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Phowa with extra footnotes from Lama Chambas 2007 commentary2/15/20148:03:12 a2/ 2

2!2!2!2!1!2!1 PHOWA "n the secon# $ art of the six% yo&as' there are two branch ractices (yo&as)! *he first is the instr+ction of Pho,wa1' which is #eci#in& the way! "n the Vajra Songs of the Six Yogas [of Naropa] it is sai#: -.amsara has ei&ht #oors! /ne #oor (a ninth one) is the maham+#ra #oor! C0ose the ei&ht #oors an# o en one #oor (the ninth one)! *he min# is $0i1e% an arrow $an#% the win# is $0i1e% a bow! 2y +shin& stron&0y thro+&h the 3i&' the conscio+sness is thrown on the crowns way! *his is ca00e# the instr+ction of howa! Lotsawa' can yo+ contro0 yo+r min#2 in time45 *o ractice this there are three $sections%: (1) *he in#i6i#+a0 who ractices howa (2) *he act+a0 howa instr+ction (3) *he reason for racticin& howa (1) *he in#i6i#+a0 who ractices howa ( ! 322) *he best $1in# of ractitioner is the one who% has the abi0ity to #o transference into the #harma1aya c0ear 0i&ht7 who in this 0ife com 0ete0y rea0i8es #e6e0o in& $an#% com 0etion sta&es7 who' in artic+0ar' is ab0e to #isso06e the win# in the centra0 channe0 3' $ex eriences% a earance' increase' an# attainment' the fo+r em ties' the fo+r 9oys' $an#% the fina0 c0ear 0i&ht7 who me#itates stabi0i8e# on the abso0+te tr+th an# is ab0e to arise the abso0+te c0ear 0i&ht!4 Partic+0ar0y' this in#i6i#+a0 is near to accom 0ish the act+a0 i00+sory bo#y from ha6in& com 0ete0y rea0i8e# the i00+sory bo#y $ ractice% 5! :t the time of #eath' $this ractitioner% wi00 rea0i8e the abso0+te tr+th of the c0ear 0i&ht $of #eath an#% wi00 accom 0ish the i00+sory bo#y that is inse arab0e from the se6en,0imb ;+a0ities! *he &reat <ri1+n& a sai#: -*he s+ reme howa is ca00e# =c0ear 0i&ht conscio+sness!5> *he a6era&e $ ractitioner is the one who% has the abi0ity to #o transference into the i00+sory sambho&a1aya7 $who% com 0ete# the rea0i8ation of the #e6e0o in& sta&e7 $who% obtaine# the taste for the com 0etion sta&e7 $who%' artic+0ar0y' #isso06e# the win# into the centra0 channe07 $who% ( ! 323) $ex erience#% the fo+r em ties' the fo+r 9oys' $an#% the fina0 c0ear 0i&ht $an#% o+t of that is most ex erience# in the ractice of arisin& as the i00+sory #eity bo#y! :t the time of #yin&' they wi00 reco&ni8e a earance' increase' an# attainment' the fo+r em ties' $an#% the fina0 c0ear 0i&ht em tiness! /+t of this' they wi00 arise as the i00+sory,0i1e #eity bo#y $an#% obtain the sambho&a1aya! :&ain' $when% they ha6e arisen as the i00+sory,0i1e #eity bo#y' the s+bt0e obsc+ration of the habit+a0 ten#encies of that min#,bo#y are b+rne# by the fire of the c0ear 0i&ht $an#% &reat b0iss $an#% they wi00 be en0i&htene# in the bar#o!7 ?or this a0so' one has to reco&ni8e the fina0 c0ear 0i&ht of the fo+r em ties of s0ee $an#% when one is near $to &o into% the #ream $sta&e%' one has to ha6e the ower to arise in the yi#am bo#y! 2y the ex eriences in the #ream' one $can #o% a raisa0 in the bar#o!8


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$*he ractitioner of% 0east $ca acity% has the abi0ity to #o transference into the nirmana1aya! 3e has ( ! 324) ex erience with the #e6e0o in& sta&e' is ab0e to #o channe0,win# $ ractice' an#% ossesses exce00ent ex erience of maham+#ra' $which% is won#erf+0! @6en if he #oes not ossess a00 this' it is 6ery im ortant to ha6e a stab0e +n#erstan#in& $an#% ex erience of #oin& 6irt+eA an# ha6in& ex erience with channe0 an# win# $ ractice%! $*hese% in#i6i#+a0s' e6en if they #o not ha6e another erson #oin& howa for them' ha6e the abi0ity to transform themse06es into the nirmana1aya! 10 @6en if they are not of this 1in#' at 0east they ha6e to obtain the confi#ent #e6otion in ca+se $an#% effect' the 0ama' an# the instr+ctions! $*hese in#i6i#+a0s% nee# to be ab0e to ho0# the me#itation ob9ects11' $otherwise% they wi00 not be s+itab0e! (2) *he act+a0 howa instr+ction *here are two $ arts%: 2!1 *he root $instr+ction% 2!2 *he branch $instr+ction% 2!1 *he root instr+ction "t has three branches: 2!1!1 *o ractice transference ( howa) 2!1!2 ?orcef+0 metho#s for transference ( howa) 2!1!3 2o#y ositions for transference ( howa) 2!1!1 *o ractice transference *here are' a&ain' two $sections%: 2!1!1!1 @xercise 2!1!1!2 @xercise connecte# to action 2!1!1!1 @xercise ( ! 325) Bhen one 0earns howa' it is 6ery im ortant to be ab0e to ho0# the win# with the 6ase breathin&! $*his is for% those ersons who are witho+t sic1ness $an#% ha6e a s+itab0e win# $inta1e%! $*hereby% one co+nts the breath' to breathe,in' remain' $an#% breathe,o+t as one time! $*his is ca00e#% -one 0oo !5 12 *he best $in#i6i#+a0 can% ho0# $the breath for% 108 -0oo s!5 *he mi##0in&' $for% 72' $an#% the 0ast $for% 3>! *hese 1in# $of eo 0e% sho+0# 6is+a0i8e the -root 0ama5 13 at the crown $of their hea#%' ray for $a s+ccessf+0% howa ractice' $an#% absorb $the 0ama% into themse06es!14


