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Assignment Guidelines Assignment Task: Baumgarten (2008) is of the opinion that globalization presents the managers of business organizations

with great opportunities as well as threats. Critically evaluate the assertion that to survive in a competitive global market managers must be proactive in i!entifying an! respon!ing to the opportunities rather than a!opting a !efensive or reactive posture . "uestion #n analysing the above statement you are e$pecte! to critically evaluate issues face! by managers of global companies pertaining to e$pansion opportunities an! threats role of managers% in un!erstan!ing an! i!entifying the e$ternal forces (micro&macro) that they operate in as that helps them a!apt to the changing environment etc

'tu!ents will be e$pecte! to give e(ual weight to a critical consideration of both the positive and negative effects of the relevant issues and trends they are identifying. )ell*forme! responses to the (uestion will be e$pecte! to inclu!e !iscussion points on the following core areas+ ,ow to -ttempt+ Critical evaluation of issues pertaining to e$pansion opportunities for organisations globally .$plore as to how managers of global companies are always operating in an environment where they are constantly competing with other companies for scarce an! valuable resources. #mplications of organisations operating in a global environment as the e$ternal factors in the environment are uncertain unpre!ictable an! constantly changing.

#f organisations are to a!apt to this changing environment manager%s role in un!erstan!ing the e$ternal forces that they operate in an! how these forces give rise to opportunities an! threats #!entify the forces in the micro&macro environment an! chalk out a way forwar! in terms of !ealing with the challenges which arise from them.

ASSESSMENT GU !E" NES #n assessing your work tutors are looking for five generally accepte! skills which un!ergra!uates in the 0inal 1ear are e$pecte! to ac(uire an! !emonstrate with sophistication. /. 2he ability to analyse * to engage with material theories an! issues in a clear logical an! focusse! way. 2. 2he ability to think critically * to analyse the strengths an! weaknesses of an argument or e$planation without bias. 3. 2he ability to synthesise * to bring together the elements of an argument or e$planation an! to construct it on appropriate principles an! metho!ologies. 4. 2he ability to evaluate * to !iscriminate between i!eas e$planations theories an! concepts an! to e$ercise 5u!gement from a soun! basis. 6. 2he ability to think creatively * to bring a fresh an! in!epen!ent insight to theories concepts an! issues an! to e$press these efficiently.

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