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DAVID A. d e SILVA, Ph.D . Trus t e e s Dis ti n g u i s h e d Prof e s s o r of Ne w Tes t a m e n t an d Gre e k Ashl a n d The ol o g i a l S e m i n a r ! " #$ % &en t e r Str e e t " Ashl a n d , '( )) * % + ,) $ # - .* # / $0 1 0 " dd e s i l 2 a 3 a s h l a n d . e d u 4D5&ATI'N : Ph.D . ,6eli g i o n 7 N e w Tes t a m e n t - , 4mor! 5ni2 e r s i t ! , $# # + . Dissert a tio n: Des pising Sha m e : The Social Function of the Rhetoric of Honor and Dishonor in the Epistle to the Hebr e s ! "advisor: #u$e T% &ohnson'% 8. Di2., Prin e t o n The ol o g i a l S e m i n a r ! , $# # % . Thesis: (aul)s Defen s e *f His +postola t e ,n - .orinthia n s : .onflicting /nders t a n di n g s of +postolic #egitim a tio n and Their ,mplication s for the 0osp el! "advisor: &% .hristia a n 1e$er'% A. 9. ,4n gli s h - , Prin e t o n 5ni2 e r s i t ! , $# * 1 . Thesis: *ld 2ine3 4e 2ines$ins: The Refor m of +nglican Homiletics during the Seve n t e e n t h .entur 5! "advisor: Seth #erer'% A &AD48I& 48PL':84NT : Ashl a n d The ol o g i a l S e m i n a r ! 3 +shland3 *H Trust e e s) Distinguis h e d (rofes s or3 -667- pres e n t 8 (rofes s or3 -66--6678 +ssociat e (rofes s or3 199:- -66-8 +ssista n t (rofes s or3 1997- 199:% Cours e s taug h t: 4e Testa m e n t ,ntrod uc tion , and ,,8 1iblical 0ree$ ,3 ,,3 and ,,,8 E;eg e tic al 0ree$ , and ,,8 #atin , and ,,8 Speciali<ed E;eg e sis .ours e s "0alatia n s 8 - .orinthia n s 8 1 and - Thess alo ni a n s 8 Hebre s8 &ame s = &ude8 1 (eter8 the Revelation of &ohn'8 &udais m in the Secon d Temple (eriod8 +pocal5p tic #iterat ur e 8 Dead Sea Scrolls8 Senior Semin a r in 1iblical Studie s8 1iblical Found a tio n s of Form a tion al .ouns eling "D% >in% (rogra m ' &olo m ; o The ol o g i a l S e m i n a r ! 3 .olomb o3 Sri #an$a ?isiting (rofes s or of 4e Testa m e n t 3 Fall -6163 Sum m e r -61Cours e s Taugh t: E;eg e sis of 0alatia n s "+ugus t -616'8 E;eg e sis of Revela tion "Sept e m b e r -616'8 Hebr e s "&ul5 -61@'8 - .orinthia n s "&ul5 -61@' Trinit! S h o o l for 8inis tr ! 3 (ittsbur g h 3 (+ ?isiting (rofes s or of 4e Testa m e n t 3 Sum m e r -616 Cours e Taught: ,ntroduc tio n to the +pocr5p h a 3 &une -616

deSilva- -

<ull er The ol o g i a l S e m i n a r ! 3 (as a d e n a 3 .+ ?isiting (rofes s or of 4e Testa m e n t 3 Sum m e r -66A Cours e Taught: 4e Testa m e n t E;eg e sis: E;eg e sis of 1 (eter

&andl e r S h o o l of The ol o g ! 3 +tlant a3 0+ +ssista n t ,nstructor3 199A- 19978 +dBunct Facult53 199-- 199A8 Cours e s Taugh t: E ;eg e sis of the Revela tion of &ohn "4T @@9'8 ,ntrod uc tion to the +pocr5p h a "*T @7-'8 4e Test a m e n t 0ree$ "1# @@1 and @@@'8 Social Scienc e s and 4T ,nterpr e t a ti o n "4T @-6'% P 59LI&ATI'NS 1. A CADEMIC B OOKS The Jewish Teach er s of Jesus, James, and Jude: What Earliest Christianity Learne d from the Apocryp h a and Pseud e pi gr ap h a "*;ford and 4e Cor$: *;ford /niversit5 (ress3 -61-'% The Letter to the He re w s in !ocial" !cientific .omp a nio n s 8 Eugen e 3 *R: .asc a d e 3 -61-'% Persp ec ti# e ".asc a d e

Jude, in James and Jude, ith &ohn (aint er "(aideia .om m e n t a ri e s 8 0rand Rapids3 >,: 1a$er +cade mic3 -61-'% The Apocryp h a ".ore 1iblical Studies 8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -61-'% $lo al %eading s: A !ri Lan&an Com m e n t a r y on the Letter to the $alatians "Euge n e 3 *R: .asca d e 1oo$s3 -611'% Sinhale s e transla tion "Dohu al a3 Sri #an$a: .TS (ublishing3 forthco mi n g '% !eeing Things John's Way: The %hetoric of the (oo& of %e# elation "#ouisville3 DC: 2est min s t e r &ohn Dno; (ress3 -669'% )espising !ha m e : Honor )iscours e and Com m u ni t y *ainte n a n c e in the Epistle to the He re w s +%e#is e d Edition, "Studia 1iblica -18 +tlant a: Societ5 of 1iblical #iterat ur e 3 -66:'% - *acca e e s : .ntroduc tio n and Com m e n t a r y on the $ree& Te/t of Code / !inaiticus "#EE .om m e n t a r 5 Series8 #eiden: 1rill3 -66F'%
Revie e d b5 &an 2illem van Hent e n3 Journal for the !tud y of Judais m in the Persian, Hellenistic and %om a n Period @9 "-66:' @99- A668 Robert &% Hieb ert3 Catholic (i lical 0uart erly F9 "-66 G' GG1- GG@8 Hans- &osef Dlauc$3 (i lica :9 "-66 :' -:A- -::8 >artin RHsel3 1eitsc hrift f2r die altt es t a m e n t lich e Wiss e n s c h a f t 1-6 "-66 :' AG@8 >icha el F% 1ird3 E/posit ory Time s 11: "-66 G' 711%

deSilva- @

An .ntroduc tion to the 3ew Testa m e n t : Conte / t s , *etho d s 5ormation "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit53 -66A'% .hines e "Tai an: .amp u s Evang elical Fello s hip (ress3 -61@'% Dorea n "Seoul: .hristian #iterat ur e .rus a d e 3 -61@'% +rabic and transla tion s in progr e s s %

4 *inistry tran sl a tio n transla tion (ortug u e s e

Revie e d b5 Russ ell (rege a n t 3 .nterpret a tion F6I1 "-66F' 1618 (eter *a$es3 J!3T -GI7 "-667' G- :8 Devin #% +nderso n3 %(L G "-66 7' -:F- ::8 Darian R% #oc$ett3 *idwe s t er n Journal of Theolog y ">arch -66 7' 96- 9-8 +ndre 0regor53 Church of Englan d 3ews p a p e r "&ul5 13 -667' 1-- 1@8 Donal d 0% >ac$a53 The *ont hly %ecord "Sept e m b e r -66 7' 1A%

.ntroducin g the Apocryp h a: *essa g e , Conte / t, and !ignificanc e Rapids3 >,: 1a$er +cade mic3 -66-'% .hines e transla tion3 -616%

"0ran d

Revie e d b5 &ohn &% .ollins3 E/posit ory Tim e s 11: "-66F' AA8 (hillip &% #ong3 Trinity Journal 3 ns -G "-66 F' 1G-- 1GA8 Simon &% 0ath e rc ol e3 J!3T -: "-66 F' 11G8 1% (aul 2olfe3 ((% 17I- "-667' @69- @168 (% &% Harlan d3 6T 77I- "-667' -:6- :18 Eric 4off$e3 %(L " %boo$r e vi e s% or g' "-667'8 Don (olas$i3 .nterpret a tion 79I1 "-66 7' :9- 968 Sara h Henrich3 Word and World -AI1 "-66 A' 166- 16A8 Step h e n Felder3 %(L F "-66 A' -9A- 9F8 Herb ert 1ate m a n ,?3 JET! AGI@ "-66 A' 76A- 76F8 .harle s Talbert3 Pers %el !tud @6IA "-66 @' A:A- :78 &ere m 5 .orle53 C(0 F7IA "-66 @' F19- -18 Daniel &% Harringt o n 3 S%&%3 Theological !tudi e s FAIA "-66@' :GF8 Daniel >% 0urtn e r3 Trin J 4S -AI1 "-66 @' 1@1- @A8 Driste n De Tro5er3 %el !tud %e# -9IA "-66 @' @G68 Robin 0% 1ranc h3 7TE 1FI@ "-66 @' G:9- 968 Hans- &osef Dlauc$3 Journal of %eligion :@IA "-66 @' F6:- F698 &% T% 2illiam s3 J!7T (oo& List .ssue -GI7 "-66 @' 1F@8 Richar d +llison3 Ash Th J @7 "-66@' 1@1- @-8 Step h e n Da es3 *etho dist %ecord er "+pril -A3 -66@' 1G8 Edith >% Hum p h r e 53 %(L " %boo$r e vi e s% or g' "-66 @'8 &ohn 15ron3 The m e lio s -9I- "-66 @' 7@- 7A%

