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Discovering Your Lifes Purpose

By Djehuty Maat-Ra

All rights reserved by the author

TABLE OF CONTENTS Insight Into Your Lifes Higher Purpose How To Actually Start the Wheels Rolling Into Doing Your Higher Lifes Purpose Proper Steps To Take To Get Free of Your Mundane Job Addressing A Major Block on the Road To Doing Your Lifes Higher Purpose Necessary Actions To Make Your Transition Into Your Lifes Higher Purpose/calling Working Out of The Home or A Facility Your Natal Chart and Your Vocation or Work Life The Mid-Heaven Sign What Your Name Reveals About You and Your Lifes Higher Purpose When Your Life Purpose Really Unfolds Clearing Your Karmic Slate Overcoming Fear

I have come to discover over the past years that the majority of people in the United States are not living their life purpose and its simply due to them not knowing what their lifes purpose is. But there is a reason for this. We neglect the occult, arcane, esoteric, and metaphysical sciences in this country. We are spoon fed religion from day one and the truth of the matter is that religion is anti the occult, the Arcane, the esoteric, and metaphysical. Religion teaches us that these sciences are dark and evil and of the Devil, and the sad thing is, what most people are really desiring are to be found in these sciences. Religion cannot help you find your lifes purpose and thats because your life purpose is not revealed or recorded in religion, but in the Wheel (astrological natal chart) and your name (numerology). Religion is man-made so you cant discover anything about yourself and life purpose in what man has made. Everything about you that you need to know is recorded in YOURSELF and in the Universe. As above, so below; so within, so without! Religion takes you outside of Self and have you focusing on someone else. All of your attention goes on someone else a Jesus, a Muhammad, a Moses, a Buddha, etc. You are insignificant as far as religion is concerned. Religion teaches you to be a follower, not a leader (a leader for yourself). Religion leads you outside of Self, but what you desire to know about yourself, why you are here (on Earth), and what you are supposed to be doing while you are here, is hidden within Self, but also revealed within Self, so you have to learn to go more within Self, to place Self first, to revere Self more than any other person, including a so-called prophet, savior, messiah or messianic figure, etc. All focus must go on Self! You must learn to become authentically and quintessentially selfish. Religion teaches you and conditions you to sacrifice yourself, to be a martyr but you dont have to be a martyr and sacrifice yourself for another person or persons. Why? Because everybody has a brain, and it is not your fault if other people dont use their brain. Another big reason why we dont know our lifes purpose is because we are conditioned (brainwashed) in schools conditioned to get a good job

which usually translates into getting a job that pays you good money. But hell, life is more than a good job! That good job may not have anything to do with your lifes higher purpose. If you get a good job or good-paying job while you remain a fool (unenlightened, unconscious), all you will do with all that good money is finance your foolishness as most people do and get yourself trapped in this Matrix. So you may have a good job and perhaps a lot of money but you may be miserable as hell within. You may be depressed, lonely, frustrated due to your relationship situation, suffer from a load of adverse health problems and afflictions, feel confused about life because you dont know what spiritual direction youre headed in, your love and sex life may suck! Money and/or a good job doesnt guarantee personal happiness, a loving marriage and mate, successful relationships, good health, peace of mind, security and comfort in life, knowledge of spiritual purpose in life, a qualitative sex life, etc. And just because you may have a so-called good job, are you a free and independent thinker? Are you cosmically conscious? Do you even think on your own at all? Do you think outside the box? No one can be a free and great thinker who does not recognize that his or her first duty as a free and great thinker is to follow their own intellect to whatever conclusion it may lead to. You are not told that a job is only to satisfy the mundane aspect of your existence here in the Matrix. You work a job for money. Money will buy your material goods for your material existence. But money cant and wont satisfy the cravings and desires of the soul and spirit, well, unless you know what to spend that money on (i.e. spiritual tools) and most people clearly dont and thats why we suffer as a nation collectively from spiritual darkness and disease today. There is a big difference in making a living and living your making. Most people, unfortunately, are making a living. They work to make money to survive. They dont really enjoy their work but thats what they choose to do to make ends meet. Most have made the choice to forego their lifes

purpose so as to have a job so as to make a living so as to just get by. But this will not satisfy the lingering of the soul and the human spirit. This will not satisfy your desire to be free to create, to do all the things that you really want and desire to do. Most people are suppressing their creativity, especially their higher creativity. I tell folks all the time that the more you express your creativity, the freer you become and the more you tap into your lifes higher purpose, because that higher life purpose has to do with you creating, creating from within, creating from your heart, creating from your very essence, creating from your higher chakras, and that creativity may be expressed in singing, dancing, writing, painting, serving other people, helping people and animals to heal, writing stories, the spoken word, or creating and perfecting certain healing modalities. The above is what most people want to be doing with most of their time. Your lifes higher purpose has a lot to do with the things you love to do, or dream to do, and could do every single day and for free of charge. If you love to do a thing and could do it for free (because the money doesnt matter and you dont do it for the money, but for the love and how you feel), then this is what you are supposed to be doing, or a big part of what you are supposed to be doing, and also getting paid for it simultaneously. You see, most people forfeit their higher lifes purpose because they dont believe that they can sustain themselves on it, that they wont be able to make enough money living their making, so folks just choose to be slaves to some job for a false security and comfort, but this just creates more misery, anger, frustration and sense of being stuck in life because all youre doing is suffocating and suppressing the human spirit which desires to thrive, to be free, to express itself. Is fear involved? You bet it is! Is confusion involved? You bet it is! Many folks want a guarantee that if they take that big leap of faith into following their hearts that they will be taken care of and everything will work out successfully, but there are no guarantees before taking the first step. Its all risk, reasonable risk, and risk is where the excitement comes in. Risk gives us a mystery. But risk is only one half of the equation. Faith is the

other half of the equation. You must have faith that you will succeed. You must have faith that you will be provided for by the Universe. You have to take the risk and have faith. In fact, the faith comes before the risk. You first develop the faith and then you take the risk and then you go back to faith after the risk has been taken. So its faith, risk, and faith! You have a higher purpose of life and you know it! You can feel it! You may really appreciate your job and even enjoy it but you know you are here on Earth for something bigger, something more rewarding and satisfying to your soul, something that really makes you feel good for doing, something that allows you to make a positive change and impact in and on the world! Something that allows you to touch and motivate people, to genuinely help people! Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a cop for 30 years and then retire? Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a receptionist at some firm? Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a computer technician? Did you incorporate on planet Earth just to be a member of the U.S. military? Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to wait tables or to bar tend? Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to swing around poles and dance naked or half-naked for horny men (and/or women) at a strip club? Did you incarnate on planet earth just to be a rapper? Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a sales rep or a customer service rep? Are you working a job just to retire at age 65 and receive retirement benefits, a pension, 401k funds, and Social Security benefits? Im not trying to make anyone feel bad in what they may be doing occupation or work-wise, on the mundane level, especially to earn money so as to make a living, but my goal and my intention is to stimulate you into thought pertaining to your lifes higher purpose. Are you really here on Earth just for these things named above? Just to help corporations make money and become more powerful than they already are? The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Esther and Jerry Hicks

Society will never foster the feelings and desires you have to be creative and to do all that you desire to do. It cant! Society (Matrix) is designed to only get productivity out of you so as to serve its best interests. However, there would always be a balance because everybody is not going to want to be free. Many people will only want to work a job and have the illusion of fun on the weekends and on vacation. This works for many people! However, it may not work for you. You may have a spiritual bone! You may want more out of life. You may be aware (conscious)! There are two types of people in this scenario: those that desire to be free so as to create and express themselves, and those that desire to be slaves and help others express their creativity and remain free. Its always polarity or opposites. There are leaders, and then there are followers! There are those who do, and then there are those who dont do! There are achievers, and then there are underachievers. And its all choice. People choose their fate and destiny in life whether they know it or not. People who believe that have no control over their destiny and fate create their destiny and fate by way of default or omission. If you just live and stand by idle while life passes you by, this is your destiny and fate that you have created. Destiny and fate are created by thoughts and actions, and it doesnt matter how ignorant you are of this. Ignorance of law is no excuse. Now, lets give you some insight into discovering your lifes purpose. Insight Into Your Lifes Higher Purpose Because your life purpose is programmed and recorded in your make up, you unconsciously feel a certain way and you unconsciously do certain things that point to your life purpose or higher calling. What is it that you love to do? Verbally affirm it to claim it! I love to dance! Im a dancer! I love to paint! Im a painter! I love to work with herbs! Im a herbalist!

I love to motivate people with words! Im a motivational speaker! Whatever it is, consciously affirm it so as to claim it. Now if you have difficulty with the affirmations above, simply because even after affirming them you still feel blocked, it could be because you are having difficulty believing your affirmation(s). If this is the case, simply use I am in the process of in your affirmations because your conscious mind can accept this statement and it is a true statement as well. Here are examples of the previous 4 examples of affirmations said in a different way that may be more believable to you: I love to dance! Im am in the process of becoming a dancer! I love to paint! I am in the process of becoming a painter! I love to work with herbs! I am in the process of becoming a herbalist! I love to motivate people with words! I am in the process of becoming a motivational speaker! Okay, next, see it (what you do) in your mind! Now ask yourself: can you see yourself doing this full time and making enough money to support yourself and/or your family? Okay, probably not due to the programming, fear, etc. and thats okay. Its just a block that needs removing. There are many crystals that you can purchase and use to help remove and unblock your blockages. These crystals include: Amethyst Ametrine Atacamite Azurite

Blue Tourmaline Boji Stones Larimar Obsidian Pietersite Pyrolusite Red Calcite Unakite These crystals can and should be placed (for about 15-30 minutes daily) on the 1st chakra (located the genitalia, where fear is recorded), 3rd chakra (located at the abdomen, between the chest/breasts and belly button or navel), 5th chakra (seat of higher creativity and expression), and the 6th chakra (site of Christ consciousness or Cosmic consciousness). You can learn more about crystals and chakras by visiting and perusing the information on the site. Crystals can be purchased from: Soothe Your Soul The Crystal Matrix Start playing in your mind this day forth. Start daydreaming about what you desire to do. Fantasize about it. Visualize it! Imagine it! Think about it! Feel the excitement in your body from being free to do and be what you desire to express and create. You have to feel the emotion in your body, you know, like when you think about a person you just recently met and started a relationship with, perhaps thinking about kissing or making love with the person for the very first time (because you guys havent kissed or made love, but you play it out in your mind and then your heart begins to race, you

become sexually aroused). This is what Im talking about! You gotta feel it. Emotions speak louder than words! Think of what your business card will say (have written on them). See the business card in your mind. Next, go get the business cards made. This facilitates your becoming and expressing what you desire to do, be, and to create. And in case youre wondering if I did this, yes I did! And it worked wonders! Actions are the key! After you come up with a plan, you have to act on that plan. If you are going to reach goals, actions are needed! You must act on your ideas, thoughts, beliefs, theories, etc. Actions make dreams come true! Actions help your desires to manifests. Actions does not always equate to doing something, but simply just BEING. In your being, you will do things (act out things), and this may be all the action you need. Nearly everything Ive ever done, especially in my days of consciousness, worked for me because Im mentally tenacious. I have Mars in Gemini in my Wheel (astrological natal chart). I know how to use intention. I know how to create goals and focus on them. I know how to come up with a plan and work that plan. I know my personality traits and am comfortable with it. I know my gifts, talents, and skills. I know my strengths! He that fails to plan has planned to fail! I can manifest whatever I see or visualize in my mind. I have no problems playing around and living in my mind, visualizing/dreaming/fantasizing, and I can do so while existing within the Matrix. Youd never have a clue of what I was thinking of at any given moment in time. Im comfortable in my mind because I know no one can see or hear whats going on in my mind. It is my stage, my drawing board, and my canvass. See the existence of the thing youd like to do, the person youd like to be! See it in your mind and play with the idea a few minutes or hours each and every day so the thought can get stronger and stronger so as to physically manifest.

