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# Those mounds
are all green. The Bower as yellow with purple.
\ith yellow, petals white, clouded with pale
purple Bower. \ith brown sepals and petals,
brightest orange verdigrisgreen tipped with
orange leaves in Bower, in long grass, sun. In
Boweryellow, barred with brown, like sepals
and petals, yellow, spotted black, mauve or vi
olet, edged with pale yellow. A long spike Irom
the tip, Bowers. The sepals and the petals, rosy
lilac, with a darker tint, in every shade oI pink
and crimson and rosy purple. Flower spikes,
all open. OI pale green and white to deepest
red, and Bowers grew upon a high tree over
the mountain. Beside two stems oI the tree oI
which the Bowerstalk was yellow. A greenish
yellow oI pale green grass. Crowing thick like
grass across the Iorestthe wood oI the Ior
est downward Irom the hills. The hill among
pinewoods. The trees, the mossy boulders, the
hills oI sand and birch and boulder, darkness
oI the wood upon a tree. It was a neld oI Ior
est shadow. The Iog was rising over the hills.
Lownward Irom the hills the shore, woods,
stones oI green, a gray sea. As high as to the
stone, and then higher, soaring gulls: a range
oI seaward crags, coves. The seabeach to en
close the bay. The waves oI the brown water,
sandy at the edge oI the sea. The breakers high
and white. The waves come in slowly, vast and
green, curve and burst, up and down. The Ioam
and the Bying Ioam around the sea. Feathered
with Ioam oI sunlit waters, the sea. In billows
and sunlit spray the sea was in the sun, while
in the sun, and in the sea. Then, as with the
sea there was a sandy beach, a lumpy sea, and
salt water. At the rocky coast on the seashore
the rocks uncovered, through the sunlit wa
ter. In the air, Irom the grass, the pebbles and
the leaves, the rhododendrons, and the Bow
erhaze, a worm protruding Irom the bark oI
the pine. The Ioliage oI the stonepine. \nder
the pinetree, and on the pinetree lived cad
disworms and watersnails and a dace. Pine
woods laden with pine trees oI the wood in
which the nightingales were on the grass. But
Irom the grass on to the treeroots the insects
were waving antennae and twitching. Two
butterBies, and a brimstone, with the tail oI a
worm, protruding. The leaIy elms that grew at
the hills. The hills went upwards, these soared
ever above them, and a steep slope, came to
mountains with grey Iog, and here above was
sunshine on the clouds, over the sky, to the
sun. Bright soItness oI the sky. \hite clouds
in blue sky. Into the Iar blue distance, it was a
hilly grass with shadows Bying over the smooth
nelds. Beyond the nelds the hills rising at a lit
tle hollow. Rising ground among some trees.
\ood by the streamside to the sands oI the
stream, then a little slow, waters, and then, the
sun is shining, the stream, and again the wa
ter bubbling by pebbles. The rocky wood by
the streamside. OI the stream at the river, all
aglow with sunshine. Toward the river Iringed
with trees, the horse, but there on the river,
then down the river is green islands. Quiet wa
ter by the riverside, islands in the ground oI
the river. Creek along the river into the waters
oI an inland lake. Across the still surIace, that
reBected the sunlight. Across the lake the nrs
surrounded by orange and olive trees. About
the wood Bowers oI violets. By many a rose
and leaI. A windBower paler than the water's
white. Beyond the Bower, rosy deep in the vast
woods where the sunlight Iell: The Iull red
rose. The bloom was like a bloom oI blossoms
winging. The landscape was all aglow with the
crimson, beneath high oaks, and birds. And
Irom the hill, there comes a bird below the
sun. Yet in the skies the mist, the damp reeds
coldly touched. \ith the brook the woods soIt
with haze. The willow shades the brook. Like
a river Bowing toward a rock, Irom the sand,
down the plain, and the shore wide and Iar,
and every cloud illumed. The long clouds, the
nearer sea, and bluer sea. And green oI wave,
and white oI sand that stretches by. From the
sea, bright waves with blossoming tip. Clouds
oI sparkling light. The sky. The bright sunshine
over the shore. In sunlight oI the wave, over
the ocean. \p to the clouds. \hite crests rose
like the rocky heights inland. The shore wide
and Iar. Shellstrewn shore. In sandy soil and
there, among the leaves, at the very edge oI
the woods. And shining white like the umber,
white, and even has a Iaint yellowish greenish
in the woods. In the woods. Into the nelds and
woods. A tiny Iungus which looks like a brown
ish bird's nest. Miniature eggs in it. A shining
white mushroom. And there, among the Iallen
leaves, at the very edge oI the woods, a bright
yellow mushroom, brighter Irom the leaves
around, and then another, close by, and then
a mouse gray. The stem is smooth, and black.
