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Sanguosha Heroes List

Fa Zheng
Other player heal you, draw 1 card. Other player deals you damage, he must give you an on-hand card of the "hearts" suit, or that player will lose 1 health In your action phase, you can give one on-hand card with the suit of "hearts" to any other player, then take any 1 card from that player and immediately give it to another player. Limited to one use per turn. Use any Heart or Diamond card as ATTACK When you use a instant tool card, you can draw a card immediately You can use any tool card without range restriction

Guan Yu Huang Yue Ying Huang Zhong

In the action phase, Huang Zhong's ATTACK cannot be evaded by DODGE under the following 2 circumstances: 1. The number of on-hand cards of the target player is less than or equal to your attacking range. 2. The number of on-hand cards of the target player is more than or equal to the units of health you have remaining.

Jiang Wei

Taunt a player that is able to strike you using ATTACK . That player must use an ATTACK on you. If not, you can discard one of his/her card. Once per turn. At the start of your turn, if you have no on-hand cards, you must regain 1 unit of health or draw 2 cards, then reduce your maximum health by 1 unit, and permanently acquire the ability to view X number of cards from the top of the deck (X equals to the number of players still in play with X having maximum of 5). Of these X cards, you can choose any number of cards to place at the top or at the bottom of the pile. You can also rearrange the order of the cards.

Liu Bei

Give any amount of on-hand cards to any players in his turn. If the total number of card given away is 2 or more, you regain 1 health. [] Liu Bei can ask any Red character that is in play to use an ATTACK card for him. The attack is considered as being "used" by Liu Bei even though the card itself comes from another player. This means the attack properties such as range and element is based on Liu Bei, not the player that issued the card. Of course, Shu characters in play can choose not to use an ATTACK card for him.

Liu Chan

Whenever other player targets an ATTACK at you, he/she must discard a basic card, or that ATTACK has no effect on you. You can skip your action phase. If you do so, you can discard an on-hand card at the end of your turn and let another player go an extra turn
At the start of your turn, if health is the least or among the least, you must raise your maximum health by 1 unit, regain 1 unit of health and permanently get [] Liu Bei can ask any Red character that is in play to use an ATTACK card for him. The attack is considered as being "used" by Liu Bei even though the card itself comes from another player. This means the attack properties such as range and element is based on Liu Bei, not the player that issued the card. Of course, Shu characters in play can choose not to use an ATTACK card for him.

Ma Chao

Distance to others -1 When using ATTACK, do a judgement, if check is heart or diamond, target cannot use dodge

Ma Yi

If your number of on-hand cards exceeds your maximum health, you can view the top 3 cards of the deck. Of these 3, display any number of cards that are of the heart suit, then keep them in your hand. Replace the remainder of the 3 cards (if any) in any order back on the top of the deck. Limited to once per turn.

The player that kills you must discard all his or her cards (both on-hand and equipped) immediately.

Meng huo

BARBARIANS has no effect on Meng Huo. He will be the source of any damage caused by the use of BARBARIANS. This means any follow-up ability (retaliatory or advantageous) of other characters will target Meng Huo instead of the character who played the card. If Meng Huo is not at full health, he can choose to give up the drawing phase and, instead, flip X number of cards from the deck (X being the amount of health he has loss thus far). Of these X cards, Meng Huo will regain 1 unit of health for every card with the suit of "hearts". The cards with "hearts" will be discarded while the remaining cards that were flipped will be kept into his hand.

Pang Tong

Every on-hand card that has the suit of "clubs" can be used as IRON SHACKLES. This also means that card, regardless of its original function, can perform RE-DRAW (ie: discarded and replaced with a new card from the deck). [Single Use] When Pang Tong is on the brink of death, he can choose to discard all his cards (both on-hand and equipped) and resurrect himself. He will have 3 units of health after resurrection and can immediately draw 3 cards from the deck.

Wei Yan

Whenever Wei Yan causes damage to any player within physical range of 1, he regains 1 unit of health for every 1 unit of damage caused. Taking this to the extreme, Wei Yan can regain 4 units of health if he has equipped "-1 horse", uses BARBARIANS , and the 4 players to his immediate left and right all suffer damage. Since this is an enforced ability, he cannot choose not to absorb health.

