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{DATE} {NAME OF THE REGISTRY/LAND RECORDS} {ADDRESS} RE: Integrity of our land records and fraudulent foreclosures Dear

Madam/Sir, Please be advised that the issue I would like to bring to your attention is of an enormous importance to your constituency and the land records you were elected to maintain. The subject of this complaint is not only two fold; it is also not going to ever go away. One complaint is the acceptance by your office of un-authenticated documentation purporting to transfer/assign property interests in Real Estate located within this county from and/or to entitys who have actually no legitimate claim to those properties. You hold the past records, you hold the present records, and how hard can it be establishing a consistent chain of title events? The Second complaint is the loss of recording fees suffered by the community from the lack of your offices actions in assuring the proper chain of title recordation and thereby allowing the Major Lending Institutions to bypass County and/or State filing fee requirements. As each securitized loan requires a minimum of three transfers, how much is three times your recording fees times the number of mortgaged properties on your database? Since the official disclosure of the Robo-Signing scandal broke in 2010 it became publicly known that most, if not all of the documentation being used to foreclose on properties for the last 5 10 years was illegally forged and fabricated intentionally to deceive the courts into allowing illegal foreclosures. Our courts, in large part, continue to do so. However, in many states like Nevada, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina and even Ohio, the courts are finally seeing the light. And that light is - when one has no right to foreclose, and then those foreclosures are VOID. Hurray for those Courts its about time. Nevertheless, when that news became public it was our County Recorders obligation, in fulfilling his oath to protect our land records; to begin the questioning and cursory examination of the documents already within our Land Records Departments. Protecting our Land recordation system IS what you are paid and elected to do! I remind you, this started four years ago. Realizing the complexity of the chain of title and loan securitization schema, understandably it would take some amount of time (shouldnt have been too bad what with the internet and attorneys within a phone calls distance) for a professional person like yourself to gather the materials, speak with other professional like yourself and come to an educated decision as to how, at the very least, one could start the process of, again, at the least a personal examination of the Land Records. An interesting thing about collusion is that one not even needs to know they are an active participant in it to be convicted of it. We citizenry require oaths of office for a reason. What the lawyers, banks, brokers, MERS, etc. have gotten away with by filing or by not filing fraudulent documents into the public record is disgusting to say the least. Filing fraudulent documents into your office and into the land court, without showing evidence of a valid security interest, has allowed peoples homes to be taken away by those who have no right to do so. Those same houses now sitting with clouds hovering around their clear title status. Its been over four years. This letter is an indication; theyre turning into storm clouds. Some judges are no better and I can say that from experience. This issue is not going to go away. This Countys Courts and their Land Records Department don't seem to understand the extent of the land theft and land records destruction that is going on. This issue deserves you immediate attention. Our Land Records are a crime scene. County Recorders across the US are finding 10's of thousands of fraudulent transfers of properties obtained through foreclosures. Our County has been screwed out of millions of dollars. Whereas I am not asking you to just believe me, I am demanding action on your part. Please consider this: (GEORGETOWN, TEXAS) -- The Williamson County Commissioners Court was presented with the final results of the real property records audit conducted in early October by DK Consultants LLC out of San Antonio.

