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l .
File No.-------
M. 0. No: ( JA

MO SECTION Date of Report
C/tiM rt COlDS DIV
Offense Murder County Hidalgo Date __
Carmelo Degelia Jrfllace __ M_cA_l_le_n ________ Time ---------
Report in detail: Information developed through additional investigation.
Attached is a copy of a nareative typed by Sandra Sue Attaway in reference to her association
with Charles Harrelson. This narrative was prepared while Miss Attaway was being held in
the Brazoria County Jail. This was obtained from Brazoria Sheriff on 11-13-68.
T.H. Dawson
Texas Ranger, Co."D"



.. w
. .. . : \ ft .:
... 'tdl "' .
. L'.r; \"', ..
' I ' I 'r ' o
: .f_l:ll::',:. X mat Chuc:lt August 3, 1967 nnd loft 1-Io\\oton to go to Lns Vegas
_-.:.:::i).i soptembur 3, 19G7 \'lith in h.'lo 1967 Po11tiac Grllnd Prix (black vinyl :.
: _.::.'=: .,> top oil VtJr ) ,.,i th California plates wdnt to Lus V'.lgas "'11oro
.: I:':
, bo loot moot of the $5, 0.00 ba had whon we left. ''le thon \>tcqt to Des

lloinos, Xo\'lil for hint to check into tho poooil>ility of taking a pooition '
\ with tbo Dontnl-Ez Chair Mfg. co. \'ihicb had been offorcd to him. no -
\ 't l t,
_was conaidori11g a otraigbt job, ha later told mo, boc:ause ho
:: ( : fallen in lovo and did not \'mnt me to lmow ma to lmow \'that bo
. boon and paot. llo sont ma to 1Iouoton to see my mothor .. ,.
nix days lnt me to t$;ft coma bnclc and oaid that 110 hnd de-
:: .:; .::1-'m;, .. c:icloc.i not to WG wero going to san Diego. He thun ht1d
- !':'''. .. $2,000. which he . .wirod to him for a job ho had taken care
H ... \ of in Houston. At this' tima X thought he was a gambler and hnd oarnod
: . the money in thia 11\Qnner. lJa WilD alwaya very sweet end gontle \'lith nte
.. :. at th:Ln timo X hncl no idon of his profaonion. ''to stnyod in Snn Diego )
, . ; tbo anot\th ot I. undot' tlto n.:m\o of nobi11oon and ho spent moat
tho t)(ime in a clu)) O\'lllod by Corky Evorql\iou named tho "20" c:l\.lb. X ;
.. wont to the museum and tho parka and ocoan \tthon he did nat wnt mo in tl1e : J

