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Executive summary

This College focuses on producing and developing business leaders and entrepreneurial

cadres who are expected to be ready to solve societal problems through various entrepreneurship

skills. The College offers western education with international brand and quality assurance and

pledges itself to promoting and propagating value-based higher education. This follows a 3-D

approach for life i.e. inspire cognitive faculty of the students, support students to put learning

into practice and utilize their learning for larger social cause. The college is well equipped with

physical amenities well equipped class rooms, library, sports, cafeteria, students clubs etc. In

recognition to growing interests on business administration programs, the college is in growing

phase, therefore, a lot of changes are underway including signing MoU with different

Universities for collaboration.

These changes have triggered a change in management information system (MIS) as

well. As a MIS consists of six major elements i.e. data, hardware, software, telecommunication,

people and procedures, this study was designed to assess current status of each element in This

college and draw some recommendations for improvements. It was revealed that the current

status of the MIS is in very basic i.e. most of the hardware and software systems are minimal and

most of the inputs are done manually. Senior management requests MIS officer for any report

each time they need. Therefore, the study team recommends for several modifications such as (i)

installing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, to create several data base on different

functional areas such as finance, library etc. and integrate all these data bases for a senior

management decision making process (ii) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system for

Electronic data interchange (EDI), (iii) Students and teachers attendance Monitoring system, (iv)

Document Management System, (v) Inventory Management System (vi) Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) system (vii) Student Support System (SSS) (viii) Physical security of data

through installation of SAN, which is a high speed dedicated network system that interconnects

the different storage media and provides back up facilities, ( ix) revamping This center for

writing and communication ( KCWC) center and knowledge management system in coming

three years’ time frame.

With all these measures in place, it is expected that the college would be able to

demonstrate good academic performance.


List of tables

Acknowledgment .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Executive summary........................................................................................................................ i

List of Table ................................................................................................................................... v

List of Figure ................................................................................................................................ vi

List of Abbreviation .................................................................................................................... vii

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Company overview: This college......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Mission & Vision.................................................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Businesses strategy Approach ............................................................................................................ 2

1.4 This infrastructure ............................................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Environment Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 3

Internal Strengths and Internal Weaknesses (SW): .............................................................................. 3

External opportunities and External threats (OT):................................................................................ 3

2. Purpose of study ........................................................................................................................ 4

3. Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 5

4. Significance of the study ........................................................................................................... 6

5. Introduction on Management Information System (MIS) .................................................... 7

6. Literature Review ................................................................................................................... 10

7. Discussions and Findings........................................................................................................ 13


7.1 Types of Information Systems .......................................................................................................... 13

7.1.1 Transaction processing system (TPS): ........................................................................................ 13

7.1.2 Management information system (MIS):................................................................................... 14

7.1.3 Decision support system (DSS): ................................................................................................. 14

7.1.4 Executive information system: .................................................................................................. 15

7.2 Current MIS infrastructures ............................................................................................... 16

7.2.1 IT Infrastructure ............................................................................................................................. 17

7.2.2 Computer hardware platforms ................................................................................. 17

7.1.2 Operating system platforms ..................................................................................... 18

7.1.3 Enterprise software applications .............................................................................. 19

7.1.4. Data management and storage ................................................................................ 19

7.1.5 Networking/telecommunications platforms: ............................................................ 20

7.1.6 Internet platforms ..................................................................................................... 20

7.1.7 Consulting system integration services:................................................................... 21

8. Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................................................... 22

9. References ................................................................................................................................ 31

List of Table

Table 1: Components of Information System ............................................................................ 8

Table 2: Hardware infrastructure of This college ................................................................... 18


List of Figure

Fig 1: Four level pyramid model ................................................................................................ 9

Fig 2: Existing Flow Diagram of MIS ....................................................................................... 16

Fig 3: Recommended complete MIS system ............................................................................. 28


List of Abbreviation

AMS …………………………………… Attendance Monitoring System

CRM …………………………………… Customer Relationship Management

DSS …………………………………… Decision Support System.

