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Candida albicans adherence on silicone elastomers: Effect of

polymerisation duration and exposure to simulated saliva
and nasal secretion

Huseyin Kurtulmus b , Ovul Kumbuloglu b , Mutlu Özcan a,∗ , Guven Ozdemir c , Caner
Vural c
a University of Zurich, Dental Materials Unit, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and
Dental Materials Science, Zurich, Switzerland
b Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Izmir, Turkey
c Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Microbiology Section, Izmir, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives. The surfaces of maxillo-facial prostheses made of silicone elastomers exposed
Received 19 December 2008 to soft tissues may interact with saliva and nasal secretion. These body fluids may lead to
Received in revised form colonisation of microorganisms on their surfaces leading to their degradation or infection.
10 June 2009 This study investigated Candida albicans adhesion onto commercial maxillo-facial silicone
Accepted 4 September 2009 elastomers based on different polymerisation processes.
Methods. Room-temperature polymerised maxillo-facial silicone elastomers (N = 48)
(10 mm × 10 mm × 2 mm) processed at different durations [VerSilTal VST-30 (20 min), VST-
Keywords: 50 (12 h overnight), VST-50F (6 h)] were studied. C. albicans was chosen as a model organism
Bacterial adhesion for this study. The specimens were randomly divided into two subgroups and incubated in
Candida albicans either 1.5 ml simulated saliva or nasal secretion containing C. albicans (ATCC 60193, set to 0.5
Maxillo-facial prosthesis OD, 540 nm in advance) for 2 h. Candida assays and adherence assays were made by inocu-
Silicone elastomers lating C. albicans into Mueller Hinton Broth, Fluka® added 500 mmol sucrose overnight. After
fixation, specimens were stained by using sterilised Methylene Blue stain (Merck® ) and eval-
uated under optical microscope and SEM. For each material, on each specimen 15 different
areas (mm2 ) were counted. Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA, paired sample t-test
and Tukey’s HSD (˛ = 0.05).
Results. Material type (p < 0.05) and exposure media (p < 0.05) showed a significant influence
on the C. albicans adherence. VST-30 material showed the most C. albicans adherence in both
saliva and nasal secretion (mean rank: 99.84 and 53.47, respectively) (p < 0.05) and VST-50 had
the least colonisation in both media (10.35 and 5.57, respectively). Microscopic evaluation
showed clusters of blastospore cells of C. albicans being more spread out on VST-30 whereas
cells were more localised on VST-50 and VST-50F.
Significance. Among the tested materials, 12 h room-temperature polymerised silicone elas-
tomer resulted in less C. albicans adherence in both artificial saliva and nasal secretion.
© 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 6345600; fax: +41 44 6344305.
E-mail address: (M. Özcan).
0109-5641/$ – see front matter © 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 76–82 77