clU)). A fow clayo bofor.e wa loft s .D. X dociclcd that ho wno not going to . :;
.. : malco cny monoy "gambling" \'lilich is '1hat he told me ho trying to do '
{.: and oo X .wont to Gonornl Dynamic:o on tlie oc:oan nnd secured a job but
1. :\ ): .. boforo X went to work we left bccnuco he hacl loot on some bnll gamen
r .. J: and bG IJDicl.thnt ho 0\'IElcl too m."lny monoy ?n beto he had taken.
. NB tbon ttont to Phoenix \'1here ,.,o stayed for a fe\f days and he tried to
'i! :' .. soma mcmoy plnying pool but "e waro very low 011 monoy. Wo maclo it
.. to ll'ort ''7orth tho bcfpro Thnnlc:agiving, 1967 and X was going to ooa
l_: . : j.
m11 l-!othor and son \'lho wora then living thoro for tho holidayo. Wa. wore
.... \:. in a and X honrd a gunohot in tho othor :r:oom and X ran from tho
' botlu:ooln and ho on tho bed holding his .25 and turning bery
'l. t:.;,{{.ii. whito. Ho said he . thnt there \\"aS a butlet in tho chamber
;1 tha gun hnd him in tho log. Wa \'lont to a hospitnl
downto\m and a thEl bullet, gavo him the bullot and tho
. _. . :. gull end flllocl out a r.eport fUX'nished by a policemen tho omor-
. !.\;::.:,. goncy room. X then stayod with my mother for a wook ho \>tent to
I I'., '
.. ..'._,; Huntsville to find out bow badly hB was .burt and tb gat oomo monoy. Bo
picked mo u);f in Fort Worth and hnd borrowed some money uo fro1n tho
, :i.-. Huntovillo Banlc and WQ wnnt to Houoton. Ho talkod me into applying for
--:_: .... ;:,:;(.a job &\a &\ cocktail waitrooa nt tho Collat Club at Gulfgate tl1rough a
I friend thnt ho knew ,.,orlcing thoro - a lady nnmod Rota was day manager
... :/;': and Joo Campioo was night manager. X workod thoro \.\ntil Chuck caused
: .:h=)';.l' somuch trouble in the Club that X was f(lrcocl by them to torminato my.
cmplon\ent \'lhelln he bout rno up and I couldn't \>tork for four days and we11t
bnclc to \'IOrk \'lith a swollen faco. X then \>1.3nt to work at the Cork Club
j' 'At 1'_., ', '' I' ,
: .. ,:. whero x worked six and five dnys a week. At the timo Chuck was
. ),,:1 working au a den tal oquipmont repairman for Kally and Tapia supply
on \footheimar. 'l'hcy have since moved to Co1nmonweaith street. Chuck's
wao giving him a vory pad tima ao -the nervo began to regrow and 1110
;. had )$ very little.l,,oney and he -Was tal;:ing all the rnoney that X macle aa
. {:;:- .. ho \ beginning to bo brutal to me more and more often and ho knew that
,: ... . ' 1. would run if X got tho c:hanco. X do not know what he did \'lhen
, .p--
,.;::.: .:.; . !. X was \'lorl;ing lUI tho only time X a bet\'IGC!n 3 and 6 in tho
: . aftorltoon and not al\'lays then. X allowed to hnvo any girl friends
. : or go anywhoro \d.tho\\t him X was beginning to find out wlla.t
:. . :,' < .. bad thing a he b\ld dono such ao c:ol debto for a bool:ing organizatio11
: run by Jack Strauoo tho' previous' : .% askeu1 him if be hurt people
.':.::<;:!,.:;:,.: he did this he said "Of c::ourso." X no doubt that he would
.j ... ! . ' bocauao he hnd hurt r,e badly. . .
.. .. :.
. . . Aloo, wbon I met him tho previouo ;eummoF. he ha.Cl boen wor1cing some girls
t and when vigorously ba had stopped thia ac::tivitt ao far aa
X know.
truck, an El
Tho truck belongod
. .
.. : .> '1: li'G ware living at 3402 Garrott ao Mrs. and 1>2r. c. s. Stoughtcnbor.ough
. . ancl heel been since 12-0B-67. He WDfJ maldng an offort to eotablJ.nh an
; i: .. : \\nder this name nnd to obtain gaooline credit cnrdo "'hich ho.
"; eventually did. lie bacl Sinclair, 'l'oxaco, Gulf,. Enco ancl Aloo,
!:' Foley'o and a charge account at- nodnoy'o and !-lorton DJ.tto.
:. the end of April he told me he had a job to do c:iollocting n
: and hG \o1anted rme. to help him. X bad tried to get <n'lay from hi1n
tt1ice since January, once by anoving in with a girl fric=nd another by
. flying to Dallas but both timos he had mea into coming bncl-:, tho
:.. firut by being the soc:ond by ocarintt mo. I did not '"'.mt 1.1y
. : l: mother to know what he so X _.\o10uld not go therG so that thore \-taD
.- : __ .' .. : .H no chance of him corning arounclhor or rrrt son .. I hnd no friends to
.: nao no monoy. He ltnew he had )S me h_io influence completely
. .. ;<::'t' I asked nbO\lt tho job and little he tol.d mo
: '; .. t;: that a Allan Dorg t'lho oold a 1nan .named Frank
, : :::;p Ditaria out of $7,000 sometin'a in the past and ho" got $2, 000 for
convincing the ];loy to pay it. .on a night, ha cnme into the
. : \'_.:. r/<\ apt. and oaid he \Rlntocl me to mal;e a phone call and he would tall l!lC!
.. .. exactly \\'l'lat to say and I l'lilB to repeat what Allnn ooid oo thut he
could toll \'that Wba being said. He told tnCJ to the boy into meeting
me oomowhero which was done and be \oms to meat me at the Drtlss J\\g Club.
... lie had. already bougllt the red Caclillaa 1967 conveJ:tible \'lith a whito top
::?.r:- at a used ca.r lot on tho Post Ook freeway fron' a mttn _ntuned llartin a1'ld
:rtL:i':::::: in it. X drove and he told ma ho\f, to go. .l"lG drovo aroWld tho cl\\b
} ._:):'>:J_:l an<l saw .the boy going into the club and drovo around tho bloc); and stopped
:f< ::t, by the boy.' a Cadillac es he walked back across thG street. Chucl-:.
.... out Wld forcetl Allan to enter ottr car by 'uoo of a gun and a above. lie
.. :; ::>. n nloo jumped into tho back sent and told me to turn right on
_,--.:..-li Jle told Allan. that tlio was a kidnapping ant\ Allen oaicl thttt his dt\day
:. >:: . .'-' : .\. woul<l furniah whatever money needed. Cl1ucl: lcept tCJlling rae t'lhcro to
. :: : (: turn and W3 ""'r.G in an aroa comt>letely unfatniJ.inr to m<!!. I got tho cor .... ...,
, :. c: stuck in soma mud J.n of a gate leading up a road to a house. Chu!..!;.-.....1
.. . . }.became ex:tremetly _angry at . and at. first l1it 1n3 and uoc:d profunity_ and
. :-' t told mo to bold the 'l'han ha told Allon to get o\'t thnt he
. .:).-\:, was going to put him . in case somoone came from tho houao. . ...
. < f; He opened the trunk on said. be would. be quiet so Cht\clc j\lct tied _
.. his hands in front of h nnd put him bock in tha bac:'k seat and onidfor
, ., him to be and that if nnyone cume tho houso he \o10ulcl l1ill nll
: ; ... -:,of thom. Ha thon got tl1a car out of the rut nnd mud, nmdo mCJ drive i\gnin
ancl .. once more directed me up and do\trn \mfamilinr roads. Ua oaid that ho \
.. loo, for a cortain spot but that it hncl been a long time ainco ho.
: _::;'f. bad been. out there and couldn't find it. Finally he \QB getting more nnd''
. :. ),, more nel"vous,f X could toll and ho rsnid to otop right whora we were. Ito
.' ,. and J\llon got out oG tho cnr Md he closed the door nnd I could hear them
. :' ... ;;,-v_. walking to tlte back of the car. X aos\unod that ha was going to b:!nt on tho:
. . 'i:'boy rmd so I clidn't loolc becauao X knew whnt it folt lilco to be hit and !
. .: i/1. I was shaking inoide \tlhon he was n?rvO\\D liko l could tell ho \'laS I
.. - : h he was liablo to do anything. 'l'hcn X beard " ohot. X j umpcd out of tho (
, '.(:. cL\r and looked behind the car. Allon was laying on tho ground on hia I
.-. .. . : face. I CO\.\ldn 't ooa any blood but Chucl: later told rna he had ahot him
.,.. .li . --- ------ -
,. J..}
,, ,'; .
: . .:i in tho tcmplo. a.t mo as ho p\\t the gun on icl to get
_ .. '' back in the cal:' got tho snme thing if I thing.
:: . ... ' 1 X dtba this ana I heard a noise a.nd moved uont to tho
.: r:,,, right and oaw him Allon by tho arma and across tho ' !'".

