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Math 321 Handout 1 Linearization of non-linear equations

Name: _____________________________ Year & Section: ________

Ch.E. is a branch of engineering which requires much mathematical background. Experimental data are often times difficult to correlate with analytic expressions, thus empirical relations are resorted to. Therefore, a lot of Ch. E. data are in the form of graphs, tables or empirical equations. A. Straight Line: y = mx + b Given: x xo y yo (Straight Line Equation) Note: If the data fits the straight line equation, plot of y vs x will yield a straight line.

x1 y1

x2 y2

xn yn

x = independent variable y = dependent variable Example: The specific heat (Cp) of ethane at different temperature is: T (oC) Cp (KJ/KgK) 38 1.8 66 1.9 93 2.05 121 2.14 149 2.3 204 2.55

It is known that the variation is linear. Find: a) The equation that represents this data. b) Cp of ethane at 750 oC a) Graphical Solution Plot Cp vs T T 38 66 93 121 149 204 Cp 1.8 1.9 2.05 2.14 2.3 2.55

Cp vs T
3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250


Note: Draw the best straight line nearest the points

Temp oC

From Graph:

y x

2.3 1.9 149 66

4.82 x10


a) y = mx + b Cp = 4.82x10-3T + 1.6 b) Cp of ethane at 750oC Cp = 4.82x10-3(750) + 1.6 Cp = 5.22 kJ/kgK 1.

where T=oC and Cp = kJ/kgK

Linear Regression: y = mx + b

b)use calculator: Fx-991 or higher version Steps: 1. Mode 4. enter x & y data 2. 3:Stat 5. AC 3. 2:A+BX 6. Shift 1 (Stat) 7 (Reg) (get values of A, B & r) A is y-int, B is slope and r is r Sharp: 1. Mode 1 2. 1: Line 3. Enter (x,y) example: 38(xy)1.8(data) and so on 4. RCL a, RCL b, RCL r Answer previous example using linear regression: m= r= b=

2 Using Excel Worksheet 0.00456339026688184 1.61299418848705 0.998304481930353 0.996611838642231 c) or use the formulas:

=SLOPE(B2:B7, A2:A7) =INTERCEPT(B2:B7, A2:A7) =CORREL(B2:B7, A2:A7) =r2

n n

x y x2

x x

m n

r n

n x2

x y x n

x y2

y y

Answer previous example using linear regression. x 38 y 1.8 1.9 2.14 xy x2 y2 Answers: m= b= r =204 41616

4.2025 121 258.94 14641

B. Linearization of Non-linear Equations: Methodology: 1. Linearize the non-linear equation Techniques: a) Introduce ln to both side of the equation and use the rules in logarithm: ln (ab) = ln a + ln b ln (a/b) = ln a ln b ln (an) = n ln a ln e = 1 ln 1 = 0 b) Simplify the non-linear equation so that the final simplified equation conforms with the equation of straight line. 2. From the linearized form, know the new forms of x, y, m and b. 3. Fabricate new values of x and y. Refer to the linearized form of the given non-linear equation. (NOTE: if new x and y data really fits the straight line equation, plot of new y vs x will yield a straight line. Example 1. Given: power equation: y = axb, Where: x 1 2 3 4 5 y 0.5 1.7 3.4 5.7 8.4 After plotting y vs x, data did not yield a straight line.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 x 10

Required: Fit data to power equation y = axb by linearization. Solution: 1. Linearize: y = axb ln y = ln axb ln y = ln a + b ln x rearranging: ln y = b ln x + ln a linearized form of y = axb

ln y = b ln x + ln a Y= m X + b

3 x 1 2 3 4 5 Slope: y-int : corr factor: y 0.5 1.7 3.4 5.7 8.4 m=1.75 b=-0.691 r=0.99998 r2=0.99996 Recall: After plotting ln y vs ln x, data yields a straight line.
2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 lny 0.500 0.000 0.000 -0.500 -1.000 1.000 2.000

ln x 0 0.693 1.099 1.386 1.609

ln y -0.693 0.531 1.224 1.740 2.128

ln y = b ln x + Y = m X +

ln a b

ln y = 1.75 ln x + (-0.691)
m = 1.75 b = -0.691 Recall given power equation: b 1.75

y = ax

y = 0.5 x


b=m = 1.75 ln a = -0.691 -0.691 a =e a = 0.5

Example 2. Linearize the exponential equation : y = a1eb1x

Example 3. Linearize the simple power equation : y = a2xb2

Example 4. Linearize the saturationgrowthrate equation : y =

a3 x b3 + x

4 Required: Linearize the ff. equations, show the graph (label all parts) and

1. y

ax n

2. y

ab x

3. y

ae bx

4. y

b x

5. y

x a bx

6. y

ax n

7. y

x C a bx

8. y

a bx cx 2

Example 5: In the laboratory experiment, 1.0 M solution of ethylene oxide in water was mixed with enough water containing 0. 90% sulfuric acid to produce ethylene glycol according to the reaction: C2H4O + H2O C2H6O2 ethylene oxide + water ethylene glycol or: A + B C

5 The temperature was maintained at 55 C. The concentration of ethylene oxide was recorded as a function of time. From these data, determine the specific reaction rate, k, at 55 C. It is known that the following data fits the equation: Where: C A = C Ao e -kt A = ethylene oxide CA = concentration of A at time t, kmol/m3 CAo = initial concentration of A at time t=0, kmol/m3 k = specific rate constant, min-1 time (mins.) CA (kmol/m3) 0 1.0 0.50 0.855 1.00 0.730 1.50 0.624 2.00 0.533 3.00 0.390 4.00 0.285 6.00 0.152 10.00 0.041

Answer: k = 0. 318 /min By linear regression: m=-0.318 y-int=0 r=-0.99994 r^2=0.9998

Example 6. Fit the data to the following: y = axb y = aebx y = x/ (a + bx)

C ppm Pb+2 0 0.40 2.81 28.62 67.45 104.97 139.62

Q (mg Pb+2 /g) 0 8.86 16.78 24.36 27.51 28.23 32.57

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