EDI …………………………………… Electronic Data Interchange

EIS ……………………………………. Executive Information System.

EMIS ……………………………………. Educational management information system

HRM …………………………………... Human Resources Management

IAU …………………………………… International American University

ICT …………………………………… Information and communication Technology

IT …………………………………… Information Technology

LAN …………………………………… Local Area Network

MIS …………………………………… Management Information System

NT …………………………………… New Technology

NTC …………………………………… Nepal Telecom

SAN ……………………………………. Storage Area Network

SWOT ………………………………… Strength Weakness, Opportunity Threat

TPS …………………………………… Transactional Processing System.


1. Introduction

1.1 Company overview: This college

This College focuses on producing and developing business leaders and entrepreneurial

cadres who are ready to solve societal problems through entrepreneurship. Established in 2003,

This College developed into a full-fledged institution of higher learning in 2009 AD with the

sole objective of making world-class education available to Nepali youths at home at an

affordable cost. And, now, the college, with a pool of committed educators, academicians and

professionals, has undergone a total transformation in terms of structure and quality, systems and

processes. The college offers Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of

Business Administration (MBA) programs in affiliation with International American University


This college offers western education in Nepal with international brand and quality

assurance in the context of Globalization. Adopting a holistic approach, the college pledges itself

to promoting and propagating value-based higher education that blends the best of the East and

the West in concepts, applications and life purpose.

1.2 Mission& Vision

This focuses on producing and developing business leaders and entrepreneurial cadres

who are ready to solve the societal problems through entrepreneurship.


1.3 Businesses strategy Approach

This college follows a 3-Dimensional Education Approach (CAP). Under the 3D-CAP

philosophy gives emphasis on acquiring knowledge with an edge of applicability under a secure

guidance of humanity, a broad life purpose that gives meaning to the earlier two. The pillars of

the 3D CAP philosophy are:

 Concept: Try to challenge and inspire the cognitive faculty of students to understand the

business concepts from a theoretical perspective in a heuristic manner.

 Application: Develop students into smart humans – innovative, updated, versatile,

skillful, and tactful so that the knowledge they have acquired doesn’t go in void.

 Purpose: Provide students with a forum wherein they reflect on, analyze and identify

themselves, while defining their own agenda for life.(OUR- APPROACH: KINGS COLLEGE,


1.4 This infrastructure

The college is situated at the accessible location of Kathmandu in Bababarmahal area.

The college promise is specious and spread at a built up area of 35,000 sq. ft with 26 well

equipped classrooms.

The corporate floor consists of 20 office rooms. In addition, dedicated space for student

clubs, program hall with a capacity of over 150 persons, parking space of 30 cars and 150 motor

bikes is also available. Student’s basketball court is also arranged in the same premise. Well-

equipped science & computer labs, free Wi-Fi, library with a spacious reading room and more than

15,000 books and dozens of national/ international journals are the other amenities necessary for

a good learning environment.


1.5 Environment Analysis

“SWOT” as an analytical tool was used for environment scanning of the college. The

following is a summary of an operating environment of the College:

Internal Strengths and Internal Weaknesses (SW): Some of the most distinct internal

strengths of the college are: good physical infrastructures, well qualified faculty and updated

American curriculum on business management. Some of the weaknesses are inadequate focus on

real time projects and on the job learning environment.

External opportunities and External threats (OT): The College has several external

opportunities. For example, High demand of BBA/MBA graduates in the market signals that the

college’s program has great significance. Similarly, government focus on entrepreneurship

development for self-employment of young people also offers good opportunity to the college.

Additionally, the college has been establishing MoU with several universities giving options to

students to study aboard. Some of the threat are college is affiliated with the American university

if government decide not to give MOE equivalent certificate to student then it will become huge

threat for student also most of the student is moving abroad for study. So without the student the

college cannot run. That is threat for college.


2. Purpose of study

This study was designed to review the following aspects of the MIS:

1. The existing IT infrastructure ecosystem i.e. internet platform, computer hardware

platform, operating system platform, enterprise software applications,

networking/telecommunications, consultants and system integrators and data

management and storage.