Zhang Fei Zhao Yun Zhuge Liang (young)

Use any number of ATTACK Use ATTACK and DODGE interchangably When no armour is equipped, EIGHT TRIGRAMS (barrel) by default. All on-hand cards with a red suit can be used as BLAZE All on-hand cards with a black suit can be used as JUST SAY NO
At the beginning of turn, he can view X number of cards from the top of the deck (X equals to the number of players still in play with X having maximum of 5). Of these X cards, he can choose any number of cards to place at the top or at the bottom of the pile. He can also rearrange the order of the cards. When Zhu Ge Liang has no cards on hand, he cannot be the target of ATTACK or DUEL .

Zhuge Liang (old)

Zhu Rong

The tool card BARBARIANS has no effect on Zhu Rong. When any other player uses BARBARIANS and the card's effects (such as damage and NEGATE) are concluded, Zhu Rong will acquire the BARBARIANS card that was used. Whenever Zhu Rong's ATTACK successfully damages the target player, she can choose to "Points Duel" with that same target player. If she wins the Points Duel, she gets to take 1 card (on-hand or equipped) away from the target and keep for herself.

Cao Cao Cao Ren Cao Pi Take the card that dealt damage to you [] Cao Cao can ask any Wei character to use DODGE on his behalf where applicable. You can draw three cards at the end of your turn, if you do so skip your next turn
Cao Pi can immediately take possession of all the cards (both on-hand and equipped) of any player that dies. Everytime Cao Pi suffers damage to his health, he can force any player to draw X number of cards. X being the health he has lost (measured from his max health level) after the damage has been taken into account. By doing so, this player will have to "Flip Character Card" [] Whenever any Wei Character (other than himself) makes a judgement, if the judgement card that takes effect is the suit of "clubs" or "spades", that character can choose to let Cao Pi draw 1 card from the deck.

Cao Zhi

When other players discard or flip judgement cards with "clubs" into the discard pile, you can take possession of these cards. When your character card is facing up, you can choose to flip over your character card and this will be considered as having used WINE When you suffer damage while your character card is facing down, you can choose to flip over your character card

Deng Ai

Every instance that you lose card(s) (on-hand or equipped) outside your turn, you can flip a judgement card. If the judgement is not the suit of "hearts", you can put the judgement card (referred to as "Terrain") atop your character card. Every "Terrain" that you amass, your physical distance to other players decreases by -1. At the beginning of your turn, if you have more than or equal to 3 "Terrains", you must reduce your maximum health by 1 unit. You will then permanently acquire the ability "Blitz " (In the action phase, you can use any of your "Terrains" as STEAL ) During the action phase of your turn, you can inflict 1 unit of damage to any player within your attacking range by either 1 of these 2 actions: 1. Reducing 1 unit of your own health or 2. Discarding 1 "weapon card" (can be on-hand or currently equipped) One Use per Turn

Dian Wei Guo Jia

Guo Jia can obtain any judgement card that he flips over for himself. For every 1 unit of damage that Guo Jia receives, he can draw 2 cards from the deck. He can then choose to give away one, two, or none of these 2 cards to any player. When Si Ma Yi receives any damage, he can obtain 1 card (whether on-hand or equipped) from the player who is the source of the damage. After any judgement card has been flipped over, Si Ma Yi can immediately play one of his on-hand cards to "replace" the judgement card. Note that Si Ma Yi cannot take back the original judgement card. Net effect is Si Ma Yi loses one on-hand card to change the judgement card.

Si Ma Yi

Xia Hou Dun

Everytime Xia Hou Dun suffers damage (count by occurrence and not by units of damage), he can choose to flip a judgement card. If the judgement is not the suit of "hearts", the source player that caused the damage can choose 1 of 2 options. Option 1: Lose 1 unit of health Option 2: Discard any 2 on-hand cards (chosen by the source player, and not Xia Hou Dun)

