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Our Lady of Fatima University College of Nursing Valenzuela City Philippines



R#$#ARCH PROPO$AL CAP$UL# Candido Ca&os O(ra *a+apuen *o(iano Charmaine Mysti 'addi )ernadette ,oville 'eraldine Rode%illas Ciasi%o 'uie( *a+a%a -renea


Last Name First Name Middle Name Field of .ursin+ Speciali ation Researc! Approac! /uantitative Researc! Met!od 0es%riptive1 Correlational Researc! Researc! Tec!ni$#e /uestionnaire Attri"#tes Sa%plin& Tec!ni$#e Purposive $amplin+ Researc! Do%ain Medi%al $ur+i%al and Psy%hiatri% .ursin+ Delineated Factors Or+an 0onation2 Post Vehi%ular A%%ident2 0onation *enden%y Pro'ect Title (as proposed by the Or+an 0onation *enden%y of Filipinos in #arly Adulthood candidates) Pro'ect Title (as redirected by the Nursing retained Research1 Professor) One hundred 3! 4 purposively sele%ted Filipinos in early adulthood 3!5126 years old4 Pro'ect 7ill (e the respondents of this resear%h endeavor8 *he resear%h 7ill re9uire half of the Intellect#ali ation total num(er of the respondents 36 4 to (e a post motor vehi%ular a%%ident patient8 *he (Who Where and timeframe of the study is O%to(er 2 !2 to Au+ust 2 !" at the .ational Capital Re+ion8 When) *he 7illin+ness of the respondents to parti%ipate in this resear%h 7ill (e hi+hly %onsidered8 ISI (o#rnals Re)ie*ed Mar: A8 )arnett2 M8 ;8 3n8d848 *he role of self and other oriented motivation in the (Follo! the "P" or+an donation de%ision8 ""61""<8 #tyle) Pelletier2 M8 3!55!48 *he or+an donor family mem(ers= per%eption of stressful situations durin+ theor+an donation e>perien%e 8 5 15<8 $ellers2 $8 V8 32 "48 Fa%tors asso%iated 7ith 3un47illin+ness to (e an or+an donor? -mportan%e of pu(li% e>posure and :no7led+e8 !5"1!5@ *om $%heve8 32 !!48 Ho7 or+an donation 7or:8 Ali%ia Aldrid+e2 )8 '8 32 "48 From Attitude Formation to )ehavioral Response in Or+an 0onation? Usin+ Mar:etin+ to -n%rease Consent Rates8 2!1"28 Fu+en 'oz2 M8 '8 32 < 48 ;no7led+e and Attitudes of medi%al2 nursin+2 dentistry and healthy te%hni%ian students to7ards or+an donation? a pilot study8 !"A!1!"A@8 .8 Cuende2 ,8 -8 32 A48 #ffe%t of Populayion A+in+ on the -nternational Or+an 0onations Rates and the #ffe%tiveness of the 0onation Pro%ess8 !62<1!6""8 ;aserman2 08 L8 3n8d848 Fifty Bears of Or+an *ransplants? *he $u%ess and the Failures8 @61<58 $heila ,8 Mer%hant2 #8 M8 32 A48 #>plorin+ the psy%holo+i%al effe%ts of de%eased or+an donation on the families of the or+an donors8 "@!1"@A8