of adjacent mucosal surfaces or microbial colonisation on the

1. Introduction hard tissues [26]. Although controversial reports exist [26,27],
this is not always a pre-requisite for the yeasts to adhere to an
Adhesion of microorganisms to a material surface initi- inert surface. In general as yeast cells tend to colonise more
ates with microbial colonisation on the surface [1]. Denture in acidic conditions [22,27], it can be hypothesised that nasal
resins, usually made of polymethylmethacrylates (PMMA), secretions, due to its low pH ranging between 4 and 6 [28,29],
applied in edentulous subjects may act as reservoir lead- would result in more microbial colonisation.
ing to infection [1]. Maxillo-facial prostheses made of various Dental literature contains many case reports on the con-
elastomeric silicones on the other hand, are even more perme- struction or application of maxillo-facial prosthesis made of
able and thereby more susceptible to microbial colonisation silicone elastomers but to the authors’ knowledge there is no
[1–3]. Differences in surface topography [1,4–7], substratum information on their maintenance. The objectives of this study
hydrophobicity, surface chemistry and processing methods therefore were to investigate C. albicans adhesion onto three
used for resins [8–10] may affect the adhesion of microorgan- commercial maxillo-facial silicone elastomers based on dif-
isms to that surface. Even after washing, higher number of ferent polymerisation processes in the presence of artificial
retained microorganisms on the surface could be expected saliva and nasal secretion and to evaluate the colonisation
especially when substrate surface is rough [1]. microscopically. The tested null hypothesis were that nasal
Maxillo-facial prostheses are usually made of silicone elas- secretion would result in more C. albicans colonisation than
tomers and they are often exposed to soft tissues that may artificial saliva and long-term room temperature processing
interact with either saliva and/or nasal secretion depend- would result in less C. albicans adhesion.
ing on their application and location. These body fluids
lead to colonisation of microorganisms on their surfaces
leading to their degradation and consequently possible infec-
tion [11]. Similar to the denture resins, surface irregularities 2. Materials and methods
present on silicone elastomers could increase the likelihood
of microorganism colonisation on their surfaces [1–4]. For in 2.1. Specimen preparation
vivo applications, both PMMA and silicone elastomer prosthe-
ses are processed against dental stone. The resultant surface is Room-temperature polymerised, additional cure maxillo-
a kind of replica of the surface topography of the dental stone facial silicone elastomers processed at different durations
and as such not particularly smooth. There have been many were studied. The brand names, corresponding polymerisa-
studies in the dental literature on the Candida albicans adhe- tion modes, chemical compositions, shades, batch numbers
sion to denture base acrylic resin and silicone-based resilient and manufacturers of the materials used in this study are
liner materials [12–18]. However, the substrates in these stud- listed in Table 1.
ies were processed against smooth and transparent surfaces. Pink modeling wax (N = 48, n = 16 per group),
This indicates that they were not representative of technical (10 mm × 10 mm × 2 mm) (DeTrey Dentsply, Colombes, France)
processing of these materials for clinical applications since was placed in dental stone (Shera Medium, Shera GMBH & Co.,
typically they are manufactured against a dental stone sur- Lemförde, Germany) in a two-part mold using a standard den-
face. tal flask. The molds were prepared in such a manner that both
Surface roughness of heat-polymerised resilient liners parts of the molds were filled with vacuum mixed hard dental
were found to be less than those of room-temperature stone. The wax was eliminated under running hot water and
polymerised ones [11,13–16]. Correspondingly, C. albicans plaster surfaces were sealed with four coats of sealant (Factor
adherence was reported to be significantly higher on the 2, NY, USA) using a clean brush each time. All materials
room-temperature polymerised ones with various surface fin- were mixed and processed according to the manufacturer’s
ish types [19–21,11,22–24]. The chemical composition of the instructions where 5 ml of catalyst was added to 5 ml powder.
room-temperature polymerised resilient liners, the difference Mixing was performed in clean glass beakers. After mixing,
in surface energies or higher hydrophilicity could be the rea- silicones were placed in the molds and polymerised following
sons for this condition [10]. Maxillo-facial silicone elastomers the manufacturer’s recommendations. All specimens were
are also processed at room temperature resulting in different fabricated by one operator at 20–25 ◦ C room temperature.
surface topographies [1]. It can be anticipated that long-term Following polymerisation, silicone elastomer specimens were
polymerisation may lead to better polymerisation and thereby gently removed from the molds and flashes were trimmed
less microbial colonisation. Although such materials cannot away with sterile scissors. They were then randomly divided
be compared with those of denture resins, similar trends could into two subgroups (n = 8). Specimen surfaces were incubated
be expected with silicone elastomers. Unfortunately, previous in simulated saliva or nasal secretions containing C. albicans.
studies looking at this aspect [20,21,11,22–25] did not concen- Artificial saliva consisted of 0.220 g/l calcium chloride,
trate on the presence of saliva and nasal secretion, limiting the 1.07 g/l sodium phosphate, 1.68 g/l of sodium bicarbonate, and
significance of these studies. C. albicans is classified as an asex- 2 g/l sodium azide (0.2% NaN3 ) [30,31]. Nasal secretion, on
ual diploid fungus. The genus Candida is defined as a yeast, the other hand, was prepared using microdialysis procedure
as it is a fungus with a predominantly unicellular method of as described elsewhere [29] that consisted 107 ± 4 mM Na+ ,
growth and development. Plaque that contains high levels of 120 ± 6 mM Cl− and 8.7 ± 0.4 mM K+ . Specimens were incu-
C. albicans typically becomes acidic as a result of microbial bated in 1.5 ml simulated sterile saliva or nasal secretion at
metabolism which may subsequently produce inflammation 37 ◦ C for 2 h.
78 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 76–82

