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Chapter Ta !e o" Contents

Intro%&ction an% 'iterat&re Revie( Introduction to the Topic Introduction to the Industry Introduction to the Company Literature Review Research Desi#n Title of the project report Statement of the problem Scope of the study Objectives of the study Hypothesis development Methodolo y o !ata collection tools o Samplin details o Tools for data analysis Limitations of the study "ey concepts#$lossary of the terms Ana!ysis an% Interpretation S&mmary o" Fin%in#s Recommen%ations an% Conc!&sion Re"erences &'o chapteri(ation) Anne)&res &'o chapteri(ation) o *uestionnaire o Interview schedule o +alance sheet o ,ny other relevant details

P#$ Nos$


III I% %

Note* Re"erences to e ma%e in accor%ance to APA +th E%$

'ist o" Ta !es

Ta !e No$
. 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 -8

Table showin current ratio of the company Table showin li/uid ratio of the company Table showin cash position of the company Table showin proprietary ratio of the company Table showin solvency ratio of the company Table showin fi4ed assets to net worth ratio of the company Table showin return on e/uity of the company Table showin return on total resource of the company Table showin earnin s per share of the company Table showin interest on loan ratio of the company

P#$ No$

'ist o" Graphs

Ta !e No$
. 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 -8

$raph showin current ratio of the company $raph showin li/uid ratio of the company $raph showin cash position of the company $raph showin proprietary ratio of the company $raph showin solvency ratio of the company $raph showin fi4ed assets to net worth ratio of the company $raph showin return on e/uity of the company $raph showin return on total resource of the company $raph showin earnin s per share of the company $raph showin interest on loan ratio of the company

P#$ No$


An Empirica! st&%y on ,or-in# Capita! Mana#ement o" ./0 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Management Of Christ University By Mohan 1&mar 2Re#$ No$ 34556789 Un%er the #&i%ance o" Dr$ 1$ Srinivasan Assistant Pro"essor

Department o" Mana#ement St&%ies C:RIST UNI;ERSIT/ <ANGA'ORE 6357

CERTIFICATE 2"rom Company=Optiona!9



This is to certify that Mohan "umar9 &Re : 'o: ----.12) is a bonafide student of +achelor of +usiness Mana ement of Christ ;niversity9 +an alore and he has prepared and submitted the project report9 titled <,n =mpirical study on >or?in Capital Mana ement of @ABC in partial fulfillment of the re/uirements for the award of the !e ree of +achelor of +usiness Mana ement of Christ ;niversity9 +an alore9 for the academic year .8-0D.8-1:

P!ace* <an#a!ore Date*

Dr$ >ain Matthe( :OD Dept$ o" Mana#ement St&%ies


This is to certify that the project report9 titled <,n =mpirical study on >or?in Capital Mana ement of @ABC submitted to Christ ;niversity9 in partial fulfillment of the re/uirements for the award of the !e ree of +achelor of +usiness Mana ement9 is a record of ori inal research wor? done by Mohan "umar9 durin the period .8-0 E .8-1 in the !epartment of Mana ement Studies at Christ ;niversity9 +an alore9 under my supervision and uidance: The project report has not formed the basis for the award of any !e ree# !iploma# ,ssociate ship# Fellowship or other similar title of reco nition to any candidate of any ;niversity:


Dr$ 1$Srinivasan


I9 Mohan "umar9 hereby declare that the project report9 titled <,n =mpirical study on >or?in Capital Mana ement of @ABC submitted to Christ ;niversity9 in partial fulfilment of the re/uirements for the award of the !e ree of +achelor of +usiness Mana ement is a record of ori inal and independent research wor? done by me durin .8-0 E .8-1 under the supervision and uidance of !r: ":Srinivasan9 !epartment of Mana ement Studies and it has not formed the basis for the award of any !e ree# !iploma# ,ssociate ship# Fellowship or other similar title of reco nition to any candidate of any ;niversity:


Mohan "umar


Mohan "umar


Certi"icate 2Company=optiona!9 Certi"icate 2:OD9 Certi"icate 2G&i%e9 Dec!aration Ac-no(!e%#ements Contents 'ist o" Ta !es 'ist o" E)hi its 5$5 Intro%&ction to ,or-in# Capita! Mana#ement -:-:-:-:. -:-:0 -:-:1 -:-:2 -:-:3 -:-:5 -:-:6 -:-:7 -:-:-8 >or?in Capital Components of wor?in capital >or?in capital mana ement in India Challen es of wor?in capital mana ement $ood practices of wor?in capital mana ement Objectives of wor?in capital mana ement ,dvanta es of wor?in capital mana ement $uidelines for wor?in capital mana ement Compliances re/uired for wor?in capital mana ement ,ccountin standards for >or?in capital mana ement

i ii iii iv v

35= ?4 2 6 -. -1 -5 -7 .2 0. 06

5$6$ 5$?$

Revie( o" 'iterat&re In%&stry Pro"i!e an% Company Pro"i!e .:.:. Industry Hrofile Company Hrofile

73=@3 @5=43 568


Research Desi#n .:- Title of the Research project .:. Statement of the problem .:0 Objectives of the study .:1 Scope of the study .:2 Hypotheses .:3 Sample si(e and samplin techni/ues .:5 !ata collection methods .:6 Statistical tools for analysis .:7 Limitations of the study .:-8 "ey concepts#$lossary of the terms: ?$ ANA'/SIS AND INTERPRETATION

45=533 77. 71 71 73 76 535=568





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