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Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory




Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

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Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


Pa) ,ntroduction Pro-ect plan e.planation Ris+ assessment 3 / 0

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

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Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


T1is report contains some additional information about t1e proposal of installation of a Researc1 and De#elopment laboratory for t1e electronics based company2 "de# T1e proposal consists of a (icrosoft Pro-ect document2 s1o3in) t1e plan of commissionin) and installation of t1e facilities for t1e laboratory2 and t1is report 31ic1 3ill clarify t1e content of t1e plan 4irst of all2 t1e report 3ill e.plain some of t1e decisions made in t1e pro-ect plan T1is part 3ill 1elp to understand t1e mentioned plan and 1o3 t1e pro-ect may be carried out ,n t1e second part2 a ris+ assessment 3ill be s1o3n t1at 3ill 1elp to understand t1e importance of e#ery tas+ in t1e plan ,n conse5uence2 t1is report 3ill be #ery 1elpful for t1e people to decide 31et1er to accept t1e proposal or not2 and for t1e people in c1ar)e of doin) and mana)in) e#ery sin)le tas+

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

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Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


Pro ect !"an e#!"anation

$%$% Introduction

,n t1is section t1e tas+s in 31ic1 t1e pro-ect is di#ided 3ill be -ustified T1e tas+s in t1e pro-ect plan are t1e ones needed to ac1ie#e t1e )oal in an or)ani$ed 3ay T1e order in 31ic1 t1e tas+s 1a#e been allocated 3ill also be detailed in order to ma+e t1e plan more compre1ensible 4inally 3e 3ill -ustify t1e estimated times to carry out t1e tas+s 6e 3ill e.plain t1e reasonin) follo3ed to estimate t1e duration of fi#e tas+s as an e.ample


'as( and order ustifying

T1e first )roup of tas+s to be carried out is t1e e5uipment and material procurement Durin) t1is p1ase of t1e pro-ect2 all t1e needed e5uipment and materials are commissioned T1e deli#ery time of t1e e5uipment 3ill determine t1e duration of t1e pro-ect because t1ey are t1e lon)er tas+s T1at is t1e reason 31y t1ey 1a#e been allocated at t1e be)innin) of t1e pro-ect (oreo#er2 t1ere are many tas+s t1at re5uire some e5uipment or material to be recei#ed before startin) t1em T1ese tas+s are carried out by t1e ,T tec1nicians 7,T1 and ,T28 because t1ey 1a#e t1e s+ills needed 6e 1a#e estimated only t3o 1ours bet3een eac1 purc1ase because all t1e e5uipment 1as already been c1osen by "de# 9nce t1e needed materials are recei#ed2 t1e ne.t )roup of tas+s to be done is t1e main facilities installation (ains po3er circuits2 li)1tin) circuits2 ,T net3or+s2 t1eir connection to t1e e.istin) buildin)2 t1e antistatic floor and t1e partitionin) of t1e mana)er:s office are needed to be done before startin) t1e installation of t1e special electronic e5uipment T1ese tas+s are carried out by t1e electrical tec1nicians 7"T1 and "T282 t1ose related to t1e electric circuits; t1e ,T tec1nicians2 t1ose related to t1e net3or+ facilities; and t1e 4itter to t1ose tas+s related to t1e partitionin) and antistatic floor 4inally2 31en t1e e5uipment arri#es and t1e facilities are installed2 t1e e5uipment must be installed by t1e ,T tec1nicians T1e last tas+s are t1e test of t1is e5uipment 9nce t1ey are 3or+in) and tested2 t1e pro-ect can be considered as finis1ed


'as( duration ustifying

Due to t1e lac+ of e.perience of *uic+stall in t1is +ind of laboratories2 most of t1e durations specified in t1e pro-ect plan 1a#e been estimated T1ese estimations are
Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de# Departament! (ana)ement Last modified date: 29/03/2011 Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall Page: //9

Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


based on our +no3 1o3 in ot1er installations and on t1e estimations made by t1e tec1nicians in t1eir respecti#e 3or+s ,n t1e follo3in) sections2 t1e 3ay 1o3 some tas+ durations 3ere estimated 3ill be e.plained as an e.ample $%)%$% E*ui!ment and materia" !rocurement T1e duration of t1ese tas+s 1a#e t3o differentiated parts t1at 1a#e been -oined in t1e pro-ect plan <ot1 parts 1a#e been treated as fi.ed duration tas+s 9n one 1and2 t1e commissionin) of t1e e5uipment and material is a tas+ t1at ta+es some time to t1e employee in c1ar)e of doin) it ,n t1is case2 3e 1a#e estimated t3o 1ours to contact t1e distributor2 as+ for an income2 if necessary2 and finally purc1ase t1e )oods 9n t1e ot1er 1and2 once t1e items are ordered2 it ta+es a defined time to recei#e t1em T1ese deli#ery times 1a#e been estimated by eac1 distributor and it is a fi.ed estimation t1at usually2 is #ery near to t1e actual deli#ery time Durin) t1e purc1asin) p1ase of t1e tas+2 t1e person in c1ar)e of t1e tas+ must be fully dedicated to it2 31ile durin) t1e deli#ery time t1e person in c1ar)e is not dedicated to it at all T1is is t1e reason 31y durin) ot1er p1ases of t1e pro-ect2 ,T1 and ,T2 are dedicated to ot1er tas+s 31ile t1e items are in t1eir deli#ery period $%)%&% +aci"ities insta""ation T1is )roup of tas+s 1as been defined as a )roup of fi.ed 3or+ tas+s T1e reason of t1is decision is t1e #ariability of t1e duration of t1ese tas+s dependin) on t1e number of people 3or+in) on t1em 4or e.ample2 t1e installation of t1e 2/0= mains circuits 3as estimated to ta+e 2 days >o3e#er2 after ta+in) into account t1at t3o 3or+ers 3ere a#ailable to carry out t1e tas+2 t1e duration 3as automatically modified to 1 only day ,f 3e t1in+ about t1e estimated duration of t1at tas+2 3e can t1in+ it 1as been underestimated but2 if due to t1e dimensions and t1e distribution of t1e e5uipment2 it s1ould be an easy tas+ for t1e 5ualified and e.perienced tec1nicians t1at are )oin) to carry it out % similar 3or+ load s1ould be in#ol#ed in t1e e.ecution of t1e installation of t1e li)1tin) circuits2 t1e ,T net3or+ as 3ell as t1e fittin) of t1e antistatic floor >o3e#er2 t1e partitionin) of t1e mana)er:s office s1ould ta+e at least 3 days 9nce t1e materials are ordered and recei#ed2 t1e partitionin) structure must be allocated before attac1in) t1e 3all material to it 4inally2 t1e finis1 must be applied and t1e door allocated T1ose tas+s included in t1e main tas+ s1ould ta+e appro.imately t1ree days of 3or+

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

Page: ?/9

Departament! (ana)ement

Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


$%)%)% +urniture and e*ui!ment insta""ation T1e last )roup of tas+s to be carried out is t1e installation and test of t1e e5uipment for t1e R&D Laboratory <efore bein) able to do it2 all t1e facilities must be installed as 3ell as t1e e5uipment recei#ed T1e benc1es and tables s1ould be allocated too before startin) to install t1e e5uipment T1e estimated duration of eac1 of t1ese tas+s is based on t1e number of eac1 type of mac1ine as 3ell as t1e comple.ity of t1em

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

Page: @/9

Departament! (ana)ement

Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


,is( assessment
$%-% Introduction

T1is section 3ill identify 31ic1 are t1e potentially ris+y tas+s of t1e pro-ect in order to analy$e t1em 6e 3ill establis1 t1e possible conse5uences of e#ery sin)le ris+y tas+ and desi)n t1e strate)ies to a#oid t1e ris+ or minimi$e its conse5uences 4inally 3e 3ill desi)n a ris+ lo) table to +eep a record of t1e state of eac1 ris+ T1is process 3ill be based on t1e critical pat1 )enerated from t1e pro-ect plan ,t 3ill be used to identify t1e conse5uences of any failure in t1e e.ecution of t1e tas+s


,is(y tas(s and conse*uences

t1e t1e t1e t1e

T1e critical pat1 s1o3s t1e main ris+ in t1e pro-ect2 t1e procurement of analo)ue 1ard3are desi)n station T1is is t1e lon)er tas+ in t1e pro-ect; 1o3e#er2 deli#ery time does not depend on *uic+stall % common reason of delay in finis1in) of pro-ects is t1e failure to comply 3it1 t1e estimated deli#ery time of suppliers