Okay, pretend you are in school for the thing (subject). Do this also in your mind though you will need to actually go out and purchase material (books, videos, etc.) on the subject. After you come home from work, dedicate at least a full hour to the subject, studying and researching. I used to dedicate 3-4 hours each night! I was serious! I had a plan and worked it. I had goals! Read a chapter (of a book on your subject) and then write down your personal notes. Pretend (visualize, imagine) that you are in a large class of students who also want to do what you do and to be what you are in the process of becoming. Feel studious! You have to feel it! Think back when you were actually in school (high school and/or college). Every Friday or weekend, quiz yourself. Once a week, give an imaginary presentation. You can do this while soaking in the tub, lying on the bed, or actually standing up somewhere in your home. I used to do this all the time in my apartment because I was alone. Youre in your mind so no matter where you are (the tub, bed, standing up, sitting in a chair, etc) you can give that presentation in your mind. Then (after a while), begin to verbalize that presentation. Speak out loud as if you were speaking to a real audience. Mentalize it, then verbalize it! Next, get some hands on experience with your subject! Do some ACTIONS! Okay, lets just say you desire to be an herbalist. You need to learn to start working with herbs, mixing them, encapsulating them, making teas, etc. Whatever concoction you make, you take yourself. Understand that its all about trial and error. This is the best way to learn! Theres no better teacher than experience. You dont necessarily need to be up under someone. You may want to out of fear and not trusting yourself, but the guide and teacher are always within. Trust your intuition, that inner voice! After some time has passed with yourself experimenting with what youve concocted, start giving your herbal concoctions away for free. Let people sample what youve created. Dont worry about the money. Know that it is a labor of love. Remind yourself of why you are doing it not for the money, but for the love of it. You see, the money follows the love of a thing. See everything you give away as making a deposit into your Universal bank

account and know that one-day you will need to make a withdrawal or a few withdrawals and that you will be able to. In order to receive, we must first give and give with open hands (give freely). So decide that for 1, 3, 6 months you will give away free herbal compounds. See it as a unique form of marketing. Whatever it is that you desire to do, JUST DO IT! You dont have to quit your job; you just have to make the time and commit yourself to your endeavor (that leads to your doing your lifes higher purpose/calling), dedicate yourself to it. So DO IT, but just make sure that you have a plan and goals. I used to get off my corporate job at 5:00 p.m. I used to work near Downtown L.A. near Wilshire and Westmoreland. I resided in Gardena, some 25-30 miles away from the job. I had about an hour commute to and from work. I learned to use that one-hour each way to my advantage. I used to listen to audiotapes and gain knowledge (on a plethora of things). My car literally became my institution of learning. I rarely if ever listened to talk radio or radio, period. Pacifica Radios KPFK 90.7 F.M. (Los Angeles) was the exception, as sometimes I would listen to Amy Goodmans Democracy Now on the way to work. KPFK is listenersponsored radio so the station played what listeners wanted to hear and without commercials. When listeners financially support a station, corporate sponsors are not needed. With radio, you cant control the content, but when you pop in a CD of your choice, you are controlling the content of what you listen to. I used to listen to a lot of motivational tapes. Tapes by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Ernest Nightingale, and many others in this field of inspiration and-motivation that I desired to be in and a part of. It didnt matter who the speaker was as long as the content was uplifting, motivating, and inspirational. I listened to content that was conducive to my goals and desires. I invested my time wisely. Chances are, the people who were listening to radio in the car while driving home some 13 years ago are still doing it today whereas I am free today and everyday of my life to create and express to do what I

desire to do and make way more money than I could have ever imagined Id ever make. I make way more money today following my heart and living my lifes higher purpose than I did when I worked a corporate gig. The feeling is so rewarding! I have passion every single day of my life. I love doing what I do. Im doing what I came to Earth to do and I do it well. You too can also do it! You just gotta believe and dream and take the necessary steps (actions)! What I do is uniquely me and no one else! No one has to like what I do, or how I say what I say in my articles. Im expressing me, for me, in hopes of only stimulating thought in people. I dont do what I do to please people. You dont have to like my overall language, sarcasm, infrequent use of vulgar language, my use of slang and ebonics, my bold expressions of my personal thoughts about religion, government, society, corporations, etc. You dont have to believe in what Im saying. But you should think about what Im saying and see what you come up with in your mind. My thoughts and beliefs are only the building blocks for your thoughts and beliefs. My thoughts and beliefs should not become your own. We may agree on the same things in some areas and respects, but your own personal and unique view should be uniquely expressed. Independent thought is so important in order to truly be free. You cannot be afraid to be an independent thinker and go against the grain of the majority of sheep-minded people. You must be bold in your being different. Quietly and secretly pride yourself on being different. Claim being the proverbial Black Sheep. The Black sheep is a trailblazer, not a follower! Do not try and please people or get along with people who are adverse to your way of thinking and living. Do not compromise for these people. It aint worth it! They are asleep and thus enslaved. Dont go along to get along! Be different! Understand that different people are controversial and create controversy and this is perfectly okay. Why? Well, because controversy simply means to see things opposite (or different).

Contro = opposite, and, Versy (from verse) = to see. I got free in life by observing people. As a Taurus, I seek to master my environment and I receive comfort from mastering things, especially my surroundings. To me, noticing that the majority of people all believed the same things in life was frightening but also mind-boggling, but it revealed to me that the majority of people are not free thinkers. Most are not even thinking at all. They are thinking 90% of the same thoughts they had the previous day and other past days. Most are not even using 4% of the brain power. When everybody is thinking the same exact thing, nobody is thinking. Independent thinking will lead you to a different outcome in most cases, unless everybody is using reason and logic which will lead you to the same conclusion, though uniquely so. How can a few hundred million people all believe the same thing (like Jesus is God, or, Allah is God)? Shoot, if you have 2 people and they both think exactly alike, my logic says to me that one of them is not thinking at all! Id have to conclude that out of a few hundred million of these people who all believe in the same thing(s) that 99% of them are not thinking at all. They just bought a teaching and claimed it as their own, but no in depth, independent research was ever done. They just made up their minds to believe and not bother with the historical facts or even common sense, logic, and reason. It was passed on to them from infantry and childhood and thus sealed in their hearts and minds and when they got older they did the same things their parents did and started to talk like and believe just as their parents did. This is called traditional paralysis. I have found that most free thinking and independent people heavily rely upon facts, their own intuition, common sense, logic, and reason; and most religious people rely upon blind faith and almost never bother with facts, their own intuition, common sense, logic, or reason. I also got free in life by trusting in myself. I knew to not do what the majority of people were doing. I learned to not care about what others thought about me. From what I was observing in the public, the majority of people were catching hell for doing a certain thing, for thinking and believing a certain way a common way. I knew this was dangerous. I

simply always did the opposite of what I was supposed to do. I read all the books I was supposed to read. I listened to all the people I was told not to listen to. I questioned everything I was told not to question. I learned to never trust the official version of events, because official meant government and it was so obvious to me that government lied and could not be trusted. The official version on 9/11 states that Arab terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers. But the unofficial version reveals that remote controlled military planes with high explosives on them crashed into the towers and that they fell in 10 seconds as a result of controlled demolition. It was cheaper to have the WTC towers destroyed than to pay $1 billion to have asbestos removed from pipes on every floor (110 floors). Tower 7 was not even hit by a plane and still went down. Tower 7 housed many government agencies. This is factually documented! The official story states that the Titanic sank because it struck an iceberg and 1,200 people died because there werent enough lifeboats on board, but the unofficial story says that the Titanic sank as a result of a explosion that was purposely ignited so the Titanic could sink and J.P. Morgan, owner of the White Star line which owned the Titanic, could make 10 times the amount of the cost to build the Titanic, in an insurance scam; and also that it wasnt even the Titanic that sank, but an older ship called the Olympic that gave the White Star line a lot of trouble and cost it a lot of money due to mechanical problems, so before the Titanic set sail on her maiden voyage the names of the 2 ships (which were side by side days before the Titanic first set sail) were purposely switched and an old washed up ocean liner (Olympic) was sent out as a new luxury ocean liner (Titanic) and purposely sank. This is all factually documented! The official story states Marilyn Monroe died as a result of committing suicide by drug overdose but the unofficial story says she was murdered by lethal suppository (fatal enema) so as to silence her and prevent a public announcement revealing all she knew from all she learned from pillow talk with gangsters and the U.S. President (Jack Kennedy) and his brother, Robert Kennedy, an announcement that was scheduled for the Monday 3 days before she was murdered. The Mafia had her phone tapped and heard her tell a friend she was going public with all she knew, and Jack Kennedy was notified and he sent little brother Robert, Marilyns last lover, to handle the situation. She was sedated by a doctor that accompanied Robert to Los

Angeles and then given a lethal suppository. However, when ambulance arrived, Marilyn was still alive and her private doctor was sent out to her estate to finish her off which he did by injecting Marilyn in her side while on the gurney. This is all factually documented! The official story states former San Jose Mercury Newspaper reporter Gary Webb who exposed the C.I.A.s role in the crack cocaine epidemic that tarnished black communities all over America in the early 1980s, committed suicide by shooting himself, get this, 2 times in the head! But the unofficial story states that Webb was shot and killed by clandestine government officials, most likely C.I.A. assassins, so as to silence him and prevent his second book about the C.I.A. and crack cocaine connection from being published. The C.I.A. got off the hook the first time around and didnt need Black people to be reminded of what this agency did to their community. U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters played her cards to perfection making Black folks think she had their back but her role was to only cast opposition against the C.I.A. (on the surface) so as to fool the Black community which she did superbly. Nothing happened as a result of pseudo investigations and the C.I.A. was not reprimanded, not even a slap on the wrist, and the whole thing just went away and nobody was made to be responsible for what happened to Black communities and hundreds of thousands Black people as a result of crack cocaine addiction. The official story states that the members of Rev. Jim Jones Peoples Temple committed suicide in the jungles of Guyana on November 1978 by drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid as an act of revolutionary suicide, but the unofficial story states that Rev. Jim Jones was an undercover C.I.A. operative who took 900 mostly Black people (and 200 mostly White people as member of his security team) to the jungles of Guyana to perform mind control experiments on these people and not have to worry about government (U.S. Congress) intervention, but when Congressman Leo Ryan of San Francisco, California went to Jonestown and discovered abuses by Jones due to secret letters slipped to members of his entourage, and that some members of the cult wanted to leave Jonestown with the Congressman, out of fear that the U.S. Congress would find out that the C.I.A. was still conducting banned MK-Ultra mind control experiments on U.S. citizens under the banner of religious freedom (Peoples Temple), the C.I.A. notified Jones to pull the plug on the whole operation and to finally, after numerous dress rehearsals

of mass suicide, have his brainwashed followers drink poisonous cyanidelaced Kool-Aid and kill themselves so the whole thing could look like a cult suicide, when in fact it was a surface act to hide the true purpose of Jonestown (have poor people to mine minerals 18 hours a day, and to experiment mentally on them with drugs as a continuance of MK-Ultra which Congress banned in the 1950s). Autopsy reports revealed that most of the members were shot and/or injected with cyanide via syringe needles against their will (in the shoulder blade area) and thus were murdered and the bodies were purposely left in the hot Guyanese sun for 5 long days so the dead bodies could rot and putrefy. Jones was said to have been shot and killed in the massacre but it was reported that Jones assumed another identity and fled to Africa, just as Adolf Hitler escaped from Germany and fled to South America back in 1945 and assumed another identity as a successful businessman in Argentina, dying in 1983, as reported by Mae Brussell. Many Germans, especially the criminal scientists, were helped to escape Germany and to enter the United States by the Roman Catholic Church via an operation called Operation Paper Clip. These Nazis were brought to America to help create the C.I.A. (OSS preceded the C.I.A.) and introduce medicine and psychiatry into the American public education and school system. This is all factually documented! Okay, now to move on! How To Actually Start the Wheels Rolling Into Doing Your Higher Lifes Purpose The best way to determine your higher lifes purpose is to find out what is it that you want or desire to do more than anything else in the world. What do you want to do? You must know this. Do you want to paint, sing, dance, help people, heal people, work with children, work with the environment, or work with animals? Okay, after you discover what it is that you desire to do, seek to educate yourself on the subject. Whatever you may desire to do (and/or be), there are plenty of books on the subject available, and if you have difficulty finding