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/ne 6is+a0i8es ones own bo#y as the yi#am #eity' insi#e the centra0 channe0 to+chin& at the + er $en#% the crowns a ert+reCits en# is wi#e o en! 15 :t the 0ower $en#% are the ri&ht $an#% 0eft channe0s' 6is+a0i8e# 0i1e at the time of t+mmo! Bhat concerns the c0osin& of the ei&ht #oors: "t is sai# that at the time of #yin&' if the conscio+sness &oes o+t thro+&h the crowns a ert+re' one wi00 be reborn in the +re b+##ha 0an# 1>7 $howe6er' if it &oes o+t thro+&h the s ace 0ocate#% (1) between the eyebrows' one wi00 be reborn in the #esire rea0m7 (2) thro+&h the eyes' in the h+man $rea0m%7 (3) thro+&h the nostri0s' as a ya1sha7 (4) thro+&h the ears' as an e6i0 s irit7 (5) thro+&h the mo+th' as a h+n&ry &host7 ( ! 32>) (>) thro+&h the na6e0' as a #esire,&o#7 (7) thro+&h the +rinary o+t0et' as an anima07 $an#% (8) thro+&h the an+s' in he00!17 @xce t for the crowns a ert+re' one sho+0# thin1 of c0osin& a00 the other a ert+res with two ra#iant b0ac1 3+n&s each18! <+rin& the howa exercise' me#itate a0so in c0osin& the crowns a ert+re with a re# sy00ab0e Dy+n& ()1A! :bo6e' at yo+r crown or in front of yo+' 6is+a0i8e the 0ama inse arab0e from the yi#am! 20 21 Bhat concerns the rea0 ob9ect of howa: 22 *hin1 that there is a re# :,stro1e where the three channe0s meet! :t the heart 23 is the min#s essence as a ra#iant #ar1,b0+e 3+n&! ?irst ta1e in win# with the 6ase breathin&! 24 *hereafter' whi0e sayin& 3i& stron&0y se6en times' the :,stro1e rises + war#s $an#% #isso06es into the 3+n&! ?rom there' whi0e sayin& 3i& stron&0y thirteen times' the 3+n& rises hi&her $an#% o ens the 0etter at the crowns a ert+re $an#% &oes strai&ht o+t thro+&h the crown! :fter $that%' throw the 3+n& with one 3i& into the heart of the yi#am!25 2> ( ! 327) ?ina00y' breathe,in27 $an#% ress the win# +n#er the intestine! 28 Bhi0e sayin& $one 0on&% Da $which 0asts as if it were sai#% twenty one times' thin1 that the 3+n& comes bac1 a&ain o+t of the heart of the yi#am $an#% &oes bac1 $to o+r heart% thro+&h the crowns a ert+re! Bhen it has arri6e# at the heart' the :,stro1e arises from the 3+n& $an# when the :,stro1e% has arri6e# at the na6e0' at the crown the sy00ab0e Dy+n& c0oses the crowns a ert+re!2A 30 /r: *hin1 that $at the tri9+nction'% where the three channe0s meet' is the essence of the win#,min# $in the form% of $a sma00% yi#ams bo#y (Ea9rayo&ini)! $Bhi0e sayin&% 3i& se6en $times%' +00 the sma00 yi#ams bo#y + to the na6e0! ?rom there' $whi0e sayin&% 3i& se6en $times' +00 it + % to the heart! :&ain' $whi0e sayin&% 3i& se6en $times' +00 it + % to the throat! :&ain' $whi0e sayin&% 3i& se6en $times' the sma00 yi#ams bo#y% remo6es the sy00ab0e at the crowns a ert+re' &oes o+t strai&ht' $enters the yi#ams bo#y% in front of yo+ $an#% #isso06es into her $heart%!31 ?ina00y' ta1e in win#' say Da' $an#% from the yi#ams heart in front of yo+ brin& the former $sma00% yi#am bac1 thro+&h the crowns a ert+re! $Bhen the yi#am% arri6es at the tri9+nction' the sy00ab0e c0oses the crowns a ert+re!32 15

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( ! 328) /r: *hin1 that at the tri9+nction is the :,stro1e! :t the heart is the essence of the min# as a b0+e 3+n&' which is s+rro+n#e# by the see# sy00ab0es of the fo+r fema0e $b+##has%33! :t the throat there is a white 0etter /m! $*hen' whi0e sayin&% 3i& se6en $times%' +00 + the :,stro1e from the na6e0! "t #isso06es into the 3+n&! :&ain' $whi0e% sayin& 3i& se6en $times%' +00 the 3+n& + war#! Bhen it meets the /m' the /m imme#iate0y #isso06es into the 3+n&! ?rom there' #+rin& se6en 3i&s' the 3+n& &oes o+t strai&ht' remo6in& the sy00ab0e at the crowns a ert+re' $an#% #isso06es into the yi#ams bo#y in front!34 35 ?ina00y' one ta1es in win#' says Da' an# the 3+n& comes bac1 from the yi#ams heart' assin& thro+&h the crowns a ert+re! Bhen the 3+n& arri6es at the throat' an /m arises from the 3+n& $an#% is 0eft at the throat! Bhen the 3+n& has arri6e# at the heart' it stays at the heart3>! ?rom there an :,stro1e emer&es' which arri6es at the na6e0! *he sy00ab0e of the crowns a ert+re b0oc1s $the a ert+re a&ain%!37 "f yo+ are thin1in& abo+t a00 these ob9ects' whate6er yo+ ( ! 32A) ha6e #one' " can say (0it! see) $abo+t them% that the first two are a 0itt0e bit better! <+rin& the time of a00 these ob9ects' first ta1e in win# with the 6ase breathin&! :fter $that%' ho0# the #ownwar#,6oi#in& win#38 stron&0y! Bhi0e &i6in& o+t the 0ife,s+ ortin& win#'3A yo+ sho+0# not breathe in! /+t of that say 3i& stron&0y an# the win#,ob9ect, min#40' nee# to be thrown o+t into s ace! ?ina00y' when it comes #own $an#% yo+ say Da' re0ease the #ownwar#,6oi#in& win# nat+ra00y' ta1e in the 0ife,s+ ortin& win# $an#% ress it +n#er the na6e0! ?+rther' $when% the first win# is ta1en in with the 6ase breathin&' thereafter the #ownwar#,6oi#in& win# is he0# stron&0y $an#% the 0ife,s+ ortin& win# is &i6en o+t witho+t breathin& in41! $*his% is a0so ca00e# -the &i6in& o+t win#!5(4) Fse $on0y% one breath for the 3i& transference $time% an# one breath for the Da comin& $time%!42 <+rin& the time when the 3i& is bein& +ttere#' the intestine has to be +00e# + war#! <+rin& the Da comin& #own time' the intestine has to be resse# #ownwar# 437 this is ( ! 330) 6ery im ortantG44 "f one exercises 0i1e this' the si&ns of ha6in& exercise# are: the bo#y is 0i&ht an# heat arises7 the #i&estion is &oo#7 heat arises at the crownCit is itchin&' b+rnin&' it has a swe00in&' +s (0it! water from/in b0isters or sweat) comes o+t' an# so forth! "f these 1in#s of exercise si&ns ha6e arisen' it is sai# that one $then% sho+0# exercise three times or one time er month!45 :&ain an# a&ain' yo+ sho+0# a0ways $thin1 of the% +re b+##ha 0an# to which yo+ are intereste# in #oin& the transference!