Table 1 – The brand names, corresponding polymerisation modes, chemical compositions, shades, batch numbers and
manufacturers of the materials used in this study.
Brand name Polymerisation mode Chemical composition Shade Batch number Manufacturer
VerSilTal, Silicone Additional cure, Part A: Translucent 2130 Factor II, Lakeside,
Elastomer-VST-30 room-temperature polymethylvinylsiloxanes, AZ, USA
vulcanised. Cure time: polymethylhydrogensilicones,
20 min silica. Part B:
platinum complex, silica.
Catalyst: stannous octoate
VerSilTal, Silicone Additional cure, Part A: Translucent 2150 Factor II, Lakeside,
Elastomer-VST-50 room-temperature polymethylvinylsiloxanes, AZ, USA
vulcanised. Cure time: polymethylhydrogensilicones,
8–12 h silica. Part B:
platinum complex, silica.
Catalyst: stannous octoate
VerSilTal, Silicone Additional cure, Part A: Translucent 2150F Factor II, AZ, USA
Elastomer-VST-50F room-temperature polymethylvinylsiloxanes,
vulcanised. Cure time: polymethylhydrogensilicones,
4–6 h silica. Part B:
platinum complex, silica.
Catalyst: stannous octoate

2.2. Candida assay Specimens were stained using sterilised, fixated Methy-
lene Blue stain (Merck® ) for 1 min and subsequently evaluated
C. albicans strain ATCC 60193 was obtained as a stock cul- under optical light microscope (Olympus CH20, Olympus Sin-
ture (Basic and Industrial Microbiology Section, Department gapore PTE Ltd., Singapore) at 40× magnification. On each
of Biology, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey) and inoculated into specimen, 15 different consecutive areas were counted. Visible
Mueller Hinton Broth, Fluka® with added 500 mM sucrose measurement field was calculated in mm2 and the obtained
medium and incubated for 24 h [19]. After incubation, the data were expressed in cells/mm2 .
culture was centrifuged (Hettich Rotina 35 R Zentrifugen, Ger- Complementary to the optical microscopy analysis, speci-
many) at 1700 × g for 10 min. Supernatant was removed and mens were also observed under scanning electron microscope
0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 0.89% NaCl at pH (SEM) (JEOL JSM-5200, Kyoto, Japan) after they were fixed with
7.2 was added onto the collected cells [25,32]. The resultant cell 2% gluteraldehyde, dehydrated with ethanol (at 25, 50, 75 and
pellet was washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solu- 100% for 5, 5, 5 and 10 min, respectively) and coated with Au–Pd
tion for three times by centrifugation at 1700 × g for 10 min. (750× to 3500× magnification).
The number of C. albicans cells was set to 0.5 OD at 540 nm in
advance. OD of cell suspension was previously determined in 2.4. Statistical analysis
either saliva or nasal secretion for the specimens to be inocu-
lated in saliva or nasal secretion, respectively [20]. The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS soft-
ware package (version 11.5; SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Mean
ranks obtained from adherence assay were evaluated using
2.3. Adherence assay one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired sample
t-test. Since significant differences were found between or
Specimens were sterilised in an autoclave (HiClaveTM HC-50L, within groups, Tukey’s HSD was used to determine the dif-
Hirayama, Japan) at 121 ◦ C for 20 min. Since the heat- ferences. The results of normality and homogeneity test
polymerised mode of these materials were suggested to (Kolmogorov–Smirnov) indicated that the residual values were
polymerise between 100 and 120 ◦ C according to the man- normally distributed when plotted against predicted values.
ufacturer’s instructions, no adverse effect of heating during The uniformity and normality tests did not violate the statis-
sterilisation was expected on the properties of silicone. They tical assumptions. In all comparisons, statistical significance
were then placed in separate sterile tubes and incubated with was declared if the p-value was less than 0.05.
either 1.5 ml simulated saliva (pH = 7) that contained C. albi-
cans cells (set to 0.5 OD, 540 nm, in advance) [20] or with 1.5 ml
simulated nasal secretion (pH = 4.8) at 37 ◦ C with orbital shak- 3. Results
ing (100 rpm) for 2 h. After incubation, in order to remove the
unattached cells, specimens were gently removed from the 3.1. C. albicans adherence
tubes and rinsed by dipping them into the PBS solution for
three times for approximately 75 s. Then, for fixation of the Material type (p < 0.05) and the exposure media (p < 0.05)
attached cells, specimens were treated with 100% ethanol for showed a significant influence on C. albicans adherence (one-
3 s and left to dry in sterile plates. way ANOVA, paired sample t-test) (Table 2).
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 76–82 79

