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Product Based Advertising to Social Media: An Evaluation of Contemporary Trends in Advertising *# Abstract

Advertising has undergone significant changes since times immemorial. It started with product based advertising and now has reached the stage of digital space and social media advertising. This significant change includes variations in thought process of creators, variations in their skill sets and variations in maturity levels of target audience. The most important terms to be recalled are innovation and creativity. The innovative thinking and improvised skill set in collaboration with the timely technology development in lines of creativity took advertising to new heights and trends. Advertising in its journey of evolution undergone various changes from the stage of papyrus !essages on leaves" # wall paintings# $ewspaper ads#%lassifieds# &illboards # advertising in visual and audio media # advertising through events # usage of web space and the most contemporary trends of 'ocial !edia Advertising with digital featured web space. The modern trends of advertising in visual and audio media, usage of cinemas, and web space for advertising were strategic and have gone inline with human behavioural patterns. It started with !ale focused advertisements preferring manliness as a trend then moved to children oriented advertising emphasi(ing on the preferences of children and now focusing completely on women either going by highlighting their characteristics of satisfying family members or using them as tools of promotion by se)ual stereotyping". In the contemporary business world of competition there has been a very tiny area for the concept of monopoly. *very product which is born today will have its substitute tomorrow. To overcome this situation every brand and its marketers are enhancing their strategies of marketing to gain competitive advantage by communicating their core competencies to customers in attractive and effective manner. +ence this behavior of marketers always throws a challenge to advertising to become more innovative with creative thinking. The study evaluates different trends of advertising against the backdrop of large number of e)amples and concludes with a note on how, as marketer one has, to react to such trends.

, !r. '. -aghuram, Academic Associate, 'chool of !anagement 'tudies, .$T/+, 0ukattpally, +yderabad# 122 231, A.4, India. P!one5 2267 68213 29:3; email5 raghuram.s31<

= >r. A. -. Aryasri, >irector I?c @ %hairman &A', 'chool of !anagement 'tudies, .$T/+, 0ukattpally, +yderabad# 122 231, A.4, India. P!one: 2267 3223729372, email5aryasri6<

"ntroduction In the words of Phillip Kotler and Armstrong, Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television, and radio by an identified sponsor As defined by the Institution of practitioners in Advertising, Advertising is a means of providing the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects to the lowest possible cost The current trends in advertising help marketers to meet the market reBuirements and support them to sustain, grow and advance in their business. Advertising uses different types of media to deliver the themes and messages of marketers. The types of media include traditional media such as newspapers, maga(ines, television, radio, billboards or direct mail and modern media as Ceb space, internet blogs and social media 'ocial $etworking on internet". Advertising may be placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organi(ation. Ather than the organi(ations that market products and services we have political parties, interest groups, religious organi(ations and governmental agencies spending money in advertising. $on#profit organi(ations rely on free models of persuasion, such as a public service announcement. According to Dorrester -esearch -eport E2267, money spent on advertising has been increasing for the past few years. In E228, spending on advertising was estimated as above F712 billion in the /nited 'tates and F931 billion worldwide. The Corld wide investment towards advertising is e)pected to e)ceed F;12 billion by E272. In /.'. spending on interactive marketing will reach F11 billion by E27;, which would be E7G of all marketing e)penditure. 'earch marketing will lead the growth, totaling F97.1 billion by E27;, followed by display advertising, which will total F7:.6 billion. 'pending on social media is projected to reach F9.7 billion by E27;. 'earch marketing will top on e#mail marketing which is projected to reach a total FE.7 billion. HTraditional media would be of less preference as :2G of marketers will increase their interactive marketing budgets by shifting funds. Almost :9G of marketers have cut their e)penditure towards 4rint advertising, outranking direct mail ;2G" and broadcast 7EG". Anline Ceb space" display advertising, which currently stands at F8.39 billion, will rise by 78G annually, ending up at F7:.6 billion in E27;. The same report also highlights the behavior of %hief !arketing Afficers %!A" towards the curtailed advertising budgets as, 76G of %!As facing lower budgets said that they are going to cut branding and advertising as they cant track its results and E:G said the same about their maga(ine e)penditures.

Dorrester -esearch -eport E226 An the other hand, ;8G of %!As whose budgets have been cut are increasing their

spending on social media, while another ;;G are increasing spending on Ceb site development. ;2G will spend more on online advertising. +ence the amount will increase financial resources on web space, considering these functions critical to their businesses and to maintain competitive advantages. Evolution of Advertising The traces of Advertising in its discrete form are found to have begun with newspapers, in the seventeenth century, which included line or classified advertising. This continued till late nineteenth century. Cith the encouragement of technological advances illustrations could be added to advertising, colour was also an option. *do period advertising flyer for a medicine called 0inseitan was first in .apan in732:. *gyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Traces of papyrus and rock painting were found in common for %ommercial messages and political campaign displays in ruins of 4ompeii, ancient Arabia, Ancient Ireece and Ancient -ome. Call? -ock painting is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and 'outh America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to ;222 &%. +istory tells us that Aut#of#+ome advertising and &illboards are the oldest forms of advertising.

