they ha e a daughter& What is the probability that their other child is also a girl( 1. 1D" ". 1D$ $. 1D' '. 1D, 6ns( ". *#: 'ind the alue of /214%011/ 234% N2142N214%N11 1. 1 ". " $. $ 6ns( 1. *.: The product of t$o fractions is 1%41* and their ;uotient is 3*42%& the greater fraction is 1. 'D, ". /D$. /D, '. /D' 6ns( 1. "0: *00 men are arranged in an array of 10 ro$s and *0 columns according to their heights& Tallest among each ro$ of all are as!ed to fall out& And the shortest among them is A& Eimilarly after resuming that to their original podsitions that the shortest among each column are as!ed to fall out& And the tallest among them is 8 & Do$ $ho is taller among A and 8 ( 1. 6 ". 8 $. 8oth are of sa3e height 6ns( 1. "1: 9hoose the pair of numbers $hich comes ne)t -* "* #* ** %* #* 3*

1. ", 1, ". ", 0, $. $, ", '. $, 0, ,. ", /, 6ns( ". "2: A three digit number consists of .,* and one more number& When these digits are re ersed and then subtracted from the original number the ans$er yielded $ill be consisting of the same digits arranged yet in a different order& What is the other digit( 1. 1 ". " $. $ '. ' 6ns( '. "3: AT7 stands for: 1. 6denine triphosphate ". 6denosine triphosphate $. 6denosine ?iphosphate '. 6denosine tetraphosphate 6ns( ". "%: +eselin Tapole $ho became the World 9hampion recently, is associated $ith $hich of the follo$ing games4sports ( 1. Chess ". Golf $. Snoo&er '. 8ad3inton ,. =one of these 6ns( 1. "*: A piece of cloth cost ,s 3*& if the length of the piece $ould ha e been %m longer and each meter cost ,e 1 less , the cost $ould ha e remained unchanged& ho$ long is the piece(

1. 1+ ". 11 $. 1" 6ns( 1. "": In a 6ourney of 1* miles t$o third distance $as tra elled $ith %0 mph and remaining $ith "0 mph&<o$ mu h time the 6ourney ta!es 1. '+ 3in ". $+ 3in $. 1"+ 3in '. "+ 3in 6ns( '. "-: Eolid cube of " O " O "& This cube is cut into to 21" small cubes& /1 O 1 O 11&the big cube is painted in all its faces& Then ho$ many of cubes are painted at least 2 sides& 1. ,". ', $. "$ '. "0 6ns( 1. "#: 'ind the a erage of first %0 natural numbers& 1. '+ ". $, $. $+.'. "+., ,. =one of these 6ns( '. ".: 1, *, 1%, 30, (, .1 1. ', ". ,, $. -+ '. /+ ,. =one of these

6ns( ". -0: There is a shortage of tubelights, bulbs and fans in a illage P Burgaon& It is found that a 6ll houses do not have either tubelight or bulb or fan. b 4*actl% 11) of houses do not have Must one of these. c 6tleast -/) of houses do not have tubelights. d 6tleast 0$) of houses do not have bulbs. e 6tleast /$) of houses do not have fans. 1. '" ) ". '- ) $. ,+ ) '. ,' ) ,. ,/ ) 6ns( 1. -1: If . engines consume 2% metric tonnes of coal, $hen each is $or!ing # hours a dayK ho$ much coal $ill be re;uired for # engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being gi en that 3 engines of the former type consume as much as % engines of latter type& 1. "" 3etric tonnes. ". "/ 3etric tonnes. $. "- 3etric tonnes. '. ", 3etric tonnes. 6ns( $. -2: To 1* lts of $ater containing 20% alcohol, $e add * lts of pure $ater& What is % alcohol& 1. "+) ". $') $. 1,) '. 1') 6ns( $. -3: In page pre ie$ mode: 1. Nou can see all pages of %our docu3ent ". Nou can onl% see the page %ou are currentl% wor&ing $. Sat%a3 8PF Services '. Nou can onl% see pages that do not contain graphics

6ns( '. -%: A house $ife sa ed ,s& 2&*0 in buying an item on sale &If she spent ,s&2* for the item ,appro)imately ho$ much percent she sa ed in the transaction ( 1. 0) ". 1) $. 1+) '. 11) 6ns( ". -*: I ha e trouble =====& 1. to re3e3ber 3% password ". to re3e3bering 3% password $. re3e3ber 3% password '. re3e3bering 3% password 6ns( '. -": Euperheroes Qi:a and Tamar lea e the same camp and run in opposite directions& Qi:a runs 1 mile per second /mps1 and Tamar runs 2 mps& <o$ far apart are they in miles after 1 hour( 1. 1+0++ 3ile ". 11++0 3ile $. 1"$++ 3ile '. 1'+++ 3ile 6ns( 1. --: A 2 *, 8 2 0, 9 2 2, 3 2 10, G 2 2& What is then A8 N GG P /G31po$er8 N /A91po$erG 2 ( 1. 11$ ". 1+$ $. 1$ '. 111 6ns( ". -#: A man can ro$ upstream at # !mph and do$nstream at 13 !mph&The speed of the stream is( 1. "., &3ph ". '." &3ph