2. Use of information technology used by the college. And, perception of the management if

the college is behind or ahead of the industry in its application of information systems.

3. The value add component of the information system to the college

4. Types of business processes and activities to promote strategic interests of This college

3. Methodology

This study was carried out reviewing secondary and primary data. For secondary data,

different literatures were reviewed. For primary data, one-on-one interview was scheduled with

senior management and MIS unit members of the college. A set of pre-designed interview

schedules were introduced.


4. Significance of the study

This study is significant in assessing current status of MIS of This college and drawing

recommendations for improvement. As the college has planned for upgrading current MIS which

is believed to have several limitations of its own; this study has been timely and is also value

addition in this process. Even for introducing new system in the college in future, that study may

be a useful reference. In addition, the student body is growing in the college, therefore, in order

to address their needs and aspirations, it is important to assess these areas re-design MIS


5. Introduction on Management Information System (MIS)

Information is a critical resource in the operation and management of an organization.

Timely availability of relevant information is vital for effective performance of managerial

functions such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. An information system in an

organization connects all the organization's components together and provides for better

operation and survival in a competitive environment. Indeed, today's organizations run on


The term information system usually refers to a computer-based system, one that is

designed to support the operations, management, and decision functions of an organization.

Information systems in organizations thus provide information support for decision makers.

Information systems encompass transaction processing systems, management information

systems, decision support systems, and strategic information systems. (Davis, G.B. & Olson,

1985; Lucas, 1990; McLeod, 1995)

Management information systems are the study of information systems in business and

management. However, the term management information systems (MIS) also designate a

specific category of information systems serving management-level functions. Management

information systems (MIS) serve the management level of the organization, providing managers

with reports or with on-line access to the organization’s current performance and historical

records. Typically, they are oriented almost exclusively to internal, not environmental or

external, events. MIS primarily serve the functions of planning, controlling, and decision making

at the management level. Generally, managers depend on underlying transaction processing

systems for their data.


MIS summarize and report on the company's basic operations. The basic transaction data

are compressed and are usually presented in long reports that are produced on a regular schedule.

For example, a typical MIS transforms transaction level data from inventory, production, and

accounting into MIS files that are used to provide managers with reports (Laudon & Laudon,

2010). A management information system consists of data, information and systems as described


Table 1: Components of Information System

Data Inputs that system takes to produce information

Hardware A computer and peripheral equipment: input, output and storage

devices. Hardware also includes data communication equipment.

Software Sets of instructions that tell a computer how to take data in, how to

process it, how to display information and how to store data


Tele- Hardware and software that facilitate fast transmission and reception

communication of text, pictures, sound and animation in the form of electronic data

People Information systems of professionals and users, who analyze

organizational information needs, design and construct information

systems, write computer programmers, operate the hardware and

maintain software.

Procedures Rules for achieving optimal and secure operations in data processing.

Procedures include priorities in running different applications on the

computer and security measures.


Once organizations grow, reliable MIS is indispensable. It is because in the absence of

such a system, people act only on the basis of their intuition and past experience. Data that have

been processed, stored, and presented properly will aid them in analyzing situations and to make

effective decisions. As discussed above, at every phase of the management process, managers

need information in order to make effective decisions (Ramesh & Singh, 1987)

While there are several versions of MIS in use, the most common is pyramid model, which isa

four level model, based on the people who use the system as follows:

Fig 1: Four level pyramid model


6. Literature Review

The concept of educational management information system has been adopted by

many developed and developing countries over the past several years. The EMIS system is used

in educational institutes to produce the useful information for all of related entities like teachers,

students and other management at all levels.

In literature, the University of Southern Queensland, adopted the web based information

and communications technologies at universities and reflect on element of the corporate mission

statement i.e. “To be a leader in flexible learning and the use of information and communications

technologies” (JC Taylor, 2001). The University of Southern Queensland, where there is history

of distant learning for almost 25 years, there the transformation to the IT environment was a

natural step (UK Esaay). They provided the EMIS system online and all the students are free to

entry the system to learn more. The information related to the entire student and the course

lecture and many more are placed in the student database which can be accessed through the

internet. The university is implemented the system successfully and it suggest to develop the web

based EMIS system to create flexible in the educational system.

