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ISM-I Assignment Dairy Farm Group- Redesign of Business Systems and Process

Group 6 Section D Name Cha an Chetan !u ra" (a ita !) Bha"antri Parag *ain Sammeta !ash+ant ,arma Satheesh () (annan Siddharth Mathur Roll Number
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Recommendations .y Firm B
An o er ie+
/ / / / / / 0echno1ogy cannot .ring competiti e ad antage if done in iso1ation 0echno1ogy has to .e p1anned according to the conte2t of organi3ation4s needs Business processes ha e to .e identified and reengineered according to the needs) Ac5uisition of techno1ogy +i11 p1ay an important ro1e in re-engineering the Business processes) A techno1ogy p1anning process is to .e fo11o+ed 6no+n as7 8DFG9s 0echnica1 Architecture: 0his frame+or6 +i11 ena.1e rapid changes in the DFG9s .usiness process and its supporting app1ications

Impro ements in Business Components

/ C1assification of a11 .usiness processes in fi e BPDs and ensure A ai1a.i1ity7 Assurance7 ;sa.i1ity and Adapta.i1ity for the associated systems / Store System< - Bui1d common store app1ications and put them on .ac6end ser er - Redesign store app1ication to co11ect a11 data usefu1 for decision ma6ing - Common app1ication that is mu1ti1ingua1 / In entory Management< - Centra1 merchandising system for each .usiness unit - 0rade agreements +ith supp1iers to a oid e2cess and shortages

Category Management< - A1ong +ith the changes in store operations7 adopt data +arehousing techno1ogy - 0he company can .etter its CRM and 1o+er its in entory / =1ectronic Commerce< -Instead of going for e-.usiness7 ad ertise products on the +e. -0o increase con enience7 it can .e used to order so that +hen customers reach the store they can pay and co11ect their .ags Technical Component : - Additiona1 in estment in a common supporting infrastructure 1in6ing the arious .usiness units - A 6ey function of the core infrastructure ser ices +as to pro ide enterprise-+ide system security7 integrity and credi.i1ity

= a1uation of recommendations
/ Considering the e2istent pro.1ems faced .y dairy farm7 re-engineering of crucia1 .usiness process +ith he1p of techno1ogy +i11 gi e faster resu1ts rather than gradua1 imp1ementation of management information systems / 0he separate techno1ogy p1anning team +i11 p1ay a ita1 ro1e in ensuring the proper e2ecution of pro"ects / >ur suggestion on stores +ou1d ena.1e .etter capturing of customer transactions) 0his a1ong +ith centra1 merchandising system ena.1e .etter stoc6 rep1enishment) / 0he recommended suggestions on data +arehousing +i11 .ring supp1ying and se11ing functions to act together) It a1so faci1itates the data ana1ysis process re5uired for targeting the customer segments)

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