F . ' d. dumpy looking area. In a f0\1 minutos ho cor.\o r\.utning back and I rolled
... tho \'Iindow and at\id 'whdt .. ia tho 'nnttor. l!o claid that thoro no
j ,. .. :;> . ; water as ho thougl1t do\m there end l1o wtts. sroing to have to b\\ry the
; \ :1; llo opened thct trunk and xomovod a ohovol 'ond went back out !11 the clump. .
'q '. :. : ..) He called met in a few minutes to como down ,.,here ho which I did. liG ....
'., ..: .i. took off his coat nnd tie as it wa,. hot "nditolcl me to tnko them back to
, : . . I' the car. X board a gurgling noiue from 1\llon nncls,! anicl "'hat was
:; .... ; ..... -::: \hnt. Chuck aaid that evidently the boy. not dead thnt he \tould i '
. . l: have. to choke him. x was shaking and oick and onid could I ploooo go .
r , .. , J., 'back to the car. Ho said to go ait in the cor and not to do tm)rthin'J ' ' .
. )',1 but be quiot. X ran back to tho and oat thoro and thon bo collod
' c
' -
... TilE (eNG$ CJt; tHE 72X.4$ S.TA11E
. . , , I . . ) .
,,. me once more tQ come down. X did and he handed me the ohovcl and said
: that the ground was too hnrd to dig and for me to the ahovol baclc
to the car. X did this and looltcd baclt an(l he \t/as dragging 1\llen by a
rope around his neclt . He pulled himto the car tr\mlt nren by '""ctlking
' ...
ancl opened tho car trunlt and put boy and tho shovel into
: the trunk. lie then got into the driver
s ooat nnd sturtcd d1:i ving. W'o
. : drove for a long time. and lle said that he wns loolcing for n ox>ot to drop
.::.the body in water. lie finally drove over the Intraconotal canal bcidge
1 nenr Surfside and turned left on a nnrrO\f road nnd drove for 9 or 1.0 '
. lt'. miles. WCJ were in an area \thero we could sao lights in tho diotnnco
J.:. but there seemed to ba no paople nonr. Thoro \otaa a vast nrea of brushy
. .. : ,: \I growth on our left and he stopped tho car and told rna to otay thoro and
; . ). look oars coming. He opened the and ynnlcod tho boy O\\t on
. : ): tho dragged him into the gr.owth a ditch ,.,ith wntcr in .
. it tho quilt which was in/r,ttre\tr\ink and which had blood
. .. . ..:( on it to tho rigl'lt of tho . tbon camo and
.. .. > got in er a minute he told me to dri vo so that ho could .
f > :'c'' change clothes as his were \otot. Then he drove again. !Io told rna to
i. , ... : l \ look in the baalc seat for anything thero' aB l1e hnd not oeen tha boy' o
L.":_. glassos. X looked and tho glasses ware there. Back at 'theplace \there
:},.he left the body he had given me a \mtch to hold \'lhich changed colors
, . :. J.; in the JIUlp light of the car. It was a vary expcmsi vo \fi th a very
::r:: flexible band but was oo omall that X could not see tho brand name. Jlo
-... ; . said that he had left evarything else on the body but hnd to have the
watch to show that ho had fulfJillled tho contrnct and tho rnnn ,rould
>.r: recognize the watch. drove over a toll bridge onto Galveston ioland
, o.: and to tho Galveston Causeway. AB we drove over the bridge to tho Gulf