3ew Testa m e n t The m e s "St% #ouis3 >*: .halice (ress3 -661'%

Revie e d b5 .harle s Talbert3 Pers %el !tud -:I@ "-66 1' @69- 168 Ronald +llen3 Homiletic -GI1 "-66 -' -:- -9%

Honor, Patrona g e , 8inship, and Purity: 9nloc&ing 3ew Testa m e n t "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 -666'%


Revie e d b5 .arol5n *sie$3 C(0 FA "-66-' 17F- 7G8 Denn et h 1erding3 JET! A7I"-66-' @7A- 7F8 Denn et h #it a$3 %e#i e w of (i lical Literature A "-66-' @--- @A8 Ritva H% 2illiam s3 .nterpret a tion 77IA "-661' A@:3 AA6%

Perse # er a n c e in $ratitud e: A !ocio" %het orical Com m e n t a r y on the Epistle to the He re w s "0ran d Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -666'%
Revie e d b5 2olfgan g Draus3 4eu e r e +nsJt< e in der E;eg e s e des HebrJ e r b ri ef e s 3! 6er&2n di g u n g und 5orschu n g A:I- "-66 @' F7- :68 (aul Elling ort h3 E# 0 GAI1 "-66 -' GG- G:8 0abriel #ope<3 8airos @6I1 "-66-' 1-G- -:8 (am el a Eisen b a u m 3 Ang Theol %e# :AI- "-66-' A1G- 1:8 Harold 2% +ttridge3 (i lica :-IA "-66 1' 7:A- :F8 &ame s Thom p s o n 3 %es 0 A@I@ "-66 1' 1:G- :98 >oschos 0out<iou di s3 %(L @ "-661' AF@- FF8 +rnold S% 1ro n e3 JT! 7-I1 "-661' -:7- :G8 David >% Ha53 .nterpret a tion 77I- "-661' 191- 19-8 .laus- (eter >Jr<3 Theologisc h e Literat ur: eit u n g 1-FI 1 - "-66 1' 1-G:- G98 .harles Talbert3 Pers %el !tud -:I- "-66 1' 1A1- A-8 .raig Doest er3 C(0 F-IA "-66 6' GA9- 768 #ouise #a ren c e 3 Theological (oo& %e#i e w +98, 1@I1 "-666'8 #ionel

deSilva- A
2ic$ha m 3 Church Tim e s +98, "4ove m b e r "-666' -:% -A3 -666'8 4eville .lar$3 E/p T 11-I 1

The Hope of $lory: Honor )iscours e and the 3ew Testa m e n t ".olleg e ville3 >4: #iturgical (ress3 19998 repr% Eugen e 3 *R: 2ipf = Stoc$3 -669'% (ublishe d in (ortug u e s e as A Esperan; a da $l<ria "SJo (aulo3 1ra<il: (aulina s3 -667'%
Revie e d b5 4% .la5ton .ro53 Ash Th J @- "-66 6' 117- 1G8 &erom e .nterpret a tion 7AI- "1999' 199- -66% H% 4e5re 53

- *acca e e s "0uides to the +pocr5p h a and (seud e pi g r a p h a 8 Sheffield: S+(3 199:'%

Revie e d b5 &% R% 1artlet t3 JT! 71I1 "-66 6' -1G- 1:8 &% Snait h3 J!7T (oo& List .ssu e :A "1999' 1FG8 Sara h (earc e3 JJ! 76I1 "199 9' 17-%

)espising !ha m e : Honor )iscours e and Com m u ni t y *ainte n a n c e in the Epistle to the He re w s "Societ5 of 1iblical #iterat ur e Dissert a tio n Series 17-8 +tlant a: Scholars (ress3 1997'%
Revie e d b5 2olfgan g Draus3 4eu e r e +nsJt< e in der E;eg e s e des HebrJ e r b ri ef e s 3! 6er&2n di g u n g und 5orschu n g A:I- "-66@' F7- :68 Don 4% Ho ell3 &r%3 JET! A-I1 "1999' 1F1- F@8 (eter H% Davids3 C(0 F6 "199:' @F@- FA8 &% ?erhe 5d e n 3 Eph Th L G@I1 "199G' 1:7- :G8 Hans- Friedrich 2eiss3 Theologisc h e Literatur: eit u n g 1-- "199G' FFG- F98 Harm 2% Holland e r3 (i lioth e c a 7rient alis 7AI@- A "199G' A:A- :F8 1ruce &% >alina3 J(L 11FI - "199G' @G:- G98 Ruth +nn Rees e3 J!3T F7 "199 G' 1-A8 .la5ton .ro53 AshTJ -9 "199G' 1A@- A7%





P OPULAR A UDIENCES %e# elation's Warning "(eab o d 53 >+:

9nholy Allegianc e s: Hendric$s o n3 -61@'%

Heedin g

Apocryp h a ",mm e r sio n 1ible Studies 8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -61@'% !acra m e n t al Life: !piritual 5ormation throu g h the (oo& of Com m o n Prayer "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit53 -66:'% .n#itation to the 3ew Testa m e n t : Participant $uide "co- auth or e d ith Emers o n (o er58 Disciple Short- Term Studie s8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -667'% .n#itation to the 3ew Testa m e n t : )igital 6ideo )is& " ith Emers o n (o er5 and gue s t s +m5- &ill #evine3 D% D% Ceo3 and 2illiam 2illimon8 Disciple ShortTerm Studie s8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -667'% Afterlife: 5inding Hope in the 5ace of )eath "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -66@'% Paul and the *aced o nian s "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -661'% Praying with John Wesle y "4ashville3 T4: Disciples hip Resourc e s 3 -661'%

deSilva- 7

(earing Christ=s %eproach: The Challeng e of He re w s in an Honor Culture "4% Richlan d Hills3 TE: 1er$ele 5 ,nstitut e for 1iblical +rcha e olog 5 and #itera t u r e (ress3 1999'%
Revie e d b5 >ousch o s 0out<iou di s3 %(L A "-66-' A@:- AA68 Donal d Senior3 The (i le Toda y @9IA "-66 1' -7A%

The Cred e n tials of An Apostle: Paul=s $osp el in > Corinthians ? throug h @ "4% Richland Hills3 TE: 1er$ele5 ,nstitut e for 1iblical +rcha e olo g 5 and #itera t u r e (ress3 199:'% 9ntold !tories of the (i le "co- auth or e d ith Dr% #incoln oo d3 ,#: (ublication s ,ntern a tio n al #td%3 199:'% 3 A . B OOK S P RESS Testa m e n t 8 2aco: 1a5lor ?ictor >atth e s 8


$alatians "1a5lor Handb o o$ s on the 0ree$ 4e /niversit5 (res s3 -61@'% 3 B . B OOKS P REPARATION ( ANTICIPATED



$alatians "4e ,ntern a tio n al .omm e n t a r 5 on the 4e Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -61A'%

Test a m e n t 8 0rand

A !ocio" rhetorical Com m e n t a r y on the %e# elation of John "0ran d Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -617'% !tudie s in - *acca e e s : %hetoric and %ece p tio n "1erlin: 2alter de 0ru5t e r3 -61A'% The 3ew Testa m e n t ,nter?arsit53 -617'% > Corinthians Stoc$3 -61F'% "4e and Christian 5ormation "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#:

.oven a n t

.om m e n t a r 5

Series8 Eugen e 3

*R: 2ipf =

A )ay .n the Life of Ephes u s "Do n er s 0rove: ,nter?arsit53 -61G'% 4. S ELECTED A RTICLES