Pears soap ad Coca(Cola ad in $%)&s

A picture #rom Edo period $%&'

*arly advertising success stories are that of 4ears 'oap and %oca#%ola. These ads featuring cherubic children which firmly welded the brands to the values it still holds today. Thomas &arratt who was the creator of

the 4ears ad and director of the company is often referred to as the father of modern advertising. Advertising became a fully fledged institution only after the emergence of Ad agencies in later part of 76th century. These agencies came out of a need to producers to sustain in the markets by continuously promoting them. At the time of Corld Car I, The &ritish used advertising as propaganda to convince its own citi(ens to fight, and also to persuade the Americans to join. $o less a political commentator than +itler concluded in !ein Kampf" that Iermany lost the war because it lost the propaganda. The increased mechnisation a result of Corld Car I also laid a success step to advertising as the marketers have to create need in the consumer which begins to dominate advertising from the 76E2s onward. Advertising used every technological advancement as a tool for its development. Advertising used %inema and radio to transmit commercial messages. In the 76E2s the Call 't crash put an end to widespread affluence, the Ireat >epression and Corld Car Two meant that it was not really until the 7612s that consumers had enough disposable income to really respond to the need creation message of advertisers. It was a sick period to advertising. The 7612s not only brought postwar affluence to the average citi(en but whole new glut of material goods for which need had to be created. Then came Televisions as a helping hand to bring back advertising on track. The TJ shows were e)tremely used to promote various brands, which consumed most time than the actual programme. /nhappy with the ethical compromise of the single#sponsor show, $&% e)ecutive 'ylvester Ceaver came up with the idea of selling not whole shows to advertisers, but separate, small blocks of broadcast time. This gave birth to the concept of the Kcommercial breakK. This became known as the maga*ine concept, or participation advertising, as it allowed a whole variety of advertisers to access the audience of a single TJ show. +limpses of "ndian Advertising ,istory The foundations of advertising were laid in the 73th %entury in India. Advertising begins with classified advertising for the first time in print in +ickeyKs &engal Ia(ette which was IndiaKs first newspaper weekly". Then it took many phases and grew to various milestones and creative levels. !arketing promotion was mostly through %atalogues, billboards and classifieds.

+orlicks becomes the first Kmalted milkK to be patented on 1th .une 7339. Ce have few development stages of Indian advertising as follows, -ecade $)&&($)$& $)$&($).& -evelopments & >attaram @ %o claims to be the oldest e)isting Indian agency in Iirgaum in &ombay and IT% then Imperial Tobacco %o. Ltd." launches Iold Dlake in this decade. Launch of the first foreign owned ad agencies Iujarat Advertising and Indian Advertising set up. *)patriate agencies as Alliance Advertising, Tata 4ublicity emerge. LA 'tronachKs merges into todayKs $orvicson Advertising and > . 0eymer gives rise to Agilvy @ !ather and %larion L- 'wami @ %o, !adras#LA 'tronach @ %o India" 4r. Ltd, &ombay set up Agency called $ational. . Calter Thompson .CT" opened to service Ieneral !otors business# &A!A' Ltd Dormerly >. 0eymer @ %o Ltd" set up# . Calter Thompson %o 4r. Ltd formed. Jenkatrao 'ista opens 'ista Advertising and 4ublicity 'ervices as first full service Indian agency# Indian 4ublicity &ureau 4r Ltd, %alcutta established# 0rishna 4ublicity %o 4r. Ltd, 0anpur and few Indian 'tudios rose. Indian &roadcasting %ompany becomes All India -adio AI-". $avanitlal @ %o., Ahmedabad set up# Lu) signs Leela %hitnis as the first Indian film actress to endorse the product # +industan Thompson Associates +TA", the current incarnation of .CT, coins the &alanced $ourishment concept to make +orlicks more relevant to India. -adio %eylon and -adio Ioa become the media option# Jicks Japo-ub5 a rub for colds, causes ripples with its entry in the balm market# 'hantilal I 'hah @ %o, &ombay. Advertising Accessories, Trichur started# !arketing Advertising Associates, &ombay set up # Industrial Advertising Agency, &ombay comes into e)istence# &al !undkur Buits &A!A' to set up /lka the same year# IndiaKs televisionKs first soap opera # Teesra -asta enthralls viewers # &A!A' changes names to '+ &ensonKs. $ational -eadership 'tudies provided relevant data on consumersK reading habits # %oncept of commercial programming accepted by All India -adio # +asan -e(avi gives the very first spot on -adio %eylon# Agilvy, &enson @ !atherKs name changes to Agilvy @ !ather. !udra %ommunications Ltd set up# 0ing#si(ed Jirginia filter cigarette enters market with brand name of K%harmsK# $etwork, associate of /TJ, pioneers cable television in India# +um Log, >oordarshanKs first soap opera in the colour era is born # Jiewers still remember the sponsor Jicco" of Meh .o +ai NindagiO# !udra makes IndiaKs first telefilm#.anam. 671 new brands of products and services appearing on the Indian !arket # 4rice Buality positioning of $irma detergent cakes boost sales # AAAIKs 4remnarayan Award instituted # Advertising %lub &ombay begins a biennial seminar called KAdvertising that CorksK. !aga(ines for advertising launched. !arks the beginning of new medium Internet # Agencies open new media




