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Course 80305A:

Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Length: Published: Language(s): Audience(s): Level: Technology: Type: Delivery Method: 2 Days September 09, 2011 English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Information Workers 200 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Course Instructor-led (classroom)

Show all items Overview Course Details Co ur s e Outline M o d ule 1: Over view This module provides a general overview of Supply Chain in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Les s o ns Introduction Supply Chain

Product Information Management Inventory Management Warehouse Management Quality Management After completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the concepts of supply chain in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Describe the concept of product information management. Discuss the concept of inventory management. Explain the concept of warehouse management. Describe the concept of quality management. M o d ule 2: Pr o d uct Info r ma tio n M a na g ement This module concentrates on how to create and set up a new product. Creating new products is completed through the Product information management module. Les s o ns Introduction Defining Products Modeling Configurable Products Inventory Dimension Groups Authorizing Product Setup in a Legal Entity Finalizing Product Setup in a Legal Entity Default Order and Site Settings Item Pricing Unit of Measure Defining Products as Not Stocked La b : Cr ea te a nd Relea s e Pr o d uct M a s ter s La b : Cr ea te a nd Ap p ly a Pr o d uct Temp la te to M ultip le Pr o d ucts After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the concept of products. Describe the concept of product masters and their variants. Describe the variant configuration technology types.

Discuss inventory dimension groups. Create and release products to an enterprise. Discuss how to finalize a released product. Set up default order settings. Set up item pricing, automatic updates of item prices and costing versions. Set up units of measurement and unit conversion. Describe how to create a not stocked product. M o d ule 3: Invento r y M a na g ement Setup This module concentrates on finalization of product setup. All item-based data that is created in Inventory Management is used by the company accounts for purchases, sales, warehouse management, inventory journals, production, and projects. Les s o ns Introduction Item Groups Item Model Groups Storage and Tracking Dimension Groups Warehouse Management La b : Cr ea te a n Invento r y M o d el Gr o up a nd Ap p ly it to a Relea s ed Pr o d uct After completing this module, students will be able to: Set up an item group. Determine posting types that are associated with item groups and investigate what they are used for. Set up an inventory model group and state the effect of different parameter settings in the groups on items. Set up a site and warehouse and attach it to a product. M o d ule 4: Pur cha s e Or d er s Create purchase orders by using the Header and Line views, purchase order types, and purchase parameters. It also discusses many posting techniques and processes that you can apply when you work with purchase orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Additionally, inventory posting profiles are discussed. Inventory posting profiles control which ledger accounts are used and when they are used, when you are purchasing and selling inventory. Les s o ns Introduction

Working with Purchase Orders Set up Purchasing Parameters Create a Purchase Order Process a Purchase Order Generate Purchase Order Documents Change Management Purchase Order Tasks Purchase Order Inquiries and List Pages La b : Cr ea te Pur cha s e Or d er s La b : Cha ng e ma na g ement After completing this module, students will be able to: Review the various forms and list pages for working with purchase orders. Set up purchasing parameters. Create a purchase order and add lines to it. Process a purchase order. Generate a purchase order receipts list and product receipt. Review the change management process, and set up the system for change management. Review additional tasks that can be completed for a purchase order. Review the list pages and inquiries that are available for purchase orders. M o d ule 5: Ser ia l a nd Ba tch Numb er s This module explains how serial numbers and batch numbers are used and how to set up, allocate, and change serial numbers and batch numbers. Also, it focuses on how to use the serial and batch number tracing functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Les s o ns Dimension Group Tracking Dimensions Manual Allocation Automatic Allocation Tracing La b : Set Up a n Item with M a nua l Allo ca tio n o f Ser ia l Numb er s La b : Set Up a n Auto ma tica lly Allo ca ted Ser ia lized Item

La b : Tr a ce Items After completing this module, students will be able to: Set up a tracking dimension group to allow for serial and batch number allocation. Allocate serial and batch numbers manually to a product. Set up a product to automatically have batch and serial numbers allocated. Use a transfer order to edit serial and batch numbers. Use the trace inventory dimension function to track a product's inventory dimensions. M o d ule 6: Sa les Or d er s This module focuses on how to create sales orders by using the Header and Line views, sales order types, and sales parameters. It also discusses many posting techniques and processes that you apply when you work with sales orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Additionally, inventory posting profiles are discussed. Les s o ns Working with Sales Orders Sales Order Types Set Up Sales Parameters Creating a Sales Order Ship to Multiple Addresses Delivery Schedule Enhanced Delivery Date Control Available Ship and Receipt Dates Order Entry Deadlines Direct Delivery Generate a Sales Order Confirmation Generate a Sales Order Picking List Generate a Picking List Registration Generate a Sales Order Packing Slip Shipping Carrier Interface La b : Cr ea te a Sa les Or d er La b : Setting up Tr a ns p o r t Times La b : Dir ect Deliver y

After completing this module, students will be able to: Review the various forms and list pages for working with sales orders. Determine and apply different sales order types. Set up account receivable order parameters. Create a sales order and add lines to it. Specify multiple delivery addresses for sales order lines. Discuss how to set up a delivery schedule on a sales order. Set up the Delivery dates feature to specify and update requested dates. Use the Available dates feature to specify and update request dates. Create order entry deadlines and order entry deadline groups for sites. Create an order of the Direct delivery type and update the order Review the sales order posting status and profiles. Discuss how to generate a sales order confirmation. Discuss how to generate a sales order picking list. Review the picking list registration process. Discuss how to generate a packing slip for a sales order. Explore the Shipment carrier interface feature. M o d ule 7: Qua lity M a na g ement This module is designed to introduce the Quality management functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Les s o ns Introduction Set Up Quality Management Basics Set Up Automatic Quality Order Generation Create a Manual Quality Order Work with a Non Conformance Quality Reports and Certificates La b : Set Up Qua lity M a na g ement Ba s ics La b : Set Up Auto ma tic Qua lity Or d er Gener a tio n La b : Cr ea te a M a nua l Qua lity Or d er

After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the setup of the quality management features quality control component. Set up automatic quality order generation. Explain how to create and use manual quality orders. Work with a non conformance. Make non conformance correction. Review quality reports and certificate of analysis functionality. M o d ule 8: Invento r y J o ur na ls In this module, students gain an understanding of Inventory journals in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 by reviewing the initial setup and each journal. Inventory journals are used for posting physical and financial inventory transactions including posting issues and receipts, inventory movements, creating Bills of Material, and reconciliation of physical inventory. Les s o ns Introduction Inventory Journals Setup Inventory Adjustment and Movement Journals Transfer Journals Bill of Material Journals Counting Journals Counting Journal Setup Creating and Processing a Counting Journal Tag Counting Journals Inventory Blocking La b : Cr ea te a M o vement J o ur na l La b : Cr ea te a n Invento r y Ad jus tment J o ur na l La b : Cr ea te a Tr a ns fer J o ur na l La b : Cr ea te a Bill o f M a ter ia ls J o ur na l La b : Cr ea te a Co unting J o ur na l After completing this module, students will be able to: Create journal names for inventory journals.

Set up dimension groups and inventory dimensions for journals. Set up posting for inventory journals Create and process inventory adjustment and movement inventory journals. Create and process a transfer journal. Create and process a bill of material (BOM) journal. Explain counting journals. Set up warehouse items and counting groups. Create and process a counting journal. Create and process a tag counting journal. Block an inventoried item.

Prerequisites Before attending this course, students must have: General knowledge of Microsoft Windows . Completed the Introduction to Microsoft DynamicsAX 2012 course. The ability to use Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for basic processing. Basic knowledge of trade and logistics and inventory management concepts.

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