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MATERIALS ENGINEERING/57011 ARENAS, John Rowie S. BSME 5th Year/ 201013568 January 17, 2014 Engr. Arnaldo D.



OPTICAL MICROSCOPE DESCRIPTION The optical microscope, often referred to as the "light microscope", is a type ofmicroscope which uses visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples.

TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a microscopy technique in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), a beam of highly focused electrons are directed toward a thinned sample (<200 nm). Normally no scanning required --- helps the high resolution, compared to SEM. These highly energetic incident electrons interact with the atoms in the sample producing characteristic radiation and particles providing information for materials characterization. Information is obtained from both deflected and non-deflected transmitted

SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. In scanning electron microscopy (SEM) an electron beam is focused into a small probe and is rastered across the surface of a specimen. Several interactions with the sample that result in the emission of electrons or photons occur as the electrons penetrate the surface. These emitted particles can be collected with the appropriate detector to yield valuable information about the material. The most immediate result of observation in the scanning electron microscope is that it

electrons, backscattered and secondary electrons, and emitted photons. STRENGTH Direct imaging with no need of sample pre-treatment, the only microscopy for real color imaging. Fast, and adaptable to all kinds of sample systems, from gas, to liquid, and to solid sample systems, in any shapes or geometries. Easy to be integrated with digital camera systems for data storage and analysis. Low resolution, usually down to only sub-micron or a few hundreds of nanometers, mainly due to the light diffraction limit. This technique can only image dark or strongly refracting objects effectively. Diffraction limits resolution to approximately 0.2 micrometers (see: microsc ope). This limits the practical magnification limit to ~1500x. Out of focus light from points outside the focal plane reduces image clarity. High resolution, as small as 0.2 nm. Direct imaging of crystalline lattice. Delineate the defects inside the sample. No metallic stain-coating needed, thus convenient for structural imaging of organic materials, Electron diffraction technique: phase identification, structure and symmetry determination, lattice parameter measurement, disorder and defect identification To prepare an electron-transparent sample from the bulk is difficult (due to the conductivity or electron density, and sample thickness). Sampling The TEM studies very small volumes. The higher the resolution the smaller the analyzed volume becomes. The TEM is extreme in this respect. It is estimated by Williams and Carter (1996) that from the first implementation of TEM till 1996 a total volume of 0.6 mm3has been analyzed by HRTEM. This emphasizes the need to study your sample on gradually decreasing scale and try to prepare TEM samples from truly representative material. In general light microscopy should precede electron microscopy and SEM must precede TEM studies. Drawing

displays the shape of the sample. The resolution is determined by beam diameter. Almost all kinds of samples, conducting and non-conducting (stain coating needed); Based on surface interaction --- no requirement of electron-transparent sample. Imaging at all directions through xy-z (3D) rotation of sample.



Low resolution, usually above a few tens of nanometers. Usually required surface staincoating with metals for electron conducting. Samples must be solid and they must fit into the microscope chamber. Maximum size in horizontal dimensions is usually on the order of 10 cm, vertical dimensions are generally much more limited and rarely exceed 40 mm. For most instruments samples must be stable in a vacuum on the order of 10-5 - 10-6 torr. Samples likely to outgas at low pressures (rocks saturated with hydrocarbons, "wet" samples such as coal, organic materials or swelling clays, and samples likely to decrepitate at low pressure) are

conclusions from a single observation or even single sample is dangerous and can lead to completely false interpretations. Dimensionality TEM images are two-dimensional projections of 3D objects. We must be very cautious in interpreting shapes, and spatial relationships especially in the TEM. Also TEM data averages the whole examined volume and it is not a suitable method for surface analysis. This is true also for the SEM which carries information from a depth in the range of 1 to 2 m below the surface. For true surface analysis surface methods need to be applied. Beam Damage The high energy of the electron beam utilized in electron microscopy causes damage by ionization, radiolysis, and heating. In summary the electron beam can completely destroy the sample by amorphisizing or melting and even evaporating it.


Optical microscopy is used extensively in microelectronics, nanophysics, biotechnology, pharmaceutic research, mineralogy and microbiology. Optical microscopy is used

A Transmission Electron Microscope is ideal for a number of different fields such as life sciences, nanotechnology, medical, biological and material research, forensic analysis, gemology and metallurgy as well as industry and education. TEMs provide topographical,

unsuitable for examination in conventional SEM's. However, "low vacuum" and "environmental" SEMs also exist, and many of these types of samples can be successfully examined in these specialized instruments. EDS detectors on SEM's cannot detect very light elements (H, He, and Li), and many instruments cannot detect elements with atomic numbers less than 11 (Na). Most SEMs use a solid state x-ray detector (EDS), and while these detectors are very fast and easy to utilize, they have relatively poor energy resolution and sensitivity to elements present in low abundances when compared to wavelength dispersive x-ray detectors (WDS) on most electron probe microanalyzers (EPMA). An electrically conductive coating must be applied to electrically insulating samples for study in conventional SEM's, unless the instrument is capable of operation in a low vacuum mode. SEMs have a variety of applications in a number of scientific and industry-related fields, especially where characterizations of solid materials is beneficial. In addition to topographical, morphological and compositional

for medical diagnosis, the field being termed histopathology when dealing with tissues, or in smear tests on free cells or tissue fragments. In industrial use, binocular microscopes are common. Aside from applications needing true depth perception, the use of dual eyepieces reduces eye strain associated with long workdays at a microscopy station. In certain applications, long-workingdistance or long-focus microscopes are beneficial. An item may need to be examined behind a window, or industrial subjects may be a hazard to the objective. Such optics resemble telescopes with close-focus capabilities.

morphological, compositional and crystalline information. The images allow researchers to view samples on a molecular level, making it possible to analyze structure and texture. This information is useful in the study of crystals and metals, but also has industrial applications. TEMs can be used in semiconductor analysis and production and the manufacturing of computer and silicon chips. Technology companies use TEMs to identify flaws, fractures and damages to micro-sized objects; this data can help fix problems and/or help to make a more durable, efficient product. Colleges and universities can utilize TEMs for research and studies. Although electron microscopes require specialized training, students can assist professors and learn TEM techniques. Students will have the opportunity to observe a nano-sized world in incredible depth and detail.

information, a Scanning Electron Microscope can detect and analyze surface fractures, provide information in microstructures, examine surface contaminations, reveal spatial variations in chemical compositions, provide qualitative chemical analyses and identify crystalline structures. SEMs can be as essential research tool in fields such as life science, biology, gemology, medical and forensic science, metallurgy. In addition, SEMs have practical industrial and technological applications such as semiconductor inspection, production line of miniscule products and assembly of microchips for computers. The SEM is routinely used to generate high-resolution images of shapes of objects (SEI) and to show spatial variations in chemical compositions: 1) acquiring elemental maps or spot chemical analyses using EDS, 2)discrimination of phases based on mean atomic number (commonly related to relative density) using BSE, and 3) compositional maps based on differences in trace element "activitors" (typically transition metal and Rare Earth elements) using CL. The SEM is also widely

used to identify phases based on qualitative chemical analysis and/or crystalline structure. Precise measurement of very small features and objects down to 50 nm in size is also accomplished using the SEM. Backescattered electron images (BSE) can be used for rapid discrimination of phases in multiphase samples. SEMs equipped with diffracted backscattered electron detectors (EBSD) can be used to examine microfabric and crystallographic orientation in many materials.


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