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*egalithomania &eru% +a,-a . Bolivia Tour +ovem/er 0"'!

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Megalithomania and Hidden Inca Tours invite you on a once in a lifetime expedition around the megalithic temples of Peru, Nazca and Bolivia. ct !"th # Nov $th %"&! ' (dd# ns
Join stars of Ancient Aliens )avid Hatcher *hildress, Brien +oerster , Hugh Ne-man - who all starred in 'The Mystery of Puma Punku' episode on History Channel (see video on ri ht!" with uest earth ener ies e#perts .lenn , *ameron Broughton on a round $reakin travel%research e#perience as we follow the Path of &irococha ' an ali nment taken $y the le endary (creator od) when he created the ancient sacred sites of Peru and *olivia+ ,e)ll $e connectin with the dual yin%yan ener ies within the land so we)ll $e usin $oth our lo ical minds and our intuitive senses to fully e#perience these wonderful sacred sites+ ,e)ll $e discoverin ener y rids" leylines" ancient me alithic technolo y" and serpent ener ies usin dowsin " eodesy" meditation" ancient maps" ceremony and eomancy to find and access the sacred power places used $y the ancients+ ,hat connects these places and what -ualities do they possess. /n our 0ourney we)ll $e visitin a variety of ancient sacred sites and spendin -uality time there+ 1veryone is welcome whether you dowse" tune into ener ies or 0ust want to learn and e#perience Peru for yourself+ There will $e some evenin presentations $y your e#perienced tour leaders who are reco ni2ed e#perts in their fields+ The tour is in three sections as shown $elow and here are your hosts and uides for the trip3
)avid Hatcher *hildress has written over 45 $ooks on ancient mysteries" stran e technolo ies and une#plained phenomena+ He is a pu$lisher and world e#plorer and is a re ular on 'Ancient Aliens'+ His most recet $ook 'Ancient Technolo y in Peru and *olivis' will $e the focus for this tour+ 6avid spoke at Me alithomania in 4557 and hosted our Peru tour in 4588+ www+davidhatcherchildress+com Brien +oerster has pu$lished several $ooks on ancient Peruvian culture and colla$oared with 6avid Hatcher Childress on 9The 1ni ma of the 1lon ated :kulls9+ He is a re ular uest on Ancient Aliens (History Channel! and is one of the worlds leadin researchers on the elon ated skulls and the pre-history of Peru+ www+$rienfoerster+com .lenn and *ameron Broughton are dowsers" eomancers" tour uides and have travelled worldwide to hundreds of sacred sites+ They have spoken at Me alithomania twice" they run 'Journeys with :oul'" or anise the '1arth :pirit Conferences' in &ermont and have a deep understandin of the su$tle earth ener ies at sites around the planet+

Hugh Ne-man has $een a me alithomaniac for many years" travellin the world tryin to work out what the ancients were up to+ He or anises the Me alithomania conferences in the ;<" ;: and :outh Africa and has $een travellin to Peru since 455=+ His $ook 91arth >rids3 The :ecret Patterns of >aia's :acred :ites9 covers the connections $etween sites in :outh America and the rest of the world+ He has appeared on Ancient Aliens in ? seasons+ www+hu hnewman+co+uk

(// T 012 IN*/0)34 >uides" $us rides" internal fli hts" pick up at the airport" access to all the listed sites" train rides" ? to @ star hotels" $reakfasts" some lunches" tickets to archaeolo ical sites" time at sites to meditate and have personal time" dowsin classes" time for research" evenin lectures+ Aote3 &e etarian options will $e availa$le+ N T IN*/0)3)4 ;: citi2ens will have to pay a