. : .: : .. l!"ree,-my Ch\.tck toolc the clip out of tho g\\11 and pi tchod the gun out and
1 . . : .,i r. over tho car to the right and into tho 'otator. He than chnnged lands to
.ij tho left and pitched tho glasses over that sido. lie came back to Uou13ton
. , .. .<.and to our apartment and he told ane to wnoh the blood out of his olothos
J . "which X did nnd left thom in the sinlt with cold \'later. 'l'he next morning
ho left, telling me be was going to wash the cnr and collect hio money.
4 .. In two or throo hours he returned \'lith in cash. IIe did not tell
mQ where had cleaned th.e car ancl X did not ogain see the shovel but
ho told me on tho while X w.:a.s working at the Le Distro
(.: Club to .have Jorry a shovel from cra\1ford Booth. and disposa
:. of it. Itold Jerry and?f assume this \tmB tho shovel.

I. Maanwhilo I had met a man from Haarn, 'l'exas named Pete Scamarclo who
... . : introduced as an old friend of Chuck
s from Uuntsvilla and Chuck told
!; me , not in Pete's presence, that J?ote had some businoos thE!y ,.,ere diA
.-: cussing. About tho time that Allen \'IllS Jcillod Chuck came homo with
: : .. aome white powder in' a prophylactic which ho told mo \'lao heroin,
.: and that Pete had brought it back from l1oxioo and conaidorad himsolf
: w1suspicious because he was a busineaoman and had neveD been
i in any trouble. Chuck was to try to sell tho stuff for Pete as. Chuck
> hnd more contacts. X remernber now tbnt Ch\\c'k had piclted tho heroin up
... r from Pete whilo he was staying at a motel on south llnin nonr the Domed
... ',: Stadiwn and I bol'icve that it was the Rode"my Inn but X a:n not sure
.. I
-..---- - -
. ' .

ti ed to sell the heroin and I believe
' .. . .'o one person tted was a big Negro named \'lith a gold .
.1 . front tooth aro\md Lucky p.iorre 's and was a .or some sort
'lj , .
, . r .. of body guard for the little d11arf named llousey. Then Chuck told me that
tthere was no place in Houston that he could find to sell tho heroin and
that he hncl gotten the name of a contact in l<ansas City from Frank Dimaria
: ,. so we wont to I<.C4 lle told me this was to be. a sort of vacation aa I was
. -. very upset ovor tho killing. left fliouston on 'l'hurstlay night and
.. went to K.c. arriving on saturday. We stayed at a 1Ioliday Inn j,n K.C.
f! :' JC:ansas arid laid in the sun 9Wlday.
Z.1ondny ho said he \'laS going to tnko I i
.. . care of some business left for a while with the shotgun in tho trunk. I l
J 1f1 about two _hours he returned a young boy that he int1oduccd as a I
Nallybuddy whicb I know not true as the boy was too young. Chuck l
int9 tho bathroom and camo put again and I assW\ted thtlt ho htld tho heroin I
aa he hncl hidden it in the coiling there. X did not see thehoroin in
t'l\e boy' o preoonce and nothing was aid about it. NJout an hour or so .
Cbuck callod .. mo and aaid in. tha x.c,, Mo. city jllil