the right material, put it out to the Universe to assist you in finding and attracting the necessary material your require. Ask your angels and spirit guides to assist you as well. Ask and ye shall receive! The problem most people have with actually doing their lifes purpose or following their heart is they dont know how to transition themselves from a mundane job, vocation, or career into their higher life purpose. Many make the mistake of seeing themselves quitting their mundane job, perhaps immediately, and doing what they truly desire to do. In my opinion, this is a mistake, simply because the mind will begin to compare the guaranteed salary and security (though actually false) of the present mundane job with the unpredictable salary and insecurity of the futures life purpose work. Fear results from this because there is a lack of planning to transition from one realm into the other. When you see yourself transitioning from a mundane job to ones higher lifes purpose too fast, without middle ground, you will see yourself being removed from your financial comfort zone which can be quite frightening. Without the guaranteed income of the mundane vocation, you will begin to ask yourself, How will I pay my rent, my car note, my utility bills, etc.? How will all of my needs be met? This creates fear in most people, especially females, creatures who by nature must have security and comfort. You must have a plan! You must plan your transition. Remember, he who fails to plan has planned to fail. So come up with your plan and have goals. Be inspired! Be enthusiastic! Enthusiastic about what? The prospects of your dream(s) manifesting living and leading the life you so desire. Proper Steps To Take To Get Free of Your Mundane Job Give yourself some time to make your transition from the mundane work you do to the higher life calling work that you desire to do. Give yourself some breathing room. Give yourself 6 months, 9 months, or 12 months to get free of your mundane job. Perhaps save enough money to cover 6-12 months rent that will provide you a little cushion.

Remain in the present! Be grateful for the mundane job, career, vocation, or occupation you have at present. Why? Well, because it is helping you to get by, or perhaps to survive. It may not be the best job, but its a job nevertheless and it is allowing you to not be homeless and on the streets. It is allowing you to make an honest and legal living, so be grateful and thankful for any mundane job that you have at present. You will never get or have more in life until you can be grateful for what you have in the present. Find reasons to be thankful, grateful, and appreciative for your current job. Write down everything you like about your current mundane job and focus on these points. What do you like best about your present job? What do you like least about your present job? What were your reasons for applying and accepting present the job? Is the present job in the field you went to school (college) for and received a degree in? Is your salary fair or do you feel you are underpaid or perhaps, overpaid? Do you feel your salary properly compensate you for the energy invested in the job and the skill you use on the job? Are you working the job you really want to work? You see, chances are, if you are unhappy and dissatisfied about your current work, its probably because its not what you really want to be doing. The job may not be allowing you to express your skills, talents, and gifts your creativity! We are all born with innate talents, skills, and gifts and jobs or vocations allow us to express them; this is why we feel so rewarded when we do work that allows us to express ourselves, especially our creativity. Unfortunately, most jobs dont let us express ourselves (our creativity). As Earl Nightingale said: work and well-being are one in the same. The work we do affects our health and wellbeing. To have wellbeing we must do work that is satisfying, rewarding, and that makes us feel happy. Most

people I consult via consultations have health problems due in part to the jobs they work. Again, most jobs dont let us express ourselves (our creativity)! We are simply trained to do a job, trained like animals in a circus, and ultimately we get trapped in routine and suffer from monotony. Work becomes mechanical, and perhaps, even boring. It lacks excitement. We may start to look for little escapes in the form of breaks coffee break, cigarette break (also known as 10 and 15 minute breaks), and lunch. We may constantly go to the bathroom. These are subconscious attempts to escape from the boredom stemming from the mechanicalness and monotony of the daily workday. Our work does not inspire us or cause us to be enthusiastic. Its challenging to create when there is no inspiration or enthusiasm. When we feel like what I just described above on our mundane job, our spirit dwindles. There is no satisfaction in the work we do. Deep down inside, we may feel like prostitutes, selling our values (skill, ability) in exchange for money. Exchanging our precious life energy for a bi-weekly or monthly paycheck. Money alone cannot and will not bring happiness. You also need to be living the life you desire, to feel accomplished and successful. Absent interest, inspiration, and enthusiasm, our jobs become empty. We dont really put our all into the job. We just go to work and get by. We tolerate the days just to get to the next payday. When we get trapped in jobs, jobs that dont allow us to express ourselves, and we feel tired, bored, unappreciated, overworked and underpaid, and taken for granted or feel used and/or exploited, our spirit begins to dwindle and we live for the weekends and holidays. Weekends and holidays become our great escapes. This is why most people who work corporate or industrial jobs have to always go out on the weekends for excitement and fun! Its an escape, an escape from their reality (they created themselves). The weekends cause brief enthusiasm. Why? Because youre looking forward to the weekend.

All of the above is obliterated when are doing meaningful work, work that allows us to express, to create or be creative; work that allows us to be in our element; work that inspire us, work that makes us enthusiastic. There is no feeling tantamount to doing meaningful work that allows you to express your innate talent, skills, and gifts and which just happens to be your lifes higher calling and on top of all of this you get paid for it, and paid well! When you are experiencing this, you are not bored! There is no monotony. You are not looking for escapes. You have passion every single day! You are inspired and enthused! You are creative and become more creative with each passing day. You want to do more. You think about your work and how it touches or helps people and you feel good about it. This feeling alone is compensation for all that you do, however, you still get paid on top of it. You feel good and you receive financial compensation for your work. You cant beat this! Addressing A Major Block on the Road To Doing Your Lifes Higher Purpose Now I must address the problem with many people who deem themselves to be spiritual and who feel they cant charge money for the work they do or the service they give. I meet too many individuals who have a problem or who have difficulty accepting or receiving monetary payment in exchange for the work, healing and spiritual work, they do or the service they give. They feel their work or service should come from the heart (which it should and usually does) and that the Universe will compensate them instead of the person (customer/ client). This is flawed thinking and I can tell you this from personal experience. I used to be in this situation myself, thanks to my poverty consciousness programming and convoluted understanding of spirituality. You MUST remember that energy is always at work in your life. There is a Law of Giving and Receiving, a/k/a the Law of Reciprocity.

If you give, you must receive. If you receive, you must give. You have to for purposes of balance; for it you dont give, you wont receive. And if you dont receive because you have a problem with receiving, then you create an energy whereby the people who utilize your services wont give (even if you give them the option of making a donation, the donation will be next to nothing). Because you have difficulty receiving, you will attract people who have difficulty in giving and rewarding justly and handsomely for the valuable work you do. You will create an imbalance for yourself due to your inability to receive in return for your work whereby youll end up drained, feeling unappreciated, used, exploited, frustrated, and taken advantage of and it will be all your fault. Youll be doing more than you actually should and sooner or later you will suffer burnout. Youll also become frustrated because while you feel you should serve and give from the heart, youll also want to be compensated (in some form), at least over time and really due to dealing with people who soon learn to take you for granted and who exploit you. You see, you are needing money for the mundane aspect of existence, but you have a problem accepting money that helps to take care of the mundane responsibilities you have. In some cases, people will offer you money and you will turn it down, saying Thats okay! or, I cant take or accept that! You are saying this while you know darn well you need money for your mundane existence, but you feel as a spiritual being, you are doing spiritual work and its from the heart and God and the Universe will take care of you. You also feel that you have a duty to showcase yourself as a spiritual person and you dont want to be a hypocrite in the eyes of people. God/Universe will take care of you, true, but you have to allow that to happen. You have to know how God/Universe works. The simple fact that you are following your heart, have just helped someone, and have been offered compensation so you can continue to do what you are doing is in fact God/Universe taking care of you. But you have to be open and aware to see and recognize this.

When you accept money for your work or service, you are being blessed. The simple fact that you have paying customers utilizing your services or skill is a blessing in and of itself. I used to work for free all the time. I felt good giving to people. It was a really great feeling, but over time, there was drain. I never expected money either in those early years and 99% of the time I never received any money. It was like people picked up on my energy. However, I was dealing with a people who really didnt appreciate and value knowledge. I discovered that many people were taking me, my kindness, for granted. I was expending precious time driving out to peoples homes, talking for hours (neglecting my need to eat and do other things) all so I could give the word of the God or drop the knowledge. Religion had programmed me that this was my duty as a spiritual man of God. At the end of the day all I got was a proverbial thank you. From some people, there was a sincere and genuine thank you that you knew was sincere and came deep from the heart. I spent my money on gas. I put miles on my cars speedometer. I missed eating or being at home relaxing, studying, or whatever. This was okay to do once and awhile, but to do it all the time was unwise in many respects. I wondered why after all that talking how come many people never applied that knowledge and information I diffused. I spent my precious time and energy on speaking to people. I was hardly ever compensated for my TIME, ENERGY, and KNOWLEDGE (which cost me a lot of time, money, and energy to obtain). However, these same people who benefited from my energy, time, and knowledge, would leave my presence and go and spend their money on worldly bullshit and the trip thing is, they had no problem spending their money on things and people who were not helping them. But the people who really help people, people have a problem paying them, even if only a donation. Its not about the money, but principle. Time is energy. Speaking is energy. Studying to gain knowledge is energy. Its all energy! But to me, its also respect and appreciation.

It was never a big deal back then when I was doing things for free, simply because I had a mundane job that was sustaining me, and I did enjoy what I was doing; however, I neglected the Law of Reciprocity aspect of my work which created blockages on occasion, negative emotion. Despite all my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and information, I constantly struggled financially, which didnt make any sense to me. I was spiritual and saw myself as having a tight bond with God but I constantly struggled financially and it was all my fault too because I did not understand the Law of Reciprocity. Even in cases when certain people actually offered money (due to respecting my time and the sacrifices I made to learn all I learned and my fondness in sharing what I learned), I turned it down, even if I was in a time of need. I couldnt see how God/Universe was blessing me. In my mind, a spiritual man should not accept money for spreading the spiritual word and doing spiritual work. Here I was in need financially and someone offered me money that would have eased the need and I turned it down. I believed that I should not get paid for my work, at least in my mind, but in the back of mind, I felt a need to be compensated or I wanted to. Not in all cases, but when I really exerted myself, talking for 4, 5, or 6 hours, and to people who really took the knowledge and information as amusement. Its funny to me now because when I used to give away information for free, it really wasnt valued. I learned that in our society, especially dealing with minorities, what is free is not valued. People are skeptical of free things. Its like the thing must not have any value because its free. Or, something must be wrong with it because its for free. I learned that there are 2 types of people youll come across in doing your lifes higher purpose work: people who have good hearts and who really want and appreciate your knowledge but who really may not be in a financial position at the moment to compensate you for your time and energy. These were the people I didnt mind doing all that I may have done for them. I didnt want anything from these people for my time and energy for it was my pleasure. They were members of the Family of Light, people who really

wanted to change their lives around. These are the types of people whom the Universe compensated me for (in ways I would have never expected) and I knew it when it came. Also, these people consciously or unconsciously understood energy because while they may not have offered financial compensation at the time, they offered you something (and it came from the heart and you could feel it), perhaps desiring to exchange a service or offering to do something for you. These people were genuine and these were the people I loved to be in the presence of, people I really wanted to do more for, people whom I became good friends with, people whom I didnt mind helping and didnt seek anything in return. Now on the other hand, there were those people who were worldly but who were amused, intrigued, and mesmerized by you (and your knowledge) and who also wanted to hear from you because they were catching hell or in a bind and they really only wanted a feel good message to help them pass the time of the trial or tribulation only to have it pass and go right back off into the world doing worldly stuff that leads to catching more hell. It was these people that you knew that after you dropped all that heavy knowledge and good information on them, they went and bought some weed, alcohol/beer, went out and ate junk food, bought frivolous material possessions, etc.; people who actually had money, but they had a problem compensating you for your valuable time and never even thought about compensating you even though you came (traveled) to them and expended your personal time and energy on them. Some of these people I knew were drug dealers, street people, ballers, hustlers, etc. but because of religious programming, you dont turn these people down; you try to be like Jesus. But these people belong to the world and really committed to the world and only want to hear spiritual talk when they are down or in trouble. These people invest more into the world than they do the spiritual. You intrigue them with your words, knowledge, wisdom, and information, but they really have no desire to improve their lives and situation, well, at that particular moment (but you are also planting seeds in their minds too). They just want to hear you drop the way you drop. It makes them feel good in the moment.

