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EDEC101 is a one hundred level unit under the degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education.

It is designed to prepare students to the good pedagogies of early childhood education and primary education and to be examplers in the professionin providing the best quality learning environments to our children. The unit has five modules. And in each module, you have a series of topics that will be explored to give you ideas on what you need to know and understand. There are also reading that are recommended for you to read. Take time to read through them. There may be other readings relevant to the unit, and you are encouraged to use them too. The idea here is 'thinking outside the box'- here you must not confine yourselves to the given or provided readings, BUT try to go out of your way and look for relevant ideas that are useful to the unit. There are two Assessment Tasks for this unit. It is compulsory that you pass both assessment tasks in order to pass the unit. Both Assessment Tasks are worth 50% each and you have to get at least 50% and more to pass the unit. Assignment 1-Power Point Presentation and a Word Document to explain each of the slides you have created. Assignment 2- An essay. Click on the Assignments to get a feel of the assignment requirements. The Assessment rubric is also important and I would recommend that you base your assignment from there. If you have questions, feel free to email me on All the best as your journey through Trimester 2.

best wishes Lavinia Tiko

Unit Learning Outcomes & Graduate Attributes

The Learning Outcomes for this unit are available from the Course and Units Catalogue. To access the Learning Outcomes for EDEC101 Perspectives of Children and Childhood, click here. This page can also be accessed following the link in the Unit Summary block in the right hand column on your unit's Home Page. Please refer to them before commencing the unit. In addition, UNE has a policy that identifies the special attributes of a UNE graduate.The policy can befound here. It is expected that, during the course of your undergraduate or

postgraduate degree, you will develop these attributes in conjunction with your discipline knowledge. Those addressed by this unit are reflected in the unit learning outcomes and assessment tasks. This Graduate Attributes are also available via the link above. Where possible, how these Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes relate to each assignment within your unit will be stated within the assignment task's description information. In cases where this is not explicitly stated within an individual assignment you can refer to the Course and Units Catalogue link above to see which outcomes and attributes apply to each assessment task.

Prescribed Text Edwards, S. (2009). Early Childhood Education and Care: A Sociocultural Approach. Castle Hill, Australia: Pademelon Press Recommended Text Elliott, A. (2006). Early childhood education: Pathways to quality and equity for all children. Australian Education Review. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research. Retrieved from Gittins, D. (2008). The historical construction of childhood. In M. J. Kehily (Ed.),Introduction to Childhood Studies (2nd ed., pp. 3549). Maidenhead UK: Open University Press. Langer, B. (2005). Children: The consumer generation. In M. Poole (Ed.), Family: Changing Families,

Students please note! You are encouraged to use the prescribed and the recommended text for this unit, though you may use other reference materials that are deemed relevant. The prescribed text is available on desk loan in the library. Please seek library assistance on how to search for resources.

Unit Rationale

This unit introduces pre-service teachers to perspectives and theories of children and childhood. Understanding their personal perspectives, and the differing and changing perspectives across historical periods and cultures, and how these are influenced by political and economic contexts, are important to understanding current early childhood education and care (ECEC) practices. The unit employs strategies to promote critical selfreflection and the examination of theoretical perspectives, and how both influence policies and practices in ECEC settings. Assessment tasks are designed so that students (i) explore their own experiences of and beliefs about children and childhood, and (ii) apply their understandings of current perspectives and theories to current debates concerning ECEC.

Subject Synopsis/Abstract
This unit will engage you in reflecting on your own perspectives of children and childhood.You will compare and contrast these with historical and contemporary constructs, philosophies and theories of children, childhood and early childhood education. As students and participants of the unit, you will engage with creative forms of expression as well as written argument in analysing how various perspectives inform and influence adult-child relationships. This unit focuses on children from birth to age 5 years.

Unit Structure and Content

Module 1: Childhood and Contructs of Childhood

Students reflect on their own beliefs and experiences of childhood, and compare and analyse their beliefs Students consider the notion of idealised pasts

How can we really understand our own assumptions about childhood? Does it matter?
What difference does it make?

Constructs of childhood -

Contemporary perspectives (e.g. Sorin & Galloways ten constructs) Children in the media
How specific constructs may influence policies and practices.