... .. __ ,, .. - . -. -.. ---- -. ' ....
' . .. "- .PAGE FOUR
I .1 - ..
l' :, . . ...._
. .
..: f ; '
.. . :,;, !. charged with ouspicion of posoosoion of narcotics and that I sbauld do
.. "... 1. : \that be had told me and to come do\t7n there as soon as I did. I called
Frank Dil-!zlria and told mo that I was Sl\zanne, Chuck s wife and that .
:;: Chl\ck necdod told him why and asked him if he would help. He said ..
: :. that ho "rould. I got a cab and went down to tho police, station. I saw... ;
.: ::i:<.:: Chuck in tho jail and somecffiaers talked to mo, also oo1no FBI men. I '
< .. .. : told thorn that I knew nothing about anything and thon went back to tho
. ,' L .. ' motol and went back do'm to the station the noxt 1norning. Chuck wao in
.. .; .. a room being questioned and when the officers left us alone for a fow
'I I
. :: minutes he i;:old me that he had dropped the heroin out of his pocket and
' . ,.;'.': .: :: kicked it undor thG car he was standing near as the poliao searched the
. : . .':.-:;f.:,:. car not him. A la\'IYer named Furry como to represent Chuck after \'IB
. :.').:::. . to the Federal building and' we. eventually \fent back to the
.(..'. ...:.::: poalng bond and they kept He called Poto and told .;
., .. ., .. him lost his heroil'l and talked to Prank off and on. I l:eft
' .
.- :: on Saturday to coma back to liouston and get. a job as wo wero broke once
:4 ... : ..! ::;,;y.:.: n1ore. Chuck camb back the following o'r Tbur. I got a job at the
1 :::I_; LoDistro Club and worked there part time. After \'7e \'lero both bnck in
Q ;:: Houston X \'las in tho ca7 Chuclc went to Dccor'ati ve Carpets to see .
.... r. ,, Frank DiMaria and at tlus I met Frank. The . date. was around the end :
: ... ,;;D:-.. of June. X 'tli1s introd\\ced as Chuck s wife and I said Hollo to Frank. .
. : . .' .. :. Along about thio . time Chuck has met Jerry Watkins at Lucky's and they
, .'.' <> ;, ware spending quite a lot of .time together. Chuck started about trying .
. ,
: , , : .' to get a re(']ard for Allen s body and ho and Jerry \'IOrkcd on this off and
. . :;::: on but X. was told little it as they assumod that our phone was
;.:;: bugged and did all thott calling outside the apt. Claude flnrralson was f

.. ;; :) .. ,' ,: working for Musser and Ass. and evidently they had been contacted to try .,
' .. >: to find the boy as his father thought ho had disappeared of his voliti
..... :: : Eventually thay gavo up as they said that too many pholtes \'Tore bugged and
::/:.;- it was too dangerouu. Chl\ck had told Jerry about Allen 'a murdor nnfl I
.:::.\:' :: was very upset when I found out. Jerry did not to my kno\7ledge know where
. :. . . the body was and there was only tho act that I had Uri von the car for
; .. !','';>::: Chuialc, thG body \'las not whore it bad been killed and that Chuck bad roceiv:
.. : .:::.::\ $2000 for tho job discussed in m].l presence. Jerry did not \tant to know
: ;\:::-r:; who the job was for. About this time (first of July) Chuck called Claude
.... ,, -\'_. ,::: and asked him to meet him at $!){s& Lucky s for a drink. I had been drinkin
and l-7as badl. in neod of fooa. Chuck asked Claude to take me to eat which
:f1 ..... ;s:,:_t he did tllld it is belieVC!I that this was the first tii1\0 tbat
. :id':,-' Claude tried to about Allen Derg. X probably did not deny strongl
}1 :

enough any knowledge now that I think about it. I cannot remember what
,; . ; { I said, but later when Claude triGd to pump me in Le Bistro he told me .
',:.: :; ' rather than aoldng me too many things and at tl1is time I told Claude nothi
,!::_,.-;;._ just listonod to what he said. I beli.eve now that I had probably told
., . :.' .. :.('.';_: Cluade too much the day I had been drinking. Claude asked me also about
;: ... : : l!ete scamardo. .llere X need to retrack a few weeks and then return to thia
. :: .
. :' ' ..
. " .
. . '
.. ::;

