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SUNY CORTLAND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT LAB PED 201 Professor Yang Locomotor Lab Part A: Lab Two Name:

: Brandon Loomis________________________________ Date: ______2/8/12________ Lab Group Day and #: Wed

Tasks A. To observe the interaction between Cortland students and St. Marys students while playing the pre-planned games with an Olympic Theme: B. Locomotor Tasks Part A Worksheet. TASK A OBSERVATION/REFLECTION Observe the interaction between St. Marys students and Cortland students. 1. Observe the St. Marys student(s) as they participate in the activities. Describe the variability of the movement patterns you observed in your students. Be sure to note with whom you worked , what grade they were in, and any differences in age, gender, or ability. Today I was in the cafeteria group where I was able to work with primarily the 5th and 6th grade students. At this age, they are far more mature in their movements all together in comparison to the younger students at St. Marys. Although they are much more coordinated, they have not all yet grown into their bodies. They were filled with as much enthusiasm and excitement as all the other children, but were quicker to talk back or challenge our instructions. The younger students on the other hand were a little more clumsy with their movements and were more toward the elementary skill level. They are also much more impressionable and are easier to get going with games. When looking at gender, for all ages, the girls were more likely to play anything with less contact or exertion of energy while the boys would want to get involved in games where they are constantly moving and using a maximum amount of energy.

2. Describe the effective teaching strategies that you observed. What were they and on whom did you use them? How were they used? What was the effect? Were there any strategies that were more effective than others? If so, why? There are an endless amount of teaching strategies that were and can be used in a program such as St. Mar ys. One in particular which may not be ideal is negotiation. When my group and I were trying to get the 5th and 6th grade students to play our games they were very standoffish and did not seem to have any interest. After talking to them, we ended up making a deal, where they would give our games a chance and see how they go and then we would take part in their games, in this case, basketball. by allowing the children to see that we were willing to participate in what they wanted, they ended up giving us a chance to play our games with them. Although they thought our games to be unfair due to the lack of them listening to our rules, they did have fun and I think that they will allow us to introduce new and better games next time now that we are more aware of what they would like to see. This strategy allowed us to show them that we were open to games they wanted to play, so long as they would be open to ours. It is definitely a way to build some trust among them and learn about their interests to critique our games for next time.

MOTOR DEVELOPMENT LAB- Locomotor Skills Part A

TGMD-2: Test for Gross Motor Development- Second Edition- Revised Name of Students (first names only):____Jack________/_______Jill_______ Grades:__K-1___/__K-1___ Gender: ___Male____/___Female_____ Ages: __5-6___/__5-6____

Locomotor Skills- (Lab 2) Part A

Skill 1. Run Materials Use a clear space Directions Performance Criteria Brief period where both feet are off the ground. Child 1 Yes Child 2 Yes During a game or activity, watch a 1. student run. They may not run as fast as they can or for a long period of time due to space but do your best.
2. 3. 4.

Arms in opposition to legs, elbow bent. Foot placement near or on a line (not flat footed). Nonsupport leg bent approximately 90 degrees (close to buttocks).

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

2. Gallop Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a 1. A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the student gallop. Tell the student to trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot. gallop leading with one foot and then the other.
2. 3. 4.

Brief period where both feet are off the ground. Arms bent and lifted to waist level. Able to lead with the right and left foot.

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

3. Hop

Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a 1. Foot for nonsupport leg is bent and carried in back of the body. Yes student hop. Ask the student to hop first on one foot and then on the other foot.

Nonsupport leg swings in pendulum fashion to produce force.




Arms bent at elbows and swing forward on take off.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

4. Able to hop on the right and left foot.

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