Xia Hou Yuan

Xia Hou Yuan can use either or both of the following options. When any of the options below are activated, it is equivalent to using an ATTACK card on any player (no distance limitations). 1. Skip his judgement phase as well as his drawing phase (no judgement and no drawing of 2 cards from the deck) 2. Skip his action phase as well as discard one equipment card (horse, armour or weapon). This means he can no longer use any other card in his turn. Note that this option can only be used once a turn, regardless of how many equipment cards you have. During the action phase, Xu Huang can choose to use any of his Basic Cards (such as ATTACK and WINE ) or Equipment Cards with the suit of "clubs" or "spades" as . His range for that is extended to physical distance of 2. Any instant tool card you use has no effect on others. Any instant tool card others use has no effect on you. Can use , In the action phase, you can discard up to 3 cards, then allow 1 other player of your choice to draw an equal number of cards from the deck. If you discard no less than 3 cards of similar type (basic, tool card, equipment card), you regain 1 unit of health. Limited to once per turn. Xu Chu can choose to draw 1 card less in his drawing phase. If he chooses to do so, any ATTACK and DUEL that he uses in the action phase results in 1 additional unit of damage to his opponent. Note that if Xu Chu loses the DUEL, he only needs lose 1 unit In the action phase, you can choose to "Points Duel" with another character with more health than you. If your score is higher, that player will cause 1 unit to damage to another player within his/her attacking range of your choice. If your score is lower, that player will cause 1 unit of damage to you. It is immediate damage, not an ATTACK . Once per turn. Every 1 unit of damage that Xun Yu suffers, he can allow any player of his choice (including himself) to replenish as many cards as that player maximum health level. Which means if Ali only has 1 card and 2 units of life left but his maximum health is 4 units, Ali can draw 3 cards

Xu Huang Xu Zhe

Xu Zhu Xn Y

Y J n

When you have no armor equipped, black-suited ATTACK cards have no effect on you.

Zhng Chn Hu All damage caused by you is viewed as" loss of health/no source damange"
With the exception of the discard phase, whenever your number of on-hand cards is less than your health loss thus far, you can immediately draw from the deck till your on-hand cards equal number of units of health lost

Zhng Lio Zhng H

Drawing phase, choose to forgo drawing cards from the deck and, instead, draw 1 on-hand card from other players. Max 2 players, min 1 You can discard one one-hand card to skip one of your phases (excluding beginning phase and ending phase). If you skip your drawing phase, you draw 1 on-hand card from a maximum of two other players. If you skip your action phase, you can relocate a card (in the equipment area) from original location to another identical location.

Zhn J

Every on-hand card that is a "club" or a "spade" suit can be used as DODGE at any time. Beginning of the turn (before judgement phase for any time-delay tool cards), choose to flip a judgement card. If black, can keep the card and she can continue to flip. Once the judgement card is red, the ability ends and she cannot keep that card. Continue to draw 2 normally

D Qio
In the action phase, Da Qiao can choose to use any card (both on-hand or equipped) with a "diamond" suit as JAIL Whenever Da Qiao becomes the target of ATTACK , she can discard any card and divert the ATTACK to a player within her attacking range. This player cannot be the original player that used the ATTACK card.

Gn Nng Hung Gi Lng Tng

Action phase, Gan Ning can choose to use any card (on-hand or equipped) with "clubs" and "spades" suit as DISMANTLE . During the action phase, Huang Gai can choose to lose 1 unit of health and draw 2 more cards from the deck. can be used repeatedly Whenever a card is removed from your equipped items area, you can carry out either 1 of the following 2 options: 1. Viewed as having used an ATTACK on any player (this ATTACK will not be considered in calculating the number of ATTACK card used). 2. Cause 1 unit of damage to a player within physical range of 1.


In the drawing phase, Lu Su can choose to draw 2 more cards (total 4). If he has more than 5 on-hand cards as a result, he must give half of his on-hand cards (rounded down) to the player with the least amount of on-hand cards (excluding himself). During his action phase, he can choose to force 2 players (other than himself) to exchange their entire set of on-hand cards by discarding X number of cards, X being the difference between the number of on-hand cards between these 2 players. Limited to one use per turn.

L Xn L Mng Sn C

Cant be target of STEAL and JAIL Whenever Lu Xun loses or uses his last on-hand card, he can immediately draw one card from the deck.
If Lu Meng does not use any ATTACK cards during his action phase, he can skip the discard phase.

Whenever you use (or become the target of) DUEL or a red-suited ATTACK , you can draw a card.
Beginning of your turn, if your health is 1 unit, you must reduce your maximum health by 1 unit. You then permanently acquire these abilities Dashing Hero - draw 3 cards at beginning of turn Lingering Spirit - Draw X discard 1" or "Draw 1 discard X" refer to sun jian [] During the action phase of other Wu characters, they can choose to Points Duel once with you. If they do not win the Points Duel, you can take the cards used in Points Duel from both parties. After your Awakening ability activates, you can refuse the "Points Duel".