S e o n d Tem = l e >udai s m The 4oble .onte s t: Honor3 Sha m e 3 and the Rhetorical Strat e g 5 of A >accab e e s 3 ! Journal for the !tud y of the Pseud e pi gr ap h a 1@ "1997' @17G% The 2isdo m of 1en Sira: Honor3 Sha m e 3 and the >ainte n a n c e of the ?alues

deSilva- F

of a >inorit5 .ulture3! Catholic (i lical 0uarterly 7: "199F' A@@- A77% The Dead Sea Scrolls and Earl5 .hristianit53! !ew a n e e Theological %e#ie w @9 "199F' -:7- @6-% Fourth E<ra: >aintaining &e ish .ultural ?alues Throug h +pocal5ptic Rhetoric3! in #% 0% 1loomK uis t and 0reg .are53 eds%3 6ision and Persuasion: %het orical )im e n sio n s of Apocaly p tic )iscours e "St% #ouis3 >*: .halice (ress3 1999'3 1-@- 1@9% 2h5 Did 0od .hoos e +brah a m L ! (i le %e#ie w 1F%@ "&une -666' 1F- -13 A-AA% The Sinaiticus Te;t of A >accab e e s 3 ! Catholic (i lical 0uarterly F: "-66F' AG- F-% Seve n (ap5ru s Frag m e n t s of a 0ree$ >anus cript of E;odus3! 6etus Testa m e n t u m 7F "-66F' 1A@- G6% The (erfection of M#ove for *ffspring): 0ree$ Repre s e n t a ti o n s of >atern al +ffection and the +chieve m e n t of the Heroin e of A >accab e e s 3 ! 3ew Testa m e n t !tudie s 7- "-66F' -71- -F:% &udith the HeroineL #ies3 Seduction3 and >urder in .ultural (ersp e c tiv e3 (i lical Theolog y (ulletin @F "-66F' 77- F1% M+nd 4ot a Drop to Drin$): The Stor5 of David)s Thirst in the &e ish Scriptur e s 3 &oseph u s 3 and A >acca b e e s 3 ! Journal for the !tud y of the Pseud e pigra p h a 1F "-66F' 17- A6% 4ever 2ithout a 2itnes s : The +pocr5p h a and Spiritual Form a tion3! Ashland Theological Journal @: "-66F' GG- :9% Five >ore (ap5ru s Frag m e n t s from a 0ree$ .ode; of E;odus3! (ulletin of the .nterna tional 7rgani:ation of !ept u a gi n t and Cognat e !tudie s A6 "-66G' 1- -9% /sing the >aster)s Tools to Shore /p *ur Hous e: + (ostcolonial +nal5sis of - *acca e e s 3! Journal of (i lical Literatur e 1-G%1 "-66G' 99- 1-G% &esus and &ames in the School of 1en Sira: The impac t of an e;tr ac a n o nic al sag e on the first found e r s of .hristianit53! Theologie f2r die Pra/is @@ "-66G' :A- 9G% &e ish >art5tolog5 and the Deat h of &esus3! in 0erb er n *ege m a and &ames H% .harles or t h 3 eds%3 The Pseud e pigra p h a and Christian 7rigins: Essay s from the !tudioru m 3o#i Testa m e n t i !ocieta s "#ondo n: T% = T% .lar$3 -66:'3 71- FG% M+n E;am pl e of Ho to Die 4obl5 For Religion): The ,nfluenc e of A >accab e e s on *rigen)s E/hortatio ad *artyriu m 3! Journal of Early Christian !tudie s 1G "-669' @@G- @77% + 1ibliogra p hic 0uide to the +pocr5p h a and (seud e pi g r a p h a 3 ! Ashland Theological Journal A- "-616' F1- 169% +lso publish e d 3 in slightl5 modified form3 as part of the 7/ford (i liograp hi e s 7nline: (i lical !tudie s dat a b a s e % The Huma n ,deal3 the (roble m of Evil3 and >oral Respo n sibilit5 in *acca e e s 3! (ulletin for (i lical %es e arc h -@ "-61@' 7G- G:% &e s in the Diaspor a3! pp% -G-- -96 in &oel 1% 0ree n and #ee >% >cDonald3 eds% The World of the 3ew Testa m e n t : Cultural, !ocial, and Historical Conte / t s "0rand Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -61@'% The Hellenistic (eriod3! forthco mi n g in Ric$ Hess and 1ill +rnold3 eds%3 Ancient .srael's History: An .ntroduc tion to .ssue s and !ource s "0ran d

deSilva- G

Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic'% +mbros e)s /se of A >acca b e e s in )e Jaco et 6ita (eata : Some .orrectiv e s 3! forthco mi n g in Journal of Early Christian !tudie s -- "-61A'% Lett e r to th e (e;r e w s Despising Sha m e : + .ultural- +nthropological ,nves tig a tio n of the Epistle to the Hebr e s3! Journal of (i lical Literatur e 11@ "199A' A79- A:1% E;cha n gin g Favor for 2rath: +posta s 5 in Hebr e s and (atron- .lient Relations 3! Journal of (i lical Literatur e 117 "199F' 91- 11F% The Epistle to the Hebr e s in Social- Scientific (ersp e c tiv e3! %estoration 0uarterly @F "199A' 1- -1% Hebre s F:A- :: + Socio- Rhetoric al ,nves tig a tio n3! Tyndale (ulletin 76 "1999' @@- 7G3 --7- -@7% Escha t olog 53 Rest3 and the Rhetoric al Strat e g 5 of Hebr e s3! Trinity Journal -14S "-66 6' -7- A@% The ,nvention and +rgum e n t a t iv e Function of (riestl5 Discours e in the Epistle to the Hebre s 3! (ulletin for (i lical %es e arc h 1F "-66F' -97- @-@% Ho 0ree$ 2as the +uthor of MHebre s)L! pp% F-9- F76 in Stanle 5 (orter and +ndre (itts "eds%'3 Christian 7rigins and $reco" %o m a n CultureA Early Christianity in .ts Hellenistic Conte / t A 6olu m e ? "#eiden: 1rill3 -61-'% The 6e2 e l a t i o n of >ohn The Social Setting of the +pocal5p s e of &ohn: .onflicts 2ithin3 Fears 2ithout3! Wes t m i n s t e r Theological Journal 7A "199-' -G@- @6-% The Revela tion to &ohn: + .ase Stud5 in +pocal5ptic (ropa g a n d a and the >ainte n a n c e of Sect aria n ,dentit53! !ociological Analysis + no !ociolog y of %eligion, 7@ "199-' @G7- @97% The ,mag e of the 1eas t and the .hristian s in +sia >inor3! Trinity JA 1-4S "1991' 1:7- -6F% The .onstr uc tio n and Social Function of a .ount e r- .os mo s in the Revela tion of &ohn3! 5orum 9:1- - "199@' AG- F1% Honor Discours e and the Rhetoric al Strat e g 5 of the +pocal5ps e of &ohn3! Journal for the !tud y of the 3ew Testa m e n t G1 "199:' G9- 116% The (ersu a siv e Strat e g 5 of the +pocal5ps e : + Socio- Rhetoric al ,nves tig a tio n of Revela tion 1A:F- 1@3! !ociet y of (i lical Literatur e !e min ar Papers @G "199:' G:7- :6F% + Socio- Rhetorical ,nves tig a tio n of Revela tion 1A:F- 1@: + .all to +ct &ustl5 to ar d the &ust and &udging 0od3! (ulletin for (i lical %es e arc h 9 "1999' F7- 11G% Final Topics: The Rhetoric al Functions of ,ntert e ; t u r e in Revelation 1A:1AN 1F:-13! pp% -17- -A1 in D% F% 2atso n3 ed%3 The .ntert e / t ur e of Apocalyp tic )iscours e in the 3ew Testa m e n t "S5mp o siu m Series8 +tlant a: Societ5 of 1iblical #iterat ur e 3 -66-'% To ard a Socio- Rhetoric al Ta;ono m 5 of Divine ,nterv e n tio n: >iracle Discours e in the Revela tion to &ohn3! in D% 1% 0o ler3 #% 0% 1loomK uis t3 and D% F% 2ats on "eds%'3 5a rics of )iscours e: Essay s in Honor of 6ernon 8A %o ins "Harrisb ur g3 (+: Trinit5 (ress ,ntern a tio n al3 -66@'3 @6@- @1F% The Revela tion to &ohn and the (ractice of .hristian .ouns eling3! As ur y