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2!1!1!2 @xercise connecte# to action4> ?irst' it is sai# that if yo+ #o transference before a00 the si&ns of #eath are com 0ete# (0it! when the si&ns of #eath are not com 0ete#)' $this% is 6ery ne&ati6e' beca+se one 1i00s a00 ones own bo#ys #eities! /ne has to ana0y8e a00 the si&ns of #eath! ?+rther' it is sai# that three si&ns of #eath occ+r7 one $in#icatin&% far $#eath%' one $in#icatin&% c0ose $#eath%' an# one $in#icatin& an% +tmost c0ose $#eath%! Bhat concerns the si&n of far #eath: "f the win# r+ns on0y thro+&h one si#e' not chan&in& between ri&ht $an#% 0eft $nostri0s% #+rin& 144 breaths'47 this is a si&n of #eath 48( ! 331)! ?+rther' first' if one was born when the mothers $win# at the% -time of $sex+a0% +nion5(4)4A f0owe# thro+&h the ri&ht $nostri0' then ones% #eath si&n wi00 a0so ha en thro+&h the ri&ht nostri0!50 "f the win# f0ows only thro+&h the ri&ht nostri0 #+rin& one $entire% #ay' one wi00 #ie after three years an# three months! Li1e that' if it r+ns contin+o+s0y $thro+&h the ri&ht nostri0% for fi6e' ten' fifteen' twenty' or twenty fi6e #ays' one wi00 #ie $res ecti6e0y% after three years' two years' one year' six months' or three months! ?rom twenty six to thirty one #ays one wi00 #ie' res ecti6e0y' after two months' one month' ha0f a month' ten #ays' fi6e #ays' three #ays! ?rom there' if $the breath% r+ns contin+o+s0y for two #ays thro+&h the 0eft $nostri0% an# one #ay thro+&h both' $after that% one wi00 #ie! "f one was born (concei6e#4) whi0e the mothers $win# at the% -time of +nion5 f0owe# thro+&h the 0eft $si#e' then% the #eath si&n wi00 a0so ha en thro+&h the 0eft $si#e%! "f $the win#% f0ows only thro+&h the 0eft nostri0 #+rin& one $entire% #ay' one wi00 #ie after three years $an#% three months! ( ! 332) "f it r+ns contin+o+s0y $thro+&h the 0eft nostri0% #+rin& three #ays' one wi00 #ie after thirty months (two years an# six months)! Li1e that' #+rin& six' nine' twe06e' fifteen' ei&hteen' twenty one' twenty fo+r' twenty se6en' or thirty #ays' one wi00 #ie' res ecti6e0y' after twenty se6en' twenty fo+r' twenty one' ei&hteen' fifteen' twe06e' nine' six' or three months!51 ?rom there' if $the breath% r+ns contin+o+s0y for two #ays thro+&h the ri&ht nostri0 an# one #ay thro+&h both' it is sai# that one wi00 #ie! Bhat concerns the si&n of near #eath: "t is sai# that if one has no so+n# in the ear $one wi00 #ie after% 52 six #ays7 if one has no taste on the ton&+e $after% fi6e #ays7 if there a ear some 0ines in the eye (6ision) which


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were not there before $after% fo+r #ays7 if the $ti % of the nose (nostri0s) co00a ses an# there is no sme00 $after% three #ays7 if there is no 0i;+i# $in the mo+th% $after% one #ay! Bhat concerns the si&n of +tmost near #eath: *he #isso0+tion of the twenty ro+&h $tho+&hts%' the fo+r s+bt0e e0ements' the most s+bt0e a earance' increase' attainment is the same as it wi00 be ex 0aine# $0ater% in the bar#o $teachin&s%! ( ! 333) ?or eo 0e who #ie s+##en0y' it is not s+re that a00 these si&ns of #eath wi00 occ+r! "f they ha en' $then% these are the s+re si&ns of #eath! "t is a0so not certain that a00 these #eath si&ns wi00 f+00y manifest in one in#i6i#+a07 howe6er' if the #eath si&ns are most0y com 0ete#' #eath wi00 occ+r!53 ?+rthermore' what concerns the #ream si&ns of #eath: Hoin& a0one towar# an +n1nown 6i00a&e7 or ri#in& on a #on1ey7 or &oin& witho+t ri#in& towar# the so+th #irection7 or co00ectin& the re# f0owers name# Hya Dye& 54 in the mo+ntains7 or 0ayin& an# #ancin& a&ain an# a&ain to&ether with many #ea# bein&s7 or &i6in& foo# $an#% #rin1 to them an# &+i#in& them! 55 *o see $thin&s 0i1e these in #reams% are si&ns of #eath! :00 these #reams' if they ha en many times' they are si&ns of #eath7 if they on0y ha en twice' they are habit! Bhat concerns the s+re si&ns of #eath: ( ! 334) *he &reat Hon o <ri1+n& a sai#' -*here are three $si&ns%: 0i&ht' smo1e' an# so+n#!5 "f one resses the $c0ose#% eyes $an#% there is no 0i&ht7 or if there is no steam sha#ow abo6e the hea#75> or if we c0ose the ears $an#% there is no so+n#7 these a00 mean s+re #eath! "f these $si&ns% #o manifest b+t $on0y wea10y' it is% an in#ication that one wi00 become sic1! "f a00 #eath si&ns ha en 0i1e this $0atter%' there are many ossib0e anti#otes that can be +se#: o+ter' inner' secret' an# most secret!57 "f #eath cannot be a6erte# by $the a 0ication of% these anti#otes' it is s+re that one wi00 #ie! $*hen% offer a00 thin&s to the fie0# of merit' aban#on the attachment to re0ati6es an# ossessions an# so on' stron&0y confess bro1en 6ows $an#% romise $to ne6er brea1 them a&ain%! P+t in front of yo+ the yi#am than&1a $or% stat+e $an#% re are the offerin&s! $*hen% me#itate on the #ifferent ractices of the #eity 58! Practice H+r+ Io&a $an#% ray that yo+ wi00 #ie s+ccessf+00y! ( ! 335) /ffer tormas to the yi#am an# the <harma rotectors' as1 for he0 that yo+ wi00 #ie $s+ccessf+00y an#% that no obstac0es wi00 occ+r! Io+ sho+0# aban#on attachment' hatre#' an# so on7 $aban#on% ba# connections' ma1e stron& rayers' thin1 of which b+##ha 0an# yo+ wo+0# 0i1e $to &o to%! *hin1 stron&0y a&ain $an#% a&ain to transfer $yo+r conscio+sness% to that $ +re b+##ha 0an#%! ?rom there' when the si&n of +tmost near #eath arises' re&ar#in& the rea0 way of action: 5A *hin1 $of #oin&% a00 what yo+ exercise# before! <o not b0oc1' $howe6er'% the crowns