But you see, with them, its a cycle. They listen to you and return right back to the way of the world whereby theyll want and need to hear from you again due to going right back and doing the same foolish things again. Its like going to church every Sunday but during the week youre sinning like crazy so as to need to be back in church on Sunday. Why not just live like Jesus so as to prevent catching hell and needing to be in church to feel good? Why must sin be the motivational factor to get you to be up in church, if church is in fact your thing? You know, if people lived the example of Jesus they wouldnt have to be so punch drunk on having Jesus as a savior. You dont need a savior when you dont need saving. But people need saving because they redundantly to do same old stupid things. This is why when you start to charge money for your services, youll never have to worry about being used, exploited, or taken for granted by certain individuals. Compensation (a price list) for your services or work ends all of this. When you accept compensation and let folks know it, it gives you power because you now have choice! Even though you charge a nominal fee for your services, work, and really your time, you always have the liberty to not charge whomever you desire not to charge. So if you run across another member of the Family of Light who may not be in a position financially to compensate you, you can let them know that there is no fee and your service, time, and energy was a gift to them. But if you deal with someone who only wants a quick fix and something to counter a worldly repercussion, someone whos really not serious, when you charge these people, you never have to feel like you wasted your time or were taken advantage of. Plus, you cant be exploited for your time (or energy) by these individuals, not anymore. I also learned that when you start charging for your work and services, you put up an automatic block to all those people who would consciously seek to

exploit you and use you so they can feel good in the moment. And trust me, there are plenty of people out there who will exploit the hell out of you if you let them. Always calling you for every little thing, wasting your time because they wont do what is necessary and wont be responsible for their actions. Theyll call you and complain for hours. They dont really want to hear solutions. Or, they want to hear solutions but have no plans of acting on the solutions you share with them. They just want to vent their negativity to you. The more you are there for these people, the more theyll call you and actually become dependent on you like youre some kind of drug. Its like they have a sense of entitlement to you and will get mad at you if you are not there fore them despite having a history of always being there for them. Dealings with individuals like this can be very insalubrious on all levels. You can always detect these individuals described above because youll end up having known them for years and their situation never changes because their thinking and actions dont change. Some may be good people and even have good hearts, but their minds are polluted, and unbeknownst to themselves they are energetic leeches and vampires. They only take from you, leaving you feeling drained. Its best to charge for your spiritual work because you have opportunity and choice a choice to charge and a choice to serve or work for free (charity, love gift). When I really began to learn and master Universal law, my life changed. Money was never a problem ever again. This happened for me in 2005! I consciously only attracted the right and compatible souls. I attracted people who could afford my services, people who benefited from my services and people who didnt drain me. Because I was compensated so well, I often gave specials (discounts) on my services. I did a lot for free because I wanted to. I had that choice. I truly believe that once you get over the money problem with your spiritual work, youre home free. You can go back to doing things for free, but you have more power. You can tell people upfront or after a service or work that there

is no fee, its on me! Take your money and go do something nice for yourself! Its a wonderful feeling to be involved in blessings and miracles, to help make a persons day. Its really good karma created. I had good experiences with so many people, people who reciprocated my love, care, concern, and compassion; people who shared the same ideals as myself, people whom I had a connection with: Paris Chatman, Etirsa Coon, Paula Miranda, Riann Lawrence, Cathy Simpson, Nadia Haddad, Kim Hill, Michelle Woods, and so many more (yes, mostly women). Just simply put a fair price on your work or service and put your heart into your work and you will be more than all right! Do the best and for less! Create prices that will not hurt you or the people you serve! What I mean is, charge a price that doesnt hurt you financially because its too little and doesnt properly compensate for the work you do, but also dont charge a price that hurt the people coming to you. The price should be mutually beneficial to both the person served and the person serving. So please get it out of your mind that you cannot accept money (compensation, reciprocity) because you are spiritual. It is nothing wrong with spiritual people conducting business and being compensated for their service and work or intellectual property (knowledge, information). If people pay doctors, lawyers, counselors, fitness trainers, and other people with worldly occupations, many of which are harmful because they only take peoples money and really dont empower people, why shouldnt you a person with a heart, who truly wants to help people, and who is spiritual and conscious, not get paid? Work is work in the sense that energy is dispensed. You should not feel guilty receiving money from people in exchange for your services. Learning to do what you do, cost you money. Learning materials cost you some money. The gas you put in your car so you could attend special seminars cost you money. Going to massage school cost you money. Buying a massage table and equipment cost you money. Purchasing herbs cost you money. You sacrificed and/or surrendered your time to study. You paid a price! You dont owe anyone anything!

If you have no problem compensating a psychiatrist whom you know is not really helping you but only securing future income by scheduling unnecessary weekly sessions, why have problems compensating a spiritual counselor who is really helping you by imparting valuable wisdom, information, and knowledge? So what that the person may be your friend! The person is providing you something of value and should be properly compensated. A person who is a friend should not have to be compensated all the time, but on the same token, the friend should not always have to provide you their expertise, energy, and time free of charge. The friend has a mundane life to maintain as well. Help keep people who are making a difference in the world and truly helping people, free! Compensate them financially or barter with them. Think in terms of spiritual quid pro quo (something for something), and the compensation can be money, a service provided in return, a gift, or pure genuine energy of love, thanks, gratitude, and appreciation. Youre in a capitalist society and you cant change the fact that the U.S. is a capitalist society. We sell things here! But we also have choice too so we can choose what we sell. We can sell healthy things or we can sell unhealthy things. Regardless of what we sell, we are creating personal karma and we should be conscious of this. Even with information, in todays world, its a commodity. We sell information today. Were in the Information age! Information sells. Knowledge sells. You have a legal right to sell your knowledge and information. They are commodities in a certain respect. However, you are also free to give your knowledge and information away for free too. However, remember that you want to be free of a corporate job so as to be and do YOU! You will need money to get, stay, and remain free. Selling what do, your work, and service will bring you money and that money can be spent on your freedom or to further maintain that freedom. In turn, more money will come and when you have more money, you can gradually decrease your prices and begin to give away things for free or half price. Trust me, you can do way more with more money than without money.

The key to the success of is in my free articles. While I charge for many things (herbal compounds, consultations, charts, e-books, etc.), I also keep the prices economical making sure that the average person can afford what I sell; but I also make sure that I give away things for free. Theres a balance present! The knowledge and information (in my articles) to me is more valuable than the tangible products. I purposely choose to give the information and knowledge away for free. Giving my articles away for free makes a large statement to many people. Almost no other herbal business does what I do, or, to the degree that I do what I do. This is to my advantage! I educate for free! I inform the reader. Every reader is also a potential customer from the business angle, but the great thing is, people dont have to become customers (and I give them this choice) and they will still benefit from In giving to people, people give back to me in the form of patronizing my products and services but also by e-mailing me testimonials thanking and myself for helping them health-wise and/or helping them to transform their lives. Again, people are given a choice at You dont have to become a member to access all that information and knowledge on website. It is there for whomever wants it! It doesnt cost a single penny either. This is the power of! Though information is a commodity in todays Information age, I give that commodity away for free and because I do, money follows automatically. We are working spiritual laws with Necessary Actions To Make Your Transition Into Your Lifes Higher Purpose/Calling! To transition into your lifes higher purpose or your spiritual calling, you must sacrifice and surrender your time and your energy. You must be dedicated and committed to your goal.

There is only 24 hours in the day and time will not be added to the day so you can have extra time to work on getting into your higher lifes purpose and calling. You will have to take time away from other areas of your life in order to create and have the necessary time to study and learn. Certain activities will have to be cut out. If you need an extra 2 hours, youll have to look for areas in which you can deduct time from. Perhaps youre watching 3 hours of television per day, or perhaps youre on the phone for 2-3 hours per day talking to family members, a lover, and/or friends. Youll have to make up your mind to cut out watching television and/or talking on the phone. By doing this, you have created the extra time you need to study and learn so as to get off into your lifes higher purpose and calling. If the workweek is too much for you and youre feeling drained after work due to children and family and household duties, i.e. cooking, washing, helping children with the homework, etc. then theres always the weekends. You can always find time, people. Even if you have to wake up 2 hours early each morning, it must be done. There are no excuses! The time is there! Deduct time from frivolous and unnecessary activities and dedicate it to your lifes higher purpose and calling. In the car traveling to and from work, listen to educational materials (books on CD). Listen to inspirational and motivational CDs, CDs about the subject matter coinciding with the work you desire to do. Listen to the material and content over and over again for repetition of a message constitutes mental programming. If it takes you one hour to get to work and one hour to return home from work, thats 2 hours right there that you can dedicate to your learning. Convert your car into a mobile institute of learning. Dont listen to stupid talk radio because thats not going to make you free, rich, wealthy, and powerful. Control the content that goes into your head (mind). Put yourself into the arena that you desire to be in. If you desire to paint and help the community via your paintings, then hang out at art galleries, paint

supply stores, museums of art, etc. If you feel the need, take an art class at a community college so as to surround yourself with other artists or aspiring artists. Remember, Birds of a feather flock together! Read books about painting and famous painters! You could even work part time in an art supply or paint store if you have the time or willing to make the time. Now youre being paid to be in your element. Its like an intern position. You can learn as much as you can by working in a paint or art supply store. This is also a way to make great contacts too! If you desire to be an herbalist, hang out at health food stores, herb stores, the county arboretum, nurseries, etc. Perhaps work part-time in an herb store or at a health food store in the herbal medicine section. Or, consider working at a nursery. Take a course in horticulture at a community college. Just get yourself into an element of plants. Study botany, medicinal herbs, herbology, ethno-botany, medical astrology, etc. Again, read books about herbalism and herbology. There are hundreds of books on herbs. Whatever it is you desire to do, put yourself in that element. Back when I really knew I wanted to be an astrologer (dealing with basic astrology), I constantly hung out with my man Harold Acey who was an astrologer among many other things. It took me a while to learn the concepts and language of astrology, but I eventually got it. Basically, I learned to remember all that I knew about astrology in my past life. A lot of times, when we gravitate towards certain fields, its because that field is familiar to us due to past life experience in that field. Weve been walking that line of endeavor for various past lives and when were born in the present life having a niche for something in our childhood years, its because we have near mastered the subject and now we are ready to experience complete mastery of the subject in the present life. These people are generally referred to as geniuses.

