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03. Comparison


Comparative Adjectives: Introduction What is Comparative Adjectives? What is Superlative Adjectives? Rules for Forming Comparative and Superlative Forms Irregular comparatives and superlatives Equal Comparison () Negative Equal Comparison( ) & Modifiers () Unequal Comparison () Negative Unequal Comparison( ) Unequal Comparison Illogical Comparison ( ) Multiple number Comparatives Double Comparatives: The + , The + Comparison without than: using Of the two Superlatives

1. Comparative Adjectives: Introduction

There are 3 types of adjectives. Positive () Comparative() Superative ()

long funny

longer funniest

longest funniest

modern more modern The most modern

good better best

2. What is a Comparative Adjective?

What is an Comparative adjective? Its a word which describes a noun and express the idea of more to the noun

adjectives big


Comparative adjectives bigger







More expensive

3. What is a Superlative Adjectives?

Superlative Adjectives express the idea of Max or Most

His car is fast. Your car is faster.

But my car is the fastest.

4. Rules for Forming Comparative & Superlative Forms

one syllable adjectives/ adverbs : + er : The + est Fast Big

Faster Bigger More big (X)

The fastest The biggest The most big (X) The most famous The most pleasant The most afraid

two syllable adjectives/adverbs: 2 more, -er , more . - More + - The most +

: The most + : 1) More + - A - - -ful, -less, -ish, -ous, - +ly (early ) 2) ending in y: - + (y i) + er - : unhappy, untidy

Famous Pleasant Afraid

More famous More pleasant More afraid

Useful slowly

More tired
More useful More slowly

The most tired

The most useful The most slowly

Busy Funny Unhappy Untidy (, )

Busier Funnier Unhappier More unhappy Untidier More Untidy Cleverer More clever

The busiest The Funniest The Unhappiest The most unhappy The untidiest The most untidy The cleverest The most clever The friendliest

3) More + + er OK: - able, angry, common, cruel, handsome, narrow, gentle, pleasant, polite, quite, simple, sour 3 : More + : The most +




More friendly
Delicious Good-looking More delicious Better-looking More good-looking

The most friendly

The most delicious Best looking The most good-looking

5. Irregular comparatives and superlatives


Farther(, ) Further(, ) , Rome is farther from London than Paris is. The farther side of the bay ( ) Further training would improve your job prospects. prevent further oil/chemical spillages. Farthest Furthest





Later ()
Latter ()

Last Most

Much Many Good (: ) Well (:) Bad() Badly() Ill(,) Old






Older , Elder ,

Oldest Eldest

6. Equal Comparison ( ): as ~ as, the same ~ as

- as (so) - as + - as + - as + - the same She has many books. + , many/few + much/little + many/much+ + + as + () + as + () + () + as + () + () + as + + as + () + ()

I have many books too.

// 2

I have as many books as she (has). He earns much money.

// as+ many+ + as

His brother earns much money too.

- As .

He earns as much money as his brother. // as+ much ++as

This grammar book is good. Yours is good too. This grammar book is as good as yours. // as + + as His car runs fast. A race car runs fast too. His car runs as fast as a race car (runs fast). // as + + as

Some of these fish can weigh as much as 80kg.

There are sometimes as many as 40 students in the classes. She is as tall as I (am). = She is the same height as I. He earns as much money as his brother. = He earns the same amount of money as his brother (earns). I have the same watch as you do. My watch is the same as yours. Our climate is different from Canadas. The train takes 30 minutes. By car, it'll take you twice as long (as the train takes) I used to think he was smart. Now I'm not so sure (as I was sure before). // , //

much as, as many as


as / as = the same + + as

the same as : The same as different from different than .

My nationality is different from hers( her nationality).

