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HW#1 EGM6341 Spring 2014

i) This set of HW comes from diverse aspects in calculus and math analyses.
ii) It is intended to serve as a review and to bring you up to speed in
mathematical analysis. Series expansion in various forms and acceleration of
series are extremely useful tools both analytically and computationally.
iii) It would be very useful to read over a dozen examples provided in the
Supplemental Reading Material (Chapter One) they serve to bridge the gap
between the class discussions and homework problems.
iv) Do not wait till the last day to begin the homework. I will post the homework
for every chapter the day we begin that chapter in class, so you will have
ample time to get started as we cover the various topics in each chapter.
v) Homework submission:
a. On-campus students: submit at the beginning of class period on the
specified submission date. No submission will be accepted once the
lecture begins to avoid disturbance in video recording. All the pages must
be stapled together and your full name written in capital letters in the top
right corner.
b. Off-campus (EDGE) students: upload your homework via the website
(Sakai) by the submission deadline. Name your file as LastName_HW#.
Put all problems into one file. If there is problem doing this, send me the
file by email and let me know what problem you are having with the
website. You can hand-write and scan the homework to a PDF file or type
it and convert to PDF. If there is an issue with scanning, let me know I
will arrange for you to fax it.

HOMEWORK Expectations

When you write your solutions to the homework problems, write them
completely and neatly. Neatness counts.

Include the problem statement (or give key information if the statement is too
long), followed by your detailed solution, and conclude with the ANSWER
(except for proof or derivation problems).

All the graphs, if any, should be generated by computers and properly labeled.

Due: 01/17/2013 (Friday)

From the textbook by Atkinson: pp.43-50:

#1a Assume (x) is continuous on a x b, and consider the average
x f
) (

with all points xj in the interval [a, b]. Show that ) (, f S =
for some in [a, b].
(Hint: use the Intermediate Value Theorem; also see Example 1 in Supplemental
Reading for Chapter One)

3b For small values of , measure the relative error in sin(x) = x by using
x x
x x
) sin(
) sin(
) sin(
0 = x
Bound this modified relative error for o s x . Choose to make this error less
than 0.01, corresponding to a 1 percent error.
(Hint: use Taylor series expansion for f(x) = sin(x) =;
do NOT interpret f(x) as
) sin(
) sin(
x x

5. (c) Construct a Taylor Series for the following functions, and bound the error when
truncating n terms.
f(x) = dt
) ( tan 1


7. (a) Using Taylors theorem for functions of two variables, find linear and quadratic
approximations to the follow functions f(x, y) for small values of x and y. Give the
tangent plane function z = p(x, y) whose graph is tangent to that of z = f(x, y) at
(0,0, f(0,0)).
y x y x f + = 2 1 ) , (
8. Consider the second-order divided difference ] , , [
2 1 0
x x x f defined in (1.1.13).
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 2 0 1
0 1 2
2 0
( ) ( )
[ , ] ,
[ , ] [ , ]
[ , , ]
f x f x
f x x
x x
f x x f x x
f x x x
x x

(a) Prove the property (1.1.15)

0 1 1 0
0 1 2
[ , ] [ , ],
[ , , ] [ , , ]
i j k
f x x f x x
f x x x f x x x

for any permutation (i, j, k) of (0, 1, 2)

that the order of the arguments x0, x1, x2 does not affect the value of the divided
(b) Prove the formula (1.1.14),
) (
] , , [
2 1 0
, f x x x f ' ' =
for some between the minimum and maximum of x0, x1, and x2.
(Hint: from part (a), there is no loss in generality in assuming x0 < x1 < x2. Use
Taylors theorem to reduce ] , , [
2 1 0
x x x f , expanding about x1; and then use the
intermediate value theorem to simplify the error term in part b).

10 Convert the following numbers to their decimal equivalents.
(a) (10101.101)2 (c) (.10101010101)2
(f) (11.1) 2 with the parentheses enclosing n 1s.

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