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a ert+re with a sy00ab0e $this time' b+t 0et this a ert+re be% extreme0y wi#e' f+00 of 0i&ht (0it! o en' $0i1e an% +nobstr+cte# 0ain)' $easy% to ass thro+&h! Eis+a0i8e c0ear0y that a00 the other #oors are c0ose# with sy00ab0es! *hen' ractice with whiche6er metho# (0it! ob9ect) yo+ ha# the stron&est ex erience re6io+s0y! <o the channe0 $6is+a0i8ation%' win#' sy00ab0es $an#% 3i& stron&0y! >0 Dnowin& the si&n of ossib0e transference: : 6ery b0ac1 #ar1ness $a ears an#% one #oes not 1now how ( ! 33>) to brin& the breath insi#e' it &oes o+t strai&htway! >1 "f it ha ens that the crown fee0s hot' ainf+0' or itchin&' $then% yo+rse0f an# yo+r frien# >2 sho+0# say many 3i&s an# #o the transference stron&0y7 s+re0y the transference becomes ossib0e! "n case the si&n of ossib0e transference #oes not ha en' then brin& bac1 $e6erythin&%' re0ax' an# $try% #oin& the transference a&ain! "mme#iate0y after the transference' shoot the yi#am a&ain' 0i1e a shootin& star into the #esire# +re b+##ha 0an# $an#% #isso06e it into that b+##has heart7 or #isso06e it into the c0ear 0i&ht' 0i1e beforeCwhat yo+ ractice# in the c0ear 0i&ht instr+ction or i00+sory bo#y' or bar#o! Io+r frien# sho+0# a0so he0 yo+ to remember the 6is+a0i8ation!>3 "t is sai# that if we exercise transference now' when the bo#y is not sic1 $an#% there is no obstac0e' at the time of near #eath the transference is m+ch easier! 2!1!2 ?orcef+0 metho# for transference "f someone has no time to ractice transference' he ( ! 337) can #o this! /r' those who exercise# $ re6io+s0y% are a0so s+itab0e to #o this transference now! ?+rther' #o acc+m+0ation $of merit%' +rification' sen#in& to the +re b+##ha 0an# an# so forth' 0i1e before! Bhen the time of #eath is near' 0ie #own on the bac1' han& a iece of woo# or a ro e or a0i1e hori8onta00y' at the hei&ht of an e0bow' not to+chin& the &ro+n#' +n#er the 1i#neys! >4 C0ose (0it! bin#) the #ownwar#,6oi#in& win#!>5 C0ose with the 0eft 0e&s hee0 the 0ower #oor! Bith the 0eft $0e&s inner% an10e,bone or with the ri&ht $0e&s% hee0' c0ose the secret 0ace! Bith the sma00 fin&ers of the two han#s c0ose the mo+th7 with the two rin& fin&ers' the nostri0s7 with the two mi##0e fin&ers' the eyes7 an# with the two th+mbs c0ose the ears!>> Je#itate on the yi#am in the s ace in front of yo+! Eis+a0i8e yo+rse0f in the i00+sory,0i1e #eity bo#y $an# #o% a00 acti6ities which yo+ #i# before' 0i1e $the 6is+a0i8ation of% channe0' win#' see# sy00ab0es' c0osin& the ei&ht #oors with the sy00ab0es' an# so forth!


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( ! 338) $Choose% whiche6er $metho#% s+its yo+ best for transference7 s+re0y yo+ wi00 $be ab0e% to transfer! 2!1!3 2o#y osition for transference *he in#i6i#+a0 who is neither ab0e to #o the ractice of transference nor the forcef+0 metho# for transference' can #o this: Bhen the time of #eath is comin&' #o the acc+m+0ation $of merit%' +rification' a00 acti6ities 0i1e before! P+t the bo#y in the 0ions osition' 0ie on the ri&ht si#e' +t the hea# $ ointin&% to the north $an#% the ri&ht han# +n#er the ri&ht chee1! P+t the 0eft han# strai&ht on the 0eft thi&h' the ri&ht 0e& is be0ow the 0eft abo6e' the two an10e bones to+ch each other! 2en# $the 0e&s% a 0itt0e! $*hen% thin1 stron&0y of the +re b+##ha 0an# $to which% yo+ want to #o transference! "f yo+ 1now the metho# of transference yo+rse0f' #o it7 otherwise' 0et a ractitioner or a frien# te00 the ob9ects of transference $to yo+ an#% #o the transference $as ex 0aine#% before! "f yo+ a0so #o not 1now this' me#itate $then% on the yi#am at ( ! 33A) yo+r crown! Concentrate the min# one, ointe#0y on the $yi#ams% heart' witho+t wan#erin&! Bith one breath $inta1e%' #o twenty one stron& 3i& an# so forth! $*hen #o% the transference! :t the time of others #eath' $0et them% #o the 0ions osition 0i1e before' &i6e a00 the instr+ctions (4 see en#note abo6e) $an#% try to #o the transference! "f they #o not 1now $this system% (0it! 0i1e this)' the ractitioner has to #o a00 the ob9ects an# the transference $an#% s+re0y it wi00 be transferre#! :&ain' at the time of others #eath: "t is sai# that if one to+ches their crown >7 an# a0so recites the name of Je#icine 2+##ha an# the ei&ht bo#hisatt6as then they wi00 &+i#e them to the +re b+##ha 0an#!>8 ?or anima0s #eaths it is sai# $that if one% +ts them in the $0ions4% bo#y osition $an#% recites the name of $the b+##ha% Hya0wa Kinchen *s+1 *or' >A they wi00 be reborn in the &o# $rea0m% of the thirty three or in another hi&her rea0m! 2!2 *he instr+ction for #oin& #ron&9+&' a branch of howa70 "n the Vajra Songs of the Six Yogas [of Naropa] it is sai#: ( ! 340) -/nese0f $has to +n#erstan#% the time for chan&e! /ne $nee#s% to contact another bo#y with com 0ete# si&ns! "n the mi##0e71 are see# sy00ab0e72 $an#% win#,horse!73 "t is connecte# by the whee0 of the win#!74 Lea6e yo+r bo#y 0i1e an em ty ho+se! *he other bo#y is the essence of the nirmana1aya $form! *his is% ca00e# the instr+ction of #ron&9+&! "s yo+r win# s+itab0e' Lotsawa45