$)1&($)'& $)'&($)2&




shopsP go virtual with websites and Internet advertising # &rand *Buity maga(ine" of The *conomic Times is born # Dirst India#targetted satellite channel, Nee TJ starts broadcast # %lose on the throes of the Iulf Car enters 'TA- 'atellite Transmission for Asia -egion". IndiaKs only advertising school, !I%A !udra Institute of %ommunications Ahmedabad" is born. 'un TJ becomes the first regional TJ channel to go live E; hours a day on all days of the week *vents assume important role in marketing mi) &E& site launched on 'eptember E3, 7666 "n !udra launches # IndiaKs first advertising and marketing Iallery# Millennium Lintas merges with Lowe Iroup to become Lowe Lintas and 4artners LL4" shows like 0aun &anega %rorepati become a rageP &hartiKs -s E.81#crore corporate TJ commercial, where a babygirl is born in a football stadium, becomes the most e)pensive campaign of the year # Lowe Lintas @ 4artners rechristened Lowe Corldwide# Dor the first time in the history of +TA, a new post of president is created. 0amal Aberoi is appointed as the first president of +TA. !ore trends came out as the advertising world laid its steps towards futher innovation
Trends in Advertising Aur world is full of fads, and the internet isnKt an e)ception. >o you remember the dot comKs during the ninetiesQ The thing is that, after Ioogle which earned /'F 8 billion", internet advertising trends have shown the world that they work. Ioogle got benefited from Ad Cords and Ad 'ense programs and others too e)ploited this for advertising benefits. There are few companies which dedicate themselves to research data in the financial industry and process it for their clients and help them in financing decisions. The second internet advertising trend is the trend of Internet marketing firms. Thanks to the new technologies and the rebirth of this market, companies like E;?8, -eal !edia and aRuantive are other clients. Bill boards and 3all paintings Call or rock painting is one of the ancient trends of commercial advertising which is present to this day in Asia, Africa and 'outh America. The tradition of wall painting and Indian rock art dates back to ;222 &%. +istory portrays that out of home and bill boards are the most ancient form of advertising. The latest trend of these are the mobile billboards seen every where for increased promotion into public. &!C bill board with slogan HDrom up here I can see &!C at &ridgeportS is one of the best e)amples of bill boards advertising in the recent past. It gained huge promotion to the &!C &ridgeport client. &illboards are eye catching and are most advantageous tools of advertising, they are e)pense depends basing on the location chosen, even this location choice ads value to the marketer. &eing so advantageous 6

they are being prohibited in various parts of the world due to their prime character of eye catching nature leading to ha(ardous road accidents. Sign Boards4 ,uman -irectionals and 5e!icular Advertising In the mid 76th century the ban of poster in public places in various countries gave rise to this trend. Ce find people who hold promotional boards or direction boards at prime locations with images of a store or products on them at the time of inception of a store or any special promotional events, e)hibitions, etc. In addition to this even we find people using public transportation vehicles as a media for advertising. This trend of advertising has high level of e)posure into public but the cost would be low. The grey areas in this trend are lack of security and chance of deceiving by the people who are hired or vehicles which are chosen as media. There is a lower amount of certainty of reaching the target segment in specific. This can only be used to advertise for general public. In Actober E22:, 3G of 9:22 people visited model homes in a housing development in !oreno Jalley, %alifornia were directed by human directional. 'uburban railways, &uses in countries like India, %hina, 'ingapore, etc are used for advertising different brands and products. Ierman railways got associated to /$I%*D and promoted their ads on their >&AI class 727 trains between 766: and E222. Television advertising This is the most effective format of advertising to mass#market. The majority of TJ commercials feature a song or jingle which attract the viewers and create an everlasting image in their mind. According to the research conducted by A.%.$ielson %o there almost ;92 million viewers of television are there /'A. An average child in /'A will view almost E912 thirty second duration commercials and will spend a time of E9 years by the time they reach age of :1 years. In this conte)t we can understand how important is television as a media for advertisement and what would be the reach in the entire world. Trends in Television Advertising Advertising through television is mainly through video commercials, these commercials have gone through various trends few among them are as follows, Product based Commercials 4roduct based commercials mostly concentrated on features of products, their advantages and their usage. This was done with attractive background scores and attractive themes without getting deviated from core theme. To illustrate, +onda advertisement arranging various parts of a car in logical seBuence as a circus feet and finally bringing out the +onda %ity car at the end of the advertisement. This advertisement gave

