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Relevant History of the Company 1993 1996 Web sites expanding from 130 to more than 600,000.

00. Google started as a research engine undertaken by Larry Page while he was a computer science PhD student at Stanford. Brin and Page released a search engine on the Stanford web site. They Christened their new search engine Google after googol. 1998 Google was serving some 10,000 queries a day and rapidly outgrowing the computing resources available at Stanford. Bechtolsheim watched a demo of Google and wrote a check on the spot ofr $100,000. Google was formally incorporated on September 7 with Page as CEO and Brin as president. 1999 Brin and Page started to look for venture capital funding. By June, the company had closed its first round of venture capital financing, raising $25 million from two of the remier firms in Silicon Valley, Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers. Google had grown to about 40 employees, and it was serving some 3.5 million searches a day. However, the company was burning through $500,000 a month, and there was still not business model. Google began selling text-based ads to clients who were interested in certain keywords. Brin and Page had always believed that Googles Web page should be kept as clean and The web started to take off. Brin and Page had custom designed a low-cost, Linux-based server architecture that was modular and could be scaled rapidly.

elegeant as possiblesomething that seemed to appeal to users. They decided to adopt pay-perclick model. Brin and Page decided that in addition to the price an advertiser had paid for a keyword, ads should be ranked according to relevance. Google used a Vickery second price auction methodology. 2000 Many internet users started to gravitate toward a new search engine called Google and it delivered remarkable results. The service was dealing with 18 million search queries a day and index surpassed one billion documents, ranking it by far the largest search engine on the Web. When Google introduced the first version of its new service, which is called AdWords, the company was serving up 60 millionsearch queries aday. 2001

Revenues had grown to $16.6 billion. Google garnered 18.4% of total United States search ad spending.

The company was profitable, generating significant cash flows, and could fund its expansion internally.

The company hired a new CEO to replace Larry Page, Eric Schmidt.

Brin and Page became the president of technology and president of products, respectively. When Schmidt was hired, Google had more than 200 employees and was handling more than 100 million searches a day.

Brin and Page gathered a core group of early employees and asked them to come up with a policy ensuring that the companys culture did not fracture as the company added employees.

The team artu=iculated a set of 10 core philosophies.


Google introduced a new version of AdWords that included for the first time the full set of pay per click advertising, keyword auctions and advertising links ranked by relevance. Sales immediately started to accelerate. Google had hit on the business model that would propel the company into the big league.

Brian Reid got fired At April, the company's hand was forced by an obscure SEC regulation that required companies that give stock options to employees to report as if they were a public company.

At August 19, Google went public at $85 a share but changed to $200 by November.

2002 Brian Reid was recruited into senior management. 2003 Google introduced a second product, AdSense. It allowed third-party publishers large and small to access Gogles massive network of advertisers on a selfservice basis. The company had generated revenues of $1.47 billion and earned net profits of $106 million in 2003, and cash flow in 2003 had been more than $500 million. 2004 Google allowed advertisers to opt out of AdSense.

2005 AdSense has also grown int a respectable business, accounting for 15% of Googles revenuesor close to $1 billion. Googles share had increased to 48.5%. The company was reportedly using more than 250,000 Linux servers to handle more than 3,000 searches a second. Google had one manager for every 20 line employees. Big projects are broken down and allocated to small, tightly focused teams. September, Google undertook a secondary offering, selling 14 million shares to raise $4.18 billion.

Google renewed its three-yearold pact to provide search engine services to AOL.

Google become the Gorilla in the online advertising space. 75% of all United States search advertising dollars went to Google.

2006 The verb Google was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. March, the company acquired a word-processing program, Writely, followed by Google Spreadsheets. July, Google introduced a product to compete with PayPal, known as Checkout. Gmail generated 25% of the traffic of e-mail on Yahoo! And MSN. Google was ranked 10 in the world Google inked a deal with Fox Interactive Had a deal with Dell October, purchased YouTube Google's Web sites had the fourth largest unique audience on the Web, then the sites ranked number 1. 2007 Net income increased to $4.2 billion. 2008

Google had $2.7 billion in information technology assets on its balance sheets. Google announced another new product, called Android Purchased DoubleClick.

Some of 62% of all United States Internet searches were conducted through Google, far ahead of Yahoo!s search engine, with a 20.5% share, and Microsofts, which accounted for 9% of searches. June, Google was sitting on $12.8 billion in cash and shortterm investments, prompting speculation as to the company's strategic intentions. Google Apps was also gaining modest market traction with some one million registered users and expected bookings of "several hundred million dollars".

Became the dominant engine in America.

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