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*he &ra#+a0 $way% to ractice this' 1now where to &et it from other instr+ctions!75 (3) *he reason for racticin& howa *he in#i6i#+a0 who ractice# best $can% #o transference into the c0ear 0i&ht! *hey wi00 t+rn the c0ear 0i&ht of #eath into the abso0+te c0ear 0i&ht! /+t of that' they wi00 arise in the inse arab0e i00+sory,0i1e bo#y' obtainin& the Ea9ra#hara bo#y $a#orne#% with the se6en, 0imb $;+a0ities%!7> *he mi##0in& ractitioner' a0tho+&h not ab0e to #o 0i1e this' wi00 reco&ni8e the c0ear 0i&ht $an#% me#itate on that! Bhen the bar#o arises' $that ractitioner% wi00 arise in the i00+sory,0i1e #eity bo#y $an#% there wi00 com 0ete a00 the ( ! 341) aths $an#% &ro+n#s $an#% can ta1e rebirth in whiche6er +re b+##ha 0an# he wants' where he wi00 attain en0i&htenment! *he in#i6i#+a0 who has ractice# 0itt0e an# is not ab0e to #o transference 0i1e this into the i00+sory bo#y or c0ear 0i&ht' wi00 #o transference $thro+&h rememberin&% the #e6e0o in& sta&e!77 ?or this' there are' a&ain' three $0e6e0s%: best' mi##0in&' an# 0owest! *he best one wi00 #o transference to kha-jod or rig dsin ngag chod78 +re b+##ha 0an#s! *here he wi00 contin+e his re6io+s ractice witho+t wastin& time $an#% by this become a b+##ha! *he mi##0e one' who is not ab0e to #o a00 that' wi00 ta1e a fort+nate bo#y with a 6a9rayana ractitioner connection an# wi00 become en0i&htene# after three' se6en' or sixteen 0i6es! *he in#i6i#+a0 who is a0so not ab0e to #o this' the one of 0owest $ca acity%' #oes not nee# to ta1e the ain of #eath an# the fear of the bar#o an# so on! 3e wi00 ( ! 342) obtain a bo#y in the + er rea0ms' connect to the erfect ath' $an#%' ste by ste obtain the state of en0i&htenment! : 6ery 0ow $ erson% who $has #one a 0ot of% ne&ati6e actions wo+0# s+re0y be reborn in the 0ower rea0ms! <es ite this' if he is connecte# to these instr+ctions $an#% to the hi&her way' he wi00 meet the rofo+n# <harma an# reach the ;+a0ifie# erfect ath' or' if in that moment $that in#i6i#+a0% is not connecte#' by contin+in& to #o wishin& rayers he wi00 aban#on the ne&ati6e min#' rememberin& 6irt+o+s #ee#s! *his wi00 become the ca+se for obtainin& the state of en0i&htenment after many 0ifetimes! *he worst in#i6i#+a0s' who are 6ery ba#' who are not ho0#in& as im ortant in their min#s $the 0aw of% ca+se $an#% effect' the 6a9rayana' the 6a9ra master' who are on0y connecte# to ba# actions' this 1in# of eo 0e' if they connect to this ath' by the ower of this' in the next 0ife they wi00 be reborn in the + er rea0ms! :fter that 0ife' $howe6er'% by the ower of their ba# 1arma' ( ! 343) they wi00 ha6e to &o to the 0ower rea0ms a&ain! "f somebo#y says' by #oin& transference $thro+&h% the #e6e0o in& sta&eCon0y by thisCa 6ery ne&ati6e $bein&% can &et the state of en0i&htenment' $then% " #o not a&ree $with this%! .ometimes' by the acti6ity of transference' $a bein&% can obtain $a birth in% the + er


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rea0ms' b+t one cannot +rify in one moment a00 the 1arma $that% these eo 0e co00ecte#! $:n#% if the ne&ati6e 1arma is not +rifie#' en0i&htenment is $not &oin&% to ha en! :&ain' some say $that% at the #yin& time $some eo 0e% are not ab0e to se arate bo#y an# min#' therefore one has to #o the transference $for others% so that their min# &oes o+t! $*hey thin1 that% this is eno+&h! *here is a 0ot of $this 1in#% of ta01 an# " a0so saw $this i#ea% bein& ractice# many times! "t is sai# that at the time of #eath' within se6en #ays' bo#y an# min# wi00 se arate! 2ein& that the case' so $they thin1%' if one is not #oin& transference' $the conscio+sness% is sti00 there $an#% if one is #oin& it' $the conscio+sness% is not 0eft $insi#e%! "f one is #oin& it on0y for this reason' then the ractice of transference is har#0y necessary ( ! 344)! *herefore' when one ractices transference it is im ortant $to remember% that one sho+0# aban#on the three oisons' the non,6irt+o+s actions' an# the ba# #ee#s' an# ha6e ren+nciation for what one #i# before' #oin& confession' 1ee in& the 6ows' ta1in& ref+&e' ha6in& &oo# moti6ation' an# so forth! /ne sho+0# +t effort in acc+m+0atin& $merit an#% +rifyin& $ne&ati6e #ee#s%! $*hen% one wi00 a0ways obtain a recio+s h+man 0ife' be connecte# to the <harma an# a s irit+a0 teacher! /ne wi00 achie6e en0i&htenment' $wi00 be ab0e to% he0 $a00% sentient bein&s' an# so on! /ne #e6e0o s the ower of the exce00ent wishin& rayer $an#% a00 the a+s icio+s si&ns become exce00ent! Bhat is #ron&9+& necessary for4 2eca+se one is &ettin& o0# $an# therefore% is not ab0e $to ractice% the two benefits! $*hen% one #oes not nee# to fo00ow $a&ain% the ta1in& of a rebirth or to connect rebirth' #eath' $an#% a00 existin& thin&s! /ne a0so #oes not nee# to 0earn a&ain the ;+a0ities one ac;+ire# thro+&h 0earnin& $an#% +n#erstan#in& in this 0ife! "t is not necessary to fo00ow from one bo#y to the next! "t is 0i1e chan&in& from one ho+se to another' ( ! 345)! *herefore' it is tho+&ht that this is im ortant $not to% ho0# on to a00 existin& thin&s 7A 80