0enise 0orfel2 $8 R8 32 C48 Copin+ $trate+ies in 0aily Life as Prote%tive and Ris: fa%tors for Post *raumati% A%%ident $urvivors8 @221@"<8 ,ames R8 Rodri+ue2 08 L8 3n8d848 Relationship of e>posure to or+an donation in information to attitudes2 (eliefs2 and donation de%isions of ne>t of :in8 !A"1!A5 Melissa ;8 Hyde and ;atherine M8 Dhite8 32 548 Communi%ation prompts donation? #>plorin+ the (eliefs underlyin+ re+istration and dis%ussion of the or+an donation de%ision8 @2"1@"@8 O=Connor2 '8 #8 3n8d848 *he -mportan%e of #mer+en%y Medi%ine in Or+an 0onation? $u%%essful 0onatuion is More Li:ely 7hen Potential 0onors are Reffered from the #mer+ent 0epartment8 C6 1C6A8 Melissa :8 Hyde and ;atherine M8 Dhite8 3n8d848 #>plorin+ 0onation 0e%isions? )eliefs and Preferen%es for Or+an 0onation in Australia8 !A21!C"8 .8 L8 Fahren7ald2 C8 )elitz and A8;e%:ler8 32 ! 48 Out%ome #valuation of =$harin+ the +ift of 'od of Life=? An Or+an and *issue 0onation #du%ational Pro+ram for Ameri%an -ndians 8 !@6"1!@6C8 ,ames R8 Rodri+ue2 0anielle L8 Cornell2 ,ennifer ;rouse and Ri%hard ,8 Ho7ard8 32 548 Family initiated and dis%ussions a(out or+an donation at the time of death8 @5"1@5C8 Rem%o Coppen2 Roland 08 Friele2 $Eef ;8 M8 'evers and ,ou:e van der Fee8 32 ! 48 0onor #du%ation Campai+ns sin%e the introdu%tion of the 0ut%h Or+an donation a%t? in%reased %ohesion (et7een %ampai+ns has paid off 8 !2"51!2@68 Claire #8 7a:efield2 ,ohn Reid and ,odi Home7ood8 3n8d848 Reli+ious and ethni% influen%es on 7illin+ness to donate or+ans and donor (ehavior? an Australian perspe%tive8 !<!1!<A8 ,ames R8 Rodri+ue2 0anielle L8 Cornell2 ,ennifer ;rouse and Ri%hard ,8 Ho7ard8 32 548 Family initiated and dis%ussions a(out or+an donation at the time of death8 @5"1@5C8 ,oy%e A8 *rompeta2 )ru%e A8 Cooper2 .an%y L8 As%her2 $usan M8 ;ools2 Christine M8 ;ennedy and ,yu1lin Chen8 3n8d848 Asian Ameri%an adoles%ents= 7illin+ness to donate or+ans and en+a+e in family dis%ussion a(out or+ans and en+a+e in family dis%ussion a(out or+an donation and transplantation8 ""1"58 ;atrina A8 )ramstedt2 Ariff Moollaand and Patri%ia L8 Rehfield8 3n8d848 Use of standarlized patients to tea%h medi%al students medi%al students a(out livin+ or+an donation8 C<15 8 Leander M8 Coles and Pauline M8 'reen8 3n8d848 #du%ational approa%hes for en%oara+in+ or+an donation a7areness amon+ Afri%an Ameri%ans 8 C 15A8 Patri%ia Fhen+2 Amanda $ammann2 Mary /ui2 Ryan Lee2 Patri%ia O=$ullivan and ,ohn Ro(ets8 3n8d848 -mpa%t of pre%lini%al e>posure to or+an donation on :no7led+e and attitudes of medi%al students 8 A51C68 Or+an 0onation A2 Pu(li% e>posure !2 $urvey !2 *ransplantation 22 Consent rates 22 0e%ision styles !2 Attitude !2 Or+an !2 $tudent !2 ;no7led+e !2 .urses !2 .ursin+ !2 )ereavement !2 Families !2 Psy%holo+i%al (enefit !2 *issue and or+an pro%edure !2 Concept#al Ta&s Tall+ #mer+en%y medi%ine !2 #du%ation !2 #thni%ity !2 #thni% disparity !2 0onation %onsent !2 Or+an pro%urement !2 Or+anization !2 0onor pro%urement !2 #>pli%it %onsent !2 .ational poli%y !2 Pressured %onsent !