B8?@ visa char e to enter *olivia from Peru if on *olivia add-on" Cnternational fli hts" Airport Fees ( !" Ta# to leave Bolivia$%



egalitho!ania Peru, Nazca & Bolivia (our Nove!ber &)*+

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lunches & dinners unless stated otherwise, drinks, tips, paypal fees, international transaction fees, travel insurance. NOTE: Prices based upon double-occupancy. infoDme alithomania+co+uk
Place your deposit securley via Paypal or 6e$it%Credit Card+ After it has $een recieved you will recieve a confirmation email" $e added to the roup mailin list and sent instructions on how to pay the remainin fee+

Nazca (dd# n BEEE ;: % FG@@ ;< :in le /ccupancy3 B4@5 Initial )eposit4 5%6" Tour )eposit

Peru Tour B47EE ;:%F87E5 ;< :in le /ccupancy3 BH@5 Initial )eposit4 576" ptions

Bolivia (dd# n B85EE ;: % F=45 ;< :in le /ccupancy3 B4@5 Initial )eposit4 5%6"

Nazca Add-On $250.00 USD

Add-on: Nazca, Ica & Paracas

October 26th - 30th 2013
8This starts B3+ 13 the main Peru Tour9 The cost of the Nazca add#on is 5::: 02 )ollars. 2ingle occupancy # extra 5%6". Includes flight over the Nazca lines. )ay &4 %;th ct4 Arrive in /ima+ Meet tour representative at airport+ :tay in Hotel near airport+ Cf you arrive early" there is plenty to do and see around this $eautiful part of Iima+ )ay %4 %<th ct4 6rive to Aa2ca" with a stop to see the Palpa 3ffigies" that are part of the reater Aa2ca comple#+ Cntroductory lecture with *rien and Hu h+ /verni ht Aa2ca+ )ay !4 %$th ct4 Jull day3 Cncluded is an early mornin trip via plane over the Nazca lines and effigies+ ,e will discuss whether these were ancient 'spirit paths'" or 'ley lines' or somethin more mysterious. &isit the pyramids of *ahuachi" which is the lar est comple# of pyramids in Peru in terms of area covered" Nazca graveyard" Maria 1eiche museum" and the Mirador" from which two of the Aa2ca fi ures can $e seen close up+ 1venin Iecture a$out the 'lon -heads' with *rien+ /verni ht Aa2ca+ )ay 74 %:th ct4 Travel to Cca" where the lar est elon ated skulls in the world are in the Ica 1egional museum+ ,e will then visit the incredi$le Ica 2tones in the private museum in the town centre+ These are said to $e hundreds of thousands of years old and depict dinosaurs with humansK Then on to Paracas for the ni ht+ Aa2ca :pider 1ffi y

Boarding the Plane at Nazca

Ica Hugh, Senior Cabrera, and Brien at Ica Stones Museum, November 2012
)ay 64 !"th ct *oat trip out to see the famous *andela=ra" which is a hu e eo lyph" and then on to the stone islands where wildlife" includin sea lions" and hundreds of thousands of $irds can $e seen+ Then off to the Paracas (rchaeology museum to see some incredi$le local artefacts" includin 8G elon ated skulls+ Leturn to Iima+

useu! "kulls

Main Tour4 (ncient Peru

cto=er !"th # Novem=er $th %"&!
The cost of the main Peru tour is 5%$:: 02 )ollars 8around >&$:" 0? Pounds9. 2ingle occupancy # extra 576". Includes t-o flights /ima@ *uzco return and train Aourney to Machu Picchu. )ay & 8)ay 6 of Nazca Tour94 !"th ct4 Arrive in Iima+ Private ta#i pick-up from airport to hotel in Miraflores+ Cntroduction to the tour+ /verni ht Miraflores" Iima+ )ay %4 !&st ct4 Iate $reakfast" then visit to the (rchaeology Museum" /ptional afternoon tea at the 2outh (merican 3xplorers clu= HM " which houses an incredi$le li$rary of $ooks" e#pedition reports and research (or freetime in Iima!+ ,e then visit $eautiful mud-$rick 'Huaca PuclanaB pyramid" where we can also en0oy dinner in a $eautiful restaurant overlookin the pyramid+ *ack to hotel in Miraflores+ /rientation with the roup" followed $y evenin lecture with *rien Joerster a$out the pre-Cncan culture of Peru+ /verni ht Miraflores" Iima+

#uaca Puccluna Pyra!id, $i!a, Peru

%llantayta!bo. Irene and Brien, your hosts.