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*he wor# Phowa means to transfer or transform an# is a0so +se# in the transformin& of ne&ati6e emotions into 6irt+es or wis#oms!(L!C!) 2 *his refers to contro00in& ones win# ener&ies! (L!C!) 3 <isso06in& the win#s in the centra0 channe0 means that one can rea00y concentrate the min# in the centra0 channe0! (L!C!) 4 :t 0east the ractitioner m+st ha6e the ex erience of exam 0e C0ear Li&ht as in the 4 Loys an# Mh+#e ractices of *+mmo! (L!C!) 5 *hat is' one has stabi0i8e# the ex erience of the bo#y bein& i00+sory! (L!C!) > Li&ten .+m&on sai# that the s+ reme howa is =Nyam .hes Lama /se0' the ins earab0i0ity of ones conscio+sness an# the Lama!(L!C!) 7 *hey sti00 ha6e s+bt0e obsc+rations beca+se they #i# not reco&ni8e the C0ear Li&ht as com 0ete0y as the best ractitioners #+e to not ha6in& stabi0i8e# that ex erience in their 0ifetime' b+t they are ab0e to imme#iate0y arise in the "00+sory bo#y an# thereby by assin& the 2ar#o!(L!C!) 8 *hat is' it is simi0ar to the bar#o ex erience!(L!C!) A Lama Chamba trans0ate# this not as #oin& 6irt+e b+t a +n#erstan#in& the metho# of the Heneration an# Com 0etion sta&e yo&as! 10 Lama Chamba trans0ate# this as sayin& they #o not nee# another erson to #o Phowab for them! 11 :&ain this refers to +n#erstan#in& an# ha6in& ractice# the Heneration an# Com 0etion .at&e yo&as! 12 *ib! 1h+& a chi&! 3ere it refers to one cyc0e of breath or in,an#,o+t breath! 13 *ib! 0ama na09or (&+r+ yo&a4)! 14 /ne can a0so recite the 0inea&e rayers of Phowa' Jaham+#ra or the > Io&as! 15 *he centra0 channe0s + er en# is wi#e o en b+t the crowns a ert+re is b0oc1e# with a sy00ab0e' as wi00 be ex 0aine# be0ow! 1> /ne wi00 become en0i&htene# or at 0east attain a Nirmana1aya or .ambho&a1aya bo#y in a P+re Kea0m! 17 :ccor#in& to the <a0ai Lama' in *son&1ha as commentary on the .ix Io&as of Naro a it is written that if the conscio+sness 0ea6es thro+&h the crown a ert+re there is the ossibi0ity of bein& reborn in a form0ess rea0m an# if the conscio+ness 0ea6es thro+&h the mi#,eyebrow there is the ossibi0ity of bein& reborn in a form rea0m! Jost im ortant0y' -Lama *son&1ha a ex 0ains that' a0tho+&h s+ch as these ex 0anations co+0# be fo+n# in the scri t+res' that #oes not mean that anyone exitin& from these #ifferent oints of the bo#y ta1es rebirth in those s ecific rea0ms of existence' b+t rather those who ta1e rebirth in those s ecific rea0ms of existence' their exit of conscio+sness from the re6io+s bo#y wo+0# be from those res ecti6e oints of the bo#y!5 ( ! 25,11) $21s! (-*he .ix Io&as of Naro a5 (+n +b0ishe# an# +ne#ite# re0iminary transcri tion from <a0ai Lamas 0ect+re in <haramsa0a' Jarch 22,2> 1AA0)% 18 *he 2 3+n&s are not com 0ete0y b0ac1' b+t #ar1 b0+e an# sit+ate# si#e by si#e! 1A *he Dy+n& sy00ab0e ()is s0i&ht0y brown in co0or! 20 *he 0ama is to be 6is+a0i8e# in the form of Ea9rayo&ini! 21 :00 sy00ab0es on the a ert+res are 6is+a0i8e# stan#in& + ri&ht! 22 .ittin& in the se6en, oint Eerochana osition'O 23 *hat is' the heart cha1ra!(L!C!) 24 C0ose the 0ower #oors first an# ta1e in the breath an# #o the 6ase breathin& with the t+rnin& of the ab#omen!(L!C!) 25 *here is a #ar1 b0+e 3+n& at the heart cha1ra of the yi#am who is ins earab0e from the min# of the Lama! *hin1 that yo+r min# re resente# as the 3+n& in yo+r heart cha1ra exits yo+r 2rahmin ho0e an# imme#iate0y #isso06es into that 3+n& at the heart of the yi#am abo6e yo+r hea#! <o not &et #istracte# by thin1in& =how #oes the 3+n& enter the yi#am4' =is there some channe04 an# so forth! Eiew the yi#ams bo#y as i00+sory an# rainbow 0i1e an# the 3+n& imme#iate0y shoots + into the heart from yo+r crown witho+t any obstr+ction!(L!C!) 2> *here is no more breath 0eft insi#e! <o o+ter breath retention for as 0on& as it fee0s comfortab0e! 27 /ne time' 0on&' stron&0y' #ee 0y! 28 Lama Chamba sai# that one #oes not ta1e in a secon# breath before the Da' b+t that the 3ic an# Da are both #one with one breath! "n ractice this fee0s aw1war# as one +s+a00y ex e0s a00 ones air in the fina0 thr+st of the 0ast 3ic! Lama Chamba trans0ate# the next 0ine abo+t the intestines' as not refereein& to 6ase breathin& a&ain' b+t that #+rin& the 3ic one stron&0y s;+ee8es the 0ower #oors' b+t #+rin& the Da one m+st re0ax the intestine an# 0et it han& #own' b+t witho+t force! 2A *hen #o three short mo+th coo0in&,#own t+mmo breaths to rest! 30 (/ne wee1' fo+r sessions a #ay' abo+t ei&ht to ten times er session) 31 *wenty ei&ht 3i&s! 32 (/ne wee1 P tota0 two wee1s)