.1 r ' Also sometime end of June of July Chuck t be had to
j.. pay Peto r be- o\oted him and that were going to
... ;. ':<: .' ... fly to the Vall ,and kill a Qtan Peto so that could collect oome ,
,i // .on a busineas partnership on a pol.icy had on each other.
j ' i
.. : , _.;::. : They left Saturday a.nd were back saturday night and came in the LeD stro
:.' .:. '-:, , . . wl1ere I was working. Jerry said. very little and Chuck said that 'they
'. had killed a man, that Chuck had shot him twice with hio .25, left him in
<. ;;<: .: ::a 'shack outside McAllen. They had picked him up .under the guise of a
: .. . .'business deal outside an eating establishment cbn McAllen. He said that he
.. haq dismani:led the gun and left the pieces in various places. A few days
later, perhaps weeks, Chuck came home with another .25 which I believe
. I .
that Jorry bad obtained for him in Arkansas from his brother or some close
relative who lived.there.
' .
somotime in July or the first' of August Chuck was boating mo badly frequen
.,. ly and I was very I finally. called Claude and asked him to help'
me get away. We were living in the Alabama bouse at.this time. Claude
and picked me up and me to a.girl stayod. I'
. cannot remember anything being discuosed about any of the cases ab this
.Ill time as .x.wao and h\trt as. )S a broken nose. two badly.
' '"\!JL .. :: .... .J.:.. ,, . ' (') PAGE FIVE . ' . (") , ..... >: !,' :.-. . ' . \ LLII
' .. : . . ; -r \0
-- ,. !. .
... - ... t '''!
hurt eyGs nnd a burt lip. Cluudo tried to sottle me down and also talked
: '; -.: to me about not tolling Chuck who hnd hcalpod Jne as be also wao afraid of
' : ,. ; 1
. ' : 1:. Chuc'kl Now back to when Clnude came in the LeBistro. lie called me and : l.
=., ... <:.' < nslced me if he could como in to seo me. I cannot remember exactly but !
'. .;. .::: this muot bava been July or 'l'he first of: August. Claudo told nle the [
:, .. ::,Rangers were \'tanting to rim Pete scamardo on a polygral'h test and
:.: know' anything about nlan or the caso. X denied all knowledge of it
>:.::: :. and also of the All on Borg c:aso but be told me straight out that bo kne\'t
: :;;:}(/..that Chuck had done .this and strongiy suspected that ha had done the job
. ;\ in the valley. Ho said thnt the rangers had soma l.ists of phone calls
: -..;:::-; ... '. Cbuck .and soma other ovidence but did not loborate. Now I belie\
... was in October. after X had run away in Reno instead l
, . r
: :,' ::; .. Now back to tho first of September when"t''left the girl 1
, : ;:::;;,).;:, .. with which l living and went on the road with Chuck. Ho tnlked ma .,
.: _.t. :GFii :. into seeing by that tho law was fixing to piclc me up and that .
. :: be had to see me. l saw him and he told me that ho 'was leaving t0\\'11 and I
: ,:>:;:' that l: had to go with him or else as he would not leava me in 1Jouston for
. . r...... ,.,. '
. . :: tho police to pick up and question so I went. were in a Dodge' ,
;; : .... (:t:<.::.; rentod on 11 'credit card from Avio. We first stop1.,ed by Frank DiMaria's . I
''' Iwont inside this time to \'lait. chuck asked Frank if \'Then wo stopped!
<' in a town and Chuck wanted to get a job wo:uld Frank give him a good .
:.:; . : , : . reforel'LCG and Frank said that he would. Frank also helped Chuck cash a j
... check h" had beon carrying around for some time frorn Pete scamardo. It
,,,. , . .: <, ... was for $200 and was cashed nt the Highland Village State Bank X think. 1
"'! , ' .. :>'>.. I stayed in the car and did not see what took place but Ch\lck came back
... with $200 and said that Franlc ba.d helped him cash it. Claude also .told .
.. ::!'.:. :::' me that the Rangers had this check or a check from Pete to Chuck and X 1
-fi . assUl\\ed that this was the check. 'l'his is why X decided that the time
.: ' ...- . :. .. : Claude me all this was after X came bnck to 1-Iouaton from Re110 as '
.. ; check cashed immediately before we left.

Whon we left llouston the first of we went to Midlancl for

. :.,
.\i:.::. about tl:lree and Chuck made- hundred dollars playing pool and \'te
. ware living on the food and lodgi11g so we were in fair
.' )":;:L shape. charged nn expensive ring and watch ,IJ{d.
. : ./i. ; < at Corrigan" s which he '"aaid that he could sell if he had to. lie also
.. . .' wrote checks for numerous articles of clothing for U3. After we loft 1
,;,:_.;:. ;:': !-1idland we want to Denver and he told n1e he was going to get n job
, .> :::::. a man named Lamott or Lamont from Houston who had a brother whose name I
,.: cannot remenlber who lived in Denver. This rnnn was not in Denver but in
;}r:, (. l:louston nnd I tried to get a job but could not so we to Vail, Colo
. : . : ,::' and then he talkod to Jerry in Houston and Jerry said that he would be
in and so wa went there. Jerry was there with the man that Gail
:"' ./F
: ' worked for but I cannot recall his name. I would know it if I heard it. l
. ... :;.t.:,;:: i . \'le stayed there for a few days but nothing was happening so .we left there:
.::;, and went to Reno \mere he said that he had friends. Jack
Strauos was there and Larry. Culbrith and a man named Smitty. Peter Ray_..-
11(' was to co1ne but did not do so until,.S after l left. We stayed

! becamo more and more tense as he g out of
. ::.;/.' : gambling about 18 hours a day. F night he won
: ... :;i "':! over and I aslced him if x. could have $200 t an apartment and ..
.' \.; : ; to send money for the stuff I had in storage in This made him .,,
. ..... : : .. . extremely angry and he down in tho casino and grabbed l!le by