Pakistan has developed an automated educational management system which is

commonly known as CU-Online. The intention for the development of the EMIS for

COMSATSIIT was to refine most of the activities that were being performed at various levels in

different departments of the university. In this EMIS, a new service layer has been added that

corresponds to the extraction of all of the related derived information. This information is

particularly designed to support university management at several levels.(UK Essays).


The apex college uses a web-based MIS system. It is created on the intranet through

creating VPN. It allows the authorized person to login into the system and extract data.

Irish institute of technology, Ireland used a new student management information system

(MIS), it is national project launched by the Department of Education and Science and the

Council of Directors of the IoTs performed a nationwide implementation of a suite of integrated

Information Systems for library, human resources, and finance and student management

functions. The student MIS is an integrated system, storing all student information in one single

data store. The student MIS has resulted in a significant impact on Institute-wide operations. The

MIS has improved the Institute’s operations significantly, providing an integrated platform and

solid foundation for the future. It’s more structured and accurate information can be used for

higher-level analysis and strategic purposes. ( Carcary, Long, & Remenyi, 2007).

Kathmandu University has implemented Information Management system to improve the

use of technology, to support teaching and learning, improve access to information, improve

infrastructure and increase connectivity. Maximize benefits of investments in technology. The

college provides various services to teachers and faculty members and connects various

departments of KU located at various place through the optical fiber. The information system of

KU supports various services like online, email, Wi-Fi, web and database etc. The KU uses

different servers and operating systems to ensure the effective flow of information. The

connection between the various departments through single mode optical fiber with intranet

bandwidth 100 mbps (Dhungana, 2013). Through the use of optical fibers, it is possible to

connect various departments as well different section of department, thus, the information flow is

in high speed and with high security.


In higher educational systems, it is difficult and risky but it necessary to develop a

management information system so that the educational system can compete and realize the

importance of ICT. In this way, universities and colleges can get a very clear idea about the

benefits of investing on to the enterprise systems, data warehouses and of other information

system. By developing system, educational institutes can integrate services, information and

other infrastructure so that uniform information will flow all around the institute.

7. Discussions and Findings

7.1 Types of Information Systems

7.1.1 Transaction processing system (TPS):

Transaction Processing Systems is designed to process routine transactions efficiently

and accurately. Managers often use these systems to deal with such tasks as customer billing and

payments to suppliers, Payroll systems, Order processing systems, Reservation systems, Systems

for payments and funds transfer, Office Automation Systems (“OAS”)-that try to improve the

productivity of employees who need to process data and information. It processes input data,

update it, and make sorting and listing then produce detail report that can be transferred to higher


This colleges have been using TPS system for different purposes as follows:

 Finance management: TPS is used for billing process. Payment details are obtained from

the TPS.

 Library management: When students borrow reference/text books from library, a TPS is

used that registers several processes such as name of book, issued by, borrower and

return date, which are registered automatically when a barcode attached to the book is


 Attendance: Student attendance is manually entered into MIS. Outputs, such as overview

of students, any books borrowed by him/her are traced out.

However, the MIS does not have capability for analyzing any data for management decision

making process.

7.1.2 Management information system (MIS):

Management Information Systems are management-level systems that are used by middle

level managers to help ensure the smooth running of the organization. MIS works on data

provided by the TPS. It processes ( merging, summarizing and sorting) the data received from

TPS and generates the summary or action report such that viewing these reports, middle level

manager are able to make decision for short period. Some examples of MIS are sales

management system, budgeting system, HRM system etc.

This college utilizes MIS for managing classes regularly. If there is no class, students are

informed through SMS. However, the system does not generate any report for other purpose.