Table 2 – Results of statistical analysis for the

experimental conditions (* p < 0.05).
Source DF MS F value p-Value*
Silicone elastomer material 2 90,935.021 9.049 0.100
Contamination medium 1 22,231.021 2.212 0.275
Interaction 2 10,048.896 59.645 0.000

Fig. 1 – Mean ranks of C. albicans adherence (mm2 )

according to the material and the exposure medium.

VST-30 material showed the highest C. albicans adherence

in both saliva and nasal secretion (mean rank: 99.84 and
53.47, respectively) (p < 0.05) and VST-50 had the least coloni-
sation in both media (10.35 and 5.57, respectively) (Fig. 1
and Table 3). While VST-50F silicone elastomer did not show
significantly different C. albicans colonisation in both media
(p > 0.05), VST-30 silicone elastomer demonstrated more C.
albicans colonisation in artificial saliva (p < 0.05). On the other
hand, VST-50 showed the least colonisation in both saliva and
nasal secretion than those of VST-50F and VST-30 (p < 0.05)
(Table 3).
Regardless of the material type, storage in simulated saliva
resulted in significantly higher C. albicans adherence than that
of simulated nasal secretion (p < 0.05, Tukey’s HSD).

3.2. Microscopical evaluations

Fig. 2 – SEM micrograph of (a) VST-30 exposed to simulated
In all materials, C. albicans adherence was observed in cluster saliva with C. albicans. Note the rough surface and the C.
forms viewed in localised blastospore morphology (Fig. 2a–c). albicans adherence in clusters spread on the surface (3500×
VST-50 material showed individual cells that were observed original magnification). (b) VST-50 and (c) VST-50F exposed
less in other materials. After ethanol fixation almost no C. albi- to simulated saliva (2000×). Note the lower adherence of C.
cans colonisation was seen indicating that the loose cells were albicans on both of these materials with cells more
washed away (Fig. 3a and b). localised when compared to VST-30.

4. Discussion
Table 3 – Mean ranks of C. albicans adherence (number
of adhered cells/mm2 ) on the silicone elastomers when Oral diseases or inflammations such as stomatitis may occur
exposed to simulated saliva and nasal secretion (N = 48,
as a consequence of cell accumulation to polymeric mate-
n = 8 per group).
rials facilitated by London, van der Waals and electrostatic
Silicone elastomers Contamination medium forces [29,30]. When the free surface energy is increased, it
Artificial saliva Nasal secretion activates microbial adhesion and the number of adhered cells
also increases [30]. Other studies on the hand, disagree on
VST-30 99.84 53.47
VST-50 10.35 5.57 the effect of surface free energy [24] or found that it has no
VST-50F 54.78 46.51 effect on cell adhesion [25]. Moreover, hydrophobicity, pres-
ence and types of nutrients as well as other psychochemical
Total 164.97 104.55
aspects may all affect adhesion of microorganisms such as
80 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 76–82