Megalithomania Peru, Nazca

!oli"ia Tour No"em#er $%&3

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)ay !4 &st Nov4 Jly to *uzco+ Check-in to hotel+ >et optional lunch on the main s-uare" then visit the *oricancha complex" said to $e the 'centre of the world' with ali nments oin out from this a#is-mundi across Peru" and walls of the Palace of Inca 1oca+ ,e will also visit the museum -ith elongated sCulls and the famous '&% sided stone' with limited activity and walkin " as we'll $e ad0ustin to the altitude difference+ /verni ht in Cu2co+ )ay 74 %nd Nov4 Tam=o Machay, DuenCo, (maru Machay and 2achsayhuaman3 These are a me alithic series of sites up in the hills of Cu2co and have incredi$le water features (Tam$o Machay! and massive technolo ical construction that clearly predate Cnca times+ /verni ht Cu2co+

Me alithomaniacs at :acsayhuamPn" Cu2co

)ay 64 !rd Nov4 (ndahuaylillas Museum" outside Cusco (8 hour drive! to visit the human@hy=rid =a=y sCeleton" that was all over the media last year" and see the mountain where it was found" mysteriously called ,iracochan (9where the creators descended9!+ The museum also houses spiral carvin s and unusual ancient art+ ,e also visit the ancient .ate of the 2un" a me alithic site made lon $efore the Cnca e#isted+ This museum and site are rarely visited on or anised tours+ Jree afternoon in Cu2co+ 1venin lecture $y Hu h Aewman a$out '1arth >rids and >eomancy'+ /verni ht Cu2co+ )ay ;4 7th Nov4 6rive throu h the 2acred Ealley towards /llantaytam$o" stoppin at *hinchero that has a fine craft market" as well as massive me alithic and poly onal constructions" and a short ancient tunnel+ After lunch" llantaytam=o+ This place is simply hu e" and is also where we catch the train to o to Machu Picchu the ne#t mornin + Ct is a very comple# site" with the Temple of the 2un" a ricultural terraces" water features" the Temple of the *ondor and a H55 foot tall carved stone face of the reat and mysterious teacher called &iracocha+ Around the side of the mountain lie various ar antuan me alithic $locks that came from the nei h$ourin mountain's -uarry" $ut did not -uite make it up to /llantaytam$o+ Time to e#plore the $eautiful town that has a reat market+ /verni ht in /llantaytam$o+ )ay <4 6th Nov4 Machu Picchu3 ,hat can one sayN this is the crownin 0ewel of Peru" the so-called lost city+ Here we will also find evidence that a much older culture once lived here" and will learn what it)s real name is+ The uni-ue and classy train ride from /llantaytam$o oes throu h the 2acred Ealley" followin the path of the Cnca Trail+ /n the way we will see various ruins alon ;rum$am$a river" as it connects the hi hlands with the 0un le+ ,e then et a $us up to the ruins" and spend at least H hours e#plorin this comple# site" with time for meditation and ceremony+ ,e will also have time to e#plore the market and small town and the Machu Picchu museum+ ,e will et train $ack to /llantaytam$o+ 1venin lecture $y >lenn *rou hton a$out his research of ':acred ,ater :ites O 1arth 1ner y'+ /verni ht in /llantaytam$o+ )ay $4 ;th Nov4 1i ht hour coach trip to Puno includin a stop off for $uffet lunch and visit to (lpaca farm+ Plus a visit to the incredi$le Temple of Eirococha+ 6iscussion and videos on the coach 0ourney+ /verni ht at $eautiful hotel in Puno ne#t to Iake Titicaca+ )ay :4 <th Nov4 2illustani is famous for it)s round towers called *hullpas" some of which are thousands of years older than the Cnca and are poly onal desi n+ There is also remnants of a possi$le stone circleK >lenn and Hu h will $e dowsin at this site as the ener ies are powerful+ After lunch we visit the eni matic (maru Muru, called a star ate $y some people where will will have time to meditate and tune in+ Ct has $een made famous $y the Peruvian :haman Jor e Iuis 6el ado" and also Jerry ,ills+ There is also a tunnel $ehind it said to o to Cu2co" a distance of more than H55 km+ visit to the Temple of +ertility ne#t to Iake Titicaca that has many 'mushroom' or 'phallus' stones within a poly onal me alithic construction" plus two ma0or ener y currents that may e#plain why it is a 'fertility temple'+ /verni ht Puno+ )ay &"@ 8also )ay & of Bolivia Tour94 $th Nov4 The main tour ends for those on Aust the Peru tour+ Jli ht $ack to Iima via Juliaca for those on the 85 day tour" and $us to Copaca$ana *olivia for those on the H day e#tension+ There are small yet si nificant me alithic sites ri ht at *opaca=ana for us to e#plore if we have time+ /verni ht Copaca$ana at Hotel Losario+