/ (Lochana' the consort of Eairocana) in front' Jam 0 (Jama1i' the consort of :1shobya) to yo+r ri&ht' Pam (Pan#ara' the consort of :mitabha) in bac1' an# *am (*ara' the consort of :mo&asi##hi) to yo+r 0eft'


with 3+n& in the center! $"t sho+0# be #o+b0e chec1e# whether 2am wo+0# mo6e into the center as Earahi to be the consort of :1shobya' an# Lam mo6e o+t to the front (east) to be the consort of Eairocana as seen in the crown of :1shobya!%

34 35

"t #isso06es into her heart! *wenty one 3i&s! 3> *he fo+r see# sy00ab0es of the fo+r fema0e #a1inis a0so rea ear aro+n# the 3+n&!(L!C!) 37 (/ne wee1 P tota0 three wee1s) /ne can try each of the 3 ty es of 6is+a0i8ation to see which is easiest for yo+ then stic1 with that one! "f one &ets the howa si&ns before three wee1s one sho+0# sto the ractice an# on0y #o howa one to three times a month! .ome eo 0e may &et si&ns in a few #ays or one wee1! (L!C!) 38 .1t! a ana' *ib! th+rse0! 3A .1t! rana' *ib! sro& tso0! 40 /b9ect refers to the sy00ab0e 3+n& re resentin& the min#!(L!C!) 41 *he 0ower #oors sho+0# be c0ose# ti&ht0y before breathin& in! (L!C!) 42 :s re6io+s0y state# in the footnotes' Lama Chamba ta+&ht that on0y one breath is +se# for both the 3ic an# Da 43 Lama Chamba ta+&ht that the intestine is not resse# #own' b+t the 0ower #oors an# breath is re0axe# so the intestines nat+ra00y han& #own! 44 3!@! :yan& Kin oche teaches to #o a #isso0+tion at the en# of the Phowa! :fter the fina0 Dah yo+ 6is+a0i8e that the retin+e an# a00 the 0inea&e 0amas that yo+ can 6is+a0i8e as s+rro+n#in& the yi#am #isoo0i6e into the yi#am an# the yi#am #isso06es into 0i&ht an# then into yo+ an# yo+ transform into :mitay+s an# #o the sa#hana of :mitay+s! 45 /n0y once each time7 this is' on0y twenty one 3i&s er time! 4> *hat is' #oin& Phowa for onese0f or others at the act+a0 time of #eath! 47 Lit! 12 hochen (1 ochen P 12 breaths (in an# o+t)' so 12 ochen P 144 breaths)! 48 "n a hea0thy erson the breath a0ternates between the 0eft an# ri&ht nostri0s! "n the mornin& at a re&+0ar time one sho+0# chec1 which nostri0 the air is r+nnin& thro+&h! Fs+a00y it wi00 be r+nnin& 3 #ays in the ri&ht si#e' then three #ays in the 0eft at that time! "n the 2ar#o *ho#o0 text it s+&&est to chec1 ones breath ex ecia00y on the @;+inox! 4A *ib! #+s,9or (#+s P time7 9or P +nion)! 50 Lama Chamba ta+&ht that this was not to #o with the mothers breathin&' b+t rather what si#e of the womb one was born from (or erha s which si#e one was facin&4)! 3e sai# that it main0y has to #o with the exact time of birth (or which time erio# one was born in an# the erio#s are #i6i#e# into 5 min+te se&ments)! *his can be ca0c+0ate# by ha6in& ones astro0o&y chart #one in the *ibetan system! 51 Bhy with the ri&ht nostri0 b0oc1e# for fifteen #ays one wi00 #ie after one year' b+t with the 0eft nostri0 b0oc1e# for fifteen #ays one wi00 #ie after one year an# six months4 .ho+0# not be the same for both nostri0s ( robab0y there is mista1e in the text or trans0ation)4 $@#s!% 52 Lama Cham a correcte# this! "n&ri#s ori&ina0 trans0ation says -if one has not so+n# in the ear for six #ays5 an# so forth for the rest of the senses! 53 Lama Chambas trans0ation was =for most eo 0e most of these si&ns wi00 occ+r! 54 Lama Chamba says that Hya Dye& is the name of a bitter re# f0ower! "n&ri#s ori&ina0 trans0ation says -co00ectin& re# f0owers from the Hya Dye& mo+ntain5! ?+rthermore the #ream si&ns at #eath are re0ate# to the mo6ement of re# an# white ti&0e! *his #ream of ic1in& re# f0owers is re0ate# to the time when the re# ti&0e is mo6in& + the centra0 channe0 from the na6e0 to the heart! /ther #reams s+ch as ri#in& a white mon1ey wo+0# be re0ate# to the white ti&0e #escen#in& from the crown to the heart! Bhen one #ies re# ti&0e is often seen emer&in& from the nostri0 an# white ti&0e emer&in& from the 0ower #oor! Lama Chams a mentions that ofco+rse these #reams are c+0t+ra00y base# an# other c+0t+res wo+0# ha6e #ifferent ty es of #reams! 55 Lama Chamba trans0ates this that it is the #ea# bein&s who &i6e +s foo# an# #rin1 an# &+i#e +s!


