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Emma Haggerty, Julie Cheung, and Jessica Olenski Oct.

19, 2010 Humanities B4 Cosmogony

Narrator: During the age of the Jesjulmians, the universe was thought to be Jesjulma. Before time, there was only the primordial sea. Out of the primordial sea an egg formed. Out of the egg came out Juli ma. Juli ma then used the primordial sea to create !undama, which is the world that Jesjulmians lived in. "fter putting everything into order, she created four major gods of the Jesjulmians# myths. $hese gods were: " ulaga, the goddess of water% !ancada, goddess of earth% &insetma, god of air% 'edismo, god of fire. "fter she created the four major gods, she separated into three girls: Jess abanta, Julirma, and (mmate. $he three goddesses first created their home on a mountain that had an endless height. $his mountain was named (m ie. )rom (m ie, the three goddesses loo* down upon the world. Jess banta: !undama created by Juli ma is very empty. Julirma: +es, it is. ,erhaps we should fill it with something. (mmate: -et#s fill it with. -/)(0 Narrator: Before the three goddesses had created life, the four element gods had already created a suitable environment for these living creatures. " ulaga created la*es, rivers, and oceans. !ancada created mountains, valleys, forests, and deserts. &insetma created the weather. "nd lastly, 'edismo created the sun god, &usurra. $he sun god then created the moon goddess, Naluna, who also became the wisdom goddess. Jess banta: / will create a creature that lives both on land and in water. /t will be slimy and

green, and it will have the ability to hop. /t shall be called a frog. Julirma: / will create a creature with a long pointy nose which allows it to have an e1cellent sense of smell. /t shall be gray and have a big blac* and white tail. /t shall live in forests and deserts. /t shall be called a lemur. / will create a creature that will have fins and live solely in the water. /t shall be big and blac* with white pol*a2dots. /t shall be called the orca. (mmate: / will create a creature with four legs that allows the creature to run far distances. /ts fur will be soft and will *eep the animal warm in cold climates. /t shall be called a wolf. Narrator: "fter each goddess created each of their sacred animal, they created the animal goddess, Nialla. Nialla, in turn, created all other types of animals including but not limited to horses, mon*eys, lions, and dolphins. (ven though the !undama was now full of life, the three goddesses wanted a creature that could carry out their bidding, worship them, and help the !undama become a better place to live in. Jess banta: !undama is full of living creatures, but. Julirma: / feel li*e there is something missing. (mmate: ,erhaps we need an intelligent creature that can wor* for us. Narrator: $he three goddesses approach the four element gods and goddesses. Julirma, (mmate and Jess banta told the element gods their idea of creating creatures that can be used to provide the gods and goddesses with their needs. $he four element gods and goddesses eagerly agreed. &o the element gods decided to use each of the three goddesses# blood together with each of the four elements, and create a male and female. Over the years, the population of the human*ind multiplied. $he people had become more

civili ed, but continued to be faithful to the three goddesses. $he people lived peacefully for many years, living together in harmony. No conflicts e1isted. 3atred, dread, pain, sorrow, fear jealousy, greed 4 none were *nown to the world yet. $he people had endless resources and supplies that allowed the people to flourish in many ways. $he people loved to help each other with everything and no prices were given. (veryone was just happy to be able to help another. ,eople did not loo* for awards for anything, they were satisfied to even have the ability to help anyone. $he people worshipped the three creator goddesses e5ually. $hey understood that without the goddesses nothing would e1ist to be. 3owever, the people also worshipped the minor gods and goddesses. $hey worshipped " ulaga, the goddess of water, to provide enough water for the people to drin* and for their crops to grow. $hey also worshipped !ancada, the goddess of earth, not to bring about destruction on !undama. $hey prayed to &insetma, the god of air, not to bring disastrous weather that would bring about with it harm. $hey prayed to 'edismo, the god of fire, to not set fire to their crops or houses and for fire to *eep them co y warm in cold climates. $he people prayed to the god of sun for light in the day. $hey prayed to the moon goddesses for light at night and to give them wisdom throughout their life time. 3owever, one fateful day the peace of the people was destroyed. Not by the people themselves, but by the three creator goddesses because of the constant arguments that arose. One day, the three goddesses were watching over the people as usual. Jess banta: -oo* at our creations0 3ow happy they are0 Julirma: $heir happiness ma*es me happy because it means that our creations were successful. (mmate: / am overjoyed because it is clear that the people are devoted mostly to me for / am, of course, the most powerful goddess0 6-oo*s pleased with herself while loo*ing in the mirror.7 Jess banta: No, (mmate, the people are deeply loyal to me, and definitely love me the most.