out a message of perfection and transparency with confidence in their engineering and the cuteness of +onda %ity. This ad won great acclaims in E229. Intel %oreE >uo advertisement showing the product features and manufacturing process and giving the message that it can do the work done by two processors at a time was one of the best ads of electronic goods. This ad created revolutionary sales of these processors in E228. This trend is a bit lower in e)pense, a bit attractive but these are more useful to target urban customers as most of the commercials would be technical. +ence it is difficult to reach rural and suburban as they couldnt understand most of these ads. In such situation the productivity decreases and in the cost benefit analysis would show loss. Celebrity Endorsement This is one of the most successful and most e)pensive means of advertising through television. In this trend the marketers choose one of the famous celebrities whose characters match the characteristics of product and create an ad focusing on celebrity and the product. These ads had good success rate in penetration but are not very helpful in increasing sales. 4eople have been habituated to enjoy their favourite actor on screen but they almost stopped buying things on their fame. %ustomers of present day are intelligent enough to go for a second thought at the time of purchase decision even though the celebrity saves a subliminal image in their mind regarding the product and its features. 'ome of the celebrities commonly found include 'achin Tendulkar, &rian Lara and 'teve Caugh promoting !-D through commercial ads. Also are the Indias !en In &lue %ricket team promoting 4epsi. C!ildren oriented Ads This trend is best used by modern day marketers. Ads designed in away they attract children segment and they will influence the family members to make the purchase decision. And even for children oriented products these ads made a lot of fun and lead the brands to stably fi) up in market. .ohnson @ .honson achieved revolutionary sales and led the brand to monopoly minimi(ing the competitors effects. Advertisements of +orlicks, stating Taller, 'tronger and 'harper in competition to %omplan ads which communicated the theme of 4roper growth through %omplan was a hit and most of the kids started demanding the products by brand name. These commercials can set new trends of sales, but there is always a chance of uncertainty in success as childrens mind is easily distracting. If competitors offer some thing to children on purchase of their products, all your efforts might go in vain. 'o while using this trend, marketers should be more cautious so that they can leave a long term impression and maintain the same product Buality that marketers advertise. 3omen 6riented Ads

This is one of the successful on going trend in present advertising scenario. !arketers started using women Demale" to market their products. They use them as responsible family women characteristics choosing their products as the best among the market to use or they use the girl element of women to attract male audience towards their products. The present trend marketers understood the important role of women in making a purchase decision in a family and started to attract them. There is another issue in this, it is the materialism, the present day youth having a mask of open talk generation got habituated to various ill aspects as seeing female as a se) symbol. !arketers even started utili(ing this character of people to promote their products. To illustrate, A)e advertisements showing all the girls around a male employee trying to attract him being impressed by his body perfume. Another ad of Lu) chocolate flavor in which one of the Indian celebrity Actress kareena 0apoor" almost naked drowned in chocolate cream showing her love towards chocolate flavor. Ad of Liril T La#ira#ila back score ad which shows a romantic couple in romance after shower with Liril. These ads are advantageous to the marketers but the ethical part misses in them. +ence most of the marketers will be taught lessons by various legislative bodies stopping the unsensored elements finally leaving them as failures. Creative Ads This trend doesnt mean that this is the online types which involve creativity it means the ads which use creative technology in ad making. These are lesser in cost compared to other trends and are more attractive. There are various success stories as Amaron &atteries, Jodafone mobile services, &!C cars, Intel, +4 and soon. Jodafone ./#.A ads and 4uppy ads were the most attractive ads in E22;#26. 'tarting with +utch as the mobile service provider, they attracted most of the potential customers and grabbed ma)imum market share. After the takeover of Jodafone on the network of +utchinson, their ads created a huge revolution, the way they promoted their themes through .u#jo white puppets and the puppy they not only retained customers but also gathered more market share. The advertisement of Amaron &atteries portraying their longer battery life for cars by using a rhythmic song of Turtle and rabbit short story. This is most advantageous trend of television advertising as it is lower in cost, higher in attraction and leaves long lasting impressions in viewers minds. &ut there is a faint chance of comple)ity which would some times be critical to understand on first sight. 7adio Advertising This particular mode has undergone a cycle from introduction to decline and then got reengineered and established itself into market. *arlier to television radio ruled the advertising markets for almost two decades. After the invention of television, the disadvantage of radio that it couldnt show

the visuals and the attraction only lies in voice over. Airtime is purchased from a station or network in e)change for airing the commercials. Chen marketers need repetitive reminder of their promotional activities due to lack of time or for short notice of time then they prefer this trend. Ienerally shopping malls or retailers who have single day offers or offers for short span of time rent some time on air and promote themselves. Print Advertising This is another mode of advertising which is old as well as gold. Chen ever marketers want to give descriptive advertisement to overcome competition with a statistical comparision or detailed features to gain competitive advantage they take up this mode. 4rint media involves newspapers, maga(ines, journals and classified advertising. They are lower in cost in comparision to the benefit they give. Top brands try to maintain image by advertising their brands and products in prestigious journals and maga(ines. Dree ads and newspapers give the chance of shorter form of ads called classifieds. %olour ful Ads of -evlon, lakme and Iarnier portray themselves as giants in cosmetics by promoting their new models in various top maga(ines as >ebonair, Demina, etc. Automobile brands as %hevrolet, !aruthi, Dord promote themselves and try to achieve the edge of competitive advantage by statistical analysis and comparative tables of their competitors. As there are a wide range of print media options it is hard for the marketers to either promote through all means or rela) leaving out few options. +ence it is a difficult choice to make. 8atest Trends in Advertising for .&$$ Business 9nusual -ecession had dragged the capitalism from the Dashion and Dad. Ilobally we have a common understanding for the first time which isnt a feeling of urgency but sustainability. &ut happening of this is still a raging debate. To attain sustainability they should come out from hypocrisy and operate with higher levels of transparency than before to attain consumer favor. This happens only when people start avoiding /s#Them mentality and start discussing about what is neededQ This is just being edgy avoiding greed of profits. +ence &usiness unusual is just not thinking differently but identifying consumer trends by chasing the consumer preferences and desires and trying to out do them. Introduction of TATA#$A$A was through automotive e)hibition at Autoe)poE228, $ew>elhi and depending on the consumer suggestions and demands few alterations have been made and it took almost one and half year for the successful launch even then it was a promising launch, TATAs themselves stopped the booking to avoid delay in delivery.