I consciously chose to study Western astrology; after all, Im here in the Western world, so why would I limit my business opportunities and myself by studying a form of astrology that is foreign to the Western world? Why would I study African astrology (outside of my personal interest in the subject)? How many people even know about it or will have an interest in it? I study Western astrology because Im in the Western world. My friends who teach African astrology suffer and lack financially. Why? Because they are limited in whom they can teach their kind of astrology to. White people, Asians, Hispanics are not going to have an interest in African astrology. The truth of the matter is, most Black Americans are not going to have an interest in African astrology at all. Dealing with limited groups business-wise means limited ability to make money. Sad but true! Many Blacks interested in black forms or African systems of astrology are not going to able to pay you for your services in many cases. Like the maxim states: Blacks buy what they want, but beg for what they need. Follow the premises above for whatever it is you desire to be in life and to do in life, you can achieve it, especially if you put your mind to it! If youve graduated from massage therapy school because you desire to help people heal via massage, to transition into massage therapy 24/7, make sure you work after work (of your corporate job) and on weekends. For a short while, offer free massages. This way you get to experience on people and let people experience your skill and talent. If they like your skill they will pay you and have no problem paying you. If youre good, the word about you will spread to other people. Soon, youll be all booked up with appointments. Soon, youll be able to work part-time at your corporate job which will free you up to perform more massages. Heres another important word of advice, regardless of what it is you do or desire to do, you will always have knowledge pertaining to your field of endeavor in your lifes higher purpose and calling. This means you have something to say about what it is you do and specialize in. This qualifies you as a counselor or consultant.

And because you have a story, usually inspiring, to tell about how you became what you are, i.e. herbalist, painter, healer, etc., you are a speaker a motivational and inspirational speaker, at least in your particular field. In addition to what you do, you are also a counselor and a speaker. Begin to counsel people. Make sure to speak to people, telling your story of how you got off into your lifes higher purpose. Your story will inspire others. You are now qualified via your personal experience and your success in your endeavor to speak at expositions, exhibits, and other events. Get having a degree out of your mind in order to do something. Stop thinking certificates automatically have something to do with competence. Does a birth certificate denote competence? Does a death certificate denote competence? All right then! Competence is the result of knowledge and experience. Your words contain information and information is a commodity. If you are an artist (painter), you can counsel others. You can even give lectures on art (painting). Regardless of what your particular field is, learn to speak and communicate effectively. Study speech communication and public speaking. To be able to effectively communicate and speak in the public or to large groups of people is an asset to you. Lets say youre a musician and youve been in that field for a while. You have a lot of knowledge and information about the music field, this makes you a music consultant or counselor. You can make some business cards and give them out. You can charge a nominal fee and you will only increase the price when you become more known and in demand. The goal is to always get free so you can be free to do what you specialize in and love to do. You will always do a good job in that field that is dear to you and that you have passion for. Passion and zeal will open up new doors of opportunity for you. Whatever you are good in or excel in, you become qualified to be a coach, teacher, counselor, consultant, and/or speaker in that field and this allows you to eventually make more money because now you have more opportunities. The more skills and abilities you have, the more opportunities

you have, and the more opportunities you, the more profitable and bankable you become. When you first get off into herbal formulations, massage therapies, energy healing, psychic readings, etc. perform sessions for free to give people some experience, to try out your services. Do this for as long as you can 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc. Let people know you offer a service and that you are good at what you do. When you perform a service for free, people feel they have nothing to lose and all to gain. A lot of alternative practices are new to a lot of people so when they undergo sessions for the first time, theyre skeptical and doubtful. So if you perform the service for free, and they benefit from it, now they have experience and will not mind paying for the service in the future. You now have a loyal customer and remember: customers are the best advertisers. I used to do this (the above advice) with chakra balancing. I performed sessions for free and then almost next to nothing: $20-$25! I knew the sessions were worth more money but I was wise and knew that people had to gain an understanding of the service I was offering. They needed to feel the technique or modality working. It also helped that I always educated the customer about the service to help them feel at ease. Another thing you can do to help people learn more and understand more about what you do is to write articles on the subject. If you paint, write articles on painting and art, how they can help you to relax or what they do to the mind. If youre an herbalist or aspiring herbalist, write articles on herbs their properties and functions, their history, your personal testimonials with their use. If a massage therapist, write articles on how massage therapy helps the body. Write about the benefits of massage therapy.

If you perform ear coning, write articles on the subject the history of ear coning, the benefits of ear coning, etc. Remember that knowledge is power so when you give knowledge about a thing, you help to empower people and people are your prospective customers and clients. When you provide people knowledge about the service you perform, you provide them with the necessary information to make an informed choice. Working Out of The Home or a Facility I recommend that when you first get off into your lifes higher purpose or calling, work from home so as to prevent overhead. Dont be rash to obtain many legal documents either. Just obtain a d/b/a (doing business as) and file it with the County Recorders office. Open up a business checking account in your business name and obtain a merchants account with your bank so you can accept various forms and methods of payments. To open up a business checking account, youll first need a d/b/a of course. Always make sure people can pay you in all ways: cash, personal check, money order, credit card, and/or debit card. This way you wont lose money because a customer or client is limited in their payment options. In place of a merchant account, you can start a Pay Pal account so you can accept various forms of payment. NOTE: Merchant accounts transfer payments quicker than Pay Pal, which takes 2-4 business days to transfer money (payments) into your business checking account. You only need a retail or resale license if you plan on ordering materials and at a lower price because you are a retailer. A retail license helps you to order materials at a cheaper or discounted price. This license may or may not subject you to a tax depending on the city and/or state you reside in.

As far as a business license, I wouldnt opt for a business license if you will be working out of the home. I would only obtain a business license if I had an actual location that was open to the public. A business license will subject you to an annual tax and thus you have just created a bill for yourself. As a new business owner, and entrepreneur, you want to stay out of and away from debt and unnecessary bills. I also would not incorporate my business if Im working out of the home or making house calls. Many people incorporate for benefits (usually tax benefits) but there are actually more detriments than benefits when you incorporate. I would wait until my business becomes economically solvent before I decide to incorporate. I would also not apply for an E.I.N. (Employer Identification Number) if I were working out of the home. An E.I.N. opens up a tax account with the I.R.S. and subjects you to taxation. A time may come in the future when your business becomes economically viable and financially solvent and this may be the time you consider applying for your E.I.N. However, you do have the option of doing the opposite of all the above. If you want tax write offs and certain benefits, then it may be in your best interests to obtain certain licenses, to incorporate, and to obtain an EIN. However, just be prepared to be your own accountant and bookkeeper and by all means stay on top of your accounting because the I.R.S. loves to audit small, private, and independent businesses because government really doesnt want the little man or woman to be successful in their small business because it leads to independence and less control over people. Government prefers people to work for government or corporations whereby its easier to control people. Government has been doing to small business owners over the past few decades what it did to farmers putting them out of business on purpose. The corporations rule in America! Also, you if reside in an apartment, youll need the apartment manager and/ or owners permission to conduct your business and/or services out of the

apartment. This is strictly for insurance purposes; especially if you will be laying hands on people, i.e. massage therapy. Consultations would be the exception to the rule here. Consultations would be tantamount to having visitors and of course you dont an apartment managers/owners permission to have guests over. However, if you will make house calls, then of course you need no ones permission to conduct these in an apartment. If you reside in a house, you would have the option of obtaining a business license for your business, as well as obtaining an E.I.N., and incorporating. If you plan to write a room in your house off on your taxes because you use it as an office, youd want to make sure you obtain all necessary licenses and obtain an E.I.N. Legally, when you work out of your home and have one room dedicated as an office, you can write off some of your rent, electric bill, and telephone bill as well as supplies you use for your business. The catch is: one room in the house must be entirely dedicated as an office. Despite being in your lifes higher life purpose and calling, youll still need to learn and know things about business. You are still operating in the mundane world despite being off into you lifes higher purpose and calling. Narrowing In On Discovering Your Lifes Purpose If you have general information as to what you desire to do, you must learn to narrow in. Okay, so you know that you want to work with small children. Okay, how do you want to work with small children? In what capacity to you want to work with small children? As a counselor? As a teacher! As a day care instructor? In what way do you want to work with small children? You want to work with animals or wildlife? Okay, how? In what capacity? A veterinarian? A zoologist? Narrow it in!

You want to help people? Okay, how do you want to help people? Hands on healing? Talking to them? Inspiring them? Narrow it down to the specifics. You want to help the environment? How? In what way? Narrow it in! Ask yourself the necessary questions. WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? HOW DO I WANT TO DO IT? IN WHAT AREA, FIELD, OR DEPARTMENT? Additional questions: WHAT INSPIRES ME? WHAT AM I ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT? WHAT MOTIVATES ME? WHAT GIVES ME DRIVE AND PASSION? In order o receive answers in life, you have to start asking questions. People who are lost and confused in life are people who do not and/or not asking questions at all, and in some cases, are asking some questions, but not the right questions. Start asking the right questions so you can start receiving the right answers. Everything is in the Wheel (Your Natal Chart) As metaphysician Harold Acey is fond of saying about everything pertaining to ones life, everything (about your life) is in the Wheel. The Wheel represents the astrological natal chart. Basically, your natal chart reveals everything you need to know about your personality, your behavior, how you relate and interact with other people and the environment, and how you perceive reality.

All individuals who wish to uncover their higher lifes purpose should have their natal chart done as well as their numerology chart done. Astrology and numerology are the 2 sciences that help us to uncover what our higher lifes purpose is. They give the best insight into what it is we incarnated to do. Learning to decipher my natal chart has changed my life forever. I know myself better than ever. I now know why I do certain things, why I like and dislike certain things, why I gravitate towards certain things and certain people, why I must be in a relationship with the opposite sex and only with one person at a time (Venus/ Taurus in the 7th House, which deals with marriage), why I had financial obstacles and now financial windfalls (Saturn in Taurus/2nd House), why I use what I use to conduct business and to help people (Leo in Mid-Heaven), why I am so attracted to the opposite sex and vice versa (triple Venus influence, plus, Venus in Taurus), why my mind is the way that it is (Mars in Gemini influence), why my sex life and sexual drive is so magnified (Taurus Sun w/ Scorpio rising; double Mars influence), and why I meet so many people and am involved with social change (a lot of 11th House/Aquarius activity in my natal chart). Your natal chart is a record, the map of the heavens at the moment of your birth or physical carnation into the present life. Astrology is a unique and versatile tool that gives you the ability and insight to know yourself fully. It is a reflection of our unique personality as individuals. I truly feel that everyone who really wants to know him or her self intimately should have his or her natal chart performed and interpreted. Learn to interpret your own chart or have a professional or someone skilled in natal chart interpretation to interpret your natal chart. Many books on astrology are available and many services offer natal chart interpretation. To have your natal chart done, all an astrologer would need is: Your birth date Your time of birth

City and State or Country you were born in We offer natal chart interpretation at if youre interested. Visit our On-line Store and click on Services to learn more and/or to order. Your astrological natal or birth chart can advise you on many things such as: * Your love life * Suitable career for you * How your upbringing molded you * The best ways for you to make money and how * The skills you have at your disposable for expression via a job/avocation * The most compatible mates for you in a relationship * Your sexuality and sexual preferences * Your present life karmic (past-life) lessons to be learned One of the best means available to understand other people, once you know how to combine the different factors in a birth chart, you can look behind the face someone presents to the world and discover who that person really is. JUDY HALL A knowledge of astrology can help you to discover your lifes higher purpose but it can also give you much needed insight in the best worldly avocation that will allow you to express your gifts, talents, and skills that will serve as a precursor to you doing your lifes higher purpose. The more you under and inner stand about this profound art and science, the greater insight you will gain into your life and the lives of other people and how you relate to them. A good natal chart interpretation will give you a break down of all the planets in the various signs at the time of your birth and the houses these signs and planets were in at the time of your birth; a breakdown of what it

means for planets to be in certain signs and houses at your time of birth; a breakdown of your Sun sign, Moon sign, Ascendant or Rising and Descendant signs; your North and South Nodes; how many elements (i.e. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire) you have in your chart; how many Masculine/ Positive and Feminine/Negative signs you have in your chart; how many qualities (i.e. Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable) you have in your; what your Mid-Heaven sign is; the number of Houses you have in your chart, etc. You get a breakdown of all of the above with the natal chart service. Your Natal Chart and Your Vocation or Work Life What can your natal (birth) chart reveal to you about your work life? The natal chart cannot specifically target a particular career, it can however point out and reveal your vocational needs that you bring to work as well as your talents, gifts, and abilities that can be best expressed in a societal way. Once you have an understanding and inner-standing of your vocational needs and talents, you will have a much greater chance and opportunity of creating and manifesting a fulfilling, rewarding, and satisfying work life, guaranteed! An under, inner, and over standing of your astrological natal charts vocational potential can be accomplished and achieved in a plethora of ways. The starting-off point is your Sun sign. Because the Sun represents conscious purpose, will, and creative potential, its sign needs will be a major factor in discovering your lifes work and ultimately, your lifes higher purpose. Your vocation can help you to uncover or discover your lifes higher purpose. Your vocation is a precursor to your lifes higher purpose. This is why you should get yourself into a career where your gifts, talents, and skills can be expressed. One way to understand the signs vocational needs is through examining the needs of the elements, the 2nd House, 6th House, and 10th House.

