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Minutes of the 7th ARC Committee Meeting (Riverside Area) (F. J. Brennan, St. John Vianney, St.

Jules, St. Maria Goretti and St. Rose) January 16, 2014 6:00 p.m. Location: St. John Vianney School
PRESENT ARC Chairperson/Facilitator: Superintendent: Principals/Vice-Principals: Heather Liffiton Sharon OHagan-Wong Patti Mouland, F. J. Brennan LeeAnn Poisson, St. John Vianney Tara Clarke St. Jules Dean Favero, St. Maria Goretti Pat Vettraino, Brennan Rick Nadin, F. J. Brennan Maureen Bertrand, St. Jules Kelly Vandenberghe, St. Jules Stephanie Kirk, St. Rose Kim Bouchard, St. Rose Joli Michalczuk, St. Rose Steven Moro, St. Maria Goretti Lisa Burke, F. J. Brennan Jason Lazarus, St. John Vianney Sue Grimmett, St. John Vianney Tammi Straub, St. John Vianney Danielle Perry, St. Rose

Teaching Staff: Non-Teaching Staff:


Community Representatives:

Business Community Representatives:

Terry Yaldo, F. J. Brennan Dale Desmarais, St. Jules

Secondary School Student Representative: Regrets:

Gillian Denomme, F. J. Brennan Elise Daragon, Principal, St. Bernard Tony Gebrail, Principal, St. Rose

Kimberly Mayea-Montague, Non-Teaching, St. JohnVianney Debbi Shepley, Non-Teaching, St. Maria Goretti Lisa Brosseau, Non-Teaching, St. Rose Joann Cookson, Parent, St. Jules Lisa Brophy , Parent, St. Jules Lynne Prsa, Parent, St. Maria Goretti Christina Winter-Pavelich, Parent, St. Maria Goretti Julie Adoranti, Parent, F. J. Brennan Fr. Chris Gevaert, Pastor, Most Precious Blood Laura Godfree, Community Rep, St. Maria Goretti Dave Leslie, Community Rep., St. John Vianney Neal/Lauren McLean, Comm. Rep,F. J. Brennan Lorian Taylor, Bus. Comm. Rep., St. Maria Goretti Sandra Leddy, Bus. Community Rep, St. Rose Don Kumarisingh, Business Rep., St. John Vianney Recording Secretary: Paulette Littlejohns

LeeAnn Poisson, Principal, St. John Vianney opened the meeting with prayer.

1. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 8, 2014 MINUTES Amendments: Page 5, fourth bullet, typographical error, words character education repeated to be deleted. Lisa Burke listed as present and under regrets she was present Motion by Pat Vettraino and seconded by Rick Nadin that the minutes of the ARC Committee meeting January 8, 2014 be approved as amended. Carried.

2. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS Superintendent OHagan-Wong provided copies of responses to questions which were asked at the last ARC Committee meeting. These questions and answers will be attached to these minutes and posted on the Boards web-site. These questions and responses are summarized as follows. Details are provided in the attached document. a) How is the transition plan determined? When determining a transition plan, the Director and Board take into account unique circumstances in a particular community such as utilization rates, school organizations, building conditions and the impact on student programming. b) When will the St. Bernard and Our Lady of Lourdes communities be included in the consultation?