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Theological Journal 3 F6I1 "-66F' FG- :G% 2hat Has +thens To Do 2ith (at mo s L Rhetorical .riticis m of the Revela tion of &ohn "19:6- -667'3! Currents in (i lical %es e arc h F%- "-66:' -7F- -:9% E >ar$s the SpotL + .ritiKu e of the /se of .hias m in >acro- Structur al +nal5s e s of Revela tion to &ohn3! Journal for the !tud y of the 3ew Testa m e n t @6 "-66:' @A@- @G1% The Strat e gic +rous al of Emotions in the +pocal5ps e of &ohn: + Rhetoric alcritical ,nves tig a tio n of the *racles to the Seve n .hurch e s 3! 3ew Testa m e n t !tudie s 7A "-66:' 96- 11A% Seeing Things &ohn)s 2a5: Rheto gr a p h 5 and .once p t u al 1lending in Revela tion 1A:F- 1@3! (ulletin for (i lical %es e arch 1: "-66:' -G1- -9:% The Strat e gic +rous al of Emotions in &ohn)s ?isions of Roma n ,mperialis m: + Rhetorical- .ritical ,nves tig a tio n of Revelation A- --3! 3eot e s t a m e n t i c a A"-66:' 1- @A% *ut of *ur >indsL +ppe als to Reas o n " Logos ' in the Seve n *racles of Revela tion -- @3! Journal for the !tud y of the 3ew Testa m e n t @1 "-66:' 1-@- 177% *n the Sideline s of the Pi/stij Xristou~ deb a t e : The ?ie from Revelation3! pp% -79- -GA in >ichael 1ird and (resto n Sprin$le "eds%'3 The 5aith of Jesus ChristB E/eg e tical, (i lical, and Theological !tudie s ".arlisle: (atern o s t e r and (eab o d 5: Hendric$so n3 -669'% Readin g Revelation in Sri #an$a3! Asia Journal of Theolog y -G "-61@' -1- @G% Paul >eas uring (enultim a t e +gains t /ltima t e Realit5: +n ,nves tig a tio n of the ,ntegrit5 and +rgu m e n t a t i o n of - .orinthia n s 3! Journal for the !tud y of the 3ew Testa m e n t 7- "199@' A1- G6% Recas tin g the >ome n t of Decision: - .orinthia n s F:1A- G:1 ,n ,ts #iterar5 .onte; t3! Andre w s 9ni#ersity !e min ar y !tudie s @1 "199@' @- 1F% 4o .onfiden c e in the Flesh: The >eaning and Function of (hil @:-- -13! Trinity Journal 174S "199A' -G- 7A% >eeting the E;igenc 5 of a .omple; Rhetoric al Situa tion: (aulOs Strat e g 5 in - .orinthia n s 1 throu g h G3! Andre w s 9ni#ersity !e mi n ar y !tudie s @A "199F' 7- --% 2orth5 of His Dingdo m: Honor Discours e and Social Engine e rin g in 1 Thess alo ni a n s 3! Journal for the !tud y of the 3ew Testa m e n t 3 FA "199 F' A9- G9% M#et the *ne 2ho .laims Honor Esta blish that .laim in the #ord): Honor Discours e in the .orinthia n .orres p o n d e n c e 3 ! (i lical Theolog y (ulletin -: "199:' F1- GA% 4eith er Tamil 4or Sinhale s e : Reading 0alatia n s ith Sri #an$a n .hristian s 3! pp% @9- 77 in .raig Deen er and >% Daniel .arroll R% "eds%'3 $lo al 6oices: %eadin g the (i le in the *aCority World "(eab o d 53 >+: Hendric$so n3 -61@'% 8is e l l a n e o u s The Feas t in the Te;t: The Ser mo n s Theological %e#ie w, GF "199 A' 9- -F% of #ancelot +ndre e s 3! Anglican

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+t the Thres h old of Heav e n: The (reac hin g of &ohn Donn e as Sacra m e n t of the 2ord3! Anglican 4 Episcopal History 3 A@ "199 A' 7- @A% ,nves tig a tin g Honor Discours e: 0uideline s from .lassical Rhetorician s 3! !ociet y of (i lical Literatur e !e mi n ar Papers @F "199G' A91- 7-7% 1 (eter: Strat e gi e s for .ouns eling ,ndividu als on the 2a5 to a 4e Heritag e 3 ! Ashland Theological Journal @- "-666' @@- 7-% Embod 5in g the 2ord: Sociological E;eg e sis of the 4e Testa m e n t 3 ! pp% 11:- 1-9 in S% >cDnight and 0% *sborn e "eds%'3 The 5ace of 3ew Testa m e n t !tudie s "0ran d Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -66A'% The (att e r n for (reac h e r s : +rchbisho p &ohn Tillotson and the Reform of Ecclesias tic al *rator5 in the Seve n t e e n t h .entur53! Anglican 4 Episcopal History G7 "-66F' @F:- A66% Turning Sha m e into Honor: The (astor al Strat e g 5 of 1 (eter3! pp% 179- 1:F in Robert &e ett3 2a5n e +llo a53 &r%3 and &ohn 0% #ace5 "eds%'3 The !ha m e 5actor: How !ha m e !hap e s !ociet y "Euge n e 3 *R: 2ipf = Stoc$3 -616'% (ublishe d ith a ne section "Embo d 5in g 1 (eter +mong Sri #an$a)s MElect Reside n t +liens)!' in Journal of the Colom o Theological !e mi n ar y G "-61 1' -1- 7F% +ttentiv e to the 2ord: 1iblical Scholars hip and the Devotion al #ife3! Ashland Theological Journal A7 "-61@' -9- 7-% 5. C ONTRIBUTION S R EFERENCE W ORKS
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Revelation3! forthco mi n g in 7/ford Encyclop e dia of (i le and Ethics "gen% ed% Robert 1ra le58 4e Cor$ and *;ford: *;ford /niversit5 (ress'% Rhetoric al .riticis m3! pp% -G@- -:@ in 7/ford Encyclop e dia of (i lical .nterpr e t a tio n "gen% ed% Step h e n >cDen<ie8 4e Cor$ and *;ford: *;ford /niversit5 (res s3 -61@'% 2isdo m of 1en Sira3! - Esdra s3! A >accab e e s 3 ! and +dditions to Daniel3! in The Com m o n English (i le !tud y (i le "ed% &oel 1% 0ree n8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -61@'% ,ntrod uc tion and +nnot a tio n s to A >acca b e e s 3 7utsid e the (i le "@ vols%8 ed% &ame s Dugel3 #a renc e Schiffma n 3 and Emm a n u e l Tov8 (hilad elp hi a: &e ish (ublication Societ53 -61@'3 -@F-- -@9:% The +pocr5p h a and the *ld Testa m e n t Scriptur e s ! and The +pocr5p h a and the 4e Test a m e n t 3 ! pp% -F7- -F: in Ed ard +% Engelbr e c h t "gen% ed%'3 The Apocryp h a: Luthera n !tud y Edition with 3ote sA English !tand ar d 6ersion "St% #ouis3 >*: .oncordia3 -61-'% (seu d e pi gr a p h a 3 ! Encyclop e dia of the (oo&s of the (i le "ed% >icha el .oog a n8 *;ford and 4e Cor$: *;ford /niversit5 (res s3 -611'3 -1-- -:% +pocr5p h a 3! in Cam ridg e )ictionar y of Judais m "ed% &udith 1as$in8 .ambridg e : .ambridg e /niversit5 (res s3 -611'3 19- -1% .ircumcision! in )ictionar y of !criptur e and Ethics "ed% &oel 1% 0ree n8 0rand Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -611'3 1@9- A6% .lean and /nclea n in )ictionar y of !criptur e and Ethics "ed% &oel 1% 0ree n8 0rand Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -611'3 1A7- AG% Deut e r o c a n o nic alsI+pocr5p h a ! in )ictionar y of !criptur e and Ethics "ed% &oel 1% 0ree n8 0rand Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -611'3 --1- -A%

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Hebre s ! in )ictionar y of !criptur e and Ethics "ed% &oel 1% 0ree n8 0rand Rapids: 1a$er +cade mic3 -611'3 @F6- F1% 4ations3 (eoples 3 and Empires 3 (art ,,3! in 0ordon D% Fee and Robert Hubb a r d "eds%'3 Eerd m a n s Com p a nio n to the (i le "0rand Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -611'3 A9-- 97% ,ntrod uc tion and +nnot a tio n s to A >acca b e e s 3 7/ford Annota t e d (i le, - th edition "*;ford and 4e Cor$: *;ford /niversit5 (res s3 -616' @79- @:6% ,ntrod uc tion and +nnot a tio n s to Hebre s 3 The Wesle y !tud y (i le "ed% &oel 0ree n and 2illiam 2illimon8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -66:'3 1A:@- 1A9G% Honor and Sha m e 3 ! in Tremp e r #ong m a n and (eter Enns "eds%'3 )ictionar y of the 7ld Testa m e n t: Wisdo m and Poetical (oo&s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -66:'3 -:G- @66% +pocr5p h a and (seud e pi gr a p h a 3 ! in .raig +% Evans "ed%'3 The Encyclop e dia of the Historical Jesus "4e Cor$ and #ondon: Routled g e 3 -66:'3 17- --% >art5r and >art5rd o m in &e ish #ate +ntiKuit53! in .raig +% Evans "ed%'3 The Encyclop e dia of the Historical Jesus "4e Cor$ and #ondon: Routle d g e 3 -66:'3 @:F- @9@% >acca b e e s 3 Fourth 1oo$ of! in Datherin e Doob Sa$e nf eld "gen% ed%'3 The 3ew .nterpr et er's )ictionary of the (i le "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -66:'3 GAF- G76% Social Scientific .riticis m3 4T! in Datherin e Doob Sa$e nf eld "gen% ed%'3 The 3ew .nterpr et er's )ictionary of the (i le "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -669'3 @11% Hebre s 3 Epistle to the! in Datherin e Doob Sa$e nf eld "gen% ed%'3 The 3ew .nterpr e t er's )ictionar y of the (i leA 6olu m e > "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -66G'3 GG9- G:F% 0ratitud e 3! in Datherin e Doob Sa$e nf eld "gen% ed%'3 The 3ew .nterpr et er's )ictionary of the (i leA 6olu m e > "4ashville3 T4: +bingdo n3 -66G'3 FF-FF@% +pocr5p h a ID e u t e r o c a n o nic als3! in Datherin e D% Sa$e nf eld "ed%'3 3ew .nterpr e t er's )ictionary of the(i leA 6olu m e ? "4ashville: +bingdo n3 -66F'3 197- -66% .ultural Relations hips in the 2orld of the 4e Testa m e n t 3 ! in Stanle 5 (orter "ed%'3 )ictionary of (i lical Criticis m and .nterpr e t a tio n "#ondo n: Routle d g e 3 -66F'3 FG- F9% Hebre s 3! 1 = - (eter3! and &ude! in .% +% Evans "ed%'3 (i le 8nowled g e (ac&grou n d Com m e n t a r y 3 vol% @3 pp% 199- -7F and -:9- @A6 "Elgin3 ,#: .oo$ .om m u nic a tio n s I .hariot ?ictor (ublishing3 -667'% ,ntrod uc tion s and 4otes on 1- A >accab e e s and 1- - Esdra s3 pp%1A 6 7- 1AG63 1A9@- 1F11 in Richard Foster3 Dallas 2illard3 2alter 1rueg g e m a n n 3 and Eugen e (eter s o n "eds%'3 The %eno # ar D !piritual 5ormation (i le "San Francisco: HarperS a nFr a n cis c o3 -667'% +pocr5p h a 3! pp% 7@- 7G in D% &% ?anhoo< e r "gen% ed%'3 )ictionar y for Theological .nterpr e t a tio n of the (i le "0ran d Rapids3 >,: 1a$er +cade mic3 -667'% A >accab e e s 3 ! pp% :::- 961 in &% D% 0% Dunn and &% 2% Rogers o n3 eds%3 Eerd m a n s Com m e n t a r y on the (i le "0rand Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -66@'% Honor and Sha m e 3 ! pp% A@1- A@F in D% 2% 1a$er "ed%'3 )ictionary of the 7ld