The 2nd House corresponds to resources (mental, intellectual). The 6th House corresponds to service and employment. The 10th House corresponds to business and professional standing. When we think of work, we think of a means of offering practical service that will provide us with money so that we can support ourselves in the mundane world. No matter how spiritual we may be or profess, we are still citizens of the material and mundane world and thus have requirements, i.e. food, clothing, and shelter, which in our society require money; and money allows us to purchase our basic needs. In the realm of the mundane (material), work is a practical or earthy endeavor and in this sense we should think of signs that are practical and earthy Earth signs! Earth signs are practical and earthy and thus they help us to find our best vocational fields in which we can express our gifts, skills, and talents. Above, I listed the three houses that aid us in our vocational field 2nd House, 6th House, and 10th House. Now check it out! The Houses corresponds to signs. The 2nd House corresponds to Taurus, an Earth sign. The 6th House corresponds to Virgo, an Earth sign. And the 10th House corresponds to Capricorn, another Earth sign. The Earth signs give us much needed insight into our personal resources, how we best serve others, and the best avocations that allow us to express ourselves. The Mid-Heaven Sign In our natal charts, the Mid-heaven is the sign or archetype that is situated at the beginning of the 10th House (which corresponds to Capricorn, the 10th sign of the Zodiac). Your Mid-heaven (sign) symbolizes your social or public role in the society, community, and world at large and depicts the contribution you wish to make to your community and society at large that forms the basis of your social reputation and status. Along with your Sun sign, it is valuable indicator of long-term career choices.

Your Mid-heaven sign is the 10th House or sign counting retrograde or backwards from your Ascendant or Rising sign. For example, my Rising sign is Scorpio, which would be situated in the 1st House in a natal chart. Going retrograde, Libra would be next because Libra comes before Scorpio. In my chart, Libra is situated in my 12th House. Scorpio is in the first, and going backwards, Libra is in the 12th House. After Libra being in the 12th House would be Virgo in the 11th House. You see, we are going backwards here to arrive at the 10th House. Going further retrograde, after Virgo would be Leo. Leo would be in the 10th House making Leo my Mid-heaven sign. Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Suns impact would figure in here as well. The Sun deals with inspiration and therefore, I express inspiration in my work. Inspiration is a big part of what I do. Leo corresponds to the 5th House which deals with creativity, fun, pleasure, sexuality, and children. I have to take into account all the attributes of the Sun, Leo (the sign the Sun governs), and 5th House, which Leo corresponds with. My work deals with me inspiring and energizing people (the Sun), using will, consciousness, creative principle, self expression (Leo traits), and in the areas of creativity, pleasure and fun, and sexuality (5th House attributes). You will express the attributes of the planet that governs the sign that is in the 10th House (Mid-heaven) in your natal chart. SUN / If the Sun governs the sign (Leo) in your Mid-heaven, you will express inspiration in your work. MOON / If the Moon governs the sign (Cancer) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express nurturing and emotion in your work. MERCURY / if Mercury governs the sign (Gemini, Virgo) in your MidHeaven, you will express communication in your work. VENUS / if Venus governs the sign (Taurus, Libra) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express love, beauty and magnetism in your work.

MARS / if Mars governs the sign (Aries, Scorpio) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express energy and will in your work. JUPITER / if Jupiter governs the sign (Sagittarius, Pisces) in your MidHeaven, you will express optimism, knowledge, and hope in your work. SATURN / if Saturn governs the sign (Capricorn, Aquarius) in your MidHeaven, you will express control, discipline and structure in your work. URANUS / if Uranus governs the sign (Aquarius) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express originality, change, and transformation in your work. NEPTUNE / if Neptune governs the sign (Pisces) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express inspiration, enlightenment, and mysticism in your work. PLUTO / if Pluto governs the sign (Scorpio) in your Mid-Heaven, you will express power in your work. Now, lets look at the four various elements and the information they give us about the best careers for us based upon our element. EARTH Signs Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are mostly interested in careers that provide stability, security, a steady income, and the opportunity to produce tangible results. WATER Signs Water signs include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. They are mostly interested in vocations that involve nurturing, healing, the use of the imagination, and create settings that provide a sense of belonging. AIR Signs

Air signs include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. They are mostly interested in careers that involve work with people, variety, and the opportunity to communicate and share ideas. FIRE Signs Fire signs include Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. They are mostly interested in vocations that offer adventure, challenge, independence, and the opportunity to create ones own destiny. Now, lets look at the various vocations, careers, and occupations pursuant to each individual sign. Aries Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations that require independence, daring and the pioneering spirit: Entrepreneurs Pioneers in any field Idea people Those who initiate new projects Troubleshooters Directors Adventurers Executives Firemen/Firefighters Forest Rangers Engineers (metallurgical) Members of the armed forces Firearms experts Police officers Machinists Mechanics Iron and steel workers Locksmiths Welders Athletics that involve speed and daring Racecar drivers Contact sports

Boxers Dancers Movement therapists Physical education instructors Surgeons Taurus Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations dealing with the Earth and substance as well as money and finance: Bankers Bank tellers Stockbrokers Financiers Money managers Investment advisors Securities analysts Treasurers Economists Farmers Ranchers Agriculture instructors Landscape architects Gardeners Rock collectors (semi-precious gems) Builders Carpenters Building contractors Concrete pourers Chiropractors Massage therapists Computer programmers Artists Sculptors Jewelers Pottery makers Fashion designers Tailors Florists

Musicians Singers Orators/Speakers Voice teachers Throat specialists Gemini Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations involved with communication or transportation. People under this sign can engage in two or more occupations at once: Authors Proofreaders Ad copywriters Screenplay writers Editors Reporters Teachers Lecturers Linguists Speech therapists Librarians Bookstore owners Publishers Magazine employees Radio operators Disc jockeys Television producers Telephone operators Telephone repairpersons Telemarketers Stationery storeowners Journalists Salespeople Printers Book distributors Clerks Officer workers Secretaries

Typists Typesetters Messengers Mail carriers Taxi drivers Bus drivers Cancer Gravitate towards careers, occupations, and vocations that nurture that deal with water-related things, and also that deal with the home: Caterers Restaurant owners Chefs Cooks Bakers Waiters/waitresses Confectioners Grocers Food distributors Nutritionists Social workers Counselors Psychics Nurses Family therapists Preschool teachers Childrens writers Caretakers Plumbers Swimmers Lifeguards Fishermen Realtors Landlords Hotel managers Innkeepers Homemakers Maids

Laundry workers Leo Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations that deal with performing (performers of all types), leading (Leaders of all types), and that deal with children: Actors/Actresses Playwrights Entertainers Dancers Singers Musicians Movie stars Circus performers Jugglers Clowns Sports figures Teachers Amusement park owners Speculators Gamblers Executives Managers Government officials Politicians Foremen Judges Athletes Salespeople Salesman/woman Promoters Heart specialists Virgo Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and occupations that deal with analysis, detail, technical expertise, health occupations and the social services, and inspectors of all types:

Statisticians Accountants Bookkeepers Computer programmers Teachers of technical subjects Stenographers Critics Inspectors Draftsmen Graphic artists Technical illustrators Craftspeople Specialists Mental health workers Therapists Psychiatrists Psychoanalysts Social workers Employment counselors Nurses Doctors Massage therapists Respiratory technicians Dental hygienists Dentists Secretaries Office managers Food service workers Waiters and waitresses Dieticians Nutritionists Veterinarians Zoologists Sanitation workers Janitors Public health officials House cleaners Butlers

Libra Gravitate towards careers, occupations, and vocations that pursue balance, harmony, and justice; and that deal with beauty: Negotiators (all types) Counselors (all types) Marriage counselors Wedding-related businesses Diplomats Labor arbitrators Judges Lawyers Managers Salespeople Artists Architects Painters Illustrators Photographers Fashion designers Fashion industry workers Color consultants Clothing storeowners Salespeople Beauticians Hairdressers Cosmeticians Interior and exterior designers Cosmetic manufacturers Jewelers Florists Candy makers Scorpio Gravitate towards careers, occupations, and vocations that focus on uncovering hidden secrets, working behind the scenes, healing and medicine, sex, and all matters dealing with death: Researchers

Muckraking journalists Investigators Detectives Physicists Occultists Espionage agents Vice squad workers Psychics Astrologers Funeral home director Morticians Cemetery workers Insurance salespeople Soldiers Undertakers Medical practitioner (all kinds) Physicians Sex therapists Sex counselors Adult film stars Sex educators Nurses Psychiatrists Psychologists Surgeons Pharmacists Pathologists Past-life investigators Hospice workers Chemists Music therapists Musician Sagittarius Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations dealing with exploration, travel, and adventure; and higher knowledge: Explorers Astronomers

Travel agents Airline employees Flight attendants Astronauts Import/export agents Foreign correspondents Language interpreters Traveling salespeople Promoters Customs officials Athletes (of all types) Archers Sporting goods manufacturers Horse trainers Breeders Jockeys Philosophers College professors Ministers Theologians Missionaries Preachers Orators Publishers Metaphysical writers Philanthropists Lawyers Capricorn Gravitates to careers, occupations, and vocations that deal with administering and organizing and form and structure: Managers Business owners Executives Government officials Politicians Judges Manufacturers

Coordinators School principals Wardens Disciplinarians Buyers Consultants Vocational counselors Architects Contractors Builders Carpenters Civil and industrial engineers Economists Chiropractors Orthopedic specialists Landowners Aquarius Gravitates towards careers, occupations, and vocations dealing with progress and invention and social change: Inventors Scientists Educators Researchers Astrologers Social workers Psychologists Futurists Humanitarians Social reformers United nation workers Employees of world relief organizations Future-oriented occupations Astronauts Airplane pilots Aviators Parachutists Solar energy researchers

Radio and television technicians Electricians Electrical engineers Teachers Educators Group organizers Pisces Gravitates to careers, occupations, and vocations dealing with spiritual, healing, and art and water-related activities: Religious workers Priests Clairvoyants Mediums Psychics Metaphysicians Physicians Psychic healers Nurses Psychiatrists Psychologists Hypnotists Podiatrists Poets Musicians Writers (inspirational, fantasy) Actors Dancers Painters Artists Entertainers Comedians Singers Filmmakers Fishermen Sailors Sea captains Divers