This is an excerpt from the above mentioned report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Inc. ("MERS") is an electronic database set up by major banks to facilitate transfers of residential mortgage-backed securities outside the purview of county land records. MERSCORP Holdings. Inc. owns MERS. MERS has no employees. Employees of mortgage lenders and mortgage servicers sign MERS documents as officers of MERS although they are not, in fact, officers or employees of MERS. Alarmed by information she obtained about the impact of MERS' practices upon the accuracy and reliability of the public records under her responsibility, Nancy Rister, Williamson County Clerk, commissioned this audit to evaluate the condition of affected documents in the Williamson County property records. In order to determine the effect of MERS' practices, a representative sample of records involving MERS was analyzed and the results of that analysis compiled. There were 5,782 MERS-related assignments led in the real property records of Williamson County during the target audit period from October 9, 2010 through October 9, 2012. The audit involved the detailed review of 1,576 assignments and associated documents. Problems found with MERSs practices have been grouped into three main areas. Nearly every document reviewed by the audit team involved one or more of the following: l. Robosigning (fraudulent verifications of the contents of unread documents) 2. Wholesale document fabrication 3. Mortgage assignment issues a. Use of MERS as nominee for lender and lender's successors without naming the lender of record or the lender claiming an interest in the property b. Use of MERS for signers to assign an interest in the property to themselves c. Use of MERS agents to slander title to property; impose potential double liability on property owners; release and re-convey property through document manufacturers; to issue potentially or fatally flawed warranty and trustees deeds and to appear to appoint themselves as substitute trustees Mandatory notices of acceleration and posting for foreclosure required by Texas statutes were frequently not filed with the Clerk's office. MERS' failure to abide by Texas State statutes had at further, pernicious impact: the failure to legally record changes to mortgages resulted in millions of dollars in lost revenue to Williamson County as MERS privately tracked mortgages were not subject to the recording fees. While the audit docs not purport to assign blame or assess specific Monetary damage, attempts have been made to clarify the issues discussed above. Further investigation of these issues by the proper authorities within this jurisdiction is recommended. Note if you would like to view the report in full just Google Williamson county Texas real property records audit (without the quotation marks) there are certainly many copies of it available online. To harbor the thought that the Lenders would only pick out one County in the US to perpetrate this crime on is just kind of unreasonable. Williamson Texas... thats South West lets try North East and see whats going on there. In 2011, a comprehensive audit of the Southern Essex County Massachusetts Registry of Deeds was conducted by Marie McDonnell of McDonnell Analytics. MA Southern Essex County Register of Deeds, John OBrien, presented these findings during the Annual Conference of The International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers (IACREOT) on June 28, 2011. The audit focused on assignments and mortgages being filed by Chase, Wells Fargo & Bank of America into the land registry. These are three of the largest national mortgage servicers. The Audit revealed that 75% of Assignments of Mortgage in this county are invalid. Only 16% of assignments of moratgage are valid, while 9% of assignment of mortgage are questionable. The identity of financial institutions that are current owners of the mortgage could only be determined at 60% of the cases.The findings are shocking and require immediate and harsh attention from both our local and the federal government. Only 29 % of the Chase assignments in the land record were valid. Only 13.31 % of the Wells Fargo assignments were valid and only 7.86% of the Bank of America assignments were valid. For Bank of America, 82% of these assignments were robo-signed and/or fraudulent. The formal results of both this audit and a similar audit of the San Francisco California registry may be found at

As a result of the corruption uncovered formally in the Essex County land record, John Obrien, the registrar of Essex County Massachusetts Deeds now refuses robo-signed and other fraudulent documents. It was deduced from the McDonnell audit that for every 1000 mortgages filed in the land record $180,000 in recordation fees were avoided by the banks and their MERS securitization scheme partner. After reviewing of this audit, Register OBrien said: My registry is a crime scene as evidenced by this forensic examination. I would like to add that every county in our country is infected with this fraud and your job is to defend our land recording system.

Its really very simple. Our Land Records are a crime scene and our Counties are being robbed of billions of dollars in recordation fees through unrecorded Real Estate transactions and assignments and we the people demand that they be paid. From the very first entity in the chain of title within the legal securitization chain (Originator, Lender, Depositor, Trust minimum) to the very last one. These are fees that pay for our policemen, our firemen and our roads and schools and you and our Courts have let the banks plunder it through sleight of hand. We also demand that these recordation fees NOT be paid with 1 dollar out of the US treasury but rather by the banks who premeditated and perpetrated this illegal tax evasion and these fraudulent foreclosure schemes. Further, to undo the damage caused in our local land registries we call on you to execute authority and to deliver to the citizens that you took an oath whose land records to protect, a comprehensive land record audit conducted by private parties who are not affiliated in any way with the banks, the Government, Wall Street or MERS. If I, as a citizen, can't count on you, hired and paid by us citizens to protect us, then just where else is there to go? Except to Court. Ive always considered myself a civic minded individual and in that light I have included below a short list of the fairly easily spotted violations in these Mortgage documents accompanied by a, certainly not all inclusive, list of known Robo-Signers. As a citizen and a taxpayer I expect this information to be put to use. Just because you personally might not know anyone who has lost their home to an illegal foreclosure and how would they even know not being professionally trained and all like you, doesnt mean that your oath of office doesnt still stand for the words held within it. Try this tonight instead of going home or to a restaurant or a bar or a friends house Tonight, leave your money and credit cards in your desk and leave your car in the parking lot after work. And start walking. Forget the shelters, theyre already full. Go find a cardboard box and spent just one night sleeping with the homeless. You will get an idea of exactly why the citizenry required you to take your oath of office. You will fully understand that this isnt an anomaly of our times this is a rewrite in history of so many times before that our fathers and their Fathers and their Fathers all the way back to Egyptian times had to live through, that culminated in our forefathers trying and doing their very best to prevent this from ever happening again and part of that best was to make you stand in front of some authority figure and recite your particular oath of office. Im inviting you to stand up with your constituency and request an action from our local, state, and federal government to stop this enormous fraud, to clean up our land records, to protect you constituency. Im inviting you to follow Register John OBrien and his office footsteps. Sincerely, {YOUR NAME} {YOUR ADDRESS} {YOUR EMAIL}

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