Historical constructions of children and childhood -

Historical perspectives of children (as discussed by Diana Gittins) Aries historical analyses
Children in art through time.

Cultural & economic constructions of children and childhood -

Consumers & commodities

Popular culture

Module 2: Beliefs, Values & Perspectives in Action in ECEC

Beliefs and perspectives in action -

Analysing the practices and policies experienced while on professional experience

Education versus care

Beliefs and values in early childhood education and care : -

ECEC in history (Australian and global)

ECEC in current Australian society: childrens voices; parents voices; teachers voices

Module 3: Relationships with Children in ECEC

Relationships with children The ethics of relationships with children:

day-to-day relations with children; research with children (confidentiality, informed consent, the gathering and dissemination of information); storage of documentation The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics

Module 4: Foundations & Contemporary Theories & Philosophies in ECEC

Foundational theories and philosophies in early childhood education and care Froebel Montessori

Contemporary theories and philosophies in early childhood education and care Vygotsky Rogoff Gardner
Reggio Emilia

Module 5: Principles and Practice in ECEC

Principles of Practice EYLF
Introduction to: development & learning; observing for learning; pedagogy, planning and play; professional learning and reflection

Assessment overview

Assignments are important in any unit or course of study. They provide a mirror as to how far you have understood the unit/course. In this unit, there are two assignments that you need to do in order to pass the unit. They are compulsory and you need to read and understand the requirements of each assignments well. You are to click on the assessment button to get a view of the requirements. Assignment 1
Assignment type: 2000 Word presentation Learning outcomes: 1, 2, 4 (ACECQA 5.1, 5.2) Weight: 50% Due date: Friday, 2nd August, 2013

Assignment 2 Assignment type: 2000 Word written task Learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 (ACECQA 3.7, 5.2, 5.3, 6.3) Weight: 50% Due date: Friday, 30 August, 2013

THIS IS USEFUL!! Scroll to the bottom of this page to the HELP Section for many useful videos, files and lessons all about assignments, presentation, technological tips and referencing.

Tips for All Assignments Referencing is very important. The School of Education follows the APA 6th edition referencing style.

You can access the guidelines in the PDF in the HELP section at the bottom of the page or click on the link to the right [under the heading, School of Education Assessment Information]. The Academic Skills Office staffs are a wonderful team, who have many free online resources and courses to help you prepare assignments. They are also available for one-to-one, email and phone help.

EDEC101: Perspectives of children and childhood STUDY SCHEDULE PLANNING YOUR WORK To help you keep you with the course, we suggest you allocate at least two hours a day to study. Plan you time using this study schedule.



Assignments, Lecturers & Tutorials

1 1 July-5 July

1 Childhood and constructs of childhood

2 8-12 July

1 Childhood and constructs of childhood

3 15-19 July

2 Beliefs, values & perspectives in action in ECEC

4 22-26 July

2 Beliefs, values & perspectives in action in ECEC

5 29 July-2nd August

3 Relationships with children

Assignment 1 due 2nd August

5-9 August

Relationships with children

7 12-16 August

4 Foundations, contemporarytheories & philosophies in ECEC



MID TRIMESTER BREAK 19-30 August Assignment 2 due Friday 30 August

PRACTICUM PRACTICUM 2 September13 September 8 16-20 September 4 Foundations, contemporary theories & philosophies in ECEC 9 23-27 September 5 Principles of practice in ECEC 2 September-13 September PRACTICUM 2 September13 September


30 September-4 October

Principles of practice in ECEC

Off campus students manage your study time from this schedule and make sure you are well on track with the course throughout the trimester.

On campus there will be an hour of lecture and one two hour tutorial weekly. Make every effort to attend.