Swimmers Lifeguards Marine scientists Oceanographers Bartenders Oil industry workers What Your Name Reveals About You and Your Lifes Higher Purpose Along with astrology, numerology has really helped me to know, understand, inner stand, over stand, and get in tune with my lifes higher purpose. While true that everything is in the Wheel, however, also, everything is in the name. I could also add that everything is in the palms too. The art and science of decoding the palms is called palmistry. The practice of palmistry has identified the various aspects of the individual character. Palmists know what to expect in a normal hand, and when variations appear, they can direct their clients attention to the corresponding area of life. Aside from pinpointing the imbalances, palmistry can also help the individual become aware of talents and character traits that are not being realized. David Pond Yes, your palm (right hand) reveals so much about your life: your quality and quantity of life, your mind (mental strength and capacity), and your love life. The right palm denotes fixed divine destiny and the left hand denotes unfixed free will. It is so unfortunate that so many religious-minded people see palmistry as dark, sinister, evil, or of the Devil. What such ignorance! Did not God create the human hand? Did God not put the lines in the palms of your hand? So its against God to decipher or decode the lines and imprints of your palm? Everything God created was created for a purpose and with a purpose in mind. I truly believe Christian, Muslim, and Jewish authorities (of the exoteric form of these religions, as these religions also have a mystical side that deal with the occult) teach their flock to shun palmistry and other occult sciences to keep people ignorant and dependent on the institution and leaders. After all, would you really need or be dependent on another person or an

institution to guide you in YOUR life if you knew your own destiny and was self-guided? These religions lead people more into historical characters such as Jesus, Muhammad, and Moses more so than it helps lead people into themselves. Religion invests too much in being a follow rather than a leader, a leader of Self. But hey, it isnt like we really dont know that religion is all about control of the individuals heart, mind, and soul. I have learned so much about myself from just learning to interpret the lines in my hand. The ancient Kemetics said: Man, know thyself! This means know the tangible Self as well as the intangible Self. Or, know the physical self as well as the spiritual self. The guiding principle of astrology is the ancient axiom, As above, so below. In astrology, this concept is disclosed by the birth chart, and in palmistry this knowledge is recorded in the hands. As above, so below can also be extended from the microcosm of the hand to the macrocosm of the whole body. The energy of the whole being runs through the hands and records a path by lines and shapes it leaves. Just as a problem with a cars front-end alignment is indicated by uneven wear of the tires, an imbalance in the individual will be recorded in the hand. David Pond Numerology deals with the science of decoding the numbers behind every alphabet. As metaphysician David Pond states, Hidden within each of these numbers that make up your everyday world, there is a symbol with a message. Everything that you do or touch that involves numbers holds a message. As Gerie Bauer states, numerology doesnt shower anyone with anything; it merely points the way and guides you down the right path to whatever it is you desire. Numbers has always fascinated me, but then again, I have always been fascinated by the occult or dark side of life despite my Christian upbringing (programming and conditioning). Numbers have an occult association when you understand numerology.

I was weak in mathematics (beyond addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division) in school. I never saw the value of calculus, trigonometry, or algebra. I could never see myself having a use of these in my life after school. Basic math, yes! Advanced math, no! Juno Jordan gives one of the best explanations of numerology in my opinion. She states that: Numerology, as it is presented today, is based on the precepts that Nature geometrizes, that Divine Law is defined and accurate, and that it can be computed and figured with mathematical precision as definitely as any statement in arithmetic or physics. I totally concur with Jordan! On the day you were born, a record of what you are like, what you have to depend upon to make your way in the world, your talents, abilities, your character, and your heritage from the past are outlined and transcribed by the numbers of the month, day, and year of your birth. Had your parents read this record and valued it, much uncertainty and anxiety could have been saved. They could have known exactly how to train, guide and direct you to your ultimate goal, wisely and with fine understanding. There could have been no hit-or-miss training. JUNO JORDAN David Pond goes on to further state that: Numerology is a method of organizing a perspective as to where you have been and where you are going. It is a way to segment life in an orderly fashion. Numerology, especially Descriptive Numerology, decodes the numbers or numerals behind each alphabet in your given name at birth. It is important to always decipher the given birth name because the givens of your life (your birth date and full name as it appears on your birth certificate) remain with you always and are interpreted as the foundation from which you grow and evolve. Even though you may change your name for purposes of culture or heritage, marriage, spiritual commitment, or just personal choice, the name you were given at birth is the one that forms your personal foundation of life. However, you should perform a numerological evaluation of every name you have or used on your sojourn and path. As Juno Jordan states, All other names, nicknames, changes of names, signatures, or married names are but channels through which the destiny is worked out and expressed.

All of your names are significant, but none are as significant as the full given name at the time of birth. Many times on our spiritual paths, we will change our name and a name change denotes our growth, usually spiritual and sometimes cultural (especially for African-Americans, a people who suffer from cultural identity crisis due to the European and Arab slave trades). Ponder the words of Nia Damali: European names were given to Black people to be the knife which cut us away from our own land, language and culture causing us to become NEGROES. And this is why when tracing the negroes roots back to their land, language and culture you can go no further than 430 years, when a slave trader by the name of John Hawkins brought our first parents here to the shore of America as slaves. Our history goes back to the beginning of time. And our culture is one of pride and honor. Golden Names For An African People, foreword While many family and would-be friends criticized and ridiculed me for changing my name on a few occasions, they didnt understand that I changed my name to reflect my growth and where I was in my development as a human being; after all, names have meaning and are supposed to have meaning. A good name alone can give one purpose in life. A name is supposed to have meaning and depth. A name is supposed to denote qualities that you are to grow into and manifest and be a living example of. The Arabic name Muhammad means one worthy of praise. The name Muhammad serves as a reminder that one is on the path to be one worthy of praise and this should reflect in the persons actions. Nia Damali goes on to state, So, whats in a name? For those of us who have connected our life line to our past, it is culture, heritage, dignity, pride, strength, the love of self, the knowledge of self and most of all, our beginning. You see, I always had the courage to change my name. It didnt matter how many times my name changed. It reflected my growth. Earnest denoted Christianity and Europe(an). Jabir denoted Islam/Islamic and Arabism. Djehuty denotes ancient Kemet but also the Cosmos. There are no more name changes for me. I have left the land and have gone up (Cosmos).

Djehuty expresses me 100%! It is a very powerful name, especially when you understand the god Djehuty (also spelled Djehuti and also known as Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus). I didnt really get off into my lifes higher calling and purpose until I changed my name to Djehuty Maat-Ra back in 2000 and officially in 2001. The name actually chose me because I kept hearing Djehuty and Maat. I heard it so much that it was programmed into my consciousness. Then one day it clicked. I was to become Djehuty Maat-Ra. I was to change my name one last time. This would be the name that would launch me into my lifes higher purpose and calling. I really didnt understand the power of this name or the power of Djehuty as god. I had to grow into this understanding. I kept meeting people who were telling me, Djehuty is a powerful name! and You have some serious responsibilities to live up to with that name. Djehuty the Kemetic god was many things, including the Scribe and Law Giver. Its interesting that I started to write after I changed by name to Djehuty. I also became involved with law and sovereignty too after changing my name to Djehuty. Djehuty was also the Guide of the Other Side or Nether world (death). I also got into understanding of death after I changed my name to Djehuty. Djehuty was also known as the physician of the Gods, and I became the physician of the healers. I helped to heal the local healers (gods, gods of healing). The name Djehuty was a portal into my great present existence. The name paved the way. It gave me a sense of CONSCIOUS direction and purpose in life. I began to accept all of my responsibilities after realizing what the name Djehuty meant and what the god Djehuty did. I knew I was supposed to help the healers to heal. I knew I was supposed to help people in law and even give them understanding of Gods law or Universal Law. I knew I was supposed to help guide people into the understanding of death and what happens after 3D life. I knew I was supposed to write (be the Scribe) and that I was a powerful writer.

Destiny is recorded in your name. Your name also has prophecy hidden in it. Your goal in life is to discover it. You see, most people are adverse to the occult art and sciences such as numerology but this explains why so many people are so lost and confused today and why their lives are so messed up. The parents nor the person or individual did their homework. They may have read the Bible or Quran, but they didnt read their name, their birth chart, or their palms. They (religious folks) relied upon religious fostered ignorance to shun reading these. They say ignorance is bliss, but is it really? Ignorance leads to enslavement, disease, unnecessary pain, unnecessary suffering, unnecessary struggling, strife, stress, worry, and other negative things or emotions. What can a so-called holy book tell you about yourself as an individual? Not a darn thing! These books are full of beautiful spiritual metaphors and symbolism that can serve as a moral compass but they dont or cant reveal your personal destiny and prophecy. These (destiny and prophecy) are written in the book called Self. You have to learn to read yourself to learn about yourself your purpose in life, your higher calling, etc. Symbolically, YOU are a book, a sealed book until you unlock the seals and read your book (your destiny, your promise, your prophecy, your potential, your higher purpose, etc.). It is you who must unlock the Book of Self! The title of your book is your full given name at birth and it gives you the necessary insight on what you are supposed to be doing on Earth in the present life incarnation. As Numerologist Juno Jordan states, The story of what your life is to be, what you were born to do, and the part you are play on the stage of life, now and in the future, are written in the scroll and symbols of the name given you when you were born. Reading the above, it should make you think that it really does pay to be conscious yourself, and/or to have conscious parents. Conscious parents will undoubtedly give a child a name with meaning on the surface and that will automatically have a deeper spiritual significance due to the numbers hiding behind the alphabets comprising the full name which numerology decodes for you. I have a personal policy as a man and person that no matter how beautiful, attractive, and fine a woman is or may be, if shes not conscious and in tune

(with God/Goddess or Creator, Self, spirituality, goddessness/femininity, etc.), I wouldnt touch her (sexually) with a ten foot pole. When I look at a woman (or when I did), I look at (think about) my future children for they could possibly come through her. Ive been married twice (formerly to a Pisces and currently to a Virgo), and both women became very conscious through our union. Their consciousness benefited my subsequent children that came through the portals of these women. All of my children were born at home (with the exception of one who was born in a birthing center). All of them are vegan too! All of them are highly intelligent beings and excelling in school. They are far smarter than myself when I was their ages. All of my children have names with meaning: Layla Iman (Layla = Beautiful One born at night, Iman = faith) Asim Obi (Asim = Defender, Protector, Obi = Mothers heart) Ajani (Ajani = He fights for possession of) Anand (Anand = Spiritual bliss) Our family last name of Maat-Ra means: Harmony, Justice, and Essential Order in praise of Ra. Jordan goes on to state, With every birth a soul is born. Life is not a matter of uncertainty and chance. Our names are written in the Lambs Book of Life recorded and tabulated there by the letters and numbers designating our names in the same way our births are registered on legal records required by civic law. Every name given at birth contains a Divine command and a Divine promise of opportunity and personal privilege, but at the same time it demands a promise from everyone to keep faith with the purpose written on the Destiny Scroll of the name. To know what your name means is a spiritual awakening. Divine destiny can be determined. According to Numerologist Gerie Bauer, From the first day of your life to your last, you are governed by the destiny bestowed upon you by the date of your birth. The numerological value of

this birth date will reveal to you the path of your destiny and suggest the line of personal development necessary to help you attain all you wish from life. Astrology, numerology, and palmistry all deal with your destiny revealing it. As Bauer goes on to state, The day you were born certain powers were bestowed upon you that will be with you your whole life long. Since this date is unalterable, its personal vibrations shape every event or incident in your life span. The only choice you have in regard to your destiny is to follow either the negative or the positive aspects of it. To be negative and constantly try to pursue a path that has not been predestined for you will only result in continual disappointment and failure, but if you look for and live up to only the positive aspects, you will be amazed at how easily life unfolds for you and the contentment you will find throughout your life. All the pieces will fall into place, easily and unerringly. We perform a very detailed Numerology service at Visit our On-line Store and click on Services to learn more and/or to order. When Your Life Purpose Really Unfolds Clearing Your Karmic Slate Your life purpose will really unfold for you after you consciously deal with karma, present life as well as past life karma. From ages 32-35, these 3 years may be the most challenging for you. Usually, a lot of karma is absolved during these 3 years, but this helps to clear karmic slates so as to open you up to awareness of your lifes higher purpose (if you havent discovered it by age 32). When the karmic slate is cleansed, it will feel like a great burden has been released or removed from you. You will now be able to move forward in doing the missions of your lifes higher purposes. The above is substantiated by the words of Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune: Missions are revealed when karmic slates are clean. Consequently, many souls remain frustrated, for they understand intuitively that there is something they must do, but they cannot see the picture clearly when the veils are down and vagueness prevails. As soon as karmic debts are

paid and Test of Initiation are passed, missions are revealed. The Light Shall Set You Free, p. 67 If life is rough for you between the ages of 32 35, now you know why. By age 35, we are supposed to be conscious of our lifes higher purpose and doing the work. Do not delay in dealing with (paying off) your karmic debts. Age 35 is the beginning of our 7-year Sixth Chakra experience; it lasts from age 35 to age 41. We experience life in periods of seven. We experience according to the seven chakras in seven-year periods. From infantry to age six constitutes our First Chakra years. We become conscious of our individuality during these years. From age seven to thirteen constitutes our 2nd chakra years. We become conscious of our relationships and sexuality during these years. From age fourteen to age twenty constitutes our 3rd Chakra years. We become conscious of the role we desire to play in society and the world. We become conscious of our will, develop ambition and drive, and develop our self-esteem and self-image. From age twenty-one to age twenty-seven constitutes our 4th Chakra years. We become conscious of genuine love, compassion, and caring for other people during these years. These years make and break the heart. We become conscious of what we truly want in intimate and sexual relationships during these years. From ages twenty-eight to thirty-four constitutes our 5th Chakra years. We become conscious of our higher self-expression and creativity during these years. We become conscious of long-term careers during these years. This is the best time (or period) to get married and start a family in todays society. From ages forty-two to forty-eight constitutes our 7th Chakra years. We become conscious of our higher Self and our spirituality during these years. Theres a reason why you see more older people joining church in their latter years. Certain things on an energetic level unfold naturally, including the Kundalini energy. It will activate naturally on its own without stimulation.