7.1.3 Decision support system (DSS):

A Decision Support System can be seen as knowledge based system, used by senior

managers, which facilitates the creation of knowledge and allow its integration into the

organization. It provides analytical tools that allow "what if" simulations for semi-structured

decisions. It supports the exchange of information within the organization. DSS manipulates

(modeling, simulation, analysis and summarizing) the information from a MIS and/or TPS to

generate insights and new information. Some of the DSSs are Group Decision Support Systems

(GDSS), Logistics systems, Financial Planning systems etc.

This college doesn’t have any DSS system. In the absence of DSS, none of the

information is transferred either for TPS or to MIS. As a result, middle level manager are not

able to take decision in time.


7.1.4 Executive information system:

Executive Information Systems are strategic-level information systems. They help

executives and senior managers to analyze their surrounding environment in which the

organization operates, to identify long-term trends, and to plan appropriate courses of action. EIS

organizes and presents data and information from both external data sources and internal MIS or

TPS in order to support and extend the inherent capabilities of senior executives (Euromed

Marseille School of Management, n.d.). The information may come from internal system or

external. Executives drill down into the system and information, then, make any decision for

longer term and generate report on that. It supports unstructured decision making process.

The This college does not have an executive information system. The top level manager

doesn’t get complete information from the MIS system. It takes long time to executive to make

an unstructured decision in the absence of information.

In practice, the above systems in the organization have interdependencies. TPS are major

producers of information that is required by the other systems, which, in turn, produce

information for other systems. All these different types of systems are only loosely coupled in

most of the organizations. Systems at each level in turn are specialized to serve each of the major

functional areas. Thus, the typical systems found in organizations are designed to assist workers

or managers at each level and in the functions of sales and marketing, manufacturing, finance,

accounting, and human resources etc.(Laudon & Laudon, 2010).


7.2 Current MIS infrastructures

Fig 2: Existing Flow Diagram of MIS

The existing MIS system of This college doesn’t have any decision support system and

all the input are given by manually. The existing MIS system is integrated with the account

department system, in which the financial statement is recorded. There is library management

system in MIS which is fully functional. There is no any other system which is used to generate

information for senior level of management.

7.2.1 IT Infrastructure

Information Technology Infrastructure is the integrated framework upon which digital

networks operate. IT infrastructure refers to the composite hardware, software, network

resources and services required for the existence, operation and management of an enterprise IT

environment (Janssen). The IT infrastructure of the kings’ college helps to deliver information

and services to its employees, partners and student and is usual internal to an organization and

deployed within owned facilities. IT infrastructure consists of all components that somehow play

a role in overall IT and IT-enabled operations. IT Infrastructure has 7 main components:

7.2.2 Computer hardware platforms: Hardware platform refers to the type of hardware

configuration required to process the application software products. Each hardware platform has

its own operating system. Each platform has its own unique feature and run under the command

of the software to generate desired outputs. The top producer of hardware platforms are IBM,

HP, Dell, and Sun Microsystems.

We analyzed computer hardware platform of Kings College and found that This College

makes use of desktop and laptop computers to deliver information and faculties use lap top

computers for lecturing in class. The hardware platforms in use are summarized below:

Table 2: Hardware infrastructure of This college

Hardware Quantity Manufacture company Model number

Desktop 47 Acer,

Laptop 14 Gigabyte & Hasee

Printer 7 Cannon& HP Cannon LBP 2900

Id card printer 1 Fargo DTC 1000

Scanner 1 Cannon Cannon 100

Projector 22 NEC

UPS 7 Tech- com

Main Router 1 Micro Tik


Switch (24 port)

Wireless router 6 Tp-link, Tel-net, Pro-

link, Digilink

7.1.2 Operating system platforms: Each hardware is programmed with some codes and

the device is run according to the pre-determined coding such that each hardware platform is

supported and inbuilt with operating system. Operating systems provide a software platform on

top of which other programs, called application programs, can run. There are different types of

operating system platforms. Microsoft windows operating system (like Windows, vista, windows

XP) and UNIX and Linux are some of the scalable, reliable and less expensive than mainframe

operating system.

