Angels and Demons Report

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AngelsandDemons,writtenbyDanBrown,isabestsellingmysterythriller, which uses the idea of a historical conflict between science and religion, in this case it is revealedin conflict

between Roman Catholic Church andIlluminati. TheplotfollowsHarvardsymbologistRobertLangdon,whotriestostopthe Illuminati from destroyingVaticanCitywiththebrandnewpowerofantimatter. Robert Langdon,iscalledtothesceneof a murder to help investigators. From thevery beginning we are interested why a religious symbolist is of any use in this murder case? Langdonstudiesancientand historic religions by investigating symbols they use. Heis not excited about murder investigation, until he hears a couple details about Illuminati. Hegets on his way and the novel explodes into breathtaking adventure. The murder itself has taken place at a super secret research facility, where the victimand his daughter have been working on a very secret project of making antimatter,which canbetransformedinto abombofasortneverbeforeimagined.LeonardoVetrawas not only murdered, he had symbol of Illuminati burnt on his chest. As the story continues we are involved in the world of intrigue, murder, secrets, betrayals and somewhat mystical atmosphere. The main plot takes us to the Rome, where thenew Pope is about to be elected, since the old one has recently died. At this point Illuminati are going to stop the elections and destroy Vatican City, the base of Catholicism. The whole story is really fascinating, you are never bored while reading and I have to say that I do like this novel better than The Da Vinci Code. The movieisbrilliantaswell,starringTomHanksandEwanMcGregor. Brown uses in his novel historical story of the Illuminati. As the story tells it was a secret organization founded by Galileo, Copernicus, Bernini and other scientists. Here actuallyweseemoreclearlyhowBrowninvolvesconflictofreligionandscience. The Illuminati form this secret society so that on thesurfacetheycandowhatGalileo did, denouncehisscientifictheoryinordertosavehislife,butatthissecretlevel they can continue their scientific world and at the same time quietly and secretlybattlethe power of religion to interfere with science. It appears thatthisgrouphasneverreally faded away, and now when they have antimatter, theyaregoingto act.Interestedin the origins of Illuminati I did look for the explanations on the web andwhatIfound does not really differ from what Brown tells us. Wikipedia gives us almost the same story about the secret group which was founded in 1776 and it is believed that Illuminati still exist and they are the masterminds behind events who will lead to the establishment of new world order. However, all this assumptions are not documented anditsoptionalwhethertobelieveallthisornot. The major theme is religion versus science and main question is theexistenceofGod and the origins of the cosmos. In the novel thereisaconflictbetweenreligiousfolks, who follow the scripture and believe that God created cosmos, and the scientistswho tend not to believe in the creating spirit, and who look for the explanation of the universe origins. In the novel it is mentioned that invention of Vittoria Vetra and her father might be close to the solutiontothisoldquestion,and satisfyboththereligious and the scientific community. It might explain the Illuminatis involvement, as they

opposed to religion and would not want this compromise to be fulfilled. Angels serve God's good purposes. Demons are fallen angels who serve satan's evil purposes. The illuminati isrealandcameoutof theVaticanoriginally.Itcontinuesasasecretsociety that seeks to influence the world through the manipulation of our money system. They are the masters who are influencing the masses to become Godless and ready for a newageofsocalledenlightenment. At the beginning of the novel Robert Langdon was arrogantly confident with his knowledge pertaining to religion. When he met Vittoria and Maxamillion he was less prominent in comparison to their deep scientific knowledge and discoveries. Vittoria and Roberts friendship is very important as it changes Roberts view on religion. Even though coming from contradictory backgrounds, they managed to unite. Vittoria Vetra was raised by Leonardo Vetra who was apriestandascientist.Shegrewup studying physics, and was very successful within the scientific world. She and her father created things that have never been seen in the world before. The main discoverywasantimatter. I cant but mention that this whole story about antimatter is similar to the Large Hadron Collider which was invented in Switzerland and was supposed to be a breakthrough in science and explain the origins of cosmos. The operation was heldin 2008, but unfortunately 10 billion hunt for God particle failed. Nevertheless, as we see Browns story has basically real background, mankind is on the verge of investigations,whichmaybreakreligioustheoryastothecreation. Throughout the novel there is a runningthemeofthepossiblecompatibilityofscientific and theological understandings of the origins of everything.Boththefilmandthebook version of Angels and Demons tell us that religion has always persecuted scienceand tried to slow down the relentless march of science, sometimes with misguided means including torture and murder. Browns books are not antireligion or antifaith, but antidogma and antiinstitutional. Science has now provided answers to almost every question man can ask . There are only a few questions left, and they aretheesoteric ones. Where do we come from? What are we doing here? What is the meaning of life and the universe? And these are the questions CERN is trying to answer? Correction.Thesearethequestionsweareanswering.(DanBrown,2000). However,Browndoesdisplaycertainappreciationandrespectforfaith,atleastthe purefeelingorexperienceofGod,notfaithasprescribedbyorganizedreligion.We canclearlyseethisinVittoriasconversationwithLangdon:Ididnotaskyouif youbelievewhatmansaysaboutGod.IaskedyouifyoubelieveinGod.Thereisa difference.HolyscriptureisstoriesWhenyoulieoutunderthestarsdoyoufeel thedivine?DoyoufeelinyourgutthatyouarestaringupattheworkofGods hand?(DanBrown,2000).

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