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Welcome to the world of Fallout 3: Pen & Paper an entirely free fanmade pen and paper game for

the ridiculously popular video game. I decided to adapt Fallout 3 into a PnP because it just works so well with it's game mechanics. This is vers ion 0.1, If you are playing this you are probably one of my friends helping me t est it, so thanks. Together we can make the most fun experience possible for the Fallout community. -CREATING A CHARACTERAll characters start off with their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. determi nes everything from health to skills. Each value has to be at least 1 with a max imum of 10. You start off with a base of 5 on each stat, plus 5 more points. S.P .E.C.I.A.L. can be adjusted to make your character be better at somethings and w orse at others, you just must always have at least 1 point in each category. S.P .E.C.I.A.L. effects everything from the amount of weight you can carry, how many times you can attack during a turn, your skills, and how likely you are to hit. Here is a rundown of each S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat, and what they do. Strength: Melee Weapons Skill and Carrying Capacity Perception: Energy Weapons, Explosives, and Lockpick Skills, Modifier on hit rol ls. Endurance: Big Guns and Unarmed Skills, and Hit Points Charisma: Barter and Speech Skills Intelligence: Medicine, Repair, and Science skills Agility: Sneak and Small Guns Skills, and Action Points Luck: All Skills Now that you have S.P.E.C.I.A.L. sorted out, we move onto skills. Skills are sep arated into three categories Combat: Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee Weapons, Small Guns, Unarmed Active: Lockpick, Medicine, Repair, Science, Sneak Passive: Speech and Barter. Combat skills determine how much damage you do with any given weapon. Active ski lls effect your environment and how well you are at interacting with it. Passive skills decide how well you interact with Non Player Characters. Figuring your skill scores works like this: 2+ (associated SPECIAL state x2) + ( Luck divided by 2). So if you had an endurance of 5 and a luck of 5 your unarmed would be: 2+(5x2)+(5 divided by 2)=15 (luck is rounded up). Now that we have our SPECIAL and Skills taken care of, we have to figure our Hit Points and Action Points. Hit points are the amount of damage you can take, and Action Points are the number of attacks you can make in a given turn. Hit Point s are 90+ (Endurance x 20) + (Level x 10). So if you are level 1 with an enduran ce of 5, your HP would be 90+(5x20)+(1x10)=200. Action Points are 65 + (Agility x 2). With an Agility of 5 your AP stat would look like this 65+(5x2)=75.

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