9rbany *)treme urbani(ed culture is here referred as /rbany, in E272, E277, E27E this culture leads consumers more sophisticated and demanding all over the globe. %ompared to the previous centurys figures of 1G urban population of world, in E223 the numbers e)ceeded 12G. In the past twenty years it grew on an average of 9 million people per week. &y E212 above 82G i.e. :.; billion" of population will be in urban areas. According to the Ilobal -eport on +uman 'ettlements E226, especially Asia will host :9G of urban global population. The significant issue is we have more sophisticated consumers snapping up more goods, services, e)periences, campaigns and conversations. *ven the rural consumers will try to shop more on online to get the same sophisticated products as the urbane. This scenario leads to more &E% brands pushing innovation envelope in all possible ways. The innovation doesnt only evolve with the urbane but also from the suburbs but the urbans behave as epicenters. $ow the only way to survive is to go with the trend. 'o, in E272 and beyond, you basically cant go wrong to appeal to urbanites pride. 'ome random e)amples5 include

The best selling bike of E22:, E228 and E223 of India, &ajaj 4ulsar in all its versions of 712%%, 732%% and EE2%%s started its introduction in /rbane and then sophisticated their models to suburbs as for the suggestions of the sophisticated customers, which made them more successful.

%onsumers using five &ank !achine AT!s in *ast London were given a choice to opt their prompts and options in their most desired rhyming slang T%ockney.

7eal Time 7evie:s ; <o:ism t!roug! Social Media

The internet revolution and blogs had started giving the consumers and potential buyers to go through various live as well as premier reviews before buying, using or referring a product or service. Chatever it is youKre selling or launching in E272, it will be reviewed by huge mass, live, E;?8. 0eep in mind the new concept of $ACI'! Dinding out everything on time". In E272 buy, listen to, watch, attend, wear and so on, would be guided readily at the time of purchase online from the fellow consumers first hand information. Dor instance, see the Live
reviews from aboard the maiden flight of &As new all#business service between London %ity and .D0.

Also the books, !ovies and most of the products in entertainment sectors are mostly purchased or e)perienced after going through reviewing the consumer reviews. Dew blogs and 'ocial !edia sites are Twitter, Dacebook, LinkedIn, 'cribd, ibibo, etc.
+ence in E272, we have various review verdicts for products even with out concern of producers. +ence the producers have to be very vigilant about the designing of their products and services so that they can meet all sorts of consumer segments.



In support the /rbany, the lu)ury tries to maintain a challenge for the producers towards the consumers status consciousness. In E272, lu)ury, and what it means to a bewildering number of consumer segments, will remain in flu). lu)ury will be whatever you want it to beK. Lu)ury is closely associated to scarcity. &asic needs and scarcity always eye upon on persons who like to be uniBue. It is not just buying the most e)pensive or most biggest. Any thing special, 4remium, secret, uniBue, *co#friendly, /ser#friendly, caring, empathy, additional benefits, special features or appointments, healthy, knowledge, skills, *tiBuette, philanthropy and manners any one or a mi)ture of all of these constitute lu)ury. 'o 4roducers need not worry about finding out what it is but can define something like that which attracts and offers lu)ury. %onsider the e)amples of TATA# I$>I%A JI%TA, !ahindra UMLA a combination of consumer
reBuirements customi(ed versions" of the e)isting models gave customers convenience and pride in purchase. Also take the case of A44L*#Iphone, Jodafone or Idea &lackberry with advanced features. These mobile phones with additional services offer pride as well as uniBueness in their features to the consumers. Another e)ample is &urberrys &lue Label is a line of &urberry stores e)clusive to .apan that features a more fitted, sassier version of &urberry styles. Mass Mingling ; T!e Social <et:or@s 'ocial media and mobile communications are fueling a !A'' !I$ILI$I that defines virtually every line about diminished human interaction in our online era. Ignoring the truth that the online technology has made the people dusk stuck, gaming and home bound, we should keep in mind that people actually enjoy interacting with other warm bodies, and will do so forever. Dacebook, orkut, twitter, etc. form the social networks with social groups and communities with common features and common likes? dislikes. A list of !A'' !I$ILI$I facts and drivers include

'ocial media being about other people to begin with, if we observe the strong ties and week ties of people who use internet, we find people who generally use social networking networks as facebook.

DoursBuare to Ioogle Latitude to Loopt to Dire*agleP all these sites are currently about following, finding, tracking, connecting to, and ultimately spontaneously" meeting up with interesting people. +ence again social networking takes place and there is some mingling.

Last but not least5 The mobile has bridged the gap between being online and offline. Ane who have such network in hand everybody is always connected.


These social networking channels keep people updated with live information review, processing and forward. Live shows, live events involving us as the participants are e)amples for online mass mingling.

