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Mixture (or) Alligations

1. In what proportion west coffee at Rs.21 per kg be mixed with coffee at Rs.28 per kg, so that the mixture be worth Rs.25 a kg? 1. 4 ! 2. ! 4 !. 5 4 4. 4 5 " shop keeper bu#s two kinds of bar$e# at Rs.1.5%p and &5p per kg respecti'e$#. In what properties shou$d these be mixed so that b# se$$ing the mixture at 1.(%p per kg, 25) ma# be gained? 1. ! 1 2. ! 2 !. 4 1 4. 2 ! *oods worth Rs.4%% are purchased. +n fourth of them are so$d at 5) $oss. "t what profit percent shou$d the remaining be so$d such that 1%) profit is made on the who$e? 1. 5) 2. 15) !. 25) 4. 2%) " mixture of a certain ,uantit# of mi$k with 2( $iters of water is worth Rs.2 per $iter. If pure mi$k be worth Rs.12 per $iter, how much mi$k is there in the mixture? 1. 4 $iters 2. ( $iters !. 5 $iters 4. - $iters In what proportion must water be mixed with spirit to gain 1() b# se$$ing at its cost price? 1. 4 25 2. 25 4 !. 1 1( 4. 1 4 15% gm of sugar so$ution has 2%) sugar in it. .ow much sugar shou$d be added to make it 25) in the so$ution? 1. 4% gm 2. !5 gm !. 45 gm 4. 1% gm " mixture of (( $iters of mi$k and water are in the ratio 5 1 and water is added to make the ratio 5 !. /ind the ,uantit# of water added. 1. 2% $iters 2. 18 $iters !. 22 $iters 4. 24 $iters 0here are 5% students in a c$ass, !2 rupees are distributed among them. 1ach bo# gets Rs.1 and each gir$ gets 5% paise. /ind the number of gir$s? 1. !( 2. 2% !. 14 4. 24 " bo# tra'e$s 245 km in ( hours in two stages. In the first part of the 2ourne#, he tra'e$s b# bus at the speed of !% km3ph. In the second part of the 2ourne#, he tra'e$s b# train at 5% km3hr. .ow much distance did he tra'e$ b# train? 1. 1(2.5 km 2. 82.5 km !. 1(4 km 4. 8! km




5. (.




1%. " trader has 4% kg of tea, a part of which he se$$s as 12) profit and the rest at 8) $oss. .e gains &) on the who$e. 4hat is the ,ua$it# so$d at 12) gain and 8) $oss? 1. !2 kg, ( kg 2. !2 kgm, 8 kg !. !4 kg, ( kg 4. !! kg, - kg 11. Ram5s expenditure and sa'ing are in the ratio 4 5. .is income increases b# 25). .is expenditure a$so increases b# !5). 6# how much percent does his sa'ing increase 777 1. 15) 2. 1-) !. 18) 4. 1() 12. " 'esse$ of 12% $iters is fi$$ed with mi$k and water. 8%) of mi$k and 4%) of water is taken out of the 'esse$. If is found that the 'esse$ is 'acated b# (5), what is the ratio of mi$k and water? 1. 5 ( 2. 4 ! !. 5 ! 4. ! 5 1!. In a 8oo, there are rabbits and pigeons. If heads are counted, there are 1%% and if $egs are counted, there are 2&%. .ow man# rabbits are there? 1. 55 2. 45 !. 4% 4. 5%

14. 25 $iters of a mixture contains mi$k and water in the ratio ! 2. .ow much water is to be added to get a new mixture containing mi$k and water in the ratio ! 4? 1. 12 $iters 2. 8 $iters !. 1% $iters 4. 14 $iters 15. 0hree e,ua$ g$asses are fi$$ed with mixtures of mi$k and water in the proportions of ! 2, 5 ! and & -. 0he contents of the three g$asses are emptied in a sing$e 'esse$. 4hat is the proportion of mi$k and water in it? 1. !1 12. 1- !1 !. !1 15 4. 15 !1 1(. 0hree 'esse$s of si8es ! $iters, 4 $iters and 5 $iters contain mixture of mi$k and water. 0he concentration of mi$k in the three 'esse$s are (%), -5) and 8%) respecti'e$#. If a$$ the three mixtures are mixed, what is the ratio of mi$k to water in the resu$tant mixture. 1. 12 5 2. 5 12 !. 11 4 4. 4 11 1-. " man mixes 5 ki$o $iters of mi$k at Rs.(%%% per ki$ometer with ( ki$o $iter at Rs.54%%, and with sufficient water to make the a'erage 'a$ue Rs.48%% per ki$o $iter. .ow man# ki$o $iters of water has he added? 1. 2 ki$o $iters 2. 4 ki$o $iters !. ! ki$o $iters 4. 1.5 ki$o $iters 18. "n a$$o# 8inc and copper are in the ratio ! 4. In the second a$$o# the same e$ements are in the ratio 4 5. In what ratio shou$d these two a$$o#s be mixed to form a new a$$o# in which the two e$ements are in the ratio - !? 1. 1(1 181 2. 1-1 181 !. 1(1 1-1 4. 151 1(1 1&. " 'esse$ contains ! parts mi$k and 1 part water. .ow much of the mixture must be drawn off and water substituted in order that the resu$ting mixture ma# be ha$f mi$k and ha$f water? 1 1 2 1 1. 2. !. 4. ! 5 ! 2 2%. .ow much water must be added to 14 ki$o $iters of mi$k worth Rs.5.4% a $iter. 9o that the 'a$ue of the mixture ma# be Rs.4.2% a $iter? 1. 4 ki$o $iters 2. 8 ki$o $iters !. ( ki$o $iters 4. 5 ki$o $iters 21. " sugar so$ution of has 15) sugar. "nother so$ution has 5) sugar. .ow man# $iters of the second so$ution must be added to 2% $iters of the first so$ution to make a so$ution of 1%) sugar? 1. 1% 2. 5 !. 15 4. 2% 22. 0wo friends Ram and Rahim are in the ratio of ! 4. Ram5s weight increases b# 1() and the tota$ weight of Ram and Rahim together becomes 8! kg, with an increase of 2%). 6# what percent did the weight of Rahim increase? 1. !2) 2. 2!) !. 24) 4. 28) 2!. /rom a cask of wine containing 25 $iters, 5 $iters of wine is rep$ace b# water. 0his process is repeated a second and then a third time. /ind the ratio of wine to water in the resu$ting mixture? 1. (4 1( 2. (1 (4 !. 51 54 4. 4( (1 24. !!% grams of sugar so$ution has 4%) sugar in it. .ow much sugar must be added to make it 5%) in the so$ution? 1. !% gms 2. 5% gms !. (% gms 4. 2% gms 25. " 'esse$ of 2%% $iters capacit# is fu$$ of a$coho$. +n the first da# 4% $iters are drawn and fi$$ed with water, the same operation is repeated second and third da#. /ind the ,uantit# of a$coho$ at $ast?

1.2 (.4 11.2 1(.! 21.4

1. 1%2.4 $iters 2. 1%4.2 $iters 2.2 !.2 4.5 5.1 -.! 8.1 &.1 1%.! 12.! 1!.2 14.! 15.1 1-.1 18.! 1&.1 2%.1 22.2 2!.1 24.! 25.1

!. 12%.4 $iters

4. 14%.2 $iters

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