Kingdom Dales

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Bringing the Kingdom to the Dales 0.

Introduction In these notes I am trying to set down the way the Lord seems to have been leading us. I cannot claim that they represent new messages from God, and indeed we may hear from him that we should not go this way but another which he will reveal. However, using our minds can be of some help. 1. Ultimate goals 1.1 Overall We want to see people converted, churched, discipled, taught, filled, gifted, trained, witnessing. We want to see miracles. 1.2 Details We want to see churches in homes in various villages, with celebrations centrally. There will no doubt be peripatetic ministries between the young churches. There will need to be a multiplication of leaders and ministries. 2. The people It is helpful for each of us to keep a record of those in the area whom we know and who know us, and to pray regularly for them. 2.1 Unchurched Christians We are concerned for these people that they be pastored, loved and taught. We can freely invite them to our meetings. There might be a problem if a considerable number of such people join us who do not share our vision. 2.2 Christians in established churches 2.2.1 Helping them We are concerned for these people, and want to have fellowship with them and to help them. We may invite them to our celebrations. If they should want to come to our churches, then that is up to them, but we should avoid drawing them from their own churches. 2.2.2 Involving them It is difficult to see us involving them in our own outreach. They may not share our vision. If people are converted through a joint outreach, what church are they going to join? However, we can encourage Christians in established churches to do their own outreach.

2.3 Non-Christians Our personal contacts with such are all-important. We should try to be part of their secular community, to serve and to participate. Where there are divisions in society (dalesfolk, offcomers, racing) it is good if we can do this for each group. In this area there is some distrust of that which comes in from outside (especially on the part of dalesfolk), so it is necessary for us to show that we belong. When they have crises, we should be there to help. When there are opportunities to witness we should be ready to speak. 3. Getting there This is the uncharted territory. We really need to hear from God here. 3.1 What comes first? Should we start by holding celebrations, or seek to plant local churches first, and then have celebrations to link them together? It is tempting to have celebrations first. After all, we can arrange celebrations, but we cannot arrange conversions. However, to hold celebrations we need to call on what is external to the area, and those attracted tend to be only the Christians (who, if they already belong to churches, show little or no commitment) . If local churches were to arise first, then celebrations as a gathering together of these new believers would be local, and could be arranged to suit their need. 3.2 Where to start? We are at the moment widely separated. Should we begin in both sites, or just at one? Here we are entirely dependent on the Lord to show us. It all depends where he starts the work. 4. Conclusion Perhaps we should look to the Lord to raise up the first local church. The first step towards this would, of course, be the conversion of individuals. This would be an indication of how he is working, and where he is starting to work. From this first step we can then pray about the second step. Colin Day 7th May 2010

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