Eco(Easy Io green is the present call from both the public and private sector organi(ations. This is the way for long term sustainability. Dew go green issues would be *%A#&A/$TM, *%A#'T/->M to *%A# I%A$I% to *%A#T-A$'I*$T. 'o what else is building in the Ireen Arena in E272Q Then what is *%A# *A'MQ If the companies do not go for this, they might even face often mean forceful, if not painful, government intervention, or some serious corporate guts, or brilliantly smart design and thinking, if not all of those combined. %onsumers might not get habituated to this go green immediately but they in long term perspective they only appreciate the *co# *asy concept. 'o the marketers in all their business process should start a change mechanism towards eco friendly systems, products and services. 'ee these e)amples5

The small town of &undanoon in AustraliaKs $ew 'outh Cales has banned usage of plastic water bottles. They stopped usage of all branded and non#branded plastic water bottles in their town. *ven the Cest also stands with the same concept, !e)ico city government and 'an Drancisco had outlawed plastic bags usage from !arch E228.

In 'eptember E226, a special ta) was levied on people who pollute the environment by Drench 4resident $icolas 'arko(y it was given out as carbon ta) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Drance. 4olluters will have to pay */- 78 per ton of carbon emittedP This ta) will cover 82G of the countryKs carbon emissions and bring in about */- ;.9 billion of revenue annually. *ven this helps in avoiding unwanted use of polluting eBuipment and habits.

Automobile giants like Toyota started giving out Io green slogans by introducing petrol and gas combination models into market.

Trac@ing A Alerting This is the trend which helps the consumers to e)pand their web of information, instantly checking, tracking and alerting themselves with various market variations and dynamics. If I$DAL/'T consumers lusting after relevant information" is the enduring mega trend, then T-A%0I$I and AL*-TI$I are its sub#trends. %onsumers who have voluntarily revealed their preferences AL*-TI$I acts a helping force to consumers by continuous updating of knowledge.

%olumbia sportswear has a mechanism of initiative towards reusage of packaging bo)es which have a recogni(ed serial number and good strength. Aver ::G of all %olumbiaKs orders were 13

being shipped in reused bo)es. >ue to this mechanism consumers feel it convenient to track their goods movement and even %olumbia sportswear people provide alerts for the goods movement.

There is a product to find out a persons fitness. It is called as Ditbit. It is a small device the user can wear it and this being a 9> motion sensor tracks the users activity in three dimensions and converts it into useful information. Chen customers logon to DIT&IT website and enter data including their appetite and activities which they have performed then the site gives out entire fitness report of the customer. This is another way of tracking and alerting with which collaborative fitness goals can be achieved.

Augmented -eality, which is a field of computer research in combination of real#world and computer# generated data, where computer graphics objects are blended into real footage in real time. This is another layer of Tracking and alerting taking a new trend into increased consumer attraction and satisfaction. Embedded +enerosity I*$*-ATIA$ I *$*-A'ITM". It has been one of the biggest trends in E226, and it will be even bigger in E272. *!&*>>*> I*$*-A'ITM incorporates all giving initiatives that make giving and donating painless, if not automatic after all, pragmatism is the religion". An top of that we can e)pect lots of innovative corporate giving schemes that involve customers by letting them co#donate and?or co#decide. It is being wide spread and marketers have to be awake and ready to go forward with this trend to get their social responsibility done as well as increase in brand image. Dew *)amples5

Australian &aby Teresa a baby garment manufacturer on each purchase made with them arranges a donation of another to a baby in need somewhere in the world. The same way goes the I0*A solar cell based desk lamp manufacturer. An sales of each unit in any store of I0*A worldwide at /'> 76.66 another lamp would be donated to children without electricity in refugee camps or in remote areas.

'till going strong in I$>IA and other countries, 4rocter @ Iamble and /$I%*D have joined forces for the fourth year running, in an effort to raise money for tetanus vaccines. *ach time a product with logo of 7 pack V 7 Life saving Jaccine is sold, 4@I donates cost of one vaccine to /$I%*D. 'imilar are TA!' shoes, for every pair sold online another pair will be donated to children tin need. Their aim is to donate 7 million shoes by E27E.

An online forum Ireenpeace is a e)clusively dedicated forum working towards the anti social causes, they manage online forums and sponsor activities bringing significance to various aspects like %onventional sources of energy, pollution, child labour and many aspects as such.

Profile Myning =Mining>


As the social $etworking grow and the number of people nurturing online with some kind of profiles available, there is a great chance for increased intelligence in streaming these profiles and grabbing the desired ones. It wouldnt be completely regarding the marketers who are taking up the chance of gathering as much personal details as possible from these secured profiles but also for the consumers thats what makes call this as !yning rather than !ining.

This is offering a chance for consumer inter#relationship development. The online world gives consumers a chance of identifying like people with same intention of purchase or sale and negotiate with marketers to organi(e bit on the same for a benefit able purchase or sale.

There are few services that protect, store, and, in case of emergencies?death, arrange handing over of oneKs digital estate personal and confidential information? proile"to trusted others. In August E226 'wiss >$A &ank launched ultra#secure >$A storage that meets 'wiss banking regulations. The storage of 7 I& data and a self swabbed >$A is for a one#time fee of /'> 966, which would be stored in former 'wiss military underground nuclear shelter in Istaad.

