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Dentistry 123: Pediatric Dentistry


DENTAL ANOMALIES Anomaly an aberration or deviation from normal anatomic ro!t"# develo$ment# or f%nction


/earin a!ay of toot" 'tr%ct%re d%e to c"emical '%b'tance' +commonly acid', Infl%enced by) Diet +citr%' fr%it', /or.0related - concernin acid %'e Stomac" acid' - a'tric e'o$"a eal refl%1# b%limia TALONS CUSP


&"y'iolo ic !earin of t"e inci'al(occl%'al ed e' re'%ltin from ma'tication Infl%enced by) Diet *%ality Dentition(maloccl%'ion C"e!in "abit' +e. . c"e!in ice, Im$ro$erly $laced re'toration' +e'$ &orcelain cro!n', by dama in t"e anta oni't toot" Ja! m%'c%lat%re - "i "er bitin force# reater $o''ibility of occ%rrence ABRASION

Inci'or t"at loo.' li.e a 2T3 on t"e inci'al Acce''ory c%'$ on lin %al '%rface of t"e inci'or' Ari'e' from t"e cin %l%m re'emblin an ea le4' talon Dee$ develo$mental roove' on t"e 'ide' t"%' t"e area diffic%lt to clean 5 $rone to carie' C%'$ i' made of enamel# dentin and $%l$ ti''%e In6%dicio%' rindin of t"e c%'$# may re'%lt in $%l$ e1$o'%re MAMELONS

Normal condition 'een in ne!ly er%$ted teet" re$re'entin t"e c%'$ t"at "ave 6oined to et"er d%rin toot" develo$ment +evolved from re$tile', 7enerally ab'ent in ad%lt' d%e to $"y'iolo ic !ear of t"e inci'al ed e' +normal attrition, EMINATION

&at"olo ic !earin of toot" 'tr%ct%re Infl%enced by) Abnormal "abit' +$i$e ' # nail bitin , Im$ro$er br%'"in tec"ni*%e

An attem$t to ma.e t!o teet" from a 'in le enamel or an &artial cleava e !it" t!o cro!n' b%t '"are a 'in le root canal If cleavin become' com$lete# t"e term i' T/INNIN7 E1act etiolo y i'!n &a e 1 of !


Dentistry 123: Pediatric Dentistry


May be d%e to tra%ma "USION

Commonly 'een in lateral inci'or' and :rd molar T"e ca%'e of t"e di'ea'e i' enetic di'order MACRODONTIA

Joinin of t!o develo$in toot" erm' re'%ltin in a 'in le lar e toot" E1act etiolo y i'!n8 tra%ma i' '% e'ted CONCRESCENCE

Teet" t"at a$$ear lar er t"an normal Can ca%'e) Cro!din Abnormal er%$tion $attern d%e to in'%fficient '$ace SUPERNUMERAR# TEET$

T"e f%'ion of cement%m of ad6acent teet" May be d%e to tra%ma( overcro!din More commonly 'een in m1 9nd and :rd molar' &roblem if one toot" "a' to be e1tracted Sectionin '"o%ld be done on t"e toot" TAURODONTISM

E1tra teet" Can $revent er%$tion of ot"er teet" Can ca%'e maloccl%'ion Can interfere !it" ort"odontic treatment In"ibit toot" movement Ca%'e' rela$'e MESIODENS

Toot" !it" elon ated cro!n' and a$ically di'$laced f%rcation' Increa'e in t"e 'i;e of $%l$ c"amber' Teet" t"at are li.ely 'een in b%ll'(%n %late'# t"%' t"e term MICRODONTIA

Al'o a '%$ern%merary teet" E1tra teet" '$ecifically 'een bet!een central inci'or' May ca%'e maloccl%'ion May ca%'e dia'tema bet!een central inci'or'( interfere !it" ort"odontic treatment SUPERNUMERAR# ROOTS

Teet" t"at a$$ear 'maller t"an normal E1am$le) &e '"a$ed lateral'

Acce''ory root' %'%ally 'een in mandib%lar canine'# $remolar' and molar' Im$ortant con'ideration !"en root canal treatment( &a e 2 of !


Dentistry 123: Pediatric Dentistry


e1traction of t"e toot" i' concerned E'TERNAL RESORPTION LEON S PREMOLAR% DENS E&A INATUS

Seen in $atient' of oriental(C"ine'e de'cent &re'ence of an e1tra t%bercle on t"e occl%'al '%rface of lo!er $remolar' <'%ally occ%r' bilaterally E1$o'%re can re'%lt in odonto enic infection' DENS IN&A INATUS% DENS IN DENTE

/earin a!ay of dentin and cement%m of root $ortion Can be ca%'ed by) Tra%ma &re''%re from ad6acent im$acted toot" +can ca%'e re'or$tion carie' on 9nd and :rd molar, E1ce''ive ort"odontic force' Reim$lantation( tran'$lantation Mali nant le'ion' +oral cancer# ca%'e' re'or$tion of bone, Cy'tic le'ion' Amelobla'toma +condition of odonto enic t%mor t"at erode' teet" or bone, C"ronic inflammatory $roce'' ENAMEL PEARL

