Black Superman

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By John R. Moore
John Moore - Barbados, W.I. (2005)Revised July 2007 . All rights reserved.
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall
buildings in a single bound. Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!
Yes it's Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers
and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of
mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-
mannered reporter for a great Metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for
Truth, Justice, and the American Way; and now another exciting episode in the adventures of
Many Americans and others are familiar with this affirmation to the American superhero known as
Superman, another comic book character of DC Comics. However, for African-American and Black
children, it has not been possible to conceive of ourselves as a Caucasian Super-Being, and neither
should we deny our racial and cultural heritage.
In this research you will see that the origins of the Eurocentric Super-man were based on the Black
African Superman who goes by many names and adventures on the African continent. Heru, the
original Black African Superman, is the prototype of all American superheroes portrayed in the comic
books, affirming our racial and cultural heritage based on the historical facts.
Heru was the first superman concept originating in the African mind which preceded the European
formation of the superman by thousands of years.
Here is a comparison between Heru and DC's Superman.
1. Heru's powers emanate from the sun because he is an aspect of the sun (Ra), the Supreme God, of his
parents Auset and Asar who are the sun. Superman as a Kryptonian gets his power from the earth's
yellow sun.
2. Heru comes from an advanced civilization of deities who came to earth, and an infant, he came from
the etheric Egypt to the earth with his mother Auset, to escape destruction. Superman, as an infant,
comes from the advanced civilization of Krypton to escape destruction.
3. Heru is Egyptian in origin from which the Greek names and meanings of Hero, Horus, and
Heracles evolved. Heru is Heracles and the hero, according to ancient Egyptian and Greek tradition.
Every hero or superhero is a form of Heru. Superman is Hercules, Samson, and other strongmen
heroes put together.
4. Heru as a child was called Har-Pa-Krates. Superman's childhood name is Kalel and Clark Kent.
5. Heru lost his father. Superman lost his parents.
6. Heru possesses the Divine Strength, Power, Might, Courage, and Endurance of a Solar God.
Superman possesses the superhuman strength, power, courage, and stamina of a Kryptonian energized
by the sun.
7. Heru, the Golden Falcon/Solar Hawk-the Winged Solar Disc is able to fly to and from anywhere at
supernatural speeds. Superman can fly through the air faster than the speed of light.
8. Heru is the Egyptian Heracles and later the Greek Heracles. As such he is a Black African deity.
DC's Superman is based on this Black African heritage.
9. Heru can change the course of mighty rivers and so can Superman.
10. Heru dies and was resurrected from the dead twice as Asar (Osiris) and as an infant. Superman died
and was resurrected from the dead.
11. Heru fights the never-ending battle for Maat, which is Truth, Justice, and Righteousness. Maat is his
mother Auset (Isis). Superman fights for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
12. Heru's archrival is Set better known in Hebrew as Satan, the god of evil. Superman's archrival is
Lex Luthor, a supervillain.
13. Heru is an Angel of God or Amon -Ra called a neter in Egyptian theology, or the original Kalel.
Superman is called the angel Kalel.
14. Heru possesses the All-Seeing Eye of Atum -Ra, God which is an aspect of his mother Auset,
thereby giving him omniscience and solar heat vision. Superman has x-ray vision, telescopic vision,
and heat vision.
15. Heru is of the House of God, Atum-Ra. Superman is of the House of EL, God.
16. Heru's father is Asar - Yah, Osiris, Jah, Yahweh. Superman's father is Jor-El (an angelic name).
17. They are both monster-slayers and crime fighters.
18. Heru is a Leo. Superman is a Leo.
19. Heru is the Man of Steel. Superman is the Man of Steel.
20. Both of them have ties to African and Afro-Asiatic cultures especially the Semitic name Kalel.
DC's Superman uses x-ray vision, heat vision, and telescopic vision to defeat criminals whereas Heru
possesses the All-Seeing Eye of Atum-Ra, God, which is a form of his mother Isis that represents
Wisdom, Elohim, Amazon, or the Holy Spirit. This Divine Eye is Omniscient, burning up any object
with lightning and fire, and the eye itself is symbolized by Venus in conjunction with Mars, the pupil of
the eye. This becomes the wrathful Eye(s) of the Word of God which appears like a flame of fire. Mars
as the inner portion of this Eye is red. Heru sees all things with his eyes.
John Moore - Barbados, W.I. (2005)Revised July 2007 . All rights reserved.

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