All the computers and laptop of Kings College have common operating system:

Microsoft windows whereas for server the operating system is Windows XP.

7.1.3 Enterprise software applications: An enterprise application is the term used to

describe applications or software that a business would use to assist the organization in solving

enterprise problems. The largest providers of enterprises application software are SAP and

Oracle. Many companies use Enterprises application software to integrate the enterprise-wide

information and process, for example, their financial and accounting, human resources,

manufacturing and production, logistics, sales and marketing function, payment processing,

Customer Relationship Management (CRM),Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), messaging

and collaboration systems etc.

Kings College uses an enterprises application provided by the Microsoft SQL. Kings

College is using Microsoft SQL Enterprise database Server software and Microsoft SQL

Enterprise Backup server.

7.1.4. Data management and storage: Data and information are very essential for a

company to operate in a competitive market environment. The organization need to organize and

manage the data so that it can be efficiently accessed and used. The leading database software

providers are: IBM (DB2), Oracle, Microsoft (SQL Server), Sybase (Adaptive Server

Enterprise), which supply more than 90% of the U.S database software market (Laudon &

Laudon, 2010).

Kings College is using MySQL Enterprise database Server software and MySQL

Enterprise Backup server for the purpose of data management and effective storage of data. All

data related to any student and employee is registered in a backup server and when needed, any

data can be retrieved from the system. There is no any external backup system is college. There

is no any dedicated network for the purpose of storing data.

7.1.5 Networking/telecommunications platforms: For storage and flow of information

from one place to another, organizations have to create effective networking platforms. Such

networking facilities which are generally provided by telecommunication/ telephone service

companies offer voice and data connectivity and internet access. In Nepal, there is only one

company who can provide landline telephone system that is NTC. NCELL is most emerging

telecommunication company. The leading networking hardware providers are Cisco, Lucent,

Nortel, and Juniper Networks.

The networking and telecommunication platforms of This college are managing by IT

officers of college. It has three telephone lines provided by the NTC that support for intranet

networking in the college i.e. Intercom. A co-axial cable is used to establish the intranet network

within an organization i.e. Local Area Network (LAN) system. It is distributing the wireless

service in all the floor of building. The network operating systems are based on .NET. It uses the

various networking hardware provided by Planet and Digi-Link.

7.1.6 Internet platforms: Now a day, all of the companies have their own official

website where they can post and share information about their products and services. It is one of

the strongest platforms that can help company to promote their products in the market.

Companies spend a huge sum of money for hardware, software and management services to

support a firm’s website, including web hosting, intranets and extranets. Most used Web

development tools/suites are Microsoft (FrontPage, .NET) IBM (Web Sphere) Sun (Java),

independent software developers: Macromedia/Adobe, Real Media.


This college has its own official website: It is managed by IT

officer of the college. The website is built on PHP programming. The vendor for website is

Smart tech and vendor for MIS is Ezone. Ezone helps the college to build up a solid data

network and communication infrastructure. The college is using2Mbps speed internet in the

organization that is subscribed from World Link Company. The link is through the optical fiber.

The company doesn’t have the wireless back up system during the failure or any problems occur

in fiber. The College is visible in social media as well. It has opened a Facebook account named

as This College. The college is using a SMS system which is use to send messages to students

about class schedule using Nepal Telecommunication (NTC) and NCELL network.

7.1.7 Consulting system integration services: Consulting & Systems Integration

Service Providers focus on delivering best-in-class end-to-end business transformation for their

clients along with providing tangible, traceable and quantifiable business value. Even large firms

do not have resources for full range of support for new, complex infrastructure so most of

company uses consulting system to integrate their system with the demand of market. Accenture,

IBM Global Services, EDS, Infosys, Wipro are leading Consulting system service provider.

