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These are 10 Cool Blues Chord Progressions.

Learn your chords, your'e going to need them for acoustic mastery and to play these examples! Claude 1. !"ld #aithful! $% '% (% & & & $% '% '% & & & $% $% $% & & & $% $% (%

This is pretty much your standard 1) *lues. +e stay on the !one! ,-. for / full *ars *efore s0itching... ). 1 Bar Blues This is an 1 *ar *lues, for example !2ey to the 3igh0ay!, a *lues classic co4ered *y Clapton, #reddy 2ing, and others... -t is usually played in $, *ut for 4ariety, -'ll try it in (... (% & B% & $% & $% (% & B% & $% & (%

5. 6huffle Pattern7 B%89 & ( & (%89 (% & & B% & B% B% & B%89

#:% & (%

& B% & #:%

The progression is different than :1 *ecause the second chord is the ,-;. not the ,-.. $lso notice the (%89, thats my o0n sym*ol, meaning alternate *et0een (% and (9, 0hich you can do <uite easily 0ith shuffle patterns. The *asic idea for shuffle is7

% >

% = = > > >

% >

% = = > > >

/. ?inor Blues Cm% & Cm% & Cm% & Cm% #m% & #m% & Cm% & Cm% @%:=& #%:= & Cm % & Cm% This progression is used in tons of great *lues songs. Pretty much e4ery Ailler *lues al*um has at least one minor *lues. to play the @%:=, middle finger on 10 fret $ string, first finger on =th fret ' string, ring finger on 10th fret @ string, pinAy on 11th fret B string...Then for #%:=, slide the entire chord do0n t0o frets. The other chords are normal *arre chords.

>. 6tormy ?onday This is 4ery cool progression that has many 4ariations...This one is similar to the one the $lman Brothers used. @% & C% & @% & @% C% & C% & @% @:% & @% @:% @maB% $min% & Bmin% B*min% & $min% Cmin% & @ C @ ':> Cou can play the last chord 0ith first finger on %th fret $ string, pinAy on 10th fret ' string, middle finger and ring finger on ninth fret @ and B strings. D 5 / / D 5 @maB% D > > > D > $min%

9. ?inor Blues 4ariation Cm% #m & #m% & #m & Cm% & Cm% & Cm% & Cm%

& Cm%

@:maB% & @ maB%:> & Cm% D / > > D / @:maB% D / / 5 D 5 @maB%:>

This harmonic mo4e has *een used *efore *y BB 2ing, here's a similar 0ay to use it. %. 6imple - -; ;amp Eot all progressions ha4e to ha4e a lot of chords....3ere's Bust a Ailler *luesy riff *ased on ( and $ ( & $ & ( & $

1. (4en simpler "ne Chord ;amp! ( ( ( (

of course, the simpler you get in the progression, the more you ha4e to rely on riffs to maAe it interesting. 3ere's a simple licA com*ined 0ith the ( chord influenced *y 3endrix's !3ear ?y Train $ comin! Com*ine raAe chords, a fe0 different 4oicings of (, and some simple licAs, and 4oila, instant 3endrix 4i*e! 0 0 1 1 )FFF 0 ) 0 etc 0 )0)0 )0 5*endF 0 5*end 0 0 0 ) ) 0 0 0 0 0

=. 1) Bar Blues 0ith !'om=! Chords The = chord is typically liAe a dom% chord 0ith 0ith added =, or a full step a*o4e the octa4e. The most useful 4oicing on the guitar is7 This is a little riff 4ery similar To Geppelin's !- cant <uit you *a*y!.... $% & '= & $% & $% $%

'= & '15 & (= & '= &

$% &

$% & (%

The '= is middle finger >th fret $ string, first finger on the fourth fret ' string, ring finger on >th fret @ string, and pinAy on >th fret B string. To get '15, ha4e the pinAy hit the >th fret high ( string as 0ell. 10. The 5 Chord Bounce Cou can taAe any three maBor chords and maAe a Ailler *lues Ham. The *est com*os are 0ith - , -;, ;, or -, maB--- -;. example 10a7 $ $ &' &' C & C&

example 10*7 B & B B & B & B & B & ( & #:

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