When the number of students impacted by a relocation of program constitutes less than 50% of the schools enrollment a consultation is required as opposed to an ARC. Once recommendations are formalized, a consultation with schools that would be impacted would take place. Involving these communities at this time would interfere with this ARC process. In the current context a consultation with St. Bernard and OLOL given the timelines could take place in April prior to a decision in May. c) It was verified that both St. Bernard and St. Jules are recently registered as historical properties. Both St. Bernard and St. Jules have been listed as registered properties by the City of Windsor on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register. This means the owner of the properties (the Board) must give the City 60 days notice of its intent to demolish. The City could decide to pursue designation and if so, and City Council has passed by-laws identifying the properties heritage, Council has the power to prohibit demolition. d) What would it take to obtain grants to gut and retrofit either St. Bernard or St. Jules existing building? What % would the grants cover? (The public school just did this for John Campbell on Tecumseh as an example) Requests for funding for major retrofits of existing school buildings would, subject to Board approval, are submitted to the Ministry of Education along with all of the other Board capital funding requests for new schools and major additions. Submissions along with business cases are submitted to the Province and compete with all other submissions from other Boards. With regard to John Campbell, Administration had discussed this project with the public board who advised that the funding fell significantly short of the actual costs incurred. They had indicated that based on this experience, they would be more inclined to undertake new construction rather than retrofits in the future. e) Will the fire station disrupt the new Bernard school? Does the Board have this concern? Administration believes the proximity to the fire station might prove to be a point of interest and excellent partnership that presents many learning opportunities for the students. The Board has already met with the Citys design team regarding this and the proposed footprint is not expected to be impacted. The Board may be able to secure additional property. f) If the Board continues to build a new St. Bernard and the old St. Bernard is historical (of which City was to develop this area into housing), but it would take years to be allowed to demo the historical building and only after it is deemed a safety concern, correct? This would apply to the St. Jules building as well. Administration has already appeared before the Citys Heritage Committee with regard to St. Bernard and has committed to incorporate the sandstone faade of St. Bernard into the main entrance of the new school. Information regarding demolition discussed under (c). The same would apply to the St. Jules building.

g) Would the Board consider moving the new school to St. Jules property OR gut and re-do St. Jules historical building for a new school instead of St. Bernard site? Since St. Jules appears to be more central between the 3 communities and the Board already owns St. Jules property. Since the city changes plans at last minute (i.e. now building a new fire station), why can't the Board? The Ministry agreed to fund a new school, so changing locations (since it has already been delayed 5 yrs) at this stage requires review of the new data/ARC, which would justify a location change for a new school to the ministry. The Board received approval from the Ministry of Education to proceed to build a new school for the Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernard communities. They have no intention of halting this project at this time, however, the feasibility of expansion of the new school has been investigated. With regard to the comment that the Board already owns the St. Jules property, it is noted that, in the case of St. Bernard, the Board is looking at a land exchange with the City that would be at no net cost to the Board.

h) If no elementary (7-12 or JK-12) go to Brennan, what does this mean for Brennan? What is the board doing to market and ensure Brennan high school #'s go up and not follow the Watson trend? Or at what threshold will the board close Brennan as the high school numbers are too low? Given the current enrollment patterns demonstrated at Brennan the Board would be required to seriously consider the closure of the Brennan site as has been referenced in the current ARC conversations. In the ARC process innovative programming opportunities can be discussed in order to support a recruitment strategy for Brennan.

i) Does the board have any indication of any public school in the Jules area that may be coming up for sale in the next 5-10 yrs (before the 2025 accessibility deadline)? At this time the Board is unaware of any public schools in the neighbourhood that would be available. The public school board is also required to follow the same ARC policies and procedures in response to declining enrollment. They too struggle with the upkeep of many older buildings that are expensive to maintain. Committee Questions: When will the Board make the final decision public? Response: Chairperson Liffiton indicated at the public Board of Trustees meeting May 27, 2014. Can a recommendation be made about a Transition plan? Response: Superintendent OHagan-Wong stated yes and it can be embedded in the comments section of the recommendation report.

One of the recommendations in discussion at the last ARC Committee meeting was an IB Program. Do we have a sense of how many students attend the IB Program? Response: Superintendent OHagan-Wong indicated that it was introduced at Assumption and it increased their enrollment. A comment was made that if there is an attractive IB Program at Brennan, St. John Vianney students would go to Brennan instead of St. Josephs and perhaps students from the public board would attend as well. One of the Committee members stated that at the PIC meeting the previous evening, the question of establishing an IB Program was directed to Director Picard. He indicated that it takes five years for the IB Program to be designated. Part of the process is training teachers as this is a very specialized program with strict standards. It was noted that Vista is currently in the process for designation. Chairperson Liffiton advised that she attended the meeting with Finance Minister Sousa today. There were multiple business people at the meeting indicating they were looking for ways to enhance skilled trades. Many people mentioned Special High Skills Major and apprenticeships. The timing may be ideal to introduce new programs at Brennan.