Assignment type: 2000 Word Presentation (on Power Point and Word Document) Learning outcomes: 1, 2, 4 (ACECQA CS 5.1, 5.2) Weight: 50% Due date: Friday, 28 March, 2014 Please read through carefully and note the requirements. I would recommend you take note of the assessment rubric which will be used to mark against what you are required to do in your assignment. Assessment Type A creative representations of perceptions, constructs, philsophies and theories of children and childhood and adult-child relationship. And a word document presenting what you will say in your presentation. 50% End of Week 5 - Friday 28 March, 2014 Becoming a good classroom facilitator requires meticulous articulation and the confidence to speak in front of children, parents and other adults. Presentations are an excellent way of building or developing these traits as it grounds a person to be versatile, confident and thus empowered while speaking in front of a crowd, children, and other adults. You are required to do the following: 1. Creatively prepare, create or produce arts or visuals display/representation on slides of how you perceive a child/or children. 2. Create slides on the historical constructs of children and adult-child relationship. 3. Create slides on how philosophers and theories view children and how adult-child relationship is viewed. 4. Create slides on the current perspectives of children and adult-child relationship. 5. Prepare your word presentation with the assumption that the audience is the general public attending a presentation on the perception about children and childhood. 6. With your presentation you are offering a piece of historical and contemporary debate that you would like the audience to know and understand. 7. Keep your words straight forward and to the point. Often the essence

Weight Due date Rationale


and gems of a presentation can be lost in too many words, pictures, explanations or show and tell. Share directly from you r understanding of the module and remind your audience why this information is relevant and/or really worth knowing about. 8.You must reference your work during the presentation and followed with a reference list at the end of your presentation. Use the APA referencing style as this is a requirement in the Schol of Education. 9. You are to submit your original power point file and your word documents with the notes (this is what you will say to the audience). You will submit two files altogether. 10. Both your Power Point and Word Document should be at 2000 words. Think logistically on how you should tease out the number of words in your two documents.

Criteria for Assessment:

The assignment will be assessed according to how well it:

Creates arts-informed representations of perspectives of children, childhood and adult-child relationships; Debates differing historical and contemporary perspectives of children and childhood; and Demonstrates professional standards of communication and literacy.

Submit your assignment by Moodle at the end of week five which would be a Friday. Your assignment should have the necessary details for example, your name and your ID number, the Assignment Number, Due Date, trimester and year. When submitting your assignment please name your file to read - example, mary_luke_assignment 1. We want to receive specific file names and the assignment number. You dont just name your file as assignment 1 or assignment 2 etc. Please follow the instructions for submitting assignments and if you are stuck CALL UNE HELP DESK. They are wonderful and will guide you through step by step as needed. Information Technology Support Service Desk: Telephone: 0267735000 or 1800 763 040, email:

Assignment 2
Assignment type: An Essay of 2000 word (written task) Learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 (ACECQA CS 3.7, 5.2, 5.3, 6.3) Weight: 50% Due date: Friday, 2nd May, 2014 Please read through the assignment carefully and note the requirements. This is important as this is the testing ground on how well you have understood the unit. The assessment rubric is attached and I would recommend you take note of it as it will be used to mark against what you are required to do in the assignment.
AssessmentType Assignment 2 2000 word Written Task (3.7, 5.2, 5.3, 6.3) [1, 2, 3, 4] Prepare a written paper analyzing the current debate about education versus care in the field of early childhood. Weight Due date Rationale 50% End of Week 9 - Friday 2nd May 2014 Facilitators of childrens learning need to have a good solid base of written and spoken use of language whether be it in English or in vernacular languages. As for written word tasks, critical and reflective analysis is important. The process of examining, analyzing information, drawing on and justifying points are vital; in other words validating your thoughts. In this assignment you will need to provide an in-depth discussion of 'education versus care' in the light of the foundation and contemporary theories of children and childhood, including the historical perspectives of children. Requirement In this assignment, the following are required:

Criteria forAssessment:

An introduction to the assignment Discuss, debate and evaluate foundation and contemporary theories of children and childhood in relation to education versus care Discuss, debate,analyse and evaluate historical perspectives on children in relation to education versus care Discuss, debate, analyze and evaluate contemporary perspectives of children in relation to education versus care Conclusion Reference list

The assignment will be assessed according to how well you:

Introduce the assignment Discuss, debate and evaluate foundation and

contemporary theories of children and childhood in relation to education versus care Discuss, debate,analyse and evaluate historical perspectives on children in relation to education versus care Discuss, debate, analyze and evaluate contemporary perspectives of children in relation to education versus care Weave in examples from Australia's Education national documents, or state documents as examplaries to 'education versus care' in your discussions. Demonstrates professional standards of communication and literacy. Appropriate referencing style (as per School of Education, APA)

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