Dentifying THE Rinciples OF Utrition

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Nutrition is the complete process by which an organism takes in and uses food for life and health.


Builds, maintains and repairs the body.

Provides the material required by the body to make and repair all tissues. Eg. Soft tissues (muscles) and Hard tissues (bones and teeth).

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Provides energy Helps to keep us healthy and protect our bodies from infection and disease.


Nutrients are chemical substances the body obtains from food during digestion.
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Essential for energy, growth, maintenance and repair of all body tissues and the control and regulation of all bodily processes. Types of Nutrients:

Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Water Vitamins Minerals

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The Digestive System breaks down the proteins in food into individual amino acids which are absorbed and used by the body to build protein structures such as bones, teeth, blood and hormones.

1 gram of protein = 17 kilojoules or 4 calories.

Provide structure to parts of body including: bones matrix, muscles, connective tissue, hair, skin and nails. Essential for growth and repair. Produces enzymes. Produces antibodies to fight infection. Milk supply during lactation. Essential substance for producing the chromosomes (DNA) in cells. Essential for normal cell functions. Can be converted to fat if too much is consumed. Can be converted to glucose and used for energy if carbohydrate is insufficient.

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Complete Proteins

Incomplete Proteins

Contain all essential amino acids include:

Soya beans Red meat / poultry Milk Fish Eggs Cheese Yoghurt Nuts

Contain some but not all of the essential amino acids such as:
Vegetables Cereals Legumes

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Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These molecules consist of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulphur and phosphorous. Nitrogen is essential for producing and repairing body tissues and a precursor for the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

1. 2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Isoleucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine Leucine Children need two additional amino acids Arginine Histidine

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Enzymes produced in Digestive System. Eg. pancreatic (pancreatic juice), stomach (pepsin) & salivary (amylase). Enzymes also occur in raw foods but are destroyed by cooking. Therefore it is important to eat raw foods. Supplements of pawpaw enzyme (papain) and pineapple enzyme (bromelaid) are used as digestive enzymes. Pawpaw enzyme is also used to cure hangovers, but fresh form is best.

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Susceptibility to infections Poor digestion Reduced blood clotting Oedema Poor posture and muscle tone Low blood pressure Anaemia Reduced kidney function Brittle, sparse hair Brittle, peeling nails

Creating vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Particularly calcium and magnesium. May lead to obesity. Cancer of the colon.

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Complex Carbohydrates
Cereals/Whole grains (wheat, corn, barley, rice, pasta, etc) Legumes Vegetables Nuts Fruits (avocado, pear and banana)

Simple Carbohydrates
Cakes Confectionery Biscuits Desserts Cordials Syrups Honey Jam Sugar
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Complex carbohydrates take more time to digest and are packed in fibre.

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Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and are made up of refined foods such as sugars and flours and contain very few essential vitamins and minerals


Major source of immediate available energy (fuel), especially for nerve, brain and lung cells. Breaks down into simple sugars, especially glucose, to be used for energy Excess glucose is stored as energy in the liver and glycogen in the muscles. Excess glucose is converted to fat and stored in fat cells. Essential for the production of chromsomes (DNA) in the cell nucleus. Provides bulk as fibre for the diet and assists in maintaining a healthy large intestine. If enough energy is available from carbohydrate intake, protein can be used for growth and maintenance.

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Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxyen atoms. They are the chief source of heat and energy for all our body functions.

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Two major groups carbohydrates: 1. Sugars (monosaccharides & disaccharides) 2. Complex carbohydrates = Polysaccharides (starch and dietary fibre). Built up of many monosaccharides. 1gram = 16 kilojules of energy or 4 calories.

Simple sugars, composed of single sugar units.

Composed of two monosaccharides.

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Glucose (dextrose), found in honey & several fruits (fresh and dried). Fructose (laevulose), found in fruit & honey. Sweeter than glucose. Galatose, are naturally occurring monosaccharides that are found in the blood as a result of the digestion of disaccharides.

Sucrose, found in fruits, vegetables, refined table sugar from sugar cane. Maltose, mainly from partially digested grains. Lactose (glucose & galatose), found in milk.



Also known as Complex Carbohydrates and are build up of many monosaccharides.

Hydrolysed (chemical reaction to cause separation) to form glucose. Food sources include: seeds (legumes, nuts, cereals), potatoes, roots (carrots, parsnips, tapioca), stems (sago) and fruits.

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Glycogen Formed by excess glucose which provides energy for human for half day of normal activity. Glycogen is hydrolysed form glucose which is essential for the functioning of the Central Nervous System.

Dietary Fibre
Main functions Assists the transport of food in the intestinal tract. Provides bulk to assist in the elimination of faeces. Assists in protecting against cardiovascular disease. Protects against constipation & colon Structure of cell walls of plants:


All vegetable tissues. Insoluble carbohydrate , capable of absorbing water & swelling. All vegetable tissues. Slightly soluble carbohydrate can absorb large amounts of water. Fruit. It is very easily dissolved in water. Cereal. Insoluble in water and quite indigestible.
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Sources of fibre: Bran, whole grains, brown rice, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, dried fruit and vegetables.



