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Rebel Without A Cause

(Drama) (1955)
1999 by Raymond Weschler

Major Characters Jim Stark................................................James Dean A confused and angry but shy and sincere teenager who is trying to survive ife in his new home town of !os Ange es. "is worst #rob ems are the oca tough boys who are out to make his ife miserab e$ and his father and mother$ who have never known how to be oving and su##ortive #arents. % ato..............................................Sa &ineo A disturbed but gent e 1' year o d who ooks to Jim for friendshi# and fami y$ in #art because his own #arents have never been around to take care of him. Judy................................................(ata ie )ood A one y 1* year o d gir who fa s in ove with Jim$ who had ear ier associated with the tough kids because she cou d not find ove or su##ort from her own fami y. Jim+s ,ather...................................Jim -ackus A oving but weak and insecure #arent for Jim$ who is dominated by his wife. Jim+s &other.................................Ann Doran An angry and frustrated #erson who insists that her fami y move to another city every time her fami y has #rob ems. -u...................................................../orey A en 0he eader of the tough kids in schoo who tries to make ife as difficu t as #ossib e for Jim. /runch................................................,rank &a..o a$ &oose..................................................(ick Adams 1oon......................................................Dennis "o##er 0hree other tough kids who are #art of -u..+s gang. 2ay...................................................3d % att A concerned 4uveni e #o ice officer who tries to he # Jim and the other kids stay out of troub e.


Plot Summary 0his is the story of 15 year o d Jim Stark$ a one y and angry but gent e teenager who has 4ust moved to !os Ange es. Jim is doing his best to dea with the constant #ressures he faces as a new student$ es#ecia y from other teenage kids who are #art of the 6coo 6 gang at Dawson "igh Schoo . )hi e trying to dea with the threats of these other teenagers$ he continues to seek ove and direction from his father$ a good7 hearted but weak #arent who is dominated by Jim+s mother$ who is a ways forcing the fami y to move from one city to the ne8t in ho#es of esca#ing their various #rob ems. After Jim is forced into a dangerous game of 6chicken6 with -u..$ one of the oca tough guys$ he finds himse f in serious danger with both the aw and some of -u..+s friends. ,ortunate y$ Jim finds the su##ort of both % ato$ a confused and gent e 1' year o d who a most sees Jim as the father he never rea y knew$ and Judy$ a beautifu but a so confused young teen who suffers from her own ack of #arenta ove$ and who soon rea that Jim has much more to offer her than the vio ent #unks with whom she had been. A (ote on the 0it e and the &ovie 9 A 6rebe 6 is a #erson who fights against various institutions or authorities$ such as the schoo system or the #o ice. A 6cause6 is a goa or a genera strugg e$ and it often has a #o itica connotation. :n the 19*;s$ #eo# e found many causes$ from the /ivi 2ights &ovement to o##osition against the )ar in <ietnam. =et in the ear y 195;s$ American youth had not yet become #o itica $ a though this fi m does show that teenagers as a grou# had a ready formed their own subcu ture. Rebel without A Cause is considered a c assic movie because it effective y ca#tures so much of the anger and frustration of being young$ and it hints at many of the #rob ems that American cu ture wou d have to face in the fo owing years.

Some Words and Expressions that ou may not !no"

Jim, Judy and Plato find themselves at the police station, all three in trouble with the law.

&i8ed u# in that beating on 1>th street? 60o be mi8ed u#6 in something is to be invo ved in it. 60o beat a #erson u#6 is to attack him$ and a 6beating6 is a #hysica attack. Drunkenness.

' 0he condition of being drunk$ after having had too much i@uor.

