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Dairy Farm GroupCase Analysis

Sec D / Group 12
Gaurav Berry (2012PGP115) Karanjkar Nikhil Shriniwas(2012PGP155) Kishlai Kumar (2012PGP170) Pooja Ju ran (2012PGP25!) "u#rashis "oy (2012PGP$1%) S&'&Sak(hi Prakaash(2012PGP$2$)

Firm B strategy
Re-engineering of business process to support DFGs strategy and acquisition of technology to support the process Business component (BPDs) : Store management : Create common store applications around standardized tec nology !n"entory management: !ntegrate store systems #it operations systems e$tending t em to suppliers Category management: mo"ing %rom %unction orientation to process orientation &ec nical component: Common supporting !& in%rastructure Core in%rastructure ser"ices %or lin'ing (usiness processes &ec nological planning team: &ec nological planning (y de%ined process o% interaction

)e-engineering Store Systems

Store transaction data in (ac'-end ser"er to %acilitate stoc' monitoring* # ic #ould (e net#or'ed #it central o%%ice S aring a common in%ormation (ase (et#een stores o% di%%erent (usiness units #ould elp to %ind common suppliers (# o o%%ers good prices) !ntegrate !& systems o% di%%erent stores o% a (usiness unit to co-ordinate # en pro(lems o% e$cess and scarcity arise in t e stores Store systems s ould also (e integrated #it central merc andising system & ey s ould also (e adapta(le to operate across DFGs multiple retail %ormats and across di%%erent geograp ies

!n"entory and Category +anagement

Store system to (e integrated #it operational system Central merc andising: monitor in"entory at eac store ,conomies o% scale : )educed stoc' outages and po#er to negotiate #it supplier !ntegrated (uying and selling %unctions !t #ill reduce t e num(er o% purc ase orders and in"oices & e data #are ousing tec nology (e adopted to %acilitate organization and analysis o% data %or gearing to#ard customer re-uirements Promote usage o% smart cards %or (etter customer data ac-uisition .se #e( %or ad"ertising its products

&ec nical Component and &ec nology Planning

Additional in"estment in a common in%rastructure lin'ing B./s 0 Corporate 1A2 to pro"ide group #ide in%ormation systems 0 1ill pro"ide inter (usiness ser"ices Core in%rastructure ser"ices to pro"ide enterprise #ide system security* integrity and credi(ility &ec nical Arc itecture program group to (e esta(lis ed under &ec nology strategy and arc itecture group Form di%%erent deli"ery and implementation group (&A and &APG)

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