In the absence of carbohydrates, fats are converted into energy. Ketosis loss of energy, depression, over acidity of the body tissues. Extreme cases may result in coma and death. 100g per day of carbohydrates prevents ketosis. Low fibre may cause constipation, diarrhoea, bowel cancer, haemorrhoids, obesity, coronary heart disease and gallstones.

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Lipids provide the body with vitamins A, D, E & K. Concentrated sources of energy for the body. Allow excess fat to be stored in fat cells forming fat storage areas called the adipose tissues. Form a protective layer around delicate organs such as the kidneys. Aids in the regulation of the metabolic processes of the body. Provide essential fatty acids. Stored under the skin providing insulation and helping maintain body heat. 1gram = 37 kilojoules of energy or 9 calories.

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Types of Fatty Acids

Food Sources

Saturated fatty acid only single bonds between carbon atoms. Associated with many diet related health issues.

Saturated fatty acid

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Monounsaturated fatty acid Double bonds between the carbon atoms.

Polyunsaturated fatty acid Two or more double bonds between the carbon atoms

Coconut oil, palm oil, butter, cheese, red meat, commercial cake and biscuits and processed meat



Monounsaturated fatty acid Avocado, olives, olive oil, peanut butter, fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel) Polyunsaturated fatty acid Sunflower oils, corn oils, safflower oils, soybean, fish and some margarine.


High density lipoproteins (HDL) Lower the risk of heart attack. Monounsatured and polyunsaturated.

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) Food such as: full cream dairy products, butter, fatty red meat and processed meats. Saturated Monounsaturated fatty acids decrease LDL.
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Saturated fats tend to increase the blood cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats decrease blood chloesterol. Hydrogenated, the fatty acids form Trans-fatty acids. High intake of TFA act like saturated fat and increase the risk of coronary heart disease. TFAs are known as hidden fat. Eg. Toasted muesli, biscuits and potato crisps. Coronary heart disease = high blood cholesterol, smoking and high blood pressure.

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Essential for all living things. Human body is made up of 65 70% of water. Act as the solvent for proteins and carbohydrates in cells and for the enzymes that catalyse the chemical reactions in the body. Acts to transported blood cells around the body. Found in secretions along the alimentary canal during digestion that help to moisten the food to aid in its digestion. Most of the water secreted is absorbed back into the bloodstream through the large intestine but a small amount is lost through faeces. Keep wastes produced by the body in solution to facilitate the work of the kidneys in excreting urea.
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Moisten the air that we breathe in.

Sweat is composed of water that is dissolved minerals and small amounts of protein. Sweat production helps to regulate body temperature.


Drinks 1-2 litres of water should be should consumed.

Water formed within the body during food metabolism.

Solid food Dry biscuits 5-10% Fruits and vegetables around 90% Breads and cheeses 35-40% Meat around 70% Average Australian Diet provides about 75% of water in solid food per day.

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Minerals protect from disease and regulate daily body process and found in every cells in the body.
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Vitally important in chemical reactions and in regulating water balance, nerve response and muscle contraction. Minerals that are needed in extremely small amounts are referred to as Trace Elements.

Eight Major Minerals which body requires: Calcium Formation of bones and teeth, blood clotting, nerve conduction & muscle contraction. Phosphorus Formation of bones and teeth. Magnesium Catalyst for enzyme reactions, carbohydrate metabolism. Potassium Nerve and muscle activity Sulphur Helps in digestion of fat and controls the metabolism of carbohydrate Sodium Body fluid balance; nerve impulse conduction. Chlorine Found in salt (sodium chloride) Iron Essential for the manufature of haemoglobin (oxygen carrier) in the blood cells.

Important Trace Minerals (elements) are:

Zinc Promotes carbon dioxide transport and energy metabolism and necessary for healthy skin. Copper Helps the formation of red blood cells and also has antioxidant effect against free radicals. Iodine Essential mineral in the formation of thyroid hormones. Fluoride Prevents tooth decay. Manganese Regulate blood sugar levels and enable the body to use vitamin C. Chromium Necessary for fat and carbohydrate metabolism Selenium Works in conjunction with vitamin E to protect body cells. Cobalt Part of vitamin B12, involved in blood cell production.

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Vitamins are found in living things and are needed in small amounts for life and growth and to help prevent disease. Builds bones and tissues. Helps to change carbohydrates and fats into energy. Two types of vitamins:

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Fat soluble Water soluble

Fat Soluble Vitamins
o o

Water Soluble Vitamins

Are stored in the body. Excess of these vitamins can cause toxic overdose. They are stable during cooking and processing. Vitamins include: A, D, E & K.

Dissolve in body fluids and any excess intake is excreted in the urine. Sensitive to heat and light.

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Vitamins include: B group & C.

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Five Food Group Model

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