"e+s c ean . !ean him u# against something. :n a crimina conte8t$ 6to be c ean6 means to be not invo ved or gui ty of anything. 60o ean6 someone against a wa or other #hysica ob4ect is to #hysica y su##ort them with it. "e ca ed me a dirty tram# . &y own fatherA A very dated e8#ression referring to 6a oose gir 6 or #rostitute. )e were going to ce ebrate 3aster $ to catch a doub e bi . A bi# deal . 63aster6 is a ma4or /hristian ho iday in S#ring. A 6doub e bi 6 is a dated term for when a theater offers two movies for the #rice of one. 6A big dea 6 is something significant or im#ortant. "e started rubbing off a of my i#stickA 60o rub off6 is to remove by brushing back and forth. :s that why you were "anderin# around at 1A&? 60o wander around6 is to wa k aim ess y with no destination. Do you think you can get back at your dad that way? 60o get back at someone6 is to treat them bad y for how they have treated you. (ot @uite as strong as 6to get revenge.6 0hat+s enough static out of youA 6Static6 is the un# easant noise a radio makes when the station is not coming in c ear y. Cut it out nowA :+m warning youA An interesting$ c assic and very common way to say 6Sto# itA6 =ou+re shivering $ John. 60o shiver6 is to shake uncontro ab y$ often because you+re co d. 1oodbye$ Judy$ take it easy . A common way to say ca m down$ as we as goodbye or 6see you ater.6 : got the fright of my ife. Another word for a scare. 0he verb is 6to frighten.6 )ere you having a ba dad? An o d7fashioned way to say having a great time.

Do you have a nickname ? An informa name used to re# ace one+s rea name$ such as % ato (for the 1reek #hi oso#her)$ which is the name Joe uses. 0he boy ever ta ked to a #sychiatrist? 99 A head7 shrinker ? 6"ead7 shrinker6 is a term for #sychiatrist that is no onger used$ a though #eo# e sti fre@uent y refer to them as 6shrinks.6 "e+s a minor ...and it ooks ike he+s had more than a itt e drink. A 6minor6 is a ega term that refers to those who are under 1B. Jim$ don+t hum . 60o hum6 is to sing without o#ening the i#s. : cut #retty oose in my day$ too. A very dated way to say 6: got #retty cra.y when : was young.6 "e+s 4ust oaded . A dated word for drunk. Smashed and bombed are much more current$ since today$ oaded im# ies richA =ou have to s am the door in my face? 60o s am6 is a #owerfu word meaning to c ose vio ent y. )e give you ove and affection $ don+t we? 6Affection6 is an emotiona fee ing of warmth and tenderness. =ou know what kind of drunken braw s those #arties turn into. A 6braw 6 is a oud #arty or a fight$ or often a #arty with fightsA =ou+re tearing me a#art A 60o tear a#art6 a #erson is another way to say ri# them into #ieces$ and for both$ it can mean either #hysica y or$ as here$ emotiona y. )e $ you know who he takes after . 60o take after someone6 is to act 4ust ike them$ as when chi dren take after their #arents.

Jim finds an unlikely friend with the Los Angeles Police.

=ou+re a big tou#h character.

5 Someone who is 6tough6 is either mean or strong or both. =ou don+t kid me$ %a . 60o kid6 someone is to tease or make fun of them$ or in this case$ to try and foo them. 0he word 6#a 6 is used to mean friend$ though as here$ it is often used sarcastica y. 0oo bad you didn+t connect. =ou cou d have gone to Juveni e "a . A 64uveni e6 is someone under 1B$ and 6Juveni e "a 6 is where most teenagers are sent when they get into troub e with the aw. =ou want to bu# us unti we have to ock you u# ? 60o bug6 someone is a common way to say bother or annoy them. ock u#6 someone often means to #ut them in 4ai or #rison. 60o

Dh come on $ don+t give me that A 6/ome on6 remains to this day the greatest$ most versati e #hrasa verb in 3ng ish$ meaning everything from 6hurry u#6 to$ as here$ 6be serious.6 0he second sentence is what one wou d say who hears what they consider to be nonsense or a ie. &ess that kid u# ? 60o mess u#6 someone is to hurt or confuse them$ either #hysica y or emotiona y. "e ca ed me chicken . 6/hicken6 can be a strong insu t meaning coward$ though on y common among teenagers and chi dren. A key word for this movieA And your fo ks didn+t understand? An o d but sti fair y common a ternative word for #arents. )hat a .oo A 0he # ace with anima s$ of course$ but here Jim+s way of describing his dysfunctiona fami y. :f he had the guts to knock mom co d once$ : bet she+d be ha##y. 61uts6 are itera y intestines$ but 6to have the guts6 to do something is to have the courage to do it. 60o knock someone out co d6 means to hit them so hard they ose consciousness. : bet she+d sto# pic$in# on him. 60o #ick on6 someone is to harass or make fun of them. 0hey make mush out of him.