On stumps and sticks. On wood, on stumps,
and the stem is nrm and dry in a Iallen tree.
The stem is swollen with a bloom. There is
a very small white, scaly mushroom. The gills
white. On the ground, on trunks oI trees these
Iungi. The small ones on pine needles on the
ground. Among leaves in the woods the stem
rosy red. In pine and hemlock woods, and red at
edge. The stem was tinged with pink. Reddish
orange, bright reddishorange among the bush
es. Stem long and white. The spores are dark
brown on the ground amidst the grass. ear the
root with a pinkishyellowish stem. The whole
Iungus grew on a maple tree. Protruded Irom
a large crack in the trunk oI a tree. The bark.
Branches brownish yellow, greenish yellow in
the shade. Between the trees, leaves greenish
white, with smooth red buds. Apples in the
trees, apples on the trees. The apples yellow,
shaded and splashed with crimson. The apples
on the lower branches oI trees are orange yel
low. Apples on the trees, the apples around the
hills, sides oI the hills, and in the valleys be
tween the hills. Apples near the trees, under
the trees, in holes. The creek below the apple
trees, the shadetrees.. The roots oI the trees at
the water. Trees, with whole roots, black loam
with clay. \ormy reddish soil, with leaves. On
the under side oI the leaves, greenish black.
On the trees pendent boughs red and yellow
on the sunny side. And with a light bloom.
Rays oI the sun, as it sunk behind the clouds,
gleamed. Creen leaves, beIore apricots. The
tree was an apricottree, which grew against
the rosetrees, Bowers in Iull bloom. Tree at
the currantbushes. Below with Bower and
vine, blossom and greenness, with the leaves
oI elmboughs, treetops. Tree through cloud
oI the mountain mist. By mountain shade the
valley's hillside. The stones oI the hill. The elms
by the grass oI hill. The brook with its ripple
oI streams, that riverward wound. \ith rose
blown hills, water gliding through the coast
hill's gap to the sea. River winding to the sea
oI sand and sun. \aves that Iollow waves upon
the shore. Seaweeds and jelly nsh came Boat
ing in. The nshes with the Ioam, star nsh by
the sea, and water upon the shore. The crest
ed waves oI water up with sand. Somc ol mv rcadcrs}
will sav, sccin |ha| I raun|c |ha| I havc a|hcrcd |his book ol so manv
wri|crs, |ha| I ollcr un|o vou a hcap ol o|hcr mcnnis labourcs, and no|h-
in ol minc ownc. . . To whomc I answcrc |ha| il |hc honcvc |ha| |hc bccs
a|hcr ou| ol so manv llourc ol hcrbcs, shrubbcs and |rccs, |ha| arc row-
in in o|hcr mcnnis mcadows, lcldcs, and closcs mav us|clvc bc callcd
|hc bcc`s honcvc. . . . so mav I call |ha| I havc lcarncd and a|hcrcd ol so
manv au|orcs . . . mv bookc. - Villiam Turncr, In|roduc|ion |o A Ncw
Hcrball (1551i Thc Ci|v ol Na|urc is a novcl-in-prorcss inspircd bv Ko|a Lzawa`s 2011 vidco
ol |hc samc namc. Thc larc |cx| abovc is an carlv vcrsion ol Chap|cr 1 and will no| appcar in |hc
complc|cd book. Tom Comi||a, 2012

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