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Testa m e n t: Pentat e u c h "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 -66-'% +pocr5p h a and (seud e pi gr a p h a 3 ! pp% 7:- FA in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 -666'% Repr% in D% 0% Reid3 ed%3 )ictionary of the 3ew Testa m e n t "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit53 -66A'% Honor and Sha m e 3 ! pp% 71:- 7-- in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -666'% (atron a g e in the 0reco- Roma n 2orld3! pp% GFF- GG1 in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit53 -666'% Ruler .ult3! pp% 16-F- 16@6 in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionar y of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove% ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -666'% Sirach3! pp% 111F- 11-A in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do n er s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 -666'% Testa m e n t of >oses3! pp% 119-- 1199 in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -666'% @ and A >accab e e s 3 ! pp% FF1- FFF in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ewT e s t a m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -666'% 2isdo m of Solomo n3! pp% 1-F:- 1-GF in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit5 (res s3 -666'% 2riting and #itera t u r e N &e ish3! pp% 1-:9- 1-99 in .% +% Evans and S% (orter3 eds%3 )ictionary of 3ew Testa m e n t (ac&grou n d s "Do ner s 0rove3 ,#: ,nter?arsit53 -666'% 0rac e3! pp% 7-A- 7-F in D% 4% Freed m a n 3 ed%3 Eerd m a n s )ictionary of the (i le "0rand Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -666'% >acca b e e s 3 Third and Fourth 1oo$s of3! pp% :@9- :A1 in D% 4% Freed m a n 3 ed%3 Eerd m a n s )ictionar y of the (i le "0ran d Rapids3 >,: Eerd m a n s 3 -666'% E;alta tion3 Enthron e m e n t 3 ! pp% @79- F@ in (% H% Davids and R% (% >artin3 eds%3 )ictionar y of the Later 3ew Testa m e n t and .ts )e# elo p m e n t s "Do n er s 0rove: ,nter?arsit53 199G'% Heav e n3 4e Heav e n s 3! pp% A@9- A@ in (% H% Davids and R% (% >artin3 eds%3 )ictionary of the Later 3ew Testa m e n t and .ts )e#elop m e n t s "Do ner s 0rove: ,nter?arsit53 199G'% Repe n t a n c e 3 Secon d Repe n t a n c e 3 ! pp% 1611- 17 in (% H% Davids and R% (% >artin3 eds%3 )ictionar y of the Later 3ew Testa m e n t and .ts )e# elo p m e n t s "Do n er s 0rove: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 199G'% ?isions3 Ecsta tic E;perie nc e 3! pp% 119A- 9: in the )ictionary of the Later 3ew Testa m e n t and .ts )e# elo p m e n t s "Do ner s 0rove: ,nter?arsit5 (ress3 199G'% !. B IBLE T RANSLATION EDITORIAL W ORK


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.ontributing Editor3 Le/ha m !ept u a gin t ProCect 3 #ogos Res e a r c h S5st e m s "-667- -66G'% Develop e d pros p e c t u s for proBect and guideline s for the or$ of contribut o r s 3 and recruit e d scholars to or$ on eac h boo$% +pocr5p h a Editor3 The Com m o n English (i le 3 +bingdo n (ress "-66G- -611'% Recruit e d tran sl a tio n tea m s for eac h boo$ of the +pocr5p h a 8 edit e d their or$ after receiving report s from rea d a bilit5 cons ult a n t s and rea ding group s % +lso serv e d as first tran sl a t o r for (ra5er of >anas s e h 3 (salm 1713 and A >acca b e e s 8 cons ulting tran sl a t o r for the Epistle to the Hebre s8 and editor for the Revela tion of &ohn% (ublishe d in The Com m o n English (i le With the Apocryp h a "4ashville: +bingdo n3 -611'% Translat o rIR evis e r3 The Apocryp h a: English !tan d ar d 6ersion 3 *;ford /niversit5 (ress% Respo n sible for the tran sl a tio nIr e vision of Sirach 1- -F3 #ettt e r of &ere mi a h3 (ra5er of >anas s e h 3 (salm 1713 @ >acca b e e s 3 Esdra s3 and A >acca b e e s % (ublishe d in The English !tand ar d 6ersion (i le with the Apocryp h a "4e Cor$: *;ford /niversit5 (res s3 -669'3 pp% 1-@G- FA3 1-99- 1@613 1@G:- 1A@:% ". S C#OLARLY P RESENTATION S Readin g Revelation in Sri #an$a3! &ohnOs +pocal5ps e and .ultur al .ont e; t s +ncient and >odern Section3 -61- 4ation al S1# >eeting ".hicago3 ,#'% (rog5m n a s tic Training and the Rhetoric al .ompo sition of Hebre s 3! Rhetoric and 4e Testa m e n t Section3 -61- 4ation al S1# >eeting ".hicag o3 ,#'% The .ontribution of A >accab e e s to +mbros e O s )e Jaco et #ita eat a 3! Function of +pocr5p h a and (seu d e pi gr a p h a in Earl5 &udais m and Earl5 .hristia nit5 Section3 -61- 4ation al S1# >eeting ".hicago3 ,#'% 4eith er Tamil 4or Sinhale s e : Reading 0alatia n s in Sri #an$a3! -611 +nnual >eeting of the ,nstitut e for 1iblical Res e a r c h "San Francisco3 .+'% (anelist3 Revie of The Com m o n English (i le 3 -611 +nnual >eeting of the Societ5 of 1iblical #itera t u r e "San Francisco3 .+'% &ames and the Testa m e n t of Jo : The Evidenc e for ,ntert e ; t u a lit53! #etter s of &ames 3 (eter3 and &ude Section3 -616 4ation al S1# >eeting "+tlant a3 0+'% (anel Revie of !eeing Things John's Way 3 Rhetoric and 4e Testa m e n t Section3 -669 4ation al S1# >eeting "4e *rlea n s 3 #+'% Ho 0ree$ ,s the +uthor of the #etter to the Hebre s : + Stud5 of the +uthor)s #ocation in Regar d to 0ree$ Paideia 3! Hebre s 0roup3 -66: 4ation al S1# >eeting "1oston3 >+'% *ut of *ur >indsL +ppe als to Reas o n " Logos ' in the Seve n *racles of Revela tion -- @3! Rhetoric and the 4e Test a m e n t Section3 -66: 4ation al S1# >eeting "1oston3 >+'% M+n E;a mpl e of Ho to Die 4obl5 For Religion): The ,nfluenc e of A >accab e e s on *rigen)s E/hortatio ad *artyriu m 3! 4on- cano nic al #itera t u r e Section3 -66G 4ation al S1# >eeting "San Diego3 .+'% Five Frag m e n t s of a 0ree$ .ode; of E;odus3! ,ntern a tio n al *rga ni<a tion for Septu a gi n t and .ogn a t e Studies 3 -66F 4ation al S1# >eeting "2as hing t o n3 D.'%