* 6&ush6 is itera y boi ed cornmea $ or any soft food with that te8ture. )hen used for #eo# e$ it im# ies weak and coward y. : bet you see right through me . 60o see through6 someone is to know when they are ying or trying to mis ead. "ow can : grow u# in a circus ike that? 99 %eats me . 6-eats me6 is a curious co o@uia way to say 6: don+t know.6 :f the #ot starts boi ing again$ wi you come and see me before you get yourse f in a 4am? 60o get in a 4am6 is to find onese f in a difficu t situation with no easy so ution. /ome on in and shoot the bree.e . 60o shoot the bree.e6 is to discuss whatever is on a #erson+s mind. -y go y$ : cou dn+t even swa ow unti recess. 6-y go y6 is a very o d7fashioned way to say 6you know.6 62ecess6 is the time kids get to # ay s#orts between c asses. &eat oaf and %eanut butter sandwiches. =ummy American food9 "amburger sha#ed ike a oaf of bread. Enock them dead $ ike your o d man used toA 60o knock someone dead6 genera y means to im#ress them$ not rea y ki them. 6D d man6 is si y s ang for father. )atch out when choosing your #a s A A 6#a 6 is a somewhat o d7fashioned word for friend.

Jim goes off to his first day of school, and soon finds Plato, Judy, the planets, and a gang of dangerous punks.

: bet you+re a rea yo7yo . !itera y$ the chi d+s toy that s#ins on a string attached to a finger. for 6cra.y$6 but no onger used this way. =ou ste##ed on the schoo insignia A An officia symbo or badge of a schoo or other organi.ation.

S ang

Attention a Juniors and Seniors . "igh Schoo and /o ege are four years9 ,reshman$ So#homore$ Junior and Senior. % anetarium fie d tri# 777>%& shar#. A 6# anetarium6 is a bui ding where #eo# e can study the stars and # anets. A 6fie d tri#6 is when students get to visit a ocation not on cam#us for educationa #ur#oses. 0he great #o ar fie ds of the (orth and the South wi rot and divide. 0he 6#o ar fie ds6 refer to the (orth and South %o e. 60o rot6 is a #owerfu verb meaning to grow o d and decay. 0he heavens and the fami iar conste ations that i uminate our night... 6/onste ations6 are the various grou#s of stars that a##ear to resemb e various things on earth$ such as Drion the hunter$ 1emini the twins$ 0aurus the bu $ and /ancer the crab (0hey are the 6signs6 of astro ogy). 60o i uminate6 is to make bright. Dur # anet+s birth and its demise ... 6Demise6 is a funny itt e word for death$ or end. 1eh.unteitA 0he 1erman word for 6b ess you6 after someone$ and for some strange reason$ fair y common in 3ng ish. 0he f ash of our beginning....has not yet been seen dee# within the other ga a8ies. A 6f ash6 is a burst of ight. 61a a8y6 is a critica word in astronomy and refers to arge grou#s of re ated stars. A burst of gas and fire. A 6burst6 is a vio ent o#ening or e8# osion. :t can a so be used as a verb. 0hrough the infinite reaches of s#ace$ the #rob ems of man seen trivia and naive indeed . 60rivia 6 is unim#ortant$ and 6naive6 is innocent or unso#histicated. 6:ndeed6 is essentia y a fi er word meaning 6certain y.6 &an$ e8isting a one$ sees himse f to be an e#isode of itt e conse@uence . An 6e#isode6 is a se#arate or individua #art of a story. 6/onse@uences6 are the end resu t of a series of events$ though in the singu ar$ as here$ it sim# y means 6im#ortance.6

&ay : have your attention? Dh$ what the heck . An o d7fashioned and innocent version of 6what the he .6 /ertain y is a ot of switches 99 0hey+re @uite intricate . 6Switches6 are the e ectronic devices that turn #ower on and off. 6:ntricate6 means com# e8 in design (Such as a com#uter chi#).

Jim soon faces his first fight with Buzz.

"e+d make a good #idgin . A ty#e of bird$ of course$ and here$ a dated word for a victim. )e+ have his wardrobe . 0he co ection of c othes that a #erson has in their c oset. 2e a8$ he+ &i#ure it out . 60o figure out6 something is a common way to say understand. : to d you not to foo with those guys. "ere$ 6to foo with6 someone means to get invo ved with them$ in such a way that there is a risk of creating #rob ems for yourse f. :t+s a big mansion and we cou d sneak around . A 6mansion6 is$ by definition$ a very big or huge house. 60o sneak around6 is to go some # ace secret y. =ou read too many comic books . -ooks fi ed with cartoons. 0hey are sti #o#u ar with teens. "ey$ he+s rea abstract and he+s rea different. 6Abstract6 is an im#ortant word meaning difficu t to understand. Are you a ways at ringside ? -o8ing matches take # ace at a 6ring$6 and thus 6ringside6 is a good seat or # ace$ right ne8t to the match. : thought on y #unks fought with knives.