As : As

7. Negative Equal Comparison( ) & Modifiers ()

Not S No sooner + + + As (so) + / + as No longer + V + S + V than + S+V

Tom is not as tall as Jim (is). = Tom is not so tall as Jim (is). His job is not as difficult as mine. Amy is 5. Jim is 5. Amy is just as old as Jim. // //

modifiers ()

- Just as .. as : - nearly/almost as .. as : - Not quite as .. as : small difference - Not nearly as .. as: big difference - Not as .. as

Amy is 5. Johh is 6. Amy is nearly/almost as old as John. // Amy is 5. Tom is 8. Amy is not quite as old as Tom. Amy is 5. Tina is 10. Amy is not nearly as old as Tina. //

8. Unequal Comparison ( )
/ + er More/ Fewer/Less + // I am taller than Tom. (O) I am taller than Tom is. (O) I am taller than him. (O) // informal // // much OK I am more tall than Tom. (X) // tall 1 more I am more taller than Tom. (X) Anna is much taller than Tom. (O) + than

S + (V)

- as + . () - very more er (: much() )

Anna and Jim are taller than Tom and Bob. // He studies harder than I. He studies harder than I do. // do = study

Annas hair is longer than kates.

Annas room is smaller than mine. Annas room is smaller than my. (X)

// // () : than () . .

There were more people than we have expected. (O) //than There were more people than we have expected them. (X) She spent more money than is sensible. (O) // than She spent more money than it is sensible. (X) I have more books than she (has). February has fewer days than March. There are more than 200 seats in the theater.

count noun non-count noun determiner

more than + +

9. Negative Unequal Comparisons

Anna is taller than Tom.
Anna is not taller than Tom. He studies harder than I. He doesnt studies harder than me. // not
be not , dont/doesnt

Tom no longer studies at the university.

= Tome does not study at the university anymore. Anna may no longer use the car because its more than 15 years old. = Anna may not use the car anymore No sooner had we started out for California, than it stared to rain.


longer = not anymore


sooner~, than = as soon as

No sooner will he arrive, than he will want to live.

No sooner had she entered the building, than she felt the presence of somebody else.


10. Unequal Comparison (modifiers)

far/ by far/ much/even/still/ a lot/a little bit/ a little + more +
Modifiers: much, a lot, a little bit, a little, even, far, by far, slightly, somewhat, a bit



Noun pronoun

Anna is taller than Tom. Anna is far taller than Tom. Anna is much taller than Tom. Anna is very taller than I am. (X) His car is far better than yours. A watermelon is much sweeter than a lemon. Jims watch is far more expensive than mine. He speaks English much more rapidly than she does Spanish. She dances much more artistically than her predecessor. // // // very

Modifiers: quite, too, very, almost, just, nearly

More .

very . much - very much nicer (O)


11. Illogical Comparison ( )

His drawings are as perfect as his instructor. (X) //
Drawings vs. instructor His drawings are as perfect as his instructors. (O) Instructors (=instructors drawings) vs. his drawing

The salary of a professor is higher than a secretary. (X)

Salary vs. secretary The salary of a professor is higher than that of a secretary. (O) The salary of vs. that of

The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher. (X)

Duties vs. teacher. The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than those of a teacher. (O) Those of vs. the duties of Classes in the university are more difficult than those in high school. (O) Your accent is not as strong as my mothers. (O) // mothers = mothers accent The climate in Florida is as mild as that of California. (O) // that of = the climate of


12. Multiple number Comparatives

Three times, Ten times, S+V + Twice Half + + + as as

Annas house is twice as large as Jims. (O) // twice

This book costs twice as much as the other one. Jim wasted twice as much times as I did. // as .. as times Jim ate twice as many oysters as Anna. Tom has half as many CDs now as I had last year. Annas house is twice larger than Jims. (X) // twice Annas house is two times larger than Jims. (O) // times Annas house is two times more large than Jims. (O)

twice half as .. as

: much times as.. as

XX times


13. Double Comparatives: The + , The +

The + + (,) The The more more ++ ( ( , )) + + S + V, S + V, The + + (,) The The ++ ++ ( ( , )) + +


The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

~ ~.