3. REVIEW OF OPTIONS (TO BEGIN TO FORMALIZE RECOMMENDATIONS) A copy of the draft template of the ARC Report was distributed. Superintendent OHaganWong indicated that the two options were place in the order as requested by the Committee.

Option 1 Discussion (Establish a grade 7-12 school at F. J. Brennan; Consolidate St. Jules at the new St. Bernard site in a JK-6 elementary school; Maintain St. John Vianney as a JK-8 elementary school; Consolidate St. Maria Goretti at St. Rose in a JK-6 elementary school, and/or at St. John Vianney in a JK-8 elementary school; Grades 7 and 8 from the St. Jules, St. Rose (with merging St. Maria Goretti students), St. Bernard and our Lady of Lourdes consolidating at the grade 7-12 school at F. J. Brennan) Superintendent OHagan-Wong indicated that the Committee has to develop some comments on how the community feels about this recommendation and how the public views have been gathered. Chairperson Liffiton advised that the Committee also has to include value to the student, value to the Board, value to the community and value to the local economy; mention any recommended transition plan and any recommendations regarding the shifting of boundaries. Superintendent OHagan-Wong advised that Mrs. Colleen Norris indicated that in the past, boundary movements have resulted in the separation of children of one community who have been together for a long time and that this should be kept in mind when recommendations on boundaries are made. Discussion took place with regard to the separation of the children.

Superintendent OHagan-Wong reviewed the draft template with the Committee as it related to enrollment at each of the schools under this option. Superintendent OHagan-Wong advised that she was able to acquire what the estimated market value for a closed St. Maria Goretti, i.e. $280,000 and St. Jules, i.e. $400,000. The capacity for the new St. Bernard is 400. This option would require an addition to the current plans. The maximum that can be requested is an additional 125 student places, but there is a need for 153. Superintendent OHagan-Wong relayed to the Committee some issues that have been occurring at St Jules recently related to air quality in the JK/SK area. The issue has been resolved, however, in the community they are concerned their worries will affect the decision made here. She indicated these are the kinds of issues/needs being experienced in older buildings. Superintendent OHagan-Wong advised that in consultation with the Transportation Consortium this option will require an additional five buses. The total number of buses would be nine at $360,000 if St. Maria Goretti goes to St. John Vianney and eight at $320,000 if St. Maria Goretti goes to St. Rose. The issue of a bus bay at Brennan was discussed with Transportation. They indicate the bus bay currently accommodates two or three buses and a bus for special education. The Board would need to put some infrastructure planning in place. Chairperson Liffiton advised that the comment made with regard to busing former St. Alexander students would need to be added to the report. Superintendent OHagan-Wong will double-check the busing numbers and break them down. She stated there is a need to articulate this section of the report better. In the Financial Effects section, Superintendent OHagan-Wong advised there would be the cost of retro-fitting Brennan; there is no need for an addition to St. Rose and another three or five room addition at St. John Vianney would be required depending on the number of rooms needed for day care. One of the Committee members indicated she was hearing parents asking why there is no change to St. John Vianney. She also stated that the Board may need to change the designation of the high school feeder school for St. John Vianney to be S. Josephs. It was noted 60% of students from St. John Vianney go to St. Josephs. A suggestion was made that there be an option for grades 7/8 from St. John Vianney to go to Brennan if they wish. A discussion took place with regard to St. John Vianney boundaries and enrollment. It was stated that St. Josephs was built with capacity for 1,200, but in reality only 1,000 can be accommodated. Chairperson Liffiton stated that clarification is needed regarding St. Josephs feeder schools, boundaries, enrollment and the Boards direction related to this. She stated the Board is looking at retaining numbers, but the Trustees will also be looking at the financial efficiencies and implications, i.e. the cost of additions that would be required.

