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1. Spell the word good morning


Spell the word hello


Spell the word cat


Spell the word rat


I see with my _______.(eye)


I eat with my ________.(mouth)


Spell the word father.


Spell the word dress.

1. There is __________ bird on the branch. ! the "! a #! an $! was

2. %y mother is _________ teacher. ! the "! a #! an $! was

3. She ________ my mother. ! Is "! are #! were $! them

4. I ___________ doin& my homewor'. ! are "! is #! am

$! in

5. "rin& the cat in. (i)e ______ some *ood. ! them "! it #! him $! her

6. Spell the word+ trousers

7. %y teacher is ____________ in the class. ! teach "! ta,&ht #! teaches $! teachin&

8. %y *ather bo,&ht me ______ bicycle. ! a "! an #! the $! was


1. I ,se _________ spoon to eat a plate o* *ried rice. ! a "! an #! the

2. -esterday I _________ to a par'. ! &o "! went #! &oin&

3. I li'e to _______ boo's. ! watch "! wash #! read

4. .n. li li)es ne/t to my ho,se. 0e is __________. ! *ather "! nei&hbo,r #! sister

5. 1e ta'e a bath in the __________. ! 'itchen "! bedroom #! bathroom

6. Spell the word classroom


_____________ sails in the sea. ! motorcycle "! aeroplane #! ship

8. Spell the word vegetable.


1. %y *ather and ,ncle are ____________ the c,pboard *rom the ho,se. ! remo)e "! remo)es #! remo)ed $! remo)in&

2. I ,s,ally __________ bread and a c,p o* co**ee *or brea'*ast. ! has "! dad #! ha)e

3. There is a _________ o* 'ittens in the bo/. ! *loc' "! litter #! swarm $! b,nch

4. 2immy *o,nd o,t the sol,tion to the problem all by _____________ . ! mysel* "! yo,rsel*

#! himsel* $! themsel)es


nisa has *o,nd her lost p,rse. The p,rse is ___________. ! mine "! yo,rs #! hers $! his

6. 3ind the o

osite meaning *or retty (ugly)

The princess is retty b,t the witch is _________.

7. Spell the word grassho


8. Spell the word television


1. 3on& had ___________ res,lts this month than last month. ! &ood "! better #! the best

2. I wo,ld li'e to help yo, _________ I am too b,sy. ! so "! and #! b,t $! beca,se

3. ____________ yellow ,mbrella is that4 I want to borrow it. ! 1hy "! 1hat #! 1hose $! 1hich

4. It is &ood to drin' ____________ o* water e)ery day. ! m,ch "! many #! plenty $! se)eral

5. %rs 5im _______________ me .n&lish when I was in -ear 2. ! teach "! ta,&ht #! teaches $! teachin&

6. (i)e the word that has same meaning with huge (big) 6abilla7s ho,se is huge.

7. (i)e the correct spellin& *or horse.

8. (i)e the correct spellin& *or blac"board.

YEAR # 1. %rs 8a9a recei)ed a _________ o* roses on Teacher7s $ay. ! b,nch "! barrel #! bas'et $! bo,:,et

2. .ach o* the p,pils __________ re:,ired to help o,t cleanin& the school compo,nd. ! is "! are #! am $! were

3. These toys belon& to Tisha and Tina. They are __________. ! o,rs "! yo,rs #! mine $! theirs


shra* wants to *i/ the bicycle by ___________. ! mysel*

"! himsel* #! yo,rsel* $! themsel)es

5. %y *ather p,ts the ladder ___________ the wall. ! o)er "! alon& #! a&ainst

6. (i)e the o

osite meaning *or the word resent.

25 p,pils are present today while 3 are ________ *rom class today.

7. (i)e a word that has the same meaning with tiny. The baby7s *in&ers are tiny.

8. Spell the word micro$ave.

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