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Seeing the 2orld Throug h &ohn)s E5es: Rheto gr a p h 5 in Revela tio n3! Rhetoric of Religious +ntiKuit5 Semin a r3 -66F 4ation al S1# >eeting "2as hing t o n3 D.'% Seve n Frag m e n t s of a 0ree$ >anuscript of E;odus3! ,ntern a tio n al *rga ni<a tio n for Septu a gi n t and .ogn a t e Studies 3 -667 4ation al S1# >eeting "(hilad elp hi a3 (+'% (anelist for discus sio n on The Strat e gic Evocation and Shaping of MStor5) in the 4e Test a m e n t 3 ! Rhetoric of Religious +ntiKuit5 Semin a r3 -667 4ation al S1# >eeting "(hilad elp hia3 (+'% The Sinaiticus Te;t of A >accab e e s 3 ! Short (aper3 -667 S4TS >eeting "Halle3 0erm a n 5'% (anelist for discus sio n on (riestl5 Discours e in the 4e Testa m e n t 3 ! Rhetoric and 4e Testa m e n t Section of the -66A 4ation al S1# >eeting "San +ntonio3 TE'% (anelist for discus sio n on >iracle Discours e in the 4e Test a m e n t 3 !Rh e t o ric and 4e Test a m e n t Section of the -661 4ation al S1# >eeting "Denv e r3 .*'% Final Topics: The Rhetoric al Functions of ,ntert e ; t u r e in Revelation 1A:1AN 1F:-13! pres e n t e d as part of pan el discus sion on The ,ntert e ; t u r e of +pocal5ptic a Discours e 3! Rhetoric and 4e Testa m e n t Section of the 1999 4ation al S1# >eeting "1oston3 >+'% The (ersu a siv e Strat e g 5 of the +pocal5ps e : + Socio- Rhetoric al ,nves tig a tio n of Revela tion 1A:F- 1@3! 199: 4ation al >eeting of the S1# "*rland o3 F#'% ,nves tig a tin g Honor Discours e: 0uideline s from .lassical Rhetorician s 3! 199G 4ation al S1# >eeting "San Francisco3 .+'% Honor Discours e and the Socio- Rhetoric al Strat e g 5 of >atth e O s 0osp el3! 199G >id es t Region al >eeting of the S1# ".hicago3 ,#'% 2orth5 of 0odOs Dingdo m: Honor Discours e and Social Engine e rin g in 1 Thess alo ni a n s 3! 199F 4ation al S1# >eeting "4e *rlean s 3 #+'% The 2isdo m of 1en Sira: Honor3 Sha m e 3 and the >ainte n a n c e of >inorit5 .ultur al ?alues3! 1997 4ation al S1# >eeting "(hilad elp hi a3 (+' and Region al >eeting of SE.S*R "0aine s ville3 F#'% Despising Sha m e : + .ultural- +nthropological ,nves tig a tio n of the Epistle to the Hebre s 3! 199A 4ation al S1# >eeting ".hicago3 ,#'8 199A South e a s t e r n Region al >eeting "+tlant a 3 0+'% >eeting the E;igencie s of a .omple; Rhetoric al Situatio n: +n ,nves tig a tio n of the ,ntegrit5 of - .orinthia n s 1- G3! 199@ South e a s t e r n Region al >eeting of the S1#3 .harles t o n3 S.% $. INVITED LECTURES : The &e ish Teach e r s of &esus3 &ame s3 and &ude3! -61@ Spring Ecum e nic al #ectur e3 >ount +lo5sius .ollege3 +pril 113 -61@% +ttentiv e to the 2ord: 1iblical Scholars hip and the Devotion al #ife3! The 5ire of the Word "Renov a r e .onfer e n c e 3 Denver3 .*'3 >a5 A- 73 -61-% Revelation and Roma n ,mperial ,deolog5: +pocal5p s e as .all to Resist a n c e 3 ! 4e *rlean s 1aptist Theologic al Semin a r 53 +pril 1-3 -61-% The &e ish Teach e r s of &esus3 &ames 3 and &ude: The impact of 1en Sira3

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Tobit3 and ? Enoch 3! Florida South e r n .ollege3 +pril -3 -61-% *ensc h e n ild 3 the (roble m of Evil3 and the (roble m of Theodic5 in A >accab e e s 3 ! ,nstitut fPr Evang elisch e Theologie3 /niversit J t *sna br P c$3 +ugus t -@3 -611% The Testa m e n t s of the Twel# e Patriarchs : &e ish or .hristia nL + Reass e s s m e n t 3 ! English- 0erm a n .olloKuiu m3 ,nstitut e for the Stud5 of Earl5 .hristia nit5 and the Evang elisch e- theologisc h e s Semin a r3 /niversit J t TPbing e n 3 &ul5 1:3 -611% Turning Sha m e into Honor: The (astor al Strat e g 5 of 1 (eter3! St% >ar$)s /nited >ethodis t .hurch3 #incoln3 4E3 *ctob er -73 -616% ,s Cour 1ible Thic$ Enoug h L .hallen gin g the 4e Test a m e n t .anon3! .olomb o Theologic al Semin a r 53 .olomb o3 Sri #an$a3 *ctob er 13 -616% The +pocr5p h a and Evang elical .hristia n s 3! .olomb o Theological Semin a r 53 .olomb o3 Sri #an$a3 Sept e m b e r 1G3 -616% The .halleng e of Revelation for .hristian Forma tio n3! ?ander bilt (resb 5t e ri a n .hurch3 4aples3 F#3 >arch -63 -616% (reac hin g Throug h Hebr e s3! (astors) .linic3 Sand b e r g #ead er s hip .ent er3 +shland Theologic al Semin a r 53 +ugust -669% The Heart of the 4e Testa m e n t >ess a g e : To ard a 1iblical Theolog53! -66: Fall #ectur e Series3 +shlan d Theological Semin a r 5% (reac hin g Throug h Revelation3! (astors) .linic3 Sand b e r g #ead e r s hip .ent er3 +shland Theologic al Semin a r 53 Febru a r 5 -669% &esus and &ames in the School of 1en Sira3! Theologisch e s Semin a r Reutling e n 3 0erm a n 53 &une 1@3 -66G% Honor3 Sha m e 3 and (aul3! >c>anis #ectur e3 2hea t o n .olleg e3 2hea t o n 3 ,#3 +pril -66F% The &e ish Teach e r s of &esus and &ames : 2hat the #ead er s of &udea n .hristia nit5 #earn e d from the +pocr5p h a ! /niversit5 of >ichiga n3 +nn +rbor3 >,3 Febru ar 5 --3 -66F% The &e ish Teach e r s of &esus3 &ames 3 and the auth or of Hebre s : 2hat earl5 .hristian #ead er s learn e d from the +pocr5p h a 3! Hamp d e n - S5dn e 5 .olleg e3 *ctob e r -G3 -667% 4ever 2ithout a 2itnes s : The M2ith- 0od) #ife in the ,ntert e s t a m e n t a l (eriod3! Renov a r Q -667 ,ntern a tio n al .onfer e n c e "Denv e r3 .*'% #iving #i$e Cou)ll #ive Forev er3! +shland /niversit5 Spring .onvoc a tio n3 >arch -@3 -667% Readin g the 1ible at Rumr a n 3 +le;an d ri a3 and Ephe s u s 3! public lectur e given on +pril A3 -66A3 From the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Forbidd e n 1oo$! e;hibit3 &ohn S% Dnight .ent e r3 +$ron3 *hio% +cross this Thres h old3! +shland /niversit5 1accala u r e a t e Service3 >a5 113 -661% %. S ELECTED B OOK R EVIEWS : >ewis h an d Gre o / 6om a n 4n2iro n m e n t s &% &% .ollins3 The Scept e r and the Star 3 .nterpr et a tion 76 "199F' A-F- A-:% +lan D% 1o m a n 3 et al3 eds%3 The .ambridg e +ncient Histor5: ?olume E3 The +ugus t a n Empire3 A@ 1%.%- +%D% F9 3 As ury Theological Journal 7- "199G'