9 A 6#unk6 is a tough or mean #erson$ a though since the 195;s$ the word a so has a strong association with fo owers of 6#unk rock.6 (o sticking $ 4ust a itt e 4abbing . 60o stick6 with a knife means about the same thing as to stab$ which des#ite the dia og$ is basica y what 6to 4ab6 means in this conte8t. !et+s s# it 99 ,or what$ a cou# e of o d #oo# heads? 60o s# it6 is common s ang meaning to eave. 6%oo#6 is a gent er word for shit ( itera y)$ but 6#oo# head6 is no onger used. 0he &i ertown - uff. A 6b uff6 is a dangerous c iff$ and a stu#id # ace to race a carA )hy don+t you get us some cars and weF have us some kicks tonight. 60o have some kicks6 is an o d7fashioned way to say have some fun. =ou been on a chickie7run before? A dated$ funny itt e e8#ression for the very dangerous game of driving toward a c iff to see who wi be the first 6chicken6 to 4um# out of the car. 60o # ay chicken6 may sti be used.

aced with a !uestion of honor, Jim accepts a dangerous challenge.

: was getting mom some su##er . An o d7fashioned word for dinner. =ou+re too o d for that kind of stuff$ kiddo . A dated word for 6kid$6 sti occasiona y used with affection. : didn+t kiss her and it+s a bi# deal . 6A big dea 6 is a very common way to describe any situation that the s#eaker fee s is very im#ortant or significant. ,ish souff G. A ,rench word for a kind of baked dish made with eggs. 1ir s your age don+t do things ike thatA )hat conservative or 6u#tight6 #arents say to their kids. :t+s 4ust the age that nothing fits. 99 0he Atomic age A

1; 0he 6age that nothing fits6 is a si y way to refer to the awkward teenage years. 60he atomic age6 is a dated term for the nuc ear era. "ey$ can : ask you something? 99 Shoot . :n this conte8t$ a common way to say 6=es$ go ahead.6 :t+s a matter of honor. Another way to say 6a @uestion of #ride.6 :n many cu tures$ this is trans ated as 6saving face.6 Some kind of trick answer? A 6trick6 is something designed to mis ead or deceive$ and thus a 6trick answer6 is an une8#ected one$ #erha#s because the @uestion itse f is mis eading.

=ou can+t make a hasty decision...nobody can make a sna# decision. -oth 6hasty6 and 6sna#6 decisions are ones that are made in a hurry$ without carefu ref ection. )e ought to consider a the pros and cons . An im#ortant and common e8#ression meaning 6the advantages and disadvantages.6 )e+ make a ist$ and if were sti stuc$ $ we+ get some advice. :f you are 6stuck$6 it can mean #hysica y$ or meta#horica y$ meaning you can no onger decide how to move forward. /hicken7 itt e. !ike 6chicken$6 another way to refer to a coward$ though this is much more dated and on y used among the very young. "ow did you get here? 99 : hitched . 60o hitch6 is short for 6hitch hike$6 which is to get a ride in a car by signa ing to drivers with your thumb. : bet you+d go to a hanging . 6: bet6 is a common way to say 6:+m sure that...6$ but used a most e8c usive y in the first #erson. A 6hanging6 is where crimina s are ki ed by ro#e # aced around their necks. : guess it+s my morbid #ersona ity. An interesting word that is re ated to death or disease$ or an unhea thy obsession with such matters.


