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Mala Lal Faatima Ahmed



Our initial idea for the advanced portfolio in media is to create a music video package
based on the song, “Exterminate, Regenerate” by, Chameleon Circuit”. It consists of the
genre’s Pop and Rock, and the theme of, “Doctor Who”. The music video will consist of a,
conceptual, performance and narrative. The art of, stop motion animation will be used to
represent the conceptual narrative of the music video. A serious of pictures will be taken to
create the, stop motion animation effect. To represent this, we will be using dolls and
figures of "Doctor Who" to show this concept. Stop motion animation will involve our group
taking a serious of pictures as well as filming many scenes containing actors playing
instruments which we will create and design ourselves. One actor will be play the role two
characters who will be wearing clothes which will be significant to the name of the song,
"Exterminate Regenerate". To represent this, the beginning of the song will be of an actor
wearing a t-shirt which will have the words, "Exterminate" on the back of the t-shirt. The
end part of the narrative will be of the same actor playing a different role wearing a
different t-shirt, saying "Regenerate", at the back of the t-shirt. Using, stop motion
animation will be challenging and creative.

Target Audience:

“Exterminate, Regenerate”, will appeal to a niche audience, specifically a male audience.

The music video will include many sub-cultures such as the mixture of, Pop, and Rock as
well as it being diverse from other music videos because of the use of, stop motion
animation. The theme of, “Doctor Who” appeals to a mainstream audience as the
feedback we received from Survey Monkey and, The Focus Group is a clear indication of
this. The use of more then one genre will appeal to a niche audience; in which the
feedback from, "The Focus Group", and, "Survey Monkey indicates this. However, the
feedback from the target audience also suggested that, stop motion animation will be
attracting a mainstream audience, but because of the use of one more genre, it’s attracting
a niche audience.
The song includes lyrics such as ‘I am locked in war with you’; this allows us to target a
male audience since they stereotypically enjoy watching Action films. Dr. Who is Sci-fi
themed and the main actor, David Tennant, is male. This again allows (strengthen) us to
target a male audience, since they stereotypically enjoy watching these films, as well as
relating back to the main actor. The target audience will be between the ages of 10-
16years, as the music video seems to be quite surreal in addition to the childlike aspect of
the Stop Motion Animation. They enjoy watching Sci-fi movies e.g. Star Trek, Star Wars
etc, as well as not very outgoing, following a ‘Geek’ type character.

Style and form:

The use of two genres, Pop, and Rock as well as the use of, stop motion animation will
appeal to a niche audience. The song, “Exterminate, Regenerate” is by a band called,
“Chameleon Circuit”. Ideas which influence their music video are, “Doctor Who, and, “Stop
motion animation which is used as part of their style and form to represent their band.
Therefore themes within the music video of, “Exterminate, Regenerate” will consist of
fighting and heroism. In terms of colours, “Chameleon Circuit”, have bright highlighted
colours as similar to bands such as, “Hadouken” and, “The Gallows” has influenced our
ideas. Specific colours such as, bright green, blue, red, orange, and yellow will be used
Mala Lal Faatima Ahmed
which will represent the, Rock and Pop genre. In terms of editing, we will be using, stop
motion animation. This will involve our group taking a series pictures to create the stop
motion animation effect. This is a creative and interesting aspect being used and it will
attract the target audience as the feedback from them suggests this. Therefore the USP of
the making of the music video is the use of, stop motion animation. In terms of, location,
we will be filming the, running scene of the music video in, “Hainault Forest”, as the
surroundings are trees which are perfects to represent a deserted scene. To film the parts
of the boy waking up, we will use a deserted room to represent him being in a state of,
“panic”, therefore, it should successfully connote this.


Technology will be of great importance in the music video, as the song is based around a
Sci-Fi theme so a lot of effects will be used. We will use depth of field on the mini DV
camera’s to record our music videos, from focusing on the ducks then onto the boy
running. This may be enhanced on iMovie as well as Final Cut Express, as to making the
effects of greater use. We will also use iStopMotion for animating the dolls for the stop
motion animation aspect.
We will use a Digital camera to capture images for our DVD cover as well for our
Magazine Advertisement. These will be edited on Photoshop and Fireworks, as to adding
the effects, which matches the Sci-fi theme
The use of, stop motion animation will involve our group to take a serious pictures which
will involve us to edit carefully to represent this. This will be challenging, but exciting to
create. We have been introduced to new software, final cut express where editing can be
done to a high standard as there are more icons to experiment and use. In terms of,
camera shots, point of view shots, long shots will be used to represent the running scene.
Camera shots such as, extreme close-up, and close-up will be used in the scenes where
the boy is having a nightmare; to highlight his face reactions and emphasise the panic his

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