T1ere are some ot1er ris+s in t1e pro-ect % list of t1e main ris+s of t1e pro-ect is detailed ne.t A A A A A Procurement of t1e analo)ue 1ard3are desi)n station Procurement of t1e mec1anical 1ard3are desi)n station Procurement of t1e soft3are desi)n station Procurement of t1e di)ital 1ard3are desi)n station ,nstallation and test of t1is e5uipment

T1e reason 31y only t1ese tas+s are ta+en into account as ris+s is t1e difference bet3een t1eir duration and t1e duration of t1e rest 61en t1e installation and test of t1is e5uipment is finis1ed2 t1e rest of t1e tas+ s1ould 1a#e been finis1ed t3o 3ee+s before % delay in t1ose tas+s t1at could impact in t1e finis1in) date of t1e pro-ect s1ould be lon)er t1an t3o 3ee+s ,f 3e ta+e into account t1at t1e ne.t tas+ in order of duration is t1e procurement of t1e PC< desi)n station ta+es only t1ree 3ee+s2 t1e delay 3ould suppose @@B of t1e estimated deli#ery time2 31ic1 is #ery improbable T1e conse5uences of t1e delay in t1e deli#ery of t1is e5uipment 3ould be t1e direct delay in t1e finis1in) date of t1e pro-ect2 if 3e are tal+in) about t1e lon)er one T1e ot1ers 1a#e some mar)in of error2 but only one or t3o 3ee+s
Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de# Departament! (ana)ement Last modified date: 29/03/2011 Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall Page: 0/9

Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


% failure in t1e installation and test of t1e e5uipment could imply some dama)e in t1e systems ,n t1is case2 t1e 3orst conse5uence could be t1e necessity of reorder t1e e5uipment 3it1 a #ery 1i)1 cost in time due to t1e lon) deli#ery time of t1ese items


0trategies to minimize ris(s

T1e main strate)y to minimi$e t1e ris+ of 1a#in) problems 3it1 t1e deli#ery time is to +eep in touc1 3it1 t1e suppliers 31ile 3aitin) for t1e )oods Tal+in) to t1em fre5uently 3e can a#oid misunderstandin)s and mista+es in t1e deli#ery process 9t1er )ood practice to a#oid delays is to use t1e same suppliers 31en it is possible 61en you are a re)ular customer2 usually t1e suppliers try to comply 3it1 t1e deadline


,is( "og
% ris+ lo) to +eep record of t1e ris+y tas+s situation 3ill be s1o3n belo3

Pro ect Insta""ation of ,2D "aboratory for EDEV ris( "og ,is( ID 'as( ID ,is( status 4ull 4ull 4ull 4ull 4ull 'as( status DC DC DC DC DC +inancia"

Conse*uences 'ime 3ther

Tas+ 3 Tas+ / Tas+ ? Tas+ @ Tas+ 3?

Proc %nalo)ue >6 DC Proc (ec1anical >6 DC Proc C6 Desi)n Ctation Proc Di)ital >6 DC ,nst & test %nalo)ue >6 DC

E22000 E1/000 E19?00 E1F000 E22000

0 3ee+s @ 3ee+s ? 3ee+s ? 3ee+s 0 3ee+s T1e same time and cost t1an t1e procurement tas+ because a failure could imply a reorder T1e same time and cost t1an t1e procurement tas+ because a failure Page: F/9

Tas+ 3@

,nst & test (ec1anical >6 DC




@ 3ee+s

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

Departament! (ana)ement

Document Code:

Document Title: Proposal of installation of a R&D Laboratory


could imply a reorder Tas+ 30 ,nst & test C6 Desi)n Ctation 4ull DC E19?00 ? 3ee+s T1e same time and cost t1an t1e procurement tas+ because a failure could imply a reorder T1e same time and cost t1an t1e procurement tas+ because a failure could imply a reorder

Tas+ 3F

,nst & test Di)ital >6 DC




? 3ee+s

Table 1: Risk Log.

Creation date: 23/03/2011 Client! "de#

Last modified date: 29/03/2011

Version number: 10 Written by: Loren$o %rce &'me$ Authorized by: *uic+stall

Page: 9/9

Departament! (ana)ement

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