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Practice - Creating and Loading the Master Demand Schedule

In this practice you will create a master demand schedule. You will also load your master demand schedule with forecasts and sales orders. The instructor will create a class master demand schedule. The instructor will create a source list and use it to load the student master demand schedules into the class master demand schedule.

Use the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility. You must have access to an Oracle Application ision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Create a Master Demand Schedule !. "reate a Master Demand #chedule.

Load the Master Demand Schedule $. %oad your master demand schedule with forecasts and sales orders.

Review the Master Demand Schedule &. 'eview the master demand schedule information for your forecasted items.

Create a Class Master Demand Schedule (Instructor) (. The instructor will create a class master demand schedule.

Create a Source List (Instructor) ). The instructor will create a source list and use it to load the student master demand schedules into the class master demand schedule.

Review the Class Master Demand Schedule ntries *. erify your master demand schedule entries appear in the class master demand schedule.

Solution - Creating and Loading the Master Demand Schedule

Create a Master Demand Schedule Responsi!ilit" # Manu$acturin% and Distri!ution Mana%er !. $. "reate a Master Demand #chedule. +avigate to the Master Demand #chedules window. &. ,+- Material .lanning / MD# / +ames

0nter the following information1 +ame 2 "reate a name for your master demand schedule Description 2 The description of your master demand schedule Demand "lass 2 Your demand class #elect 'elieve.



#ave your wor3.

Load the Master Demand Schedule *. 4. %oad your master demand schedule with forecasts and sales orders. #elect %oad5"opy5Merge. ,+- Material .lanning / MD# / +ames ,6- %oad5"opy5Merge

7. 8.

The .arameters window displays. 0nter the following information1 Destination #chedule 2 Your master demand schedule #ource Type 2 #pecific 9orecast #ource +ame 2 Your forecast Include #ales Orders 2 All sales orders #ales Order Demand "lass 2 Your demand class Demand Time 9ence 2 Ignore demand time fence #tart Date 2 A date earlier than your earliest forecast or sales order 0:plode 2 Yes

!;. #elect O<= and then select #ubmit. !!. >rite down the concurrent re?uest number and wait for the concurrent manager to finish. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Review the Master Demand Schedule !$. 'eview the master demand schedule information for your forecasted items. !&. +avigate to the Item Master Demand #chedule 0ntries window.

,+- Material .lanning / MD# / 0ntries

!(. %ocate your schedule. !). The information shows in a detailed format.

!*. After you have viewed the forecast entries in the detail format= select 6uc3eted. ,6- 6uc3eted

Create a Class Master Demand Schedule (Instructor) !4. The instructor will create a class master demand schedule. ,+- Material .lanning / MD# / +ames

Create a Source List (Instructor)

!7. The instructor will create a source list and use it to load the student master demand schedules into the class master demand schedule. ,+- Material .lanning / MD# / #ource %ist

!8. The instructor will select %oad5"opy5Merge MD# and enter the following parameters1 Destination #chedule 2 "lassAMD# ,class master demand schedule #ource Type 2 MD# #ource %ist #ource Org 2 #! #ource +ame 2 "lass@#% ,class source name Include #ales Orders 2 All sales orders 0:plode 2 Yes

$;. The instructor will submit the re?uest. Review the Class Master Demand Schedule ntries $!. After the re?uest completes successfully= verify your master demand schedule entries appear in the class master demand schedule. $$. +avigate to the Item Master Demand #chedule 0ntries window. ,+- Material .lanning / In?uiry / MD# / iew 0ntries

$&. 9ind the "lassAMD# schedule. $(. %ocate your item BBA.rodAD in the schedule.

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