: got some goodies for you. A good itt e co o@uia word referring to sma things or gifts. "e+s sincere . An im#ortant word meaning honest or true$ used to describe a #erson who means what he says. )ant to f i#? 99 =eah$ heads. %eo# e wi 6f i#6 a coin to determine who goes first in any kind of contest. 0he two sides of the coin are 6heads and tai s$6 : bet he won+t be mad if : goof. 60o goof6 an o d7fashioned way to say screw7 u#$ or make a mistake. 0his is the ed#e $ boy. 0he 6edge6 is the #ointed side of a knife$ and the rim or end of a c iff. )hy are we doing this? 99 =ou got to do something $ don+t you? An im#ortant e8change in the movie$ that ca#tures the fee and attitude of the characters$ and the reason for the movie+s tit e. !ine them u# . 1et these guys straightened out.. 60o ine u#6 a grou# of anything is to get them organi.ed into straight ines or ogica grou#s. :n this case$ referring to cars. "ey 0oreador$ she signa s $ we head for the edge$ and the first man who 4um#s is a chicken. 60oreador6 is -u..+s nickname for Jim$ since his astro ogica sign is 0aurus. 60o signa 6 is to communicate by showing any ty#e of sign$ such as here$ by using waving hands. 'it your ights. (oted here to show that 6to hit6 is fre@uent y used to ask someone to turn on or off an e ectronic device.

Jim faces his greatest crisis, but his parents have no idea how to help.

"ave you f i##ed or something ? 60o f i#6 can mean to go cra.y. (ote that 6or something6 is added to the end of sentences for sty ish effect.

fre@uent y

1> : have to #ick u# my scooter $ anyway. A very sma motorcyc e$ es#ecia y #o#u ar in 3uro#e. Dar ing$ sweetie$ baby7 #ie$ g amour7 #uss. ,our 6terms of endearment6 or affection$ a though the ast two are e8treme y dated and stu#id. 1et it off your chest $ son. 60o get something off your chest6 is to ta k about something that is bothering you$ or #erha#s that is 4ust difficu t to discuss. 6: don+t care?6 2emember how : a most died giving birth to him?A An interesting ine from Jim+s mom that is worth noticing. :+ve been going around with my head in a s ing for years. A 6s ing6 is a sma stra# or ro#e$ found in a wea#on ca ed a 6s ingshot$6 which is used to throw rocks. "ere$ Jim+s way of saying how his #arents have eft him fee ing ost and aim ess. : don+t want to drag you into this $ but ( can)t help it . 60o drag someone into6 something is to get them invo ved. 6: can+t he # it6 is a very common way to say 6: can+t #revent it.6 ,ar be it for me to te you what to do$ but... A curious e8#ression meaning 6: rea i.e that : don+t have the authority to Hdo somethingI$ but....6 Are you going to #reach ? Are we going to have to isten to a sermon ? 60o #reach6 is to s#eak emotiona y in order to convince someone of something$ and it often has a re igious connotation. A 6sermon6 is a re igious s#eech$ usua y s#oken in a church. =ou can+t be idealistic a your ife. An 6idea istic 6 #erson be ieves that things can ha##en in an idea or #erfect way. A key ad4ective that can be #o itica or #hi oso#hica . (obody thanks you for sticking your neck out . 60o stick one+s neck out6 is to take great risks. Just don+t vo unteerA 99 Just te a itt e white ie? A ie that is seen as unim#ortant or mora y acce#tab e. )hy are we moving? 99 Do : have to s#e it out ? Dne way to ask 6Do : have to e8# ain everything?6


=ou use every other phony e8cuseA 6%hony6 is a good word for fake or fa se or #erha#s not genuine. A foo ish decision now cou d "rec$ your who e ife. 60o wreck6 is a #owerfu verb meaning to destroy. Dad$ stand u# for me A 60o stand u# for6 someone is to su##ort them$ often in an argument.

Jim finds support from Judy and Plato, but they all must hide from growing dangers.

0his # ace a##ea to you or something? :f something 6a##ea s to6 you$ then you ike it. )hat+s he going to #u ? A very co o@uia way of saying 6to do$6 es#ecia y if the #erson is trying to do something secret or #ossib y i ega . )e+ have some kicks and bring him down . D d7fashioned s ang for #hysica y attack or harm. )hat are you$ out o& your mind* :f someone is 6out of their mind$6 they are cra.y or insane. )hat+s the charge? 99 Assau t with a dead y wea#on . 0he ega term for attacking someone with a gun or knife. =ou ever been booked before? 60o book6 someone is to officia y charge them with a crime. "e didn+t have to hang u# on him. An interesting #hrasa verbJ#re#osition combination$ and the words you need if one #erson ends a te e#hone conversation before the other #erson is finished s#eaking. 6Jamie?6 )here did you get that ? An a ternative and common way to ask 6)ho to d you that?6 A new arrangement of a great o die in rhythm and b ues .