Therefore its simulation with artificial saliva is complicated

but this can serve as a screening medium.
Exposure of the specimens to simulated nasal secretion
yielded significantly less C. albicans adherence compared to
artificial saliva. Therefore the hypothesis is rejected. The nasal
secretion prepared had a pH of 4.8. Less C. albicans adherence
in this medium could be attributed to the presence of NaNO3
in this medium which might have inhibited colonisation by
creating ionic bonds and thereby having a repellent effect.
Another reason could be due to the storage duration of the
specimens in this media (2 h) which may not be the critical
time point. Unfortunately, to the authors’ knowledge, there
exists no study in the dental literature using nasal secretion
as an exposure medium for maxillo-facial silicone elastomers
to make comparisons of the findings of this present study. Cur-
rently, in a case-controlled clinical trial, the effect of human
nasal secretion on C. albicans adherence on silicones is being
In this study, three room-temperature polymerised sili-
cone elastomers with different processing durations were
tested. In all the materials tested, some degree of C. albi-
cans adherence was noted being significantly less for VST-50
which was polymerised for 12 h at room temperature, con-
firming the hypothesis. Although manufacturer’s instructions
advised 8–12 h overnight polymerisation period, 12 h was
Fig. 3 – (a) C. albicans adherence on VST-30 without ethanol chosen to make sure that the polymerisation process was
fixation (3500×). (b) VST-30 surface after ethanol fixation complete. VST-30, polymerised in 20 min showed dramati-
(750×). Note the rough surface but no C. albicans cally higher C. albicans than those of other materials. It can
colonisation. therefore be concluded that shortened processing durations
should be avoided. The SEM findings presented fairly rough
surfaces with VST-30 material compared to the other mate-
rials. It should also be noted that the processing of the
C. albicans on the surface [32]. The factors affecting micro- tested materials was accomplished against a dental stone
bial colonisation are multiple but it can be stated that several in order to make close approximation to the clinical situ-
factors synergistically function on microbial colonisation. In ation. The in vitro studies where silicone processing was
addition to all these factors, pH of the surface or the media performed against glass should be evaluated with caution
with which the microorganisms are interacting may also have [1,4,19,35].
consequences on colonisation. Acid production by some oral Larger cells such as yeasts are more easily dislodged from
strains of C. albicans and Lactobassilli has been reported dur- smooth surfaces than the bacteria [1,9]. Hence, from the clin-
ing microbial colonisation as an outcome of their natural ical perspective, washing the maxillo-facial prosthesis may
metabolisms [27]. Consequently, the pH of aqueous medium to surely contribute to better hygiene of these appliances. In
which the materials are exposed also plays a significant role on this study, no antimicrobial agents were used in the clean-
microbial colonisation [33,34]. This study was undertaken in ing (washing) process of the specimens but it would be of
order to investigate C. albicans adherence levels to commercial interest to compare the effectiveness of cleansing agents
silicone elastomers when they were exposed to two different against microorganisms immobilised on surfaces. Neverthe-
human body secretions, namely saliva and nasal secretions less, knowledge on the effect of cleaning regimens and
that were artificially created. Regardless of the polymerisa- antimicrobial agents on maxillo-facial silicone elastomers are
tion duration, increased C. albicans adherence was found in currently limited [26,36,37].
artificial saliva (pH = 7). For standardisation purposes, pH of In this study, the exposure of the specimens to either simu-
artificial saliva was kept as 7. The pH of the saliva in patients lated saliva or nasal secretion was 2 h due to technical reasons.
with dentures presenting C. albicans adherence was reported Although salivary proteins have been considered to serve
to be 5.2 [30,35]. From the clinical perspective, although a trend as a source of nutrients for microorganisms for growth and
for acidic saliva may be expected, a generalisation cannot be reproduction requirements, as well as assisting in microbial
made. Therefore verification of the results of this study needs succession of dissimilar bacterial species in developing plaque
to be clinically verified and correlated with pH in vivo. [9,17], prolonged period of exposure may lead to possible cell
In fact, human saliva is a complex fluid secreted by the death [29]. In a colonisation process, the lack of nutrient has
major and minor salivary glands and the secretion is under a significant role for cell death. In principle, the stages of
the control of the autonomic nervous system. Saliva has biofilm formation consists of initial attachment, then coloni-
also antimicrobial action due to the presence of lactoferrins, sation and maturation and finally detachment. For initial
immunoglobulins, cystatin, histatin and thiocyanate ions. attachment, microorganisms can be attached to the material
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 76–82 81