Sn Qun

Action phase, Sun Quan can discard any number of cards ( on-hand or equipped) and draw the same number of new cards Once per turn. []When Sun Quan is rescued from the brink of death by other Wu characters via the use of PEACH , Sun Quan recovers 2 health

Sn Jin

In the beginning of every turn, Sun Jian can carry out either of the options listed below if he is no longer at maximum health (X represents the number of units of health Sun Jian has lost thus far). Pick one other player to carry out one of the following options: 1. Draw X cards, then discard 1 card. 2. Draw 1 card, then discard X cards. One Use Per Turn

Sn Shng Xing During the action phase, Sun Shang Xiang can choose to discard 2 on-hand cards and pick any male character that is not at full-health. By doing

so, both the male character and herself will recover 1 unit of health each. Limited to only 1 use per turn. Whenever any equipped card is removed from her equipped items area, Sun Shang Xiang can immediately draw 2 cards from the deck. Note that 2 cards can be drawn for each equipped card that is removed. This applies also to changing the equipped item (ie: replacing one weapon with another weapon). During the action phase, Tai Shi Ci can conduct Points Duel with any other character. Limited to one use per turn. If he wins 1. Unlimited attacking range 2. He can use 1 additional ATTACK card in that turn 3. Each ATTACK can target 1 additional character If he loses the Points Duel - Tai Shi Ci cannot use ATTACK at all for that turn.

Ti Sh C

Xio Qio

Whenever Xiao Qiao receives any damage, she can choose to pass the damage on to any other player by discarding an on-hand heart card. The victim draw X number of cards from the deck, X being his total amount of health loss after the deflection. Xiao Qiao is left unscathed All cards with a suit of "spades" will ALWAYS be regarded as the suit of "hearts" as long as it is part of Xiao Qiao's action. In the action phase, you can choose 2 players to exchange all of their equipped cards. The difference in the number of equipped cards between the 2 players must not be more than X, where X is the amount of health you have lost thus far. Limited to once per turn. When a player is at the brink of death, you can display one of the on-hand cards of that player. If that card is not a basic card, the player will discard that card and regain 1 unit of health.

W Gu Ti

X Shng

Whenever your ATTACK causes damage, you can force your victim to draw X cards from the deck (X being the number of health units the victim currently has. X has a maximum of 5), after which the victim must flip his or her character card over.

Zhng Zho & Zhng Hng &

In the action phase, you can put an on-hand equipment card in the equipped card area of another character (you cannot replace an equipment already equipped). If you do so, you can draw a card. At the end of other players discard phase, you can return a card that was discarded in this phase to the player. If you do so, you can take the other cards discarded in this phase as your own on-hand cards.

Zhu Y

Zhou Yu can draw 1 additional card during his drawing phase. This means he can draw 3 cards from the deck instead of 2 at every turn. During the action phase, Zhou Yu can ask any one player to guess a suit. This player while then have to pick one of Zhou Yu's on-hand cards and show it to everyone. If the selected card has the same suit as that which the player guessed, nothing happens. If it is not the same suit, the player loses one unit of health. Regardless of the result, the player will always get to keep that card. One use per turn.

Zhu Ti

When Zhou Tai's health reaches zero (brink of death), one playing card must be flipped from the deck and placed on his character card. Zhou Tai is not considered dead at this point and the game continues. Whenever he loses an additional unit of health from here on, an additional card will be further added on top of his character card. As long as none of these cards have the same "number", Zhou Tai will remain alive. Whenever there is a card or more placed on his character card, he will always be considered as being on the "brink of death".

Ci Wn J
Every instance a player suffers damage from an ATTACK, you can discard a card (on-hand or equipped), and the victim do a judgement If the judgement is "hearts", the victim regains 1 unit of health. If the judgement is "clubs", the attacker discards 2 cards. If the judgement is "diamonds", the victim draws 2 cards. If the judgement is "spades", the attacker flips his/her character card over.

The player who kills you loses all of his/her character abilities until the end of the game.

