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Classification of Standardized achievement test Tests

Numerous tests are used in the schools, which can be classified into different types or categories. One way to classify tests is by the construct the test purports to measure. Using this method, tests can be organized into achievement tests, aptitude or intelligence tests, personality inventories, pro ective techni!ues, interest inventories, attitude measures, and so forth. "ach of these types of tests may be further divided into subcategories. #or e$ample, individual tests are designed for administration in a one%on%one situation. &roup tests are designed for group administration. 'ndividual tests are typically used for clinical purposes, such as ma(ing a diagnosis of a disability or disorder or determining strengths and wea(nesses in a specific area of functioning )e.g., intelligence, achievement*. These tests are administered to one student at a time. The test user should have considerable training in test administration, scoring, and interpretation. &roup tests, on the other hand, are designed primarily as instruments for mass testing )+nastasi , Urbina, -../*. They are largely pencil%and%paper measures suitable for administration to large or small groups of students at the same time. The ma ority of tests used in schools are group tests. The recent large%scale tests used by states are also group tests. &roup tests are fairly easy to administer and score, and their use does not re!uire much special training on the part of the e$aminers. Some group tests may also be computer administered and scored.

Tests may also be grouped into speed tests and power tests. + speed test is designed to measure the speed or rate of performance, rather than the ac!uisition or mastery of (nowledge. Typically, speed tests include very easy items so every test ta(er (nows the answers. This way, only speed of response is measured by the test. On the other hand, a power test is designed to measure the (nowledge of the test ta(er, regardless of his or her speed of performance. 0ower tests contain items with varying degrees of difficulty and allow enough time for test ta(ers to attempt all items. 0erformance is based on how well a student can answer the items, instead of how fast he or she can perform. 1owever, most tests used in the schools measure both (nowledge and speed as factors on test performance. Specifically, these tests are designed to measure students2 (nowledge in a domain of content and a time limit is set for the students to complete the test. 'n other words, a student2s score is influenced by both accuracy and speed of his or her answers. On such tests, although a student may have the necessary (nowledge re!uired to answer the test items correctly, the student may not receive a high score if he or she wor(s in a slow speed and is unable to complete many items within the time limit. +nother way to classify tests is by the measurement theory that underlies a test. 3ased on this consideration, tests may be categorized into norm%referenced tests )N4T* and criterion%referenced tests )C4T*. The ma or difference between N4T and C4T lies in the standard used in interpreting test performance. 'n N4T, a

student2s performance is compared to that of other students in a group. Specifically, interpretation of scores is made by comparing the student2s performance to the average of performance of other similar students on the test or to the norm of a standardization sample. 't indicates the student2s status in a group or how well the student has performed with respect to the rest of the group. N4T is by far the most common approach to test interpretation. 1owever, it should be noted that because N4T compares a student2s performance to the normative group, language, culture, and socioeconomic status differences between the student and the normative group could affect the student2s score )6ubiszyn , 3orich, 5778*. C4T, also (nown as domain% referenced tests, employs a different frame of reference in test interpretation than does N4T. 'n this approach, a performance standard called criterion is established prior to testing to indicate mastery of the specific content domain covered by the test. + student2s performance is compared to the pre established criterion, rather than to the performance of other students. 'nterpretation of C4T results yield specific information regarding the student2s proficiency in or mastery of the measured s(ills. 'n recent years, states have begun to develop minimum competence tests to assess students2 performance, which are designed and used based on the theory of criterion%referenced measurement.

The Metropolitan Achievement Tests

The 9etropolitan +chievement Tests )9+T/*, a series of norm%referenced, ob ectives%based tests, were administered in October 577: to students in grades 8 and ;.

These tests are designed to measure achievement in the basic s(ills commonly found in state and district curricula. The content areas measured were 4eading, 9athematics, <anguage, Science and Social Studies. +lso administered was the Otis%<ennon School +bility Test )O<S+T*, which measures the student=s ability to cope with school learning tas(s in verbal and nonverbal areas.

The percentile ran(s compare the students= performance in 3raintree with mean scores of students in the same grade across the nation.

The Peabody Individual Achievement Test The 0eabody 'ndividual +chievement Test )0'+T%4* is the revised version of the now classic 0eabody 'ndividual +chievement Test )0'+T*, an individually administered, norm%referenced measure of academic achievement. The test was designed to provide a wide%range screening measure in si$ content areas that can be used with students in (indergarten through the -5th grade. Nelson%>enny 4eading Test he Nelson-Denny Reading Test was created in -.5. by 9.S. Nelson and ".C. >enny, both of whom were on the faculty of 'owa State Teacher2s College. The purpose of the test is to measure reading ability among high school and college students. 't is not appropriate for the clinical evaluation of reading disorders,

however it may be used to identify students in need of remedial reading instruction. The Nelson%>enny includes two subtests)?ocabulary and Comprehension* both with multiple choice !uestions, and yields four scores. The most recent revision was published in -..8 and is available from 4iverside 0ublishing in 'tasca, 'llinois. The Nelson%>enny can be administered in a group format. Total administration time is about :; minutes which includes time spent instructing e$aminees

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