Toot" !it"in a toot" Cin %l%m oe' in!ard E1a eration or accent%ation of t"e lin %al $it +dee$er concavity in'ide t"e toot", M1 lateral inci'or commonly involved E1act etiolo y)!n +idio$at"ic, Hard to clean "ence "i " incidence of carie' and $o''ible $%l$al e1$o'%re Oriental $eo$le DILACERATION

Dro$let' of ecto$ic enamel fo%nd on t"e root '%rface' of teet" e'$ecially at t"e f%rcation area of molar' If not f%lly embedded in bone# it can ca%'e $eriodontal di'ea'e $#PERCEMENTOSIS

E1treme c%rvat%re in a$ical root $ortion of a toot" May be d%e to tra%ma Can fract%re off d%rin e1traction $roced%re' or fail%re to com$letely $erform RCT +t"e ti$ i' 'till %ntreated, INTERNAL RESORPTION Over$rod%ction of cement%m at t"e root $ortion of toot"# %'%ally at a$ical =(: more commonly affected) >ic%'$id' can be a $roblem d%rin e1traction Can fract%re off leavin "y$ercemento'ed $ortion &revent e1traction of teet" Ca%'e alveolar bone to brea. off May be d%e to) Toot" re$air0 im$ro$er re'toration Inflammation Hy$ooccl%'ion - teet" not in occl%'ion 'o t"ere i' b%ild %$ of cement%m to ac"ieve contact &a et4' di'ea'e &a e 3 of !

/earin a!ay of dentin of $%l$al !all &art of inflammatory re'$on'e to $%l$al in6%ry May be idio$at"ic in nat%re A $in.i'" "%e on enamel if t"ere i' $ro1imity to vi'ible e1ternal '%rface Can be arre'ted by root canal treatment a' lon a' no $erforation occ%rred yet


Dentistry 123: Pediatric Dentistry


Acrome aly &it%itary i anti'm ALTERATION IN TEET$ NUMBER


Hy$odontia Con enital $artial ab'ence of teet"#!n etiolo y Anodontia Con enital total ab'ence of teet"# enetically lin.ed etiolo y Sometime' lin.ed to 'ome enetically lin.ed di'order e. . ectodermal dy'$la'ia +no $ro$er formation of ectoderm 'o no teet" and no '!eat land' formed, NATAL TEET$

7enetically in"erited &rimary and 'econdary dentin may be affected Can occ%r in combination !it" O'teo ene'i' Im$erfecta Teet" may "ave tran'l%cent a$$earance May be o$ale'cent '"ade' of yello! Enamel i' normal b%t may fract%re ea'ily d%e to $oor dentin '%$$ort and lac.' 'callo$ at DEJ Dentin too 'oft cannot '%$$ort enamel enamel may brea. yello! to bro!n to ray AMELO ENESIS IMPER"ECTA

Decid%o%' teet" t"at a$$ear at birt" Md inci'or' commonly involved May ca%'e tra%matic %lcer' d%rin feedin If mobile or ca%'e' fre*%ent tra%ma to t"e 'oft ti''%e'# need' to be removed PULP STONES

Calcification' made of dentin $re'ent in $%l$ c"amber' or canal' of teet" Can ma.e RCT $roced%re diffic%lt +can "inder in cleanin t"e canal efficiently "LUOROSIS

7enetically lin.ed di'order of enamel In'%fficient amo%nt' of enamel May be 6%'t $it' and roove' Red%ced t"'' Abnormal conto%r Enamel did not develo$ normally t"in may fract%re !"ite to bro!n to yello! ENAMEL $#POPLASIA

Hy$ocalcification Sy$"ili'0related

D%e to inta.e of e1ce'' fl%oride +more t"an =$$m, Occ%r' d%rin cro!n formation of toot" A$$ear' a' !"ite enamel '$ot'# bro!ni'"0!"iti'"0 rayi'" di'coloration on toot"

H%tc"in'on4' inci'or' >acteria formation d%rin toot" develo$ment M%lberry molar' &a e ( of !


Dentistry 123: Pediatric Dentistry


M%lti$le c%'$' TURNERS TOOT$

Hy$o$la'ia or "y$ocalcification of $ermanent toot" t"at come' into contact !it" infected $rimary teet" D%e to infection( ab'ce'' formation May al'o be tra%matic intr%'ion of $rimary toot" TETRAC#CLINE STAIN

Can be incor$orated into dentin of develo$in iven to $re nant $atient' or c"ildren %nder ? @ello!0 rayi'"0bro!n di'coloration May fl%ore'ce a' bri "t yello! %nder <A li "t RE"ERENCES:

teet" if

Dr. E'coto4' lect%re >atc" 9B=C Oral Anat Tran' by Anne and Mi..a 7oo le Ima e'


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