This College has Smart tech and Ezone as consulting company for website and MIS


8. Conclusions and Recommendations

Kings College has implemented MIS system expecting that it would optimize efficiency

of the college management team through establishing reliable database system, integrating entire

database system to a central management information system and generating automated

information for management decision making. However, the current MIS system is not effective

as planned; therefore, college needs to plan to upgrade the system. In this context, we believe

that with installation of the following systems and improvement of current systems, the college

can increase efficiency and effectiveness of the current management information system: we

recommend the college to either use ERP system or the college need to integrate other essential


1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): SAP and Oracle companies, for example, have

developed ERPs which are very helpful in organizing and integrating enterprise-wide

information. Key functions of the College, e.g. financial management, accounting, human

resource management, logistics management, payment processing, Customer Relationship

Management (CRM), messaging, and collaboration etc. will be effective with the use of ERPs.

ERPs can support the college in creating data base system and integrating all these data for

decision making purpose. Basically ERP systems are based on UNIX and Windows NT

platform. The Key advantage of ERP is that it provides an integrated solution for all the

requirements of the business. ERP offers lots of benefits to the implementing organization. It

helps for a manager to make decision at the right time .This is possible when entire organization

is sharing information and interprets in same perspectives


The modules are designed for following purposes: -

 Data capture from transactions

 Data transaction validation Analysis

 Updating and reporting

The college needs to integrate the following systems:

2. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a document

standard which when implemented acts as common interface between two or more computer

applications in terms of understanding the document transmitted. It is far more than mere e-mail.

It also refers specifically to a family of standards.

The college needs to establish this system to exchange information between teachers and

students effectively. Teachers can send out assignments to individual student in pre-defined

format. Then, the student could also submit their assignments in pre-defined format to teachers.

Assignment schedules and grading system will be systematic with the aid of EDIs.

If necessary, the same system could be extended to share information with other

concerned parties, for example, suppliers, management and guardians as well. Thus, it is helpful

in standardizing different processes.

3. Attendance Monitoring System: Current manual system has several limitations: it is

labor intensive, it is easy for students to alter attendance records, regular update is not in

practice, therefore, information is obsolete and management team does not get real time data to

track student’s attendance and take any action timely if necessary.


To overcome these draw backs, an automated attendance system should be in Place. For

this, class teachers will take attendance through laptop computer while in class, which will

synchronize automatically with the MIS in real time basis through internet. Therefore, the

college management can track the exact number of students present in each class any time. It will

be useful for management team to understand student’s needs and aspirations from a particular

class as well.

In addition, the same system should be implemented for teachers and management staff

also. The college may use biometric system for teachers where they need to swap their ID card

once entering and leaving the college. It is expected to increase effectiveness of teachers’

performance as well.

4. Document Management System: Students reports, teacher’s lecture notes, inventory

related records and other communications need to be well documented and stored. A retrieval

system should also be in tailored to the same.

5. Inventory Management System: This is essential to integrate an inventory management

system with existing MIS to keep track of assets of the college. Computer and peripheral system,

furniture, office equipment, vehicle, power generation equipment etc. should be well recorded. It

is also important to put in place a periodic physical verification system.

6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system: CRM is a database application or

software solution to improve relationship with customers and to acquire data from new

customers. The college can make use of the CRM system to improve relationship with current

students. Also, it is in the interest of the college to maintain records of interested students who

visited the college premise seeking information about courses being offered by the college,

therefore, this is very helpful tool in maintaining this information and retrieve for management

purpose. In addition, college drop outs could also be traced out with installation of this system.

Further, the same system is applicable in maintaining relationship with faculty members as

well. As needs grow, this system can be customized to maintain communication with external

stakeholders of the college as well. For example, those who would like to enquire college for any

academic programmer or for career opportunity or supplying any goods, the same platform can

be used. There are number of free CRM software available in the internet like Pipeliner,

Business tracker, Sonar CRM etc. The college needs to identify which system is compatible and

relevant for college’s uses. If necessary, the College needs to plan to develop its own CRM.

7. Student Support System (SSS): The aim of student support system in the college is to

increase the relationship with students and faculty members. The college needs to record each

student’s performance and plan to deliver extra classes if they need or want. The college may use

any software; for example, grade first or oracle support system for SSS. This will help college to

ensure that detailed and accurate information is available for planning purposes and to meet

requirements of government regulations.

