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The Michigan Legislature Is Important

Elected Legislators Represent the interests of

iti!ens of Michigan "nd

E#ercise "ll $legislati%e po&er$

What Is Legislati%e 'o&er(

" short )ut important list *authori!ed and limited )y the state and federal constitutions+

1, E#ercise $plenary po&er$ -, la&s/ enact, repeal and amend statutes, *0ote/ there are appro#imately ##,000 pages of statutes in the compiled la&s, + 1, Impose ta#es 4, 2pend ta# re%enue and federal funds 3 4405 )illion6year 7, In e#change for federal funds, impose federal standards and controls, e,g, transportation, health and education funds and regulations,

8, 9orro& and repay money :, E#ercise coerci%e po&er of go%ernment to control conduct/ police po&er, criminal la&s, go%ernment licensing and regulation 8, 2tructure state and local go%ernment functions a, ;o%ernment programs must ha%e statutory )asis ), E#ecuti%e )ranch functions determined )y the legislature *unless constitutional, e,g,, elected ";+, Must )e grouped &ithin not more than -0$principal departments,$ c, Local units are creations of state go%ernment <, Education a, Esta)lish and fund a state system of $free pu)lic elementary and secondary schools,$ ), reate and fund state pu)lic uni%ersities, c, "uthori!e community colleges, 10, onduct $o%ersight$ a, In%estigations and hearings ), Re=uest information from state and local officials> includes su)poena po&er *and a)ility to grant immunity from prosecution(+ c, Re?ect gu)ernatorial appointees, d, Limited re%ie& of delegated rule po&er, e, onduct fiscal and performance post audits through appointed legislati%e "uditor ;eneral 11, Imposes chec.s and )alances on the E#ecuti%e 9ranch a, @%erride %eto ), Impeach officials c, Re?ect gu)ernatorial appointees, 1-, reate an election system, 11, 'ropose amendments to the onstitution,

The Legislature Is a

$Lean @rgani!ation$
Total personnel/ E#ecuti%e 9ranch 'u)lic schools Local go%ernments 17,000 -10,000 A##,000

Legislati%e 9ranch


What 2taff 2upport Boes the Legislature Ca%e(

entral staff *partisan, ma?ority and minority, C and 2+ 'ersonal staffs *partisan+ ommittee cler.s *partisan+ Dloor staff> ler. and 2ecretary*)ipartisan+ 2ecurity *sergeant at arms+ @%ersight *none(+ 'rofessional nonpartisan policy e#perts/

riminal ?ustice Cealth care financing Economist Welfare, families and children 'u)lic education Cuman capital, la)or policy, immigration 'u)lic infrastructure *roads, airports, pipelines, ports, )ridges, etc, + En%ironment and natural resources, energy Local go%ernment Licensing and regulation @ther Legislati%e ouncil staff Legislati%e 2er%ice 9ureau *L29+ @ther

Couse and 2enate Discal "gencies "uditor ;eneral staff

ompare policy resources/

2tate )udget office %s, legislati%e fiscal staffs, Legislati%e education staff %s, education lo))yists Legislati%e health policy analysts %s, MB C analysts 5 health care lo))yists Legislati%e ta# e#perts %s, Treasury re%enue e#perts

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