Chinchero, Peru'

Machu Picchu

Amaru Muru ':tar ate

Sillustani, Peru

(dd# n4 Bolivia , /aCe Titicaca

Novem=er $th # &%th %"&!
The cost of the Bolivia add#on is 5&":: 02 )ollars. 2ingle occupancy # extra 5%6". Includes Hydrofoil on /aCe Titicaca, plus flight from /a Paz to /ima on last day. )ay &4 $th Nov4Here we o throu h the *olivia%Peru $order (B8?@ for ;: Citi2ens - not included in price!+ (rrive in *opaco=ana. There are small yet si nificant me alithic sites ri ht at *opaca=ana for us to e#plore" with time to e#plore this $eautiful town or rest+ 1venin lecture $y *rien and Hu h a$out the Csland of the :un" it's earth ener ies and the ori ins of the Cnca+ /verni ht in Copaco$ana+

Isla del Sol, Lake Titicaca



Megalithomania Peru, Nazca

!oli"ia Tour No"em#er $%&3

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)ay %4 :th Nov4 Island f The 2un , Moon at /aCe Titicaca. (Iunch included!+ Puno to Copaca$ana" *olivia+ Hydrofoil cruise to *hincana 1uins" the Pre-Cnca temple located at ?55 meters :, of the sacred rocC -where the 1ain=o- 2erpent energy line meets the Plumed 2erpent line" at the north side of Isla del 2ol+ Ct also offers impressive views of Iake Titicaca+ The Chincana contains trape2oidal doors and niches which were adapted durin the Cnca period+ These ruins were $elieved to $e a support facility for the Csland)s :hrine" housin the maiden who took care of the :hrine+ Hydrofoil cruise to Moon Island" visit the 2un Eirgins Temple FIGaC 0yuH+ Continue to HuataAata+ /n arrival" visit the 9(ndean 1oots 3co Eillage93 The (ltiplano MuseumI Handicrafts village" the Mud Igloos and the mortuary to-ers of the 0rus *hipayas+ Meet the Iimachi family" $uilders of the 1( II and Tigris for epic e#peditions across the Atlantic /cean+ plus meet the vicuQas" llamas" alpacas and the mythical :uri+ /verland transfer to Ia Pa2" *olivia to stay in lu#urious @-star hotel+ )ay !4 &"th Nov4 /a Paz Museums+ :ee the incredi$le +uenta Magna Bo-l with :umerian inscriptions that su est a link $etween the middle 1ast and :outh America thousands of years a o+ ,e will also visit the Jitches MarCet" and the Ti-anaCu Museum+ Jree time to e#plore Ia Pa2+ /verni ht in Ia Pa2+ )ay 74 &&th Nov4 Ti-anaCu and Puma PunCu3 *oth Tiwanaku and Puma Punku are located at the same place+ Ti-anaCu is an eni matic me alithic temple" with rou h-hewn me aliths" stran e statues" the Akapana pyramid" that has a ma0or ma netic anomoly at its heart and the sunken temple with hundreds of carved protrudin heads+ There is also the incredi$le 'sun- ate'+ Ct is $elieved that the 'Plumed :erpent' ener y line oes throu h the pyramid and the site is flanked $y two fault-lines+ Puma PunCu is much older and more mysterious+ Ct is here we see evidence of ancient machinin of stone+ ,e will also visit the on#site museum and me alithic statues in the main s-uare outside the church+ *ack to Ia Pa2+ Jarewell 6inner+ /verni ht in Ia Pa2+ )ay 64 &%th Nov4 +light to /ima (included in price! for connections to international fli hts+ B?5 *olivia airport Ta# (not included in price!