The higher we flew, the worse Anna felt.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The sooner you take the medicine, the better you will feel. I made more mistakes as I tried to finish it faster. The more I tried to finish it faster, the more mistake I made. The more you study, the smarter you will become. The more you rowed the boat, the farther away he got. The more he saves money, the higher the price of a house goes


14. Comparison without than: using Of the two

The + Of the two (three, four..) + , + + + S+V S+V Of the two + + The + The more + The + The more +

Of + ,
Anna is the smarter of the two women. = Of the two women, Anna is the smarter. Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.

2: (: the , of the two the ) the two ,

of :

Of the two books, this one is the more interesting. Of gold and silver, the former is the more precious.

3 :

of the two , Of +


He is more cunning than intelligent. // = He is cunning rather than intelligent. = He is rather cunning than intelligent. = He is not so much intelligent as cunning. He is more a politician than a scholar. =He is not so much a scholar as a politician. =He is less a scholar than a politician. A whale is no more a fish than a dog is. // , . A is similar to B Similarly, Compared to ~ // A B // ~ // ~ -or , than to

More + B + than + A

= B rather than A = rather B than A = Not so much A as B A B

no more ~ than B is : A ~ B ~
A is

Would rather A than B // B A Superior to // ~ Inferior to Prior to A // ~ // A , A


16. Superlatives: basic

S+V + the, one of the +

the second /third /..

Anna drove more cautiously than Jim. // Anna drove the most cautiously of all. // Anna is the smartest in the class. Tom is the shortest of the family. He's the best of the lot. These shoes are the least expensive of all. Korea is one of the most successful countries in Economic

/ + est Most/Least + / +

in the + , of all the+

, er, -est , , more (less), most (least) , .

: in the world (O), in the class (O), of the world (X), of the class (X)

of all, the lot One of the + +

Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world.

One of + + + :

She is by far the oldest among all. He is quite the most stupid man Ive ever met. That was easily the worst party I had been to this year. I am nearly the oldest in my department. Ill prepare my very best food for tonight. She is the very first customer to visit my shop. This is your very last chance. The car was running at the highest speed possible. Hyundai Group is the second largest group in Korea. = Hyundai Group is the largest but one in Korea.

- by far, much, even, quite(= absolutely), nearly, easily - very : best, first, next, last - possible

the + + :

The + + than any other than all the other The As +/ as No other + The + Nobody/Nothing + + any as .. as than + + + +

No (other) + + as as Nothing (nobody) + .. + + than than+ any other + than+ all the (other)+ than+ anything/anyone else

No other city in Korea is as(so) large as Seoul. // Nobody can speak English fluently better than Mina. Bill Gates is richer than any other man in the world. My daughter is more precious than anyone else. Mina speaks English as fluently as any student in her class. //any other+ Bill Gates is richer than all the other men in the world. //all the other+

+ + +

It's as good as any of the other drugs on the market. //

Herbs have never been more popular than now.

as+ as+

+ as+ any+ + as+ any of the other+

have never/hardly/rarely been +


It is his greatest pleasure to read novels.
This river is deepest at this point. He is nicest when he is with his children. (O) He is the nicest when he is with his children. (X) He always works hardest in the office. the . the .

, , the

He always works the hardest in the office. (X)

He always works (the) hardest in the office; his colleges do not know what the work is. // He vs. His colleges I am the strongest. // ~ . the I am strongest. // . Which one is strongest? Which one is the strongest person? // the Who can run fastest in this class? Which season do you like best?

the .

verb the ( )


More than ~ Less than ~ Other than ~ He has no close friends other than me. // Rather than ~ Trucks are used to carry things rather than people. // Would rather A than B B A . No more than = only Not more than = at most No less than = as many as Not less than = at least No later than No better than = as good as None the less ~ ~ ~ ~

, , ~ ~

All the + for (because) as cold as ice as hard as nails as black as night As (so) long as As far as As as possible At last as ... as hell

I like him all the better because of his faults.

~ , ~ ~ ~() = as as one can , ,

At (the) best , () At (the) most = not more than At (the) least = not less than

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