1C :n music$ an 6arrangement6 is a new way to # ay a #revious y #erformed #iece. An 6o die6 refers to any song that is more than a few years o d$ and 6rhythm and b ues6 was a ty#e of music #o#u ar among b acks that eventua y ed to rock+n+ro . =ou sti #retty u#set? 99 :+m 4ust numb . An im#ortant word meaning without the abi ity to fee $ which can be used both in a #hysica and emotiona conte8t. An o d deserted mansion near the # anetarium. :f something is 6deserted$6 it is abandoned$ or without #eo# e. :+ scrim# and save. 60o scrim#6 is to s#end money e8treme y carefu y. /hi dren are so terrib y annoying when they cry. 6Annoying6 is an a ternative fore irritating or bothersome. (ursery. A room set a#art for chi dren to # ay in$ or$ to se # antsA Shut your mouth$ before your guts run out . 61uts6 are intestines$ but here means courage. :f something 6runs out$6 this means there is no onger any of it eft. : used to run away a ot$ but they a ways took me back. )hen teenagers ta k of 6running away$6 they mean running away from home in order to esca#e their #arents. : used to be in my crib and isten them to fight. A 6crib6 is a sma bed for babies with high sides to kee# them in. "e was a hero in the /hina Sea 99 =ou to d me he was a big whee in (ew =orkA An o d7fashioned way to say an 6im#ortant #erson.6 A more current s ang e8#ression wou d be a 6big shot.6 "e mi#ht as "ell be dead. A common and curious e8#ression used when what should be and what is are very different. % ato+s dad is actua y a ive$ but he sees % ato so rare y that he might as we be dead....

Jim does all he can to save Plato, who had finally found a family.


A ert 4uveni e and stand by to send he #A 60o a ert6 someone is to warn them. :n this case$ 64uveni e6 refers to those #o ice who dea with 4uveni e crime. 60o stand by6 is to wait and be #re#ared for ater instructions. )hat did you run out on me for? Another #hrasa verb J #re#osition combination$ in this case meaning to eave$ or #ossib y abandon. )e got a cuckaboo in there with a gun. A ty#e of bird$ and a never7used word for someone who is cra.y. "owever$ a 6cuke6 can sti be used for a cra.y #erson. 0he 1riffith Dbservatory . A bui ding for observing # anets or other natura #henomena. =ou cover the house$ and :+ head them off. :n a #o ice conte8t$ 6to cover6 means to watch or #rotect. 60o head someone off6 is to interce#t them as they try to esca#e. !ieutenant says to sea them off. A 6 ieutenant6 is a rank or eve in the #o ice force or mi itary. 60o sea someone off6 is to surround them so they can+t esca#e. 1ot a s#eaker ? Another word for a micro#hone$ to am# ify a voice. / as# your hands and come outside. 60o c as#6 is to hook or fasten together. "o d your fireA )hen referring to guns$ a #o iceman+s way to say 6Don+t shootA6 -oy$ :+m b ind as a bat here. A dated e8#ression$ but the one to use when you can+t see anything. : can+t ta k to you if : can+t see you. +hat)s all there is to it . A common e8#ression meaning 6there is nothing more to say$6 #ossib y to mean 6there is no more reason to argue.6 6)hy?6 -ecause they ike you. 99 Come on . (oted here because in this case it means 6-e serious or

1* and sto# ying to me.6 A tru y #hrasa verb. 1et the stretcher in hereA A bed or canvas su##ort$ # aced over a frame$ that is used to trans#ort the sick$ wounded or dead.


Rebel Without A Cause

Possible ,uestions &or ES- Class .iscussion
1. )hat does this movie say about the American fami y?

>. Are there teenagers ike this in every generation? :n every country? '. )hat wou d you have done if you were in Jim+s #osition when -u.. asked him to # ay chicken? C. "ow wou d you describe Jim to a friend? )hat about % ato? Judy?

5. &any Americans were shocked by this movie when it came out in 1955K )hy do you think so?

*. &any #eo# e sti consider this fi m a true c assicK Do you think it is? Does it have any serious weaknesses?

5. Are there any characters who you recogni.e in your own ives? )ho$ and why?

B. "ave you ever fe t ike a rebe without a cause? A rebe with a cause?


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