English in Mind 2 - Voc1encontexte

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English in Mind 2: vocabulary sheets Module 1 : Take it to the limit Unit 1 : Explorers.

Themes: present-day life (sciences) sport American culture communicating: on the phone Page 6 : At the bottom of the sea. French ord Le fond "ne #pa$e "ne colonie' un $illage (onnu pour ))ch -n bas -1plorer -n$oyer 2en$oyer 0u corail (hercher ))ch "ne surface La +er 5oire "n site *ous la mer "ne #)uipe 0#cou$rir (/ to disco$er) A propos de "n mus#e sousmarin *ur nternet Partout dans le monde !ord used in context found some coins at the b!!!. of my bag. The contents of s!!!!!!.. belong to the state. Archeologists found the signs of an s!!!!!! English ord The bottom A ship%rec&

ron Age A settlement

*tephenie +eyer became internationally "!!!. "! ,amous for sth her no$els There.s more to see d!!!. there (/ at the borrom) 0o%n in the sea than in any museum They e!!!. the land to the south of the +urray To e1plore ri$er. *he s!!!. the letter by airmail. To send (sent-sent) The (0 player %as faulty so %e s!!!. it b!!!. To send bac& to the manufacturers. #!!!. are marine organisms that can be found in (oral tropical oceans 3here ha$e you been4 3e.$e been l!!. "!!. you. To loo& for sth 3rec&age from the plane %as scattered o$er a %ide An area a!!!.. The $!!!. %!!!. is an inland sea bounded by The 6lac& *ea -urope' Anatolia and the (aucasus. Archaeologists found a ne% archeological s!!!.. There are many ship%rec&s u!!!. the s!!!.. The t!!!. is not playing $ery %ell this season. A site "nder the sea A team

*he.d been seeing the boy for a %hile' but didn.t %ant To find out her parents to "!!!. o!!!.. .m reading a boo& a!!!. %ere%ol$es. 0r. 6allard %ants to build an u!!!!!. m!!!. About An under%ater museum

7ou can find $ery interesting pieces of information 8n the nternet o!!!. the &!!!! -nglish is spo&en a!. o!!!. the !!!.. All o$er the %orld

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