With regard to renewal needs, Superintendent OHagan-Wong stated that the data shows $4.7M for renewal needs at St. Jules and St. Maria Goretti. One of the Committee members pointed out that this does not reflect that this is a net savings to the Board and that the repairs required are not necessarily done. For staffing, Superintendent OHagan-Wong indicated that Administration will continue to provide information to populate this data. A comment was made by a Committee member regarding a school getting too large and the pressure on Administration.

Option 2 Discussion (Consolidate St. Maria Goretti at St. Rose and/or St. John Vianney; Consolidate St. Jules and accommodate students at the F. J. Brennan site, in a retrofitted K-12 school. Superintendent OHagan-Wong took the Committee through the draft report highlighting the data related to enrollment, bussing, etc. With regard to bussing, information would need to be shown related to the former St. Alexander students. Superintendent OHagan-Wong outlined the financial effects with the additions required at St. John Vianney or St. Rose at a cost of $450K to $480K per classroom. She indicated that Administration will also break out the renewal costs for the Committee. A question was raised regarding the data on School Administration not showing a cost savings. The response was because funding is on a per site basis. There is no net savings to the Board, but there would be savings to the Ministry.

4. DISCUSSION OF FINAL REPORT REQUIREMENTS AND NEW TIMELINES Chairperson Liffiton indicated that Mrs. Norris has made a proposal that the fourth public meeting be held on February 18 for Central Windsor, February 19 for Riverside and February 20 for Tecumseh. The proposal was made in order to give the Committees more time to finalize the Recommendation Report. She advised that this change will still meet the regulatory timeframe of the ARC process. Chairperson Liffiton suggested January 29 be a Committee meeting to prepare for the presentation on February 19. A question arose as to whether the public was made aware that there were four public meetings to which Chairperson Liffiton responded yes.

Chairperson Liffiton indicated that at the fourth public meeting, the community will give the Committee input regarding these two recommended options. The Committee will reflect on what has been heard at the public meeting. Chairperson Liffiton advised that the target date to submit the report to the Director is March 6. At the fourth public meeting, the public can say they dont like these options. The Committee would put something in the report to the Director indicating that the public is not in support of these options. She also stated that the draft recommendation report would go out to the public a week prior to the meeting. A Committee member referred back to Option 1 and stated that there are numerous schools in the mix and St. John Vianney remaining status quo is not sitting well with some of the community. A question was asked as to what happens if there is another option presented. Chairperson Liffiton responded that the Committee would review it after the meeting and determine if it was a viable option. Discussion took place regarding the grades 7 and 8 at St. John Vianney and whether they should have the option to go to Brennan. There are issues related to feeder schools, the fact that there may be a lot of transition for the students, boundaries and bussing. A comment was made by a Committee member that the Board could lose some students if it does not keep one school JK-8 in the Riverside area. Chairperson Liffiton advised that there is a need for clarification on secondary school selection and boundaries. The Committee could recommend a boundary study in the report bit reviewing boundaries is not the Committees work. Chairperson Liffiton stated that the Committee is not ready at this point to go to the public and more information needs to be gathered. She advised in terms of the presentation, there appears to be no appetite for a JK-12 school model, there needs to be a provision for an inclusive and nurturing environment for special education, a Catholic presence in the Riverside area is desired and the public is saying that they want to keep Brennan. She stated that these points have to be made and there is a need to build excitement around the new Brennan. Motion by Rick Nadin and seconded by Pat Vettraino that the fourth public meeting be deferred to February 19, 2014 at Brennan at 6:00 p.m. Carried. Chairperson Liffiton advised that she and Superintendent OHagan-Wong will provide information to the Committee as it is attained.

5. NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING The next Committee meeting will be held January 29, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at Brennan.

6. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Liffiton thanked Principal LeeAnn Poisson and the St. John Vianney members for hosting the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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