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91- 9-% &% &% .ollins3 &e ish 2isdo m in the Hellenistic +ge 3 Ash T J @@ "-661' 11A- 117% &% 2% van Hent e n 3 The >accab e a n >art5rs as Saviours of the &e ish (eople 3 Ash T J @@ "-661' 117- 11F% (eter Enns3 E;odus Retold: +ncient E;eg e sis of the Dep art u r e from Eg5pt in 2is 16:17- -1 and 19:1- 9 3 Ash T J @@ "-661' 117% So i al ?orld of th e Ne w Tes t a m e n t 1ruce &% >alina3 The 4e Testa m e n t 2orld and 2indo s on the 2orld of &esus 8 (he m e (er$ins3 0nosticis m and the 4e Testa m e n t 3 Persp ec ti # e s in %eligious !tudie s 3 -- "1997' G9- :-% #% >ichael 2hite and *% #arr5 Carbrou g h 3 eds%3 The Social 2orld of the First .hristia n s: Essa5s in Honor of 2a5n e +% >ee$s 3 Christian Centur y 11@ "199F' -@G- -@9% Halvor >o;nes "ed%'3 .onstruc tin g Earl5 .hristian Families: Famil5 as Social Realit5 and >etap h or 3 Andre w s 9ni#ersity !e min ar y !tudie s @G "1999' @-G- @-9% Gos = e l s an d A t s David 1auer and >ar$ (o ell "eds%'3 Treas u r e s *ld and 4e : .ontribu tion s to >atth e a n Studie s 3 Ash Th J @6 "199:' 117- 1F% &erom e 4e5re 53 Honor and Sha m e in the 0osp el of >atth e 3 A9!! @: "-666' 1FF- 1F:% Paul &Prgen 1ec$er3 (aul: +postle to the 0entiles 3 Christian Centur y 3 111 "199A' 76A% Daniel 1o5arin3 + Radical &e : (aul and the (olitics of ,dentit5 3 Christian Centur y 3 11- "1997' 7:1- :-% Don 0arlingto n3 Faith3 *bedie n c e and (ers ev e r a n c e : +spects of (aulOs #etter to the Roma n s 3 Critical %e#ie w of (oo&s in %eligion 9 "199F'% 1en 2ithering t o n 3 ,,,3 .onflict and .om m u ni t 5 in .orinth: + Socio- Rhetoric al .om m e n t a r 5 on 1 and - .orinthia n s 3 Andre w s 9ni#ersity !e min ar y !tudie s @7 "199G' 17F- 17:% 0ordon Fee3 (aulOs #etter to the (hilippian s 3 C(0 79 "199G' 7GG- G:% (e;r e w s an d Gen e r a l 4=is tl e s 0eorg e H% 0uthrie3 The Struct ur e of Hebr e s: + Te;t- #inguistic +nal5sis 3 C(0 7G "1997' @97- 9G% Thom a s #ong3 Hebre s 3 Theolog y Today 7AIA "199:' 7GF- GG% ?ictor (fit<ner3 Hebre s 3 C(0 F1 "1999' 1F@- FA% 4% .% .ro53 Endur a n c e in Suffering: Hebre s 1-%1- 1@ in its Rhetorical3 Religious3 and (hilosop hic al .ont e; t 3 %(L - "-66 6' A7-- 7A% 1arth .amp b ell3 Honor3 Sha m e 3 and the Rhetoric of 1 (eter 3 %(L - "-666' A79- F-% #u$e T% &ohnso n3 Hebre s 3 .nterpr e t a tio n F-I- "-66:' 19:- -66% 6e2 e l a t i o n an d A=o a l ! = t i Liter a t u r e (hilip E% Hugh e s 3 The 1oo$ of Revelation 3 Trinity Journal 3 1@4S "199-' 16F-

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16:% &Prgen Roloff3 The Revela tion of &ohn 3 Princeto n !e min ar y (ulletin 3 17 4S "199A' -6G- -69% &ean- (ierre (rQvos t3 Ho to Read the +pocal5p s e 3 (i lical Theolog y (ulletin -7 "1997' 9A% 1ruce >alina3 *n the 0enre and >ess a g e of Revelation: Star ?isions and S$5 &ourne 5s 3 J(L 11F "199 G' GF@- F7% Sverr e 1Se3 0og and >agog: E<e$iel @: N @9 as pre- te;t for Revela tio n 1931G- -1 and -63G- 16 3 J!3T -F "-66@' 1-G- 1-:% Step h e n Smalle53 The Revelation to &ohn 3 (i lical Theolog y (ulletin 3 forthco mi n g % Ne w Tes t a m e n t Intro d u t i o n , 9i;li al Int er = r e t a t i o n an d The ol o g ! &ohn .arroll and &oel 0ree n3 The Deat h of &esus in Earl5 .hristianit5 3 TrinJ 1:4S "199 G' 16-- 167% D% +% .arson3 D% &% >oo3 and #eon >orris3 +n ,ntrod uc tion to the 4e Test a m e n t 3 Christian Centur y 3 169 "199-' A9G- 9:% ?ernon Robbins3 E;ploring the Te;tur e of Te;ts and The Tapes t r 5 of Earl5 .hristia n Discours e 3 Ash Th J @6 "199:' 1-@- -F% ,an 0% 2allis3 The Faith of &esus .hrist in Earl5 .hristian Traditions 3 C(0 7: "199F' 7F:- 7F9% 1& . P UBLIS#ED S ERMON S 2hat *n Earth +re 0ood (rotes t a n t s To Do 2ith SaintsL! Ashland Theological Journal AA "-61-' @7- @9% + Sum m o n s to Sobriet 53! Preaching 19I@ "4ovIDec -66@' 7@- 7A% Deeping 0od)s Sabb a t h 3! Preaching 1:I1 "&ul5- +ugus t -66-' @9- A-% 2hat)s 2rong 2ith a #ittle >urder3! Preaching 7n" line 3 &ul5 -661% *ur 2a$e- /p .all3! Preaching 1FI@ "-666' -9- @-% 0iving Rebirth for ,mmort alit53! Preaching 1AIF "1999' @-- @G% .onvictions3! Pulpit )iges t 3 &anuar 5IF e b r u a r 5 19973 FA- G6% Scribes Traine d for the Dingdo m3! Ashland Theological Journal -9 "199G' 1F% 11 . P UBLICATION S D EVOTIONAL U SE C #URC# ' RELATED C URRICULUM (



Reme m b e r Cour 1aptis m: #iving *ut the .hristian Rite of Transfor m a tio n3! Con# er s a tion s :%1 "-61 6' :F- 91% 1efore 1aptis m: &ohn the 1apti<er and &e ish (urification Rites3! Adult (i le !tudie s .llustrat e d -I1 "-669' 19- --% (hilippian s 3 1 = - Thess alo ni a n s 3! in 3ew .nternation al Lesso n Annual -669-616 "ed% 4an Duerling8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -669'% 1 &ohn and Revela tion: 0od)s .om m u nit 5 4o and in the Futur e3! in 3ew .nterna tional Lesso n Annual >EEF" >EE@ "ed% 4an Duerling8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -66F'% 1 and - .orinthia n s : .alled to .om m u nit 53! in 3ew .nterna tional Lesson

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Annual >EEG" >EEF "ed% 4an Duerling8 4ashville: +bingdo n3 -667'3 @A7A7A% ,ntroduc tio n to Hebre s 3! video seg m e n t for )isciple .: %e#is e d 6ideos "4ashville: /nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e3 -667'% Hebre s : #iving in Faith3! Adult (i le !tudie s &une- &ul5- +ugust -66A "4ashville: /nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e3 -66A'% +n +dvent Sonn e t3! Trinity !e min ar y %e#ie w -7%1 "-66 A' FG% + Sure Found a tio n3! pp% @-G- @@@ in The 9pper %oo m )iscipline s >EEH: A (oo& of )aily )e#otion s "4ashville: /pper Room 1oo$s3 -66-'% #in$- tionar5! "4ashville: /nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e'3 4ove m b e r 19993 >arch -6663 &ul5 -6663 Dece m b e r -6663 +pril -6613 and +ugust -661 issue s % This ma t e ri al has bee n re- issu e d in thre e annu als edite d b5 Dougla s 2ingeier3 8eeping Holy Tim e: Iear A, Iear (, and Iear C "4ashville: +bingdo n3 -661- -66@'% ,ntroduc tio n to Daniel3! video seg m e n t for )isciple .6 "4ashville: /nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e3 -661'% The Ser mo n on the >ount3! Adult (i le !tudie s Teach er "/nite d >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e' 9I1 "Sept e m b e r - 4ove m b e r -661' :- 16% The .hurch e s at (hilippi3 Ephe s u s 3 and .oloss a e 3! Adult (i le !tudie s Teach er "/nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e' :IA "&une- +ugus t -666' -- 7% The /niKue n e s s of the 0osp el of >ar$3! Adult (i le !tudie s Teach er "/nite d >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e' FI@ ">arch- >a5 199:' -- A% .leme n t of +le;an dria3! 2illiam T5nd al e3! and &ohn Donn e3! in 5or All the !aints "ed% .lifton 0uthrie8 +$ron3 *H: *rder of Saint #u$e (ublication s3 1997'% 12 . M USIC P UBLICATION S : &ohannin e 1ene diction3! S+T1 anth e m 3 5olio ?ol% -%@3 pp%@6- @13 +bingdo n (ress3 199-8 re- relea s e 3 2orld #ibrar5 (ublications 3 -616% 1ehold the #amb3! S+T1 anth e m 3 +bingdo n (ress3 1997% Ring 2e 4o of .hrist m a s 3 ! han d b ell arra n g e m e n t 3 +bingdo n (ress3 199:% * .lap Cour Hands3! S+T1 anth e m 3 +bingdo n (res s3 -661% .omfort3 .omfort Ce3 >5 (eople3! S+T1 anth e m ith ens e m b l e 3 +bingdo n (ress3 -6618 re- relea s e 3 .oncordia (ublishing Hous e3 -616% Transfigur a tio n (ra5er3! S+T1 a cap ella anth e m 3 2orld #ibrar5 (ublication s3 -66:% Renais s a n c e Suite! "orga n arra n g e m e n t s of five danc e s b5 Tielma n Sus a t o'3 Church *usic Wor&s h o p vol% 113 nos% 1 "&an- +pr'3 - ">a5- +ug'3 and @ "Sep- Dec'3 +bingdo n (res s3 -661% * .lap Cour Hands3! TT11 ant h e m "re- arra n g e m e n t of S+T1 ant h e m ' 3 +bingdo n (ress3 -669% Two %enaiss a n c e !uite s "orga n arra n g e m e n t s of ten danc e s from Tielma n Sus a t o)s )ans er y e T1771U'3 .oncordia (ublishing Hous e3 -611% .horale (relud e on Allein $ott in der HJh "+ll 0lor5 1e to 0od on High!'3 pp% 7A- 7G in Hym n Prelud e Li rary, #olu m e ? 3 edite d b5 Devin Hildebr a n d 3 .oncordia (ublishing Hous e3 -61-% .horale (relud e on )ie g2ldn e !onn e "The 0olde n Sun!'3 for Hym n Prelude