6-oo*s upset.7 Julirma: +ou two are oblivious. /t is 5uite obvious that the people are dedicated to me and my well2being because / am the greatest goddess of !undama0 6-oo*s as if she is more intelligent than the other two.7 Narrator: $he three goddesses began to get into a big argument. $hey were so loud that Naluna, the goddess of wisdom and the moon, stopped the argument herself. &he told them they would wa*e the creatures from their sleep. &he called upon the other gods and goddesses, and they figured out a way to satisfied everyone8s wanted. $he three goddesses were to split up the land e5ually and each would get their own people to control. $he goddesses agreed that this was a splendid idea, but began to argue over which piece of land the goddesses would each get. /t was decided that Jess banta would control the left river, -a ul, and that third of the land. Julirma was to control the middle of the land with the la*e, "5ualla, and (mmate had power over the right river, " ulna and the surrounding land. (ach of the goddesses became the rulers of their part of land and the people became mainly loyal to that goddess but were also loyal to the minor gods and goddesses. $his compromise wor*ed well for short amount of years. 3owever, during those years many conflicts arose amongst the three different tribes. $hese tribes constantly fought over water resources, food 5uantities, land, animals, and much more. $hese constant conflicts led to many little war disputes and the three goddesses always too* part in. /t was during these times when people began to reali e the feelings of pain, sorrow, starvation, greed, and hatred. "fter a century of this compromise, the three creator goddesses had another enormous argument. $his time, however, the argument turned into a massive war battle. (ach of the goddesses became completely unsatisfied with their little bits of land. $hey each wanted to control the entire !undama. $hey led their people into war, but the other gods and goddesses

would not ta*e part. $he animal goddess, Nialla, complained to Jess banta, Julirma, and (mmate that their worthless battles are destroying not only the habitats of the animals, but also the animals themselves. $he goddess of wisdom and the moon, Naluna, complained that the goddesses were interrupting all of the creatures sleep and the peace of nighttime. &he also complained that wisdom was being neglected by the people, and even the gods and goddesses. $he goddess of water, " ulaga, and the god of air, &insetma, complained that the clean bodies of water and the crisp air were becoming polluted. $he goddess of earth, !ancada, complained that the !undama was being mistreated and unloved by the people and the creator goddesses. $he god of fire, 'edismo, critici ed that the three goddesses were using fire for their own evil purposes. (ven though the gods and goddesses complained to the three creator goddesses, the three creator goddesses still continue with their fighting as if the other gods and goddesses never said anything. Jess banta: +ou two have always ta*en more than you have given and as a result of your greediness, now my people are suffering. Julirma: 9ell, you two need to stop pic*ing fights with me. / am always doing what is right and both of you are destroying all that / have created. (mmate: (1cuse me, but / am trying to care for my people, who, by the way, are much stronger, healthier, and more attractive than either of your people. / am obviously the better goddess. Jess banta: Both of you *now that all of the problems are caused by you. !y people need my help and therefore you two should stop being so greedy and ta*ing all the resources so that / can actually support my population of creatures. / propose that since / have more people, / should have more land and water sources. Julirma: / cannot believe you Jess banta0 9e divided the land e5ually and now you are trying