In this system, the detail information of each student will be recorded for example their

name, background on previous colleges, where they are currently working, what their future aim

to be after completion of MBA degree etc. The authorized person or class teacher can access all

the student profiles which help both the teacher and student for further references. Furthermore,

new MIS systems need to be easily accessible to the students. A web-based system will give

flexibility and will be user friendly. The students need to be integrated on some aspects of the

system, for example, with library management system, account system, examination department

so that they view their status and follow up as required. Thus, it updates students about their fees,

books they borrow, about their exam schedule, results etc. in a place. All the curriculums and

other documents need to put into a single depository so that students can retrieve it as necessary.

8. Physical security of data: Storage Area network SAN is a high speed dedicated

network system that interconnects the different storage media. The college needs to create data

warehouse for managing the data. It can be centrally managed. In consideration with earthquake

proneness of Kathmandu valley, it is advisable to upgrade the system into SAN as soon as

possible so that college can start physical storage of data at different but safe locations.

SAN can be very useful for virtual learning as well. If relevant data are stored in the

same network, teachers, student or other concerned can retrieve the same data from the network.

It is notable that the College does not have any separate data backup system and security

policy as of now; therefore, it is advisable to put this into immediate effect.

9. Knowledge management system: There is huge potential that the This college set an

example to create knowledge on business management sector in Nepal and disseminate and sale

the same to wider users. The MIS system must have a feature of integrating the entire online

exam with the MIS system of college. All the online assignment, case, project and different

paper work also need to be record in the college database so that college can review these paper

works in the future.

The study team thoroughly reviewed current MIS of the College. It was revealed that the

college is in steady growth phase as such number of students is increasing and different

programs are expanding. It has better access to resources as compared to the past. The volume of

information necessary to flow from lower level to higher level executives for better decision

making has increased tremendously. Therefore, the study team recommends the college for

planning to integrate all the existing systems as soon as possible and install new systems. In

consideration with complexities that the change process will bring into the college, the team

advises the College to complete the change processes within three years period in three different

phases: planning, designing and implementation.

The proposed MIS structure is described below:


Fig 3: Recommended MIS System


After each sub-system is implemented and integrated with the MIS system, concerned

staff member responsible for the job need to feed all necessary data into corresponding software.

Once fed into the system, these data are manipulated or processed by the system to generate

reports that will be available to the authorized person. For example, in the library management

system, the librarian will enter the information like books borrowed, returned or books reserved

through scanning barcode in each book. And, this information is stored in the MIS. Similarly, in

all the systems like as shown in figure, the employee need to enter the data in specific software

and other integrated system need to get information about it. The system will compile all data

and create an external backup system to ensure security of the data. Moodle is one of the most

widely used platforms for EMIS well tested by several academic institutions including

Kathmandu University. Moodle is open source software, it is user friendly and versatile;

therefore, we recommend This college to utilize the same platform.

To design the system, the college needs to invest on IT infrastructures. The college needs

to analyze each system more deeply to understand the hardware and software requirement for the

new system. A summary of requirement to implement the different system is as follows:

 Hardware requirement: more compatible hardware is needed to support new system

i.e. computer, laptop, and other networking device.

 Operating system platform: Windows NT 4.0, UNIX, LINUX,

 Network Management Software/s: Mikrotik Bandwidth Manager, SNMP (Simple

Network Management Protocol), IP Traf software,

 Security Software/s: Microsoft Security Essential – For genuine only, Kaspersky

premium software

 Security: Firewall servers and Proxy server


 Internet bandwidth: need to increase from 2 mbps to 5 mbps, to establish faster and

effective communication

 Network: uninterrupted internet. Need to have backup link to connect ISP. More cisco

and juniper router are needed.

 Servers : Proxy Server, DNS Server, Backup Server, SOUL Server, Web Server,

Moodle(E-learning) Server Database server

 Application Technology: Client/Server, Web Enabled applications.

 Application Solution: Oracle application server 9i or above


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