Maturialism !arketers audiences who are by now thoroughly e)posed to, well, anything, for which you can thank first and foremost the anything#goes online universe" can handle much more Buirkiness, more daring innovations, more risky communications and conversations, more e)otic flavors and so on than traditional marketers could have ever dreamed of. This would be more effective in E272. In short consumer of present matured societies no longer tolerate being treated like yesteryears uninformed, easily shocked, ine)perienced, middle#of#the#road consumer. 'o, in E272, the Buestion is how far we can succeed as the same wayQ Chat are the changes needed, developments desired by the consumersQ !arketers have to get proper understanding over this and then go about in E272.

American Apparel released a legali(ed t#shirt for the protestors at rallies and marches who were asking for gay marriage in %alifornia. The overwhelming response lead them to release the same T#'hirt for general sale in $ovemeber, E223.

In mid#E226, Air $ew Nealand launched an ad campaign designed to highlight the airlineKs transparent prices, which include checked baggage and refreshments. The ad features a range of airline employees going about their business dressed in nothing but body paint.

This trend inviting customers to more direct talk may some times create a situation where marketers would be Afraid to offend and even loose some customers when jumping on the !AT/-ALI'! wagon in E272. BapanCs public service advertising


4ublic service advertising is a communication from public institutions or private#sector organi(ations. Its purpose is to utili(e the strong appeal and persuasive power of advertising to help in the resolution of public and social issues. It started in .apan in 786: and even passed on to Cest. Chere we have /nited 'tates the roots grew in 76;2s. This was accompanied with a growing interest in recycling resources and the environment, heralding a move to seek a new era. #e: more Social Media Trends are as follo:s,

Corporate Social media presence5 Nappos and 0ingfisher airlines are two best e)amples for usage of social media for improved customer satisfaction. Cost Control in advertising5 Leveraging on %row sourcing through social media. %oca#cola Indias 'prite campaign in the recent past. Emp!asis on 7eal time data5 /sage of Transaction news and real time data. *)amples of such sites are the Ioogle &log 'earch, !, etc. Aggregation of Social Media5 A single Buery will gather all the people available with like interest. Dacebook is one among social media tools. Be!avioral advertising5 Targets a user in accord to his previous preferences when navigating the web which is e)pected to increase :1 percent for this year. "nteractive ric! media advertising: The tools which invite customers to interact comes into this category. *)ample5 &roacher, online applications, Jideo ads and ratings, etc. Benefits5 Ane5 4retends to be more customers oriented. The second is advertiser has freedom of complete e)pression. This is a Cin# Cin situation.

Personali*ed ads: These are the ads designed for determined groups of people based on their navigation record. &ut the success rate of this is a bit low.

Social <et:or@ Services


eSocial network services

Websites Personal Websites bebo, cyworld, facebook, friendfeed, friendster, Hi5, ibibo, jaiku, Myspace, Netlog, Orkut, Studi !, "agged, "ribe#net, "uenti, "witter, kontakte, W$ispurr iadeo, linkedin, Hub %ulture

"ools 'eneral *pplications -(plications .elated %oncepts

Professional Websites &acebook connect, Opensocial, Social network analysis software %o(parision of Software, Online identity, )ser profile, irtual co((unity Social Media *dvertising, Social network $osting service, 'roups, online dating service +co(parision,, -nternet petitions, .eblogging, Mobile, Polling, *ctivity strea( )ser gender difference, )se in investigations S(all world e/peri(ent, s(all0world network, Social network, Social network service

Mega Trends .&$& Cith all the evolving trends in hand, marketers should have their prime focus on ethics before running up with upcoming trends. American Academy of Advertising members, +yman et al. report that the seven most important topics for advertising ethics as5 7" use of deception in ads, E" advertising to children, 9" tobacco advertising, ;" alcoholic beverage ads, 1" negative political advertising, :" racial stereotyping, and 8" se)ual stereotyping. As a marketer you have to keep your mind ticking with these issues so that you will not cross the boundaries of ethics and could catch up with the rage of emerging trends. As concluding remarks the trends for advertising would move in E272 as follows,

"onversion optimisation will be #ey$ &ocus on .O- asks for end#to#end optimisation for
search, display advertising, affiliate marketing and email marketing# "onsumer thrift will shape online behaviour$ As the recession bites, consumers will increasingly shop online in search of deals and bargains. %reater "reativity will be re&uired$ This may sound obvious, but it needs to be emphasised. Internet '(plorer ) will affect online advertising$ !ost consumers will happily muddle along with I*3 oblivious to alternatives. The privacy browsing capabilities of I*3 will have an impact for online advertising.