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Li rary, #olu m e H 3 edite d b5 Devin Hildebr a n d ".oncordi a (ublishing Hous e3 -61@'% A Tim e to )ance: (aroKu e $igues for 7rgan "arra n g e m e n t s of gigue s b5 Hand el3 (ach elb el3 and 1ach'3 1ec$e n h o r s t3 forthco mi n g in -61A% .horale (relud e s on Her:lich tut mir #erlang e n "mor e com m o nl53 * Sacr e d Head3 4o 2ound e d !' and 8ing's Wes t o n "+t the 4ame of &esus!'3 for Hym n Prelud e Li rary, edite d b5 Devin Hildebr a n d ".oncordia (ublishing Hous e3 forthco mi n g in -61A'% A &AD48I& ( 'N'6S , A ?A6DS , < 4LL'?S(IPS : #ill5 Facult5 Fello s 0rant "-616- -611'% +le;an d e r von Humboldt Rese a r c h Fello "-66F- -66G'8 Rene al "Sum m e r -611'% +ppoint e d the si;th Trust e e s) Distinguis h e d (rofes s or of +shland /niversit5 "-667'% E.(+ 0old >edallion + ard Finalist3 Refere n c e and +cade mic 1oo$s3 -667 " An .ntroduction to the 3ew Testa m e n t: Conte / t s , *ethod s 4 *inistry 5ormation T,nter?arsit53 -66AU'% Elect e d to the !tudioru m 3o#i Testa m e n t i !ocieta s "-661'% S1# Region al Scholar "1997'% S1# "SE.S*R' 0radu a t e Stud e n t (aper + ard "199A'% Emor5 /niversit53 0radu a t e School of +rts and Scienc e s Tuition Fello ship "1996- 19918 1991- 199-'8 0radu a t e Fello ship "199 6- 199A'8 +ssista n t ,nstructor s hip "199A- 1997'% A &AD48I& S 46VI&4 : !ociet y of (i lical Literatur e .o- chair " ith #oren &ohns'3 Function of 4on- .anonic al #iterat ur e Section "-669- pres e n t '% Founding .hair3 Rhetoric of Religious +ntiKuit5 Semin a r "-66 7- -616'% Ste erin g .ommit t e e 3 Rhetoric and the 4e Testa m e n t Section "-66A- -616'% Ste erin g .ommit t e e 3 1est Teachin g (ractice s .onsult a tion "-66A- -616'% Ashland Theological !e min ar y Depart m e n t .hair3 1iblical Studie s "-667- -66F8 -66G- -6168 -611- pres e n t ' +cade mic +ffairs .ommit t e e "-667- -66F8 -66G- -6168 -611- pres e n t ' (erson al and (rofes sion al Develop m e n t .om mitt e e "-661- -6678 chair3 -66A-667'% Recruit m e n t .om mit t e e 3 +shland Theologic al Semin a r 5 "-66 -- -66@'% Spiritu al Form a tion3 .hap el3 and Stud e n t #ife .ommit t e e "-66@- -66A3 e;officio as interi m Director of the .hap el8 -616- -611'% #ibrar5 .om mit t e e "199 7- -6618 chair3 199G- -661'% 7ther Editorial 1oard3 Rhetoric of Religious +ntiKuit5 (roBect "199 9- pres e n t '% Editorial 1oard3 Emor5 Studie s in Earl5 .hristianit5 "199 9- pres e n t '%

deSilva- 19

Editorial 1oard3 Journal for the !tud y of 3ew Testa m e n t "199G- -66@'% E;tern al Dissert a tio n E;a min e r3 Fuller Theologic al Semin a r 5 E;tern al Revie e r3 Andre w s 9ni#ersity !e min ar y !tudie s 8 ,nter?arsit5 (res s .onsult a n t 3 /nited >ethodis t (ublishing Hous e "Disciple Series' P 6'<4SSI'NAL 8 48946S(IPS 8 AINTAIN4D Societ5 of 1iblical #itera t u r e !tudioru m 3o#i Testa m e n t i !ocieta s "S4TS' *rdina tion as an Elder in Full .onn ec tio n in the Florida +nnual .onfer e n c e of the /nited >ethodis t .hurch "Elder3 -66A- pres e n t 8 Deaco n3 1997- -66A'% 48PL':84NT P AST'6AL 8 INIST6:


*ne unit of .linical (astor al Educatio n at +$ron 0ener al >edical .ent e r3 +$ron3 *hio "Sum m e r -66@'% Subs titut e (reac h e r at various church e s "prima ril5 thos e her e , hav e also bee n emplo5e d as >inister of >usic Tsee belo U'% ,ntern at St% 0eorg e O s Episcop al .hurch3 Helme t t a 3 4& "Fall 19:9 to Spring 1996'% .amp u s >inister for 2est min s t e r .hoir .ollege3 4ass a u .hristian .ent er3 (rincet o n 3 4& "Sept e m b e r 19:G to 19:9'% 48PL':84NT 8 5SI& 8 INIST6:


*rga nis tIDirec t or of >usic3 .hrist /nited >ethodis t .hurch3 +shland3 *H "+ugus t 199:- pres e n t '% .onfer e n c e *rganis t3 /nited >ethodis t .hurch *hio East +rea3 -669 and -616% 0ues t *rganis t3 Friede n s $irch e "Evan g elisch- met h o dis tisc h e Dirche'3 Tuebing e n 3 0erm a n 5 "-66F- -66G'% ,nterim .hap el .o- ordina t or3 *rganis t3 and Director of the Semin a r 5 .hap el .hoir3 +shland Theologic al Semin a r 5 "-66 @- -66A'% Director of .hoirs3 First /nited >ethodis t .hurch3 +shlan d3 *H "+ugus t 1997 to &une 199:'% ,nterim *rganis tIDirec t or of +shland Semin a r 5 .hap el .hoir "Spring 199G'% *rga nis tI.hoir m a s t e r 3 .hrist *ur Hope #uther a n .hurch3 Riverd al e3 0+ "+ugus t 1996 to &ul5 1997'% +ccomp a ni s t3 .andler .horaliers3 Emor5 /niversit53 +tlant a3 0+ "1991199-'% +ssista n t *rga nis t3 Emor5 /niversit53 +tlant a3 0+ "Spring se m e s t e r 3 1991'% *rga nis tI.hoir m a s t e r 3 St% 0eorg e O s Episcop al .hurch3 Helme t t a 3 4& "Sept e m b e r 19:7 to &une 1996'% Tenor soloist ith .andler .horaliers3 +tlant a 1ach .hoir3 (rincet o n /niversit5 0lee .lub3 (rinceto n Singer s3 and >usica +lta%

deSilva- -6

P 46S'NAL IN<'68ATI'N <amil!@ >arried to Donn a &ean Heitm a n deSilva8 thre e sons: &ames +drian "@I1FI1 9 9 7 '3 &ohn +ustin "GIAI1 9 9 : '3 and &ustin +le;an d e r "1I-AI- 6 6 1 '% 6eligi o u s Affilia ti o n @ /nited >ethodis t 4thni i t ! @ Sinhale s e- +merica n (o; ; i e s @ >usic3 RacKu e t b all3 S immin g3 1i$ing3 .oo$ing% 6 4<464N&4S Dr% #u$e T% &ohnso n Reid Emor5 /niversit5 Editor3 FF: .lifton Road 4E +tlant a3 0+ @6@6 G -@7 th +ve% S% E% Dr% &ame s H% .harles or t h (rincet o n Theologic al Semin a r 5 .4 :-1 (rincet o n 3 4& 6:7A Dr% Senior Daniel 0%

+cade mic N

,nter?arsit5 (res s 1FG@ F ,ssaK u a h 3 2+ 9:6- G

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