surface depending on physical and chemical interactions with Based on the obtained data, maxillo-facial prostheses made
the material. After this process, microorganisms colonise but for the nasal area seems to collect less C. albicans than the ones
depending on their metabolic requirements, when they can- exposed to saliva. Nonetheless, smooth surfaces and long-
not find the nutrient source, they can die. term polymerisation of such materials may delay microbial
In fact, prolonged exposure of the silicone elastomers colonisation. In this study, C. albicans was used as a model
to such media may have more implications in vivo regard- microorganism. The obtained results may change with other
ing the functional lifespan of silicones since contacting host Candida species such as C. tropicalis, C. dubliniensis, C. glabrata,
surfaces would be more heavily colonised with initial microor- C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, or with other microorganisms
ganisms, when opportunist pathogens such as C. albicans such as Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus mutans [5,17,25].
and Candida glabrata are present [19,38,39]. The synergistic In a mixed culture, enhanced attachment of C. albicans could
effect of microbial colonisation with low pH together with the be expected especially in the presence of pioneer Streptococ-
conditions of the exposure media may lead to material degra- cal species [9]. If the media used in this study were not sterile
dation and eventually rougher surfaces. Rougher surfaces of and artificial but had contained nutrients, the pioneer Strepto-
denture liners were reported to be more susceptible to accel- coccal species could have adhered on the surface, metabolise
erated deterioration and more retention colonisation [1,19] or use the organic materials such as glucose, and produce acid.
but information related to roughness effect and colonisation As a consequence, the pH of the environment may decrease
on maxillo-facial silicone elastomers is lacking. Conventional and thereby increase the affinity of C. albicans adherence.
evaluation of surface roughness through surface contact often These aspects warrants further research with maxillo-facial
involves the use of a stylus that is drawn over the speci- elastomers.
men to detect and record variations in surface irregularity. A
primary limitation of this technique is that the stylus must
5. Conclusions
be drawn perpendicular to the surface that could potentially
damage the surface. In this study, due to the less dense
From this study, the following could be concluded:
nature of the silicones, no roughness measurements were
undertaken. However, recent non-destructive roughness mea-
(1) Among the tested materials, 12 h room-temperature poly-
surement methods [40,41] as well as in growth of C. albicans
merised silicone elastomer resulted in better surface
into silicone elastomers could be considered in future stud-
properties and less C. albicans adherence in both simulated
ies. Microscopical analysis however has shown VST-30 with
saliva and nasal secretion.
rougher surfaces. On this material also C. albicans were dis-
(2) Silicone elastomers yielded more C. albicans adherence in
tributed compared to the other materials where cell clusters
simulated saliva than in nasal secretion regardless of the
were localised. One explanation for this form of colonisation
polymerisation duration.
in VST-30 could be due to the variations in surface roughness
[19,20,29,30] that was also noticed on the SEM images.
Defects in the silicone surfaces are most likely to have
been incorporated during fabrication. Such defects are already
present in the plaster mold before packing the silicone. The
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