.: : : .: ; . . tho neclt .and yanked me to tho car and beat me outside then threw me in

c:ar and boat me ar6urid :thti heaa 'w,ith his gun. l \'rcls very weak and
was bleeding from tho noae and the head and he kept hitting me with his
hand as he drove and telling me to kill mo that night
and dump me out in the dosort. Finally he stopped this and drove bflck
to the motol and threw me in . the b\a!f2:Ul:? :turned 011 the cold water.
l finallywas able to crawl in tho and went to sleep. Tho next day
t he told me to pack the car which was a four door white and black dodge as
the other one a battery and one flat tire in tho trunk and
ho wont down early and got. tho othor one. lfe packed ,tho car and X
we wcu:a leaving ltono but be drove to Th.e Jiolidny casino again and told mo
'.to go stay at Xnron

il ho called me. Instead X. had atashcd

. I
about $20.and X left.most of in a motel room.and called Rnron
. . .
: }) :::.:,: . I
. ;h(:>.:.:i: .. !o w::!d t:e
; . ;; ::::::. and that I was going to otay in San Franc:ioco . lie said that he would .
.... i?>.:: .. but the money never cmne and I was in pain and getting scared that .:!
.: would report the car stolen so I decided to try to make it back to my 1

Mother's in Sherman. 'I dlbd not know that she had n1oved to Fort Worth. ,
. : :,:;-:'
:[} .
. This was Octobor and it took me until to anal;o my way to my !
< \ j,; :. !olother' o. ;t stayod there until tho rioxt !olonday and did not talk to !
_. r.-r;:;:::.., Chuc:lc although he called soveral timos Sunday but I was Gone with Scott .
.. -:;". l4onduy I drovo back to llouston and .went to Le Bistro and got a job. I
' .::. . \iith my girl friend and did work fo1. a week at the club and talked I

t aeveral timoo but he would novar tell me where he was and I also 1
t off and on. Chuck told me to coma meet him somewhere
:.: .. '0::: out but I refuood and 110 becnme angry. Along about this time '
, . I r.t,lt.
.:_;_. ;:::.:: I to Dannis l'leadoak and he wo.s asking mo to go out to
.. ::'!; broakfast with him but I was still too scared that Chuck would find out .
. j .... f ' . :
if X wont out with anyone so I refuoe:td sevoral times. on saturday
Oct.' 12 X told Dennis. X would meet him and he sai'd-tha.t he wanted to go !
.. ..:<<\:,. over to a friend's houoo and this was fine with me an I would rather . !

not be in a public went over to Jack Juran s and Sherry s !