Additional Ta&s Tall+ (as redirected by none the Nursing Research1 Professor) *he study entitled GOr+an donation tenden%y of Filipinos in #arly AdulthoodH is a 9uantitative resear%h that determine the relationship amon+ measura(le varia(les and a study that had used 0es%riptive1%orrelational as a resear%h method and a 9uestionnaire as a resear%h te%hni9ue8 *he study fo%uses on the investi+ation of the different %on%ept and :no7led+e (ase of Filipinos re+ardin+ or+an donation8 *he respondents of the study2 one hundred3! 4 purposively sele%ted Filipinos in early adulthood32 12@ years old48 *he resear%h 7ill re9uire half of the total num(er of the respondents 36 4 to (e a Proposal A"stract post motor1vehi%ular hospitalized patients8 *he time frame of the study is O%to(er 2 !21 Au+ust 2 !" at the .ational Capital Re+ion8*he aim of the study is to determine2if there is2 a relationship (et7een :no7led+e (ase re+ardin+ or+an donation and or+an donation tenden%y of the respondents8 *he study may %ontri(ute for? the (etterment of

Patients2 7ho are health %are %lients1the primary donor and re%ipients of or+ans and findin+s from the resear%h may present ne7 information re+ardin+ the :no7led+e and tenden%ies of or+an donation for future resear%hers8
G0espite maEor advan%es in or+an transplantation te%hnolo+y2 appro>imately one third of patients a%%epted for transplantation die 7hile a7aitin+ a mat%hed donorH 30eChesser2 !5C<48 *his happens (e%ause one has to (e a mat%hed donor to (e a(le to do the or+an transplantation and that there is small num(er of or+an donors aside from the fa%t that or+an transplantation is a lon+ pro%ess8 An or+an transplant may save a personIs life2 or si+nifi%antly improve their health and 9uality of life8 Or+an donation is the pro%ess of a person donatin+ their or+ans for transplant8 *hese are +iven to someone 7ith dama+ed or+ans that need to (e repla%ed8 *he de%ision to donate or+ans arises from a %om(ination of so%ial and psy%holo+i%al %on%epts influen%ed (y personalized e>perien%es of a+e and +ender2 and it is further shaped (y %ultural pra%ti%es of so%iety 3*rompeta2 2 !248 A lar+e num(er of people 7ho are in need of or+an transplant had in%reased8 Almost ! 2 Filipinos develop end1sta+e renal disease annually2 half of 7hom 7ere eli+i(le for :idney transplant8 Out of the 62 patients 7ith end1sta+e renal disease eli+i(le for :idney transplant2 less than ! per%ent a%tually have a transplant (e%ause of insuffi%ient or+an supply or finan%ial %onstraints 3Philippine Renal 0isease Re+istry 3PR0R4 *he Philippine $tar2 2 !248 Althou+h there have (een studies %ondu%ted a(out or+an donation2 little is :no7n a(out the or+an donation tenden%y of people 7ho e>perien%e post1vehi%ular Re)ie* of a%%ident8 #a%h or+an has its o7n 7aitin+ list2 (ut the lists share a %ommon Literat#re %hara%teristi% 11 there are more or+ans needed than are availa(le8 *hou+h many lives (#ynoptic and are saved throu+h or+an donation2 many people die 7hile 7aitin+ on a list8 On avera+e2 "rgumentati$e) a(out ! < people are added to an or+an 7aitin+ list every day2 and !C people die ea%h day 7aitin+ for an or+an 3$%heve2 2 !!48 *he Amish support or+an donation if there=s a relative %ertainty of su%%ess for the re%ipient2 (ut they=re more relu%tant if the pro(a(le out%ome is 9uestiona(le8 ,ehovah=s Ditnesses are not opposed to or+an donation or transplantation2 so lon+ as the or+ans are first emptied of all (lood8 Mu%h resear%h has e>amined the dis%repan%y (et7een positive attitudes to7ard or+an donation (ut lo7 rates of donation and this +ap (et7een (eliefs and a%tion has (een attri(uted to many fa%tors8 For instan%e2 even if an individual 7ishes to donate their or+ans upon their death2 only appro>imately !J of the population 7ill die in %ir%umstan%e fa%ilitatin+ donation 3A.FO0 Re+istry2 2 <48 Further2 many individuals have not dis%ussed their donation 7ishes 7ith family mem(ers 7ho are %onsulted to +ive authority for or+an donation and as a %onse9uen%e family mem(ers may refuse %onsent to donate 3Matthe72 2 @K Rodri+uez2 Cornell2 L Ho7ard2 2 <48 Introd#ction

Researc! ,#estions

Si&nificance of t!e Proposed Researc!

