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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat tra...

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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat transfer equation in cylindrical coordinates
4 Citations 368 Downloads 200 Citations 9 Comments

Based on the Pennes bioheat transfer equation, a simplified one-dimensional bioheat transfer model of the cylindrical living tissues in the steady state has been set up for application in limb and whole body heat transfer studies, and by using the Bessels equation, its corresponding analytic solution has been derived in this paper. With the obtained analytic solution, the effects of the thermal conductivity, the blood perfusion, the metabolic heat generation, and the coefficient of heat transfer on the temperature distribution in living tissues are analyzed. The results show that the derived analytic solution is useful to easily and accurately study the thermal behavior of the biological system, and can be extended to such applications as parameter measurement, temperature field reconstruction and clinical treatment. Page %P Page 1

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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat tra...

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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat tra...

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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat tra...

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Title An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat transfer equation in cylindrical coordinates Journal Journal of Thermal Science Volume 13, Issue 3 , pp 255-258 Cover Date 2004-08-01 DOI 10.1007/s11630-004-0039-y Print ISSN 1003-2169 Online ISSN 1993-033X Publisher Science Press Additional Links Register for Journal Updates Editorial Board About This Journal Manuscript Submission Topics Mechanics, Fluids, Thermodynamics Engineering Fluid Dynamics

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An analytic solution of one-dimensional steady-state Pennes bioheat tra...

Engineering Thermodynamics, Transport Phenomena Keywords bioheat transfer Pennes equation analytic solution Bessel functions TK124 Authors Kai Yue (1) Xinxin Zhang (1) Fan Yu (1) Author Affiliations 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 100083, Beijing, China

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