"PA buying will become more widely negotiated$ The %4A cost#per#action?acBuisition"
digital advertising buying model will become more widely negotiated. 1ata privacy and security will stay in t$e $eadlines# *ualitative analytics will have greater emphasis$ 0nowing what your website users did is nice, but knowing C+M they it did will become crucial. Ce predict that there will be huge growth in the use of Bualitative data in analytics and decision making in E272. !obile advertising will flourish$ Cith Ioogle supplying mobile hardware I7" and software Android", and bidding on the wireless spectrum, it is clear that the people at !ountain Jiew wish to develop this market to its full potential. 9I smart phones with large#ish screens, such as the i4hone, &lack&erry 'torm and I7 all allow mobile users a close#to#normal web#browsing e)perience# +ocal search,localised services will grow$ 'earch engines, browsers and hardware manufacturers will continue to put their weight behind the locali(ation of search. ChyQ Three main reasons5 7" -esults are more relevant, E" advertising can be more accurately targeted, and 9" it gives search networks a massive additional inventory to sell at a local, rather than regional or national level# -.. news feeds will go mainstream$ -eally 'imple 'yndication -''" is an ideal platform for online marketing and communications as it provides marketers with 722G deliverability and a Bualified audience. /ser generated content 0/%"1 will be King$ A /niversal !c%ann study in E223 found that only 7;G of users trust advertising, whereas 83G trust recommendations of other consumers. This highlights something many online marketers have known for a while5 user generated content can be very beneficial. .ocial media opportunities will e(pand$ According to research by /niversal !c%ann, 89G of users read blogs and 9:G think more positively about brands that have them. In addition, 39G of users have viewed video clips proven to offer significant uplift in sales", ;6G have downloaded podcasts and 93G have subscribed to an -'' feed, while 18G have joined a social network. Ce could go on, but suffice to say that social media has well and truly arrived and if you dont use it to your advantage, then youre missing a massive opportunity. APIs and mashups could be the 2e(t 3ig 4hing$ Dar be it from us to predict the ne)t Dace book or success story, but the odds on it being a mash up are not bad. Application programme interfaces A4Is" allow desktop and mobile applications to access web data and services directly, giving rise to services such as iTunes, -'' readers, desktop weather widgets, Ubo) Live and 4lay 'tation $etwork, to name but a few. E?penditure in Social Media Advertising The research report presented by Nenith Aptimedia stated the advertising e)penditure statistics of India across media was as follows,


Advertising e)penditure in India boosted up to -s.9:8.9 billion. Anline ad e)penditure alone was -s. 9: billion. These growing stats indicate the future of advertising e)penditure and the role of online and social media in advertising in the upcoming years. The technically reach and technology optimi(ing super power /nited 'tates stood top even in the statistics declared about the 'ocial !edia Advertising. A detail research report of Dorresters -esearch Inc. revealed the facts that 'ocial !edia e)penditure is going to grow from /'F87: million in E226 to /'F9,779 million by E27; with a %AI- of 9;G.

'ource5 Dorrester -esearch Inc, report E272. #e: latest facts about Social Media Advertising
-eleased by $eilsen Cire a $eilsen -esearch Inc."


7. 'ocial !edia $etworks and &logs consume nearly E1G of peoples time online one in every four and half minutes online" E. The world spends 772 billion minutes on social media networks and blog sites 9. The number of people who are visiting social media sites has increased by E;G over the last year ;. The average visitor spends ::G more time on these sites than they did a year ago : hours in April E272 versus 9 hours 97 minutes last year" 1. &ra(il is the top nation when it comes to internet consumers with 3:G visiting a social media network 8;G of /'A internet users visit a social media network" :. Australian users average the most time on social networking sites a month at 8 hours and 76 minutes /'A internet users average : and a half hours" 8. Dacebooks reach is the widest in Italy capturing two#thirds of the active uniBue audience in April Chich is higher than the *nglish speaking countries /'A, Australia and the /0 at :2G" 3. .apan has the lowest reach of Dacebook active users at 9G 6. Ameba the micro blogging platform which is the .apanese eBuivalent of Twitter is visited by 93G of .apanese people online 72. Dacebook is the worlds most visited social media brand with 1;G of the worlds internet population visiting the brand

Action Plan !arketers have to think whether they are readyQ &ased on the above Advertising trends, e)plore and define ways that their business can leverage the opportunities in the upcoming marketing landscape so that your company grows and you achieve your E272 business objectives. Caution Let this paper end with a caution. Internet advertising, along with its benefits, also gives rise to some practices which could be fraudulent in nature called click fraud wherein or an automated program is used for making clicks on an ad so the person or the author of the software can benefit from it. Although some laws e)ist against such practices, some companies have started to offer services for fighting click fraud, it seems that this cancer will not disappear from the internet advertising trends. 'o, marketers should take good care of this for better protection.


7eferences Bibliograp!y 7. Ale)ander Dord 77th August, E272"5 Latest trends online versus print, E. &urret 7;th Actober, E228"5 *merging Trends in -etail Advertising, 9. *lias &i(aness ;th !ay, E223", *merging TrendsQ $ope its being long trend coming, www.eliasbi( ;. Ieorge. !. Ninkhan 'eptember, 766;"5 Advertising *thics, .ounal of Advertising. 1. Ienevieve khongwir 'eptember, E223"5 *merging JA' Trends in India, :. Laura spencer EEnd August, E226"5 %an Advertising keep up with the new and different. 8. Tarun pandviva 79th August, E223"5 +istory of Indian Advertisement, 3. !ario pricken5 %reative Advertising, Thames @ +udson, E223. 6. Tracy Tuten5 Advertising E.25 'ocial !edia !arketing in a Ceb E.2 world, 4raeger, E223. 72. 'teve +ol(ner5 Dacebook !arketing5 Leverage 'ocial !edia to grow your &usiness, R/*, E223. 3ebliograp!y www.e)change; www.e(


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