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Convergence By Ryan Thomas LaBee

an original idea.

February 15, 2014

The Following short will be shot much like a montage. Jumping in out from scene to scene to immulate the feeling of living a dream or a nightmare. INT.STUDY--NIGHT A man sits shrunken over a desk, writing feverishly in a journal. The only light comes from candle light. The man, ALEX GRAMM, is in his late 20s early 30s but looks much older than he truly is. Lack of sleep has had its effect on him. The Study is littered with books open to random pages, trash thrown about, and looks as if it has not been cleaned in months or even years. In the journal he writes a letter. Its addressed to: "My dearest love." ALEX V.O. It has been so long since we have spoken, and I know this letter can never reach you, but I felt compelled to write to you. CUT TO. INT. LABORATORY--SOME TIME LATER The laboratory is like nothing we have ever seen before. There is equipment here that is timeless. We are not sure if we are in the past, present, or future. Alex sits across from a fragile old man, THE SAGE. The SAGE is old but he has a youthfulness that permeates from his eyes. ALEX What do you know about parallel universes? a small smirk THE SAGE Everything. ALEX Everything?




THE SAGE That one can know. CUT TO. INT.STUDY--NIGHT We are back in Alexs study. He now stands at a black board drawing in madness. There are lines and diagrams filling the entire black board. It is incomprehensible, except to himself. ALEX V.O. (continued) Some say, that with every decision you make in this lifetime, the universe fractures into a million other possible universes. And in these universes every possible outcome of our decisions are explored. CUT TO. INT. LABORATORY--SOME TIME LATER We are back again in the laboratory, Alex and The Sage are still seated facing one another. ALEX I need you to help me universe jump. THE SAGE I am afraid, that that will not be possible. ALEX Bullshit! I know you know how! THE SAGE Of course. But I am afraid assisting you in this endeavor will not cure you of your pain. It hits Alex hard. The acknowledgement of his loss almost makes him crack.




ALEX I have to try. Alex pulls a rumpled piece of paper from his back pocket. It resembles the drawings on the blackboard. At the top of the page is a circle labeled this universe and from it is a web of lines stopping at other circles. Alex points to this universe. ALEX (continued) I need you to get me from here to... points to another circle. ALEX (continued) There. CUT TO. INT.STUDY--NIGHT back in the study. Alex is again at his desk writing. ALEX V.O. I am sorry for the choices I have made. I am sorry for the way I hurt you. And though I know I can never take back what has happened between us, in this universe, know, I am going to make them right in another. a tear falls from his face and onto the page. CUT TO. INT. LABORATORY--SOME TIME LATER Alex and The Sage are no longer sitting facing one another. They are now deep into the laboratory. Alex is seated, leaned back, in a chair that is reminiscent of a dentist chair though it looks very aged. Wires run from Alexs temples and are plugged into a contraption that is, and isnt, a computer.




He has his eyes closed tight and he is listening to the sage speak. THE SAGE The very first thing you must realize, is that the thread that keeps us tethered to this reality is so very fragile. Clear your mind of everything...except for the thought of shearing this thread. Alexs eyes fly open. ALEX What if I dont end up where I want to go. THE SAGE I am afraid that is not how it works. This is a risk you are agreeing to take. You will be able to leave this time and place, but I am afraid, where you go is not up to me... (a short beat) THE SAGE (continued) Or you. Now, clear your mind. No more questions. CUT TO. EXT. GRAVEYARD--DAY Alex stands in front of a gravestone, clutching an envelope. ALEX V.O. I will leave this time; I will leave this place. You may be gone in this lifetime, but I know youre still alive in another. That is where we will meet. he bends down and places the envelope on her grave. ALEX V.O. Goodbye my love for now. See you in another time and another place...See you in our universe. CUT TO.


INT. LABORATORY--SOME TIME LATER The Sage is moving in a flash. Pushing buttons, throwing levers. The room begins to shake. Lights begin to flicker. There is a load pop. Darkness, then nothing but light. We are close in on Alexs closed eyes. They open. He rises from the chair and looks around the laboratory. It is not how he left it. It is time worn and broken down. Not a soul has been here in years. ALEX (to himself) no... He gets up from the chair and runs out of the laboratory. CUT TO. INT.STUDY--CONTINUOUS From the outside of the study door is a load pounding. Its Alex throwing himself against the locked door. The door gives and Alex tumbles into the room. Alex is in terror. Cobwebs adorn the room and dust is settled on everything. None of his books, papers or black board are in the room any longer. It is clear no one has stepped foot in this room in years. ALEX oh, god... Alex turns and runs from the study. CUT TO. EXT. GRAVEYARD--DAY Alex runs through the graveyard. He runs to the tombstone that he has visitied every day for years. He looks down and his heart sinks. Here Lies Alex Gramm. Amazing father, husband, and friend.




Alex drops to his knees and puts his head into his hands. He begins to sob. FEMALE VOICE (of screen) How can it be...Alex!? Alex turns his head. CUT TO BLACK.

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