Chn Gng

During the action phase, you can give an equipment card or an ATTACK card to any other player (the recipient). The recipient must choose: 1. This action would be viewed as having used an ATTACK on another player of your choice within the recipient's attacking range. 2. Draw a card from the deck. One Use Per Turn Whenever you receive damage during another player's turn, any ATTACK or instant Tool cards have no effect on you until that turn ends.

Dio Chn

In the action phase, Diao Chan can discard one card (either on-hand or equipped) and select two male characters to undergo DUEL Diao Chan must select one of the male characters to be the first to use ATTACK on the other male character. If this first character does not or is unable to do so, he will suffer 1 unit of damage (the other male character need not use ATTACK). One Use Per Turn In the end of her turn (after the discard phase), Diao Chan can draw one additional card from the deck. Dong Zhuo can use any of his on-hand cards with a suit of "spades" as WINE . When Dong Zhuo uses ATTACK on a female character and vice versa, the target character needs to use 2 DODGE cards At the end of every turn (after discarding his excess on-hand cards), if Dong Zhuo's health is not the least or amongst the least, he must lose 1 unit of health or reduce his maximum health by 1 unit. [] When other Heroes characters cause any damage to other players, Dong Zhuo can flip a judgement card. If the judgement card is the suit of "spades", Dong Zhuo will regain 1 unit of health.

Dng Zhu

Go Shn

During the action phase, you can Points Duel with another player. One Use Per Turn If you win, you possess the following abilities till your turn ends. 1.Disregard any distance between you and that player 2. Disregard any equipped armor of that player 3. You can use as many ATTACK cards as you wish on that player. If you lose, you cannot use any ATTACK cards for the remainder of this turn. All your WINE cards must be regarded as ATTACK cards.

Hu Tu

Outside of his turn, Hua Tuo can use any of his cards (on-hand or equipped) with the suit of "hearts" or "diamonds" as PEACH During his turn, Hua Tuo can discard one on-hand card and allow any player to regain 1 unit of health. One use per turn.

Ji X

During Jia Xu's turn, with the exception of himself, only characters who are on the brink of death can use PEACH . [SINGLE USE] During his action phase, you can force every player, other than himself, to use an ATTACK on another player at the least distance away. If a player is unable to do so (no ATTACK cards or attack range cannot reach any player), the player will lose 1 unit of health. Jia Xu cannot become the target of tool cards with the suit of "clubs" or "spades".

L B Png D

2 Dodge to dodge ATTACK, 2 ATTACK during duel

Minus 1 range to others Whenever Pang De's ATTACK is evaded by DODGE , he can forcefully discard one of the opponents cards (on-hand or equipped). Note that Pang De selects the card for discarding and not the opponent.

Yn Ling & Wn Chu Yun Sho

During the drawing phase, You can choose to forfeit the drawing phase and opt for a judgement card to be flipped. Unlike usual judgement cards, this particular judgement card can be kept by the player. Note the colour of the suit (black or red) of this judgement card. For the rest of their action phase, they can choose to use any on-hand card with a different colour from this judgement card as DUEL . During the action phase, Yuan Shao can choose to discard any 2 on-hand cards with the same suit as RAINING ARROWS . []At anytime, Yuan Shao's limit for hand cards at the end of his turn increases by 2 for every one hero (other than himself) in play.


Bluff - say any basic or instant tool card and play any card as that face down. If no one doubt the card, play as normal Any player may flip to check the card, if real, the player will lose a health, if fake, the player draw a card The card flipped is useless unless the card is BOTH real and hearts
Whenever Zhang Jiao uses a DODGE card, he can target any player to make a judgement. If the judgement card is of the "spades" suit, the target player suffers 2 units of lightning attribute damage. Zhang Jiao can exchange the judgement card of any player before it takes effect with any of his "spades" or "clubs" suit cards (on-hand or equipped). Note that the cards are exchanged, meaning Zhang Jiao can retrieve the original judgement card back into his hand. []All hero can give Zhang Jiao one DODGE or LIGHTNING card during their individual turns.

Zhng Jio

Zu C

After everyone has selected their character cards, you select two unused character cards from the deck. Select one of these characters and place it before you, then state one of that character's abilities (excluding Single-use ability, awakening ability and ruler ability). You will obtain the stated ability, the allegiance, and the gender of this character until you change. At the beginning and end of each turn, you can replace the character with another character and/or re-state another ability.

For every 1 unit of damage you receive, you can acquire another new character card for "Shapeshift".

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