"n 6ery c0ear' #ry en6ironments (s+ch as hi&h in the mo+ntains) one can see on the &ro+n# abo6e the sha#ow of ones hea# a mo6in& sha#ow that 0oo1s 0i1e the sha#ow of steam risin& + from the sha#ow of ones hea#! $Lama Chams a% 57 @!&!' the :mitay+s sa#hana an# other rayers as o+ter an# inner anti#otes7 rotectin&/sa6in& the 0ife of other sentient bein&s ( rotectin& them from bein& 1i00e#)7 an# racticin& &enerosity thro+&h actions an# a0so thro+&h me#itations s+ch as cho#! :0so ma1in& tsa tsas an# chantin& s+tras!$Lama Chams a% Bhich are the secret an# most secret anti#otes4 $@#s!% 58 *hat is' the Heneration an# Com 0etion sta&e yo&as!(L!C!) 5A <o the act+a0 howa! >0 2o#y osition is as before! (L!C!) >1 *hat is' ones conscio+sness act+a00y &oes o+t the 2rahmin ho0e an# awareness #ar1ens 0i1e when one asses o+t' an# it is #iffic+0t to breathe in an# easier to breathe o+t! "n&ri#s ori&ina0 trans0ation sai# =*hen &o o+tsi#e strai&ht away! *his is referrin& to the breath easi0y &oin& o+t' not ones conscio+sness! (L!C!) >2 Lama Chamba ex 0ains that a Lama or #harma frien# can #o Phowa to&ether with yo+ remin#in& yo+ of the instr+ctions an# sho+tin& 3ic to&ether! *hey wo+0# #o the 6is+a0i8ation #one in ractice time with the Dy+n& b0oc1in& the crown whi0e yo+' the #yin& erson' wo+0# 6is+a0i8e the crown #oor wi#e o en! *he #yin& erson #oes not brin& the conscio+sness bac1 #own' b+t shoots it into the P+re Lan# that he or she wishes to &o to an# #isso06es into the heart center of the yi#am there an# tries to &o into the C0ear Li&ht an# arises as the "00+sory bo#y yi#am! *he erson #oin& the ractice with yo+ wo+0# brin& their consio+sness bac1 #own b+t not say Dah so as not to #ist+rb yo+! 3!@! :yan& Kin oche &i6es 6ery #etai0e# #escri tions of the #ifferences between #oin& Phowa before #eath' at the time of ones own #eath' an# at the time of others #eath! "t is hi&h0y recommen#e# for yo+ to atten# a Phowa Co+rse in 2o#h&aya +s+a00y in 0ate <ecember or ear0y Lan+ary' or one &i6en e0sewhere (@+ro e' F.:' Cana#a) &i6en by him >3 Io+r 0ama or #harma frien# in whom yo+ ha6e confi#ence an# a &oo# re0ation sho+0# remin# yo+ of the 6is+a0i8ations of Phowa in this text an# of the instr+ctions of C0ear Li&ht an# "00+sory 2o#y an# 2ar#o by rea#in& the texts an# #oin& Phowa to&ether with yo+ as ex 0aine# abo6e! >4 *he ro e or bar has to be 0ace# hori8onta00y an# ara00e0 to the f0oor' one e0bow hi&h abo6e the 0e6e0 on which one is sittin&! /ne is sittin& in front of the bar or ro e! *hen one rec0ines to the bac1 so the ro e or bar wi00 be across ones bac1' 0i1e a chair bac1,s+ ort' be0ow the 0e6e0 of the 1i#neys! /ne #oes not com 0ete0y 0ie bac1 b+t 0ies rec0ine#' with the ro e or bar as s+ ort! >5 *his is' thi&hten the 0ower s hincters4 $@#s!% >> .o the in#ex fin&ers are not bein& +se# here! /therwise' yoni m+#ra (0itt0e an# rin& fin&ers c0osin& the mo+th' mi##0e fin&ers c0osin& the nostri0s' in#ex fin&ers c0osin& the eyes' an# th+mbs c0osin& the ears)' as in tr+01hor time' can be #one instea#! $Lama Chams a% >7 /ne sho+0# not to+ch the 0ower art of their bo#y as it may ca+se the conscio+sness to 0ea6e thro+&h the 0ower #oors! :0so one sho+0# not #ie on an anima0 s1in! (L!C!) >8 Pray to these 2+##has to he0 &+i#e the #ecease# to the +re0an# an# recite their names many times then #o Phowa!(L!C!) >A *his is 2+##ha Kinchen <or9e or *+shita Ho# Kea0m! Norma00y' b+##ha :mitabha is +se#! $Katna .hri Lotsawa' Lan+ary 2005% 70 *his ty e of Phowa is for bein&s who #o not wish to &o into the bar#o an# 0ose a00 the 1now0e#&e an# ex erience acc+m+0ate# in this 0ife! (L!C!) 71 *hat is' in the centra0 channe0 at the heart cha1ra! $Katna .hri Lotsawa' Lan+ary 2005% 72 3+n&' re resentin& the min#! $Katna .hri Lotsawa' Lan+ary 2005% 73 *he win#' which is the mo+nt of the min#! $Katna .hri Lotsawa' Lan+ary 2005% 74 Bhen the time comes' yo+ +se the whee0 of win# or the 6ehic0e of win# to come o+t thro+&h the crowns a ert+re! $Katna .hri Lotsawa' Lan+ary 2005% :nother ossibi0ity is that accor#in& to the He0+& tra#ition there is a cha1ra of win# or whee0 of win# at the forehea# (see Clear Light of Bliss by Heshe De0san& Hyatso) $@#s!% 75 <ron&9+& #i# not #isa ear with the #eath of <arma <o#ey' as Lama Chams a an# <r+ Qn D+n&a c0aim! "n fact' not on0y <arma <o#ey b+t a0so Ji0are a was ta+&ht the #ron&9+& by Jar a an# the 0inea&e contin+e#! Li&ten .+m&Qn recei6e# the instr+ction an# wrote it #own in his Profo nd !nstr ctions! $Dhenchen DQncho& Hya0tshen' Lan&ch+b0in&' ?ebr+ary 2005% :0so Lobsan& P! Lha0+n& a in his "he Life of #ilarepa writes' -*ransferin& the conscio+sness,stream into a recent0y #ea# man or anima0 is to be #istin&+ishe# from transference into a chosen rea0m at the time of #eath! Jar a bro+&ht the former teachin& to *ibet an# han#0e# it #own to Ji0are a' an# to his own son' <arma <o#ayO5 ( ! 215)! *he ora0 commentary of the #ron&9+& a arent0y #isa eare# in se6era0 0inea&es' b+t' accor#in& to <i0&o Dhyentse Kin oche' the rea#in& transmission of this ractice has contin+e# to the resent #ay ( "he Life of #arpa the "ranslator$ !155)! "n fact' 0ama Chams a with Dyab&on Chetsan& Kin oche &a6e the rea#in& transmission of the #ron&9+& a0on& with the rest of the Profo nd !nstr ctions in :0mora #+rin& No6ember 2004! 7> Fsin& howa or c0ear 0i&ht4 77 "n&ri#s ori&ina0 trans0ation says -transference into the #e6e0o in& sta&e!5 78 *hese are both names of 2+##ha0an#s where the Ea9rayana is ractice#!(L!C!)


"n&ri#s ori&ina0 trans0ation says -$not bein& necessary to% ho0# to a00 the existin& thin&s ( ! 345)! *herefore' it is tho+&ht that this is exce00ent!5 80 <ron&9+& is a fantastic means to chan&e bo#ies witho+t for&ettin& a00 what has been 0earne# before! *his is artic+0ar0y +sef+0 for someone who is near0y en0i&htene#! /therwise' as a t+01+ he or she wi00 ha6e to re,0earn e6erythin& from scratch CDhenchen DQncho& Hya0tshen' Lan&ch+b0in&' ?eb! 2005! ?or more #etai0s on #ron&9+& as we00 as ;+otes from 6ario+s boo1sCboth 2+##hist an# 3in#+C' see #oc! fi0e entit0e# -Para1aya ra6esha , <ron&9+& as of 15 : ri0 2007!#oc!5

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