Start dealing with all life lessons no matter how challenging they may be. Deal with everything and with open eyes. The faster you deal with these challenging life lessons and learn the lessons they present, the faster your karmic slate will be cleared and your life purpose and life purpose missions will be unveiled to you. Remember, every problem is an opportunity. If you see a problem as an obstacle, thats exactly what it will be an OBSTACLE! When you see a problem as an opportunity, thats exactly what it will be an OPPORTUNITY! You determine if a problem is an opportunity or an obstacle. Always remember this! Overcoming Fear If fear is in the equation and preventing you from doing anything, especially your lifes higher purpose and mission, fear is paralyzing you because you are allowing it to. Fear results from ignorance and ignorance results from choice, whether you make that choice for yourself or someone else makes it for you. You have to make the choice to not be ignorant. Plain and simple! Whatever you may be ignorant to, get knowledge and apply or live that knowledge so as to obliterate or diffuse the ignorance. Knowledge comes from research, investigation, study, and experience. Applied knowledge can lead to understanding and wisdom. You must apply your mind! You must stimulate your mind! Knowledge and the application of knowledge is power! The best advice I can give anyone on fear is: move in the direction of your fear. When you do the thing you fear, it disappears. Fear is an illusion and an illusion can only result from an illusion. Do the thing you fear and the fear will go away!

Again, whatever it is you fear, face the fear and move in the direction of fear. As you move closer through fear, it naturally dissipates. Walking in the direction of fear and facing fear means to experience that fear. Allow yourself to feel that fear and slowly but surely the intensity of the fear will begin to gradually lessen and soon youll be unaffected. You are not resisting fear, not at all, for what you resist, persists! Walking in the direction of your fear and facing it means to experience fear. Why experience fear? Well, to learn the lesson it offers. Fear is nothing but confidence inverted, power inverted, knowledge inverted, and certainty inverted. Consciousness and fear cannot co-exist! Knowledge and fear cannot coexist! Experience your fear and move on in confidence, strength, and power! Only one thing is to be understood: when you allow yourself to feel fear and you tremble, watch it, enjoy it, and in that watching you will transcend it, you will see your body is trembling, you will see your mind is trembling, but you will come to feel a point within you, a deep center, which remains unaffected. The storm passes by, but somewhere deep within you there is a centre which is untouched: the center of the cyclone. OSHO

The End!
Thank you for reading Discovering Your Lifes Purpose. I trust that you have extracted beneficial information and gained knowledge that you can use as your own building blocks to discover and live out your lifes higher purpose Additional e-books by Djehuty are available @

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(students), church, institution, employees, or special group? Contact or call (866)434-3727

Natal Chart
$50.00 Astrological Natal Chart gives you a basic insight into your astral personality profile: your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendant sign, your Midheaven and Imum Coeli, as well as the Planets and Houses in your specific Birth Chart.

We give you a brief description and insight of what the Planets in certain Signs in your chart at your time of birth means pertaining to yourself. We also explain the elements (i.e. Earth, Water, Air, Fire) of each Sign and determine what element(s) are dominant in your profile (which determines your nature in how you view the world). The Midheaven sign gives you insight into ideal career choices and the Imum Coeli provides insight into your home life. We also provide your medical astrological profile which alerts you to certain organs that you need to pay attention to in addition to providing a list of diseases your sign is susceptible to due to planetary influence. As master metaphysician and astrologer Harold Acey states: "Everything you need to know about yourself is in the Wheel (Zodiac)!" MAN, KNOW THY SELF! NOTE: As this is simply a basic service to help individuals begin the process of learning themselves on an astral level, we do not cover the asteroids, nodes, transits, aspects, progressions, and other complex aspects of astrology for the neophyte or beginner. This is a basic chart that can provide information for an experienced astrologer should you decide to look deeper into your astrological Natal chart (which we suggest). "The zodiac is not simply the celestial path of the Sun - it is a voyage through human experience. It represents the journey of the soul (the Sun) from its inception through childhood to old age." - Judy Hall NOTE: Charts are sent via e-mail or can be mailed to you. Charts are sent to you within 7 days. (Chart only)

Numerology Chart
$25.00 Numerology service is another metaphysical service provided to the ever growing number of people becoming spiritually and cosmically conscious ("aware") and who seek to discover and learn more about their self, existence, and purpose on Earth.

Numerology is the esoteric study of numbers and how they reveal where you as a soul have been and where you are going. It is a way to segment life in an orderly fashion to facilitate your life here on Earth in this present incarnation. Numbers in and of themselves cannot make anything happen in your life outside of your conscious control (or even unconscious control). All things in the material and mundane world resonate at a specific level and numbers and letters are representations of the vibrational patterns. Numbers are a convenience of language and are abstract qualities which only refer to real things; they are not the things themselves - only symbols. The most numerology can do for you is describe points within a cycle and offer a method of interpreting and utilizing these points for your benefit in life in all 12 departments of life. It provides a structure for understanding life. By applying your understanding of numbers via the science of numerology, you will become aware of some of the rhythms and cycles in your life. You will start to notice when it is best for you to act and when it is best to wait. Through numerology, you will have an opportunity to look "within" yourself ("the inner you") with more awareness." For religious individuals who are ignorant of esoteric sciences, numerology is not of the Devil (who does not exist in reality as this character was created by man for purposes of control via religion). There is only one force in existence and that is God and all has come from God, good (positive) and so-called evil (negativity). See Isaiah 45:7. Good and evil are simply polarities of the same force opposites! God has no opposing force or counterpart, i.e. The Devil! Numerology cannot be used to do harm to a person. Only good can come out of numerology. Numerology, like astrology, is simply a road map that impels (and does not compel) you on your life's journey. offers this valuable service in an attempt to help many lost souls and depressed individuals find their way here on Earth. Life was never meant to be a struggle and people were never meant to be confused and/or not know what their higher life's purpose is. If you're working a 9 to 5 job and living the typical mediocre life and just trying to survive (just to pay bills and keep a roof overhead) but deep down inside you are not happy (because you are not doing what you were born to do and enjoy doing) and your religion (whatever it

may be) is not offering you solutions or guidance in the department of higher life purpose and personal creativity, we humbly suggest you give esoteric sciences such as numerology a try. Most people are surprised that what they have been looking for the most (or perhaps all their life) to help them out in this life on Earth to lead a more fulfilling, rewarding, happy, loving, and successful life comes from a forbidden, so-called "dark" area they were ignorant of and/or admonished by their religion to stay away from because it was "said" to be evil or of the so-called "dark" side. Worldly and man-made religion has purposely kept the masses of people in the dark (clueless) on many beneficial and self-liberating things including esoteric or occult sciences and all for purposes of controlling, exploiting, and manipulating them. You are not here on Earth to simply "make a living." You are here to "live your making" but do you know what that is? You have a higher purpose! Everyone does! You have many divine birthrights that you have not claimed out of ignorance and are greatly paying the price for trying to make sense out of life here in the Matrix (world of man). Satisfaction in life does not come from working a job and being a citizen of a government! It comes from living and enjoying life to the fullest, doing what you dream and desire to do. Numerology can help you! Numerology service provides the following: Life Path Number Destiny Number Inner Personality Number Outer Personality Number Personal Year Number Universal Year Number DESTINY NUMBER: This represents the role you may potentially play in society depending on you ability to harmonize your inner and outer personalities. The Destiny number comes from your original name at

birth (even if you no longer go by that name). The given name is representative of the universal response to your arrival in life before you began your personal individuation process. The Destiny number is made up of two separate parts, the Inner Personality and the Outer Personality LIFE PATH: This represents the typical way you approach life experiences. Corresponds to your astrological Ascendant sign. INNER PERSONALITY: This represents the private or concealed side of yourself. Corresponds to your astrological Moon sign. The Inner Personality is referred to as the hearts desire or the soul urge. The Inner Personality number represents the concealed side of yourself. It rules your secret ambitions and desires. Others see this quality only after spending much close time with you; these are the qualities of your most private self. The Inner Personality number offers clues as to your calling for personal creative expression. Everyone has a creative calling, but not all are responding to it. OUTER PERSONALITY: This represents your personality, the social you. Corresponds to your astrological Sun sign. PERSONAL YEAR: This represents your personal lessons and opportunities for the year. UNIVERSAL YEAR: This represents the trends and challenges that are affecting everyone in a given year. MASTER NUMBERS: These numbers offer more opportunity for expression than the other numbers and also demand more from the individual. It can also be said that they carry more social responsibility. Numerology Service comes replete with a detailed chart explaining in detail the above numbers as they pertain specifically to yourself based upon the information you provide us (i.e. full name and birth date).

NOTE: Charts are sent via e-mail. Charts are sent to you within 7 days.

Life Guidance Consultation


Are you a Healer? Light-worker? Leader? Humanitarian? Minister? Teacher? Counselor? Writer? Speaker? Social Worker? Philanthropist? Are you confused and perplexed about the direction of your life? Do you feel you are here on Earth for a bigger and higher purpose but cant quite put your finger on what you are supposed to be doing specifically? Are you working a job and feel it is a dead end job, something youre doing but only to make ends meet or to pay your bills? Are you at a job that you prefer to not even be at? Do you feel an urge to help people but dont know in what capacity or profession? Do you know what you are here to do and/or desire to do but fear you wont make it (be successful) in that line of work, that the line of work (calling) wont be able to support your worldly financial needs? Do you know what you want to do but dont know how to get started? Get insight into your lifes purpose. Its encoded in your makeup based upon your pre-incarnation application that is decoded by utilizing divination, astrology, numerology, colorstrology, crystology, and meditation to name a few. You incarnated with EVERYTHING you need to know about yourself and your lifes purpose. The more you come to know yourself, the clearer things will become and the easier your ride in life will be. Our Life Guidance consultation helps you get on the path of having your life path revealed and actualized. We prepare your personal numerology sheet (destiny, life path, inner and outer, universal year, and personal year numbers), your personal astrological profile sheet, colorstrology evaluation sheet, and give you exercises to perform. Start doing what you came here to do. Its your divine birthright (to follow your heart and do what you desire to do) and you can make more than a living (earning) you can live out your wildest dreams right here in this lifetime and on this earth and positively impact other people while doing so. Schedule your consultation today!

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