Puma Punku, !oli"ia


.uente Magna !o,l, !oli"ia

Conditions: 1) All Paypal fees and international transfer costs must be taken care of by the buyer. These will be added on final payment. We cannot take on these costs as we are keeping the prices right down to create an affordable tour. 2) egalithomania cannot refund from 1! days before start of tour if you cancel. ") egalithomania will refund #$% if you cancel up until 1# days prior to the tour &this does not include deposit). !) egalithomania cannot refund deposits up to '$ days prior to tour. (efore that we can refund only #$% deposit if you cancel. #) egalithomania cannot be held responsible for any in)ury* accident or stolen goods + please get tra,el insurance and rele,ant ,isas before booking this tour and ha,e a passport with at least " months past the end date of the tour. ') -ull payment and passport details must be recei,ed by 1st .ctober 2$1" /) 0oommates: We are happy to try to and match our guests with a suitable roommate for those who are tra,eling alone. 1f we are unable to do this* you will be responsible to pay for the single supplement. 2arly registration will facilitate this process. &3ote: 1tinerary may be sub)ect to change if circumstances arise beyond reasonable control.) 4) Please email for further details + info5megalithomania.co.uk

Th reat earth ener y currents we will $e investi atin on the tour+ The tour is Aointly organised =y Megalithomania and Hidden Inca Tours. The a=ove itinerary is su=Aect to possi=le changes 8for the =etterK9 +eed=acC from Peru, Bolivia , 3aster Island %"&% Tour
9:till reminiscin a$out the trip+ Ct was such a wonderful e#perience made even $etter $y such a reat roup of people+ And thank you all for the ama2in photo raphs9 - Janine Moore 9>reat crew" awesome timeK Iookin forward to sharin some video and photosKKK9 - >+ Maestro 9Thanks Hu hK reat trip for those that like alternative travelin and the deeper story to humanities history9- Jennifer :tein 9Hu h" 0ust wanted to thank you once a ain for all you did to $rin our trip to ether+ C learned so much and a$sor$ed so many new ideas to come $ack and study++++a million directions to o" and C'll continue to look to the people and resources of Me alithomania to lead me on+ Rou do important work+ Thanks+9 - <arla Mahoney 9,hat an ama2in adventure we've had over the last 85 daysK Peru is a $eautiful diverse country filled with so many incredi$le si hts and mysteriesK ,e have $een on a non-stop ride" and this 0ourney we will never for et9 - Jenny >eyser-Maestro 9C 0ust have to send a $i thanks to all the persons on the Me alithomania Peru%*olivia" Ct was a pleasure to spend time with all the persons and visit all these special sites+ A $i thanks to you allK9 - Jonny ;eland



Megalithomania Peru, Nazca

!oli"ia Tour No"em#er $%&3

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