Researc! Ar&#%ents

*his study am(ition to determine the or+an donation tenden%ies of Filipino adultsK their :no7led+e (ase as 7ell as %ommon mis%on%eptions that they mi+ht have had8 -t is throu+h this attempt that understandin+ may (e a%hieved8 !8 Dhat is the or+an donation tenden%y of the respondentsM 28 Dhat is the :no7led+e (ase of the respondents re+ardin+ or+an donationM "8 Dhat are the %ommon mis%on%eptions of the respondents re+ardin+ or+an donationN transplantationM @8 -s there a relationship (et7een or+an donation tenden%y and previous e>perien%e of vehi%ular a%%identM 68 -s there a relationship (et7een :no7led+e (ase re+ardin+ or+an donation and or+an donation tenden%y of the respondentsM *his study proposes to present an analysis of attitudes formation and different %on%ept of (eliefs tenden%ies to7ards or+an donation of Filipino adult8 -t is helpful to investi+ate the different %on%ept of people re+ardin+ or+an donation8 *he results of this study support a +reater emphasis on providin+ information of people re+ardin+ the :no7led+e and tenden%ies of or+an donation for future other resear%her8 Li:e7ise2 further resear%hes 7ould +et assistan%e from this resear%h throu+h foundation supplementation8 -t is 7ith suffi%ient understandin+ that an individual %an provide rational and independent de%isions8 H!? *he presen%e of a motor vehi%ular a%%ident e>perien%e 7ill result to a positive tenden%y in or+an donation8 H2? A hi+her :no7led+e (ase re+ardin+ or+an donation 7ill result to a positive tenden%y in or+an donation8

Researc! Si%#lacr#%


Charmaine R. Candido 19 years of age, nursing student at Our Lady of Fatima University. Living at Blk. 2 Lot 9 B B!"O# $om%. !omas &anuel su'd. (aruhatan )alen*uela City. +ot that smart 'ut $an survive ,ith the hel% of my family. -oing my 'est to understand my su'.e$ts even though it/s diffi$ult. #nd not %retty to attra$t others.

&ysti 0addi Ca1os. # 22 years old nursing student at Our Lady of Fatima University. 3he is al,ays there to give moral su%%ort and %arti$i%ates in making of the %a%er. 3he gives o%inions and suggestions for the im%rovement of the thesis. # dedi$ate student give effort to finish the thesis and to aim her %ur%ose.

Bernadette 0. O'ra. Born on &ar$h 4, 1991. 3tands 5/56 tall. Fili%ino in nationality, single, youngest $hild ,ith si7 si'lings. "as a sense of humor, an understanding leader, ada%ta'le to %ressure, and friendly.

8 am 9oville !aga%uen 19 years old nursing student of our lady of Fatima University. 8 am friendly and res%onsi'le 8 do my 'est to hel% and to finish this resear$h and 8 'elieve in saying that sometimes it .ust hits you, life is too short. Find ,hat makes you ha%%y, love your family and friends and forget a'out the %eo%le ,ho try to 'ring you do,n.

0eraldine !o'iano. # 22 years old nursing student at Our Lady of Fatima University. 3he is al,ays there to give moral su%%ort and %arti$i%ates in making of the %a%er. 3he gives o%inions and suggestions for the im%rovement of the thesis. 8/ll give all my time and effort to finish the study.

(enica Ana A. Ri)ero/ RN/ MAN Nursing Research 1 Professor


L#rceli L. Santos/ RN/ RM/ MAN %ean of the College of Nursing

pProgram Coordinator

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