; <

and sat around and talked--and ate brealcfnst there. . I left the next 1
: .. : .. i.:. morning as Ann and I wore going to look for another apartment and I was I
; :.-'.\-:'.:: to pick her up over at a girl friend s where she had spent the niqht.
; ; ::'i:,.i.>!} .. Dennis askod mo to como back over Sunday afternoon and so I went back I
. ovor there and stayod for a while and tho four of us watched TV and ate 1
.,. :;._,::':":.: sandwichod. The next morning I wao asleep at Ann s when Ch\tck called and
. : .. ,J;I.JI(Jt said that he had bocn found guilty in Kansas City and that he \ms !
... ;;l).;_i!,i col_t\ing to 1-Iouston that night and had rented ca Hertz car and if he could I
. , .. .:!. find mo in Ilouston ho \'IOUld kill me I \'laO scared to cleath. Jerry called
_' : shortly thoroafter . and said that he would try to talk to Chuck and that I
.:q_; ... , .. pWuclc \QS in fact coming to llouston and was supposed to call him about 1
::_ ... ;[!::.:':\ 7a30 or e. I called Dennis alld he said to bring my things and come over i
: .. .. :.:-': to their apartment and that no one kne\17 where they lived and that I would I
. :.:.u:y:.l'.; be safe thore. 'l'hio I did.-: around the clubs but he !
.... ':.:':;:;'};:.had 'nevor tli'ied to get me to go out with him as I \'1ClS Chuck's 'WOman. Jack'
' ' ...... ,. L '
Juran I had aloo saen but had never talked to and tho same Sherry.
:. \:.:11 :, : They extremely nice to mo lU'ld we all four otayod in their apartment.
:' I nevflr left the apartmcmt except to go to the store with Sherry and Jack
: .. \ J.,( and Donnie would leave at night and come back about midnight. Dennis askec1
. r. mG to go to California and said that Jacke and he had planned to go but
was not ready to go yet so we left Saturc.lay night and went to Phoenix
:.:.:.;;(;.:_: whare Dennis was supposed to contack someone about getting a job but he
,. i,;_!';;:.:< never found the man oo \'IG left there and wont to Los Ang:ieo. rented
apartment at 3685 Motor Ave. and I got a job at Arthur which \otas owneCI
.... <.Y >L':. by John Sow4!ll. who io from Houston. Allen norg was mentioned once at
,y .. ... Jack's but I dlbd not say anything as they were talking about him being.a
:.::):.: . friend of Jack's and a very good carpet salesman. I did not know that he
I\. . -- t
.: a friend of Jac.k s. After we got to is started
l picking me about Allen and also about a nmn n and asking me if
. . <' Chqck could possibly havo killc<! Cliff. 'l'his e I met Ch\\ck and
. ;' ,.:
.''i I said that. X did not kno\'1 anything about .the nama that Chuck had
. i; . ;;:i,;:: i stayed gone all night right aft or I met him and had called me oeveral timE
. .. ;.:/.:: '(. saying thnt he taking care of some business. Eventually after Dennis
::; .. kel)t talking about Allen I told him that Chuck had killed Allen and about
. :: :; . > whoro the body \-roo -that it was near Dig bridge ncar surfside. I alsc
, .. , .. told him about Jerry and Chuck doing 'the ill Valley and about a
"'"'' : burglary on a car that Chul!k and Jerry had but had not gotten what
thoy ,.,ere looking for which wore son1e gold goins. Dennis then told me
that ltr. Derg had offered a of i$.\0; 000\ lor information leading to
t anything concerning ltis son. I told 'that there was not any to
got boaauso the bullet would still be in his hca4 and Chuck had that if they had the bullet they trace to him as the gun
clip from tho gun was in tho custody of the FBI in KC and they would
' tie this together. ,. . Dennio ed with me ancl said that maybe
after Chuck Was ca\tght else as he was likely to bo .
1 - ...
... j ' ... :,( ...
. ..... .\.I I ..
,;-. t: .. ,.;_
' l,,, .....
somothing could bo do11e then. This \>li'UJ tho last titn<l hB said .r .i
,: ::::::.:: anything cbout this. 'l'he night ha left on 'l'huradny- 1
:._;;/:.;rt ha picked me up at the cluh and WllB very excited ancl said that lle had !
. to go to Fort lforbh and Houston and oom3ona se11ding_ hin\"thc monoy ...
'. :: : ::. to .go. 1-Io said that bo \>1'10 going to sGe a friend of his in Fort \forth '!.1-.
i <:(:.:;.- \'lho \'m.s Mrricd to the daughter of Amon Carter and had plenty of monoy .':' .
.. dt ..:;;/ and aloo to 1-Iouaton to seo Grady 1-t."'\l.l and Booth and thut ho :
.. : ;: ! 1, . thought that ho could borrO\f $500 from each of tl1em. I put him 011 an ...
airplane 'l'nursClay afternoon and w.1s suppoood to h0ar from him at the
' >.:.:i''.+; club but of ao\.,rso naver did.. Uo loft ma tho our and said that ho
. did not know w;t,&. when he would bo back and that if he did not come
. ' .... t}
. ! ;,' . :; : '. back to llUlke the paymonts and keep tho oar. Ife suid that thea car
". : tmo liotoc.'l unc.'l0r a friend of his name - a ma11 named Bernard. Ue aloo
' , '. , . ' T , j
:; ;;: . had a Jpake credit card that belonged to this man and told mo to buy
some lingerie which I needed badly which I 'did. I dcbd not have any :
idea that Dennis would contack Derg or '"horo he got tho money which ' l.
: t 1: . was wired to hin1 in LA. . i
; . :. I
:.; f '' ' I
. : at time had a contract on Stan which wao nevor fulfilled.!..
, llo also had a contr"ct 011 t\>IO proatituteo onG Mary Lou Andoroon. for j
: .. <Don Golden. Also, a contract which was not fulfz.\lled on a girl nnmed . . .
.. :;;9Y,;'.r Deanna Dee to beat hor up. . . .;
-it::' : :.> :,:.,:ti: . . . . . : .
: ... :tr;.;.- Chuck nnd Jerry aonnod Grady Hall and Crawford Booth out of $2000 each .
.. on a denl to oell machine guns to Cubann.
.. : ;:.',:;:. ) Tho \'ISokond of Labor Day Chuc:k t.ook t\'10 prostitutes, Mary Lou Ander non . .
Cathy Joinoo who is Grady llall's girl friond at timaa, to Las Vegas :.
, I do not know how much mo11ey ho made but I , that ho wrote many
: aheaks for things there and so X do not think ha would go back to Jtogaa.;
', j , ::{,' ,d'. I ..
';_,\;:!;;\.I.> I. know notl1ing of Jack Juran oxc:apt that he sGllo aarpot, is suppoood
!,; ,l!f:: ' to be very good at it and X found out when Donnio ancl I got to LA that
.: : ... Jack is J\\arried and his wifo is a very good friend of Allen Berg a .
: \>tifo. Also, 1-Jary Lou Anderoon is 'tli:th Jack' a wife.
: . ,; ;5:
.. .. Chuck introZluced me to a prostitute namod Jorri I<aiser who .was living
,,; ;. !\;).i!': at the Groc:inn Garden apartments and said that she waa Lyleo
, inlatt. . X have nevor met .Tack but Chuck. said that he the same,
. :.:!-: , bG ia in. . 1
I - J 'I } ' lo "t ' '. !l ' ..... '" f l'' ' I
. : ;.::.'<' .
.'1, .',.1 .. . .. r_ rl r' '-r.O } ;. 1 l
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. .;- ,;<.'''r .
. " :1. J .\ ,. \ ..

'. : ' t' ' , .. -_r,, J. ,. ..

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