$. , &3ph '. 1+., &3ph 6ns( 1. -.: 'ind $hat is the ne)t letter& 7lease try to find& 5,T,T,',',E,E,G,D,= What is that letter( 1. 8 ". S $. O '. T ,. F 6ns( '. #0: There are 3 societies A, 8, 9& A lent cars to 8 and 9 as many as they had Already& After some time 8 ga e as many tractors to A and 9 as many as they ha e& After sometime c did the same thing& At the end of this transaction each one of them had 2%& 'ind the cars each originally had& 1. 6 had "1 cars, 8 had $1 cars J C had 1" cars ". 6 had $1 cars, 8 had $1 cars J C had 1" cars $. 6 had $1 cars, 8 had "1 cars J C had 11 cars '. 6 had $1 cars, 8 had "1 cars J C had 1" cars 6ns( '. #1: A papaya tree $as planted 2 years ago& It increases at the rate of 20% e ery year& If at present, the height of the tree is *%0 cm, $hat $as it $hen the tree $as planted( 1. '$" c3 ". $"' c3 $. $/, c3 '. '++ c3 6ns( $. #2: A boy has ,s 2& <e $ins or loses ,e 1 at a time If he $ins he gets ,e 1 and if he loses the game he loses ,e 1& <e can loose only * times& <e is out of the game if he earns ,s *& 'ind the number of $ays in $hich this is possible( 1. 1' ". "$ $. 1-

'. 1" ,. 1+ 6ns( $. #3: 'i e racing dri ers, Alan, 8ob, 9hris, 3on, and Gugene, enter into a contest that consists of " races& The results of all si) races are listed belo$: 8ob al$ays finishes ahead of 9hris& Alan finishes either first or last& Gugene finishes either first or last& There are no ties in any race& G ery dri er finishes each race& In each race, t$o points are a$arded for a fifth place finish, four points for fourth, si) points for third, eight points for second, and ten points for first& If 'ran! enters the third race and finishes behind 9hris and 3on, $hich of the follo$ing must be true of that race( 1. 4ugene finishes first. ". 6lan finishes si*th. $. ?on finishes second. '. :ran& finishes fifth. ,. Chris finishes third. 6ns( '. #%: A is t$ice as good a $or!man as 8 and together they finish a piece of $or! in 1# days&In ho$ many days $ill A alone finish the $or!( 1. "/ ". "$. ", '. "' 6ns( 1. #*: 3aal is no$ being sold at ,s& 20 a !g& 3uring last month its rate $as ,s& 1" per !g& 8y ho$ much percent should a family reduce its consumption so as to !eep the e)penditure fi)ed( 1. "+ ) ". '+ ) $. $) '. ") 6ns( 1. #": The sum of * successi e odd numbers is 10-*& What is the largest of these numbers(

1. "1, ". ""$ $. "11 '. "1/ 6ns( $. #-: A man sells t$o buffaloes for ,s& -,#20 each& 5n one he gains 1*% and on the other, he loses 1*%& <is total gain or loss in the transaction is 1. ".,) gain ". ".",) loss $. ") loss '. ,) loss ,. =one of these 6ns( ". ##: 5ne ship goes along the stream direction 2# !m and in opposite direction 13 !m in * hrs for each direction&What is the elocity of stream( 1. 1., &3ph ". "., &3ph $. 1.0 &3ph '. " &3ph 6ns( 1. #.: Which one of the $ords gi en belo$ is different from others( 1. Frange ". Grape $. 6pricot '. 9aspberr% ,. >ango 6ns( $. .0: 9omplete the series: *, 20, 2%, ", 2, #, ( 1. 1" ". $"

$. $' '. $6ns( 1. .1: A can ha e a piece of $or! done in # days, 8 can $or! three times faster than the A, 9 can $or! fi e times faster than A& <o$ many days $ill they ta!e to do the $or! together 1. $ da%s ". 0D1 da%s $. ' da%s '. =one of the above 6ns( ". .2: - 7in!, * 8lac!, 11 Rello$ balls are there& >inimum no& atleast to get one blac! and yello$ ball 1. 1/ ". 1$ $. 1, '. 11 6ns( 1. .3: /141011# P /1410120 2 ( 1. 11D1+"+ ". 11D1+ $. +.1 '. none of these 6ns( 1. .%: Three friends di ided some bullets e;ually& After all of them shot % bullets the total number of bullets remaining is e;ual to the bullets each had after di ision& 'ind the original number di ided( 1. 10 ". "+ $. ,' '. 0 6ns( 1.

.*: A sum of ,s& %2- is to be di ided among A, 8 and 9 in such a $ay that 3 times A?s share, % times 8?s share and - times 9?s share are all e;ual& The share of 9 is 1. 9s.0' ". 9s./$. 9s.10 '. 9S.$' 6ns( 1. .": There are 20 poles $ith a constant distance bet$een each pole& A car ta!es 2% second to reach the 12th pole&<o$ much $ill it ta!e to reach the last pole& 1. '1.', seconds ". '+.', seconds $. '".', seconds '. '1.++ seconds 6ns( 1. .-: An emergency ehicle tra els 10 miles at a speed of *0 miles per hour& <o$ fast must the ehicle tra el on the return trip if the round0trip tra el time is to be 20 minutes( 1. /" 3iles per hour ". /, 3iles per hour $. -, 3iles per hour '. /0 3iles per hour 6ns( ". .#: 12% of *#0 N ( 2 .% 1. "'.' ". $'.' $. ,'.' '. -,.' 6ns( 1. ..: There is a certain relation bet$een t$o gi en $ords on one side of : : and one $ord is gi en on another side of : : $hile another $ord is to be found from the gi en alternati es, ha ing the same relation $ith this $ord as the gi en pair has& Eelect the best alternati e& <orse : Joc!ey : : 9ar : (

1. >echanic ". Chauffeur $. Steering '. 8ra&e 6ns( ". 100: Which of the follo$ing numbers should be added to 111*# to ma!e it e)actly di isible by --( 1. 1 ". 0 $. / '. , 6ns( $.

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