to ta*e more than your fair share0 "lso, it is a fact that / have more people. $herefore, since / am the most powerful goddess, if anyone should have more resources, / should0 (mmate: $here is something wrong with both of you0 / am obviously the most powerful, not to mention better than both of you in all ways, therefore / should control all of !undama. Jess bamta: / had enough of this already0 / declare war on both of you00 Julirma: / was about to say the same. 9ith this war we shall finally have a fair way of finding out who in fact the most powerful goddess is. (mmate: / would rather not fight in this war because / *now / will become the winner. 3owever, if you two truly thin* that you have a chance of winning against me, then / will show you the true leader of !undama0 Narrator: &o the three creator goddesses went into war against each other. 3owever, the goddesses were not the only ones fighting% the people of each of their tribes also began to fight against each other. $he !undama became full of bloodshed and destruction. (verywhere all that can be seen was blood, corpses, and endless fighting. $here was no longer anyone to care for the food, water or animals, which led to starvation and thirst for many people. ,eople no longer had homes to return to because all houses were destroyed and families scattered. $he other gods or goddesses grew tired of the endless fighting between the three creator goddesses. &o the minor gods and goddesses decided to hold a meeting of how they should proceed with the problem. "fter a long discussion, the gods and goddesses decided that even together their powers were no match for even one of the three goddesses, so the only reasonable solution then would be to destroy the entire universe including themselves. (ven though many of the gods and goddesses were not pleased with the idea of being destroyed themselves, the wisdom goddess Naluna convinced them that there is no point in e1isting in this world if !undama is destroyed and only evil e1ists. &o the gods and goddesses agree that the

four element gods and goddesses would be in charge of the destruction of the !undama. $he creator goddesses could sense that something was wrong. "ltough they detected a strong force brewing, they were too ignorant and involved in their own battles to care, so they decided to ignore this feeling. "fter all, they were the most powerful beings in e1istence. 3owever, soon a major conflict arose during the battle of the goddesses. (mmate: Nearly all of my people are dead because of starvation, after you set fire to my crops, Julirma0 Julirma: / set fire to your crops after you set wolves upon my people, (mmate0 "nd you, Jess banta, have poisoned my people with your deadly frogs0 Jess banta: No, Julirma, (mmate was responsible for poisoning your people, too. / only sent poisonous frogs because / am sic* of your orcas *illing my people that swim in the ocean0 (mmate: 9hat was that noise: Narrator: $he element gods had reached the loc*. $he loc* would unleashed powers stronger than even the three goddesses themselves and could destroy not only the world, but also the entire universe. /t was located inside !ount (m ie and *nown only to the element gods. $he loc* would be activated once the elements were mi1ed together acting as a *ey, a power will be unleashed that would be powerful enough to destroy anything and everything. "s 5uic*ly as they could, the element gods proceed down into the secret chamber in !ount (m ie. ;pon reaching the loc* of destruction, the four element gods and goddesses stood in a circle around the loc* and then they began to chant the ancient spell that would bring about the destruction. "s they chanted the spell, they held out their hands to the loc* and their elements came out of their hands towards the loc*. "s they continued to chant the spell, their elements emerged together within the loc* and the power of destruction began to awa*en. !ount (m ie began to sha*e as the powers of destruction were finally unloc*ed into the world. $he three goddesses

stopped their battle as they began to feel the emergence of an un*nown power. (mmate: 9ho is trying to challenge my power now: Or is it the two of you combining your powers because you *now that with only one of you there is no chance of victory. Julirma: / was about to as* you two the same thing. But / have a feeling that this power is greater than anything we ever encounter. Jess banta: 9hatever you say, Julirma. / believe that you two are trying overpower me and then have the 93O-( !undama to your2selves, but you guys shall not because my power alone can defeat both of your powers0 (mmate: (1cuse me0 $his is coming from someone who used endless dirty ways to try to win this battle. Julirma: +ou guys / am serious0 Narrator: Before the three goddesses were able to finish their argument, !ount (m ie began to crumble. Jess banta: O*ay then. !aybe you were serious when you said that the power may be something we never encounter before. Narrator: Before the goddesses even had time to react, floods of water began to full the world and tornadoes began to tear at everything in its way. (arth5ua*es occurred and the land began to crac*. )ire began to light everything into crisp. (ven the three creator goddesses could not escape the fates of their people and were also destroyed. $he minor gods and goddesses readily accepted their fates and the entire universe was destroyed. Only the primordial sea survived this horrible destruction. 9ith the primordial sea, everything was able to have a new, fresh beginning. $he primordial sea begin to form an egg and the whole cycle began all over

again. $3( (ND

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