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As engineers, it is essential for you to groom your technical knowledge. The various technical societies provide a perfect learning opportunity ranging from electronics to robotics and automobiles. These societies give a particular insight into the requirements and challenges faced by the industry:

ROBOTICS For those of you inspired by Isaac Asimov and the latest happenings in the world of Robotics, this is the right platform to hone your skills. The purpose is bringing together those students who are interested in learning about and building robots. If you are building or are planning to build a robot or just have an interest in the subject of Robotics, then this is the club for you.

ISTE Premier National Society for Teachers and Students of the Technical Education System (with 45000 members and more than a lakh student members), ISTE has its PEC chapter in Electronics, Electrical, Civil, Aero and Mechanical branches.

IETE The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT.

IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE is an international non-profit, professional organization for the advancement of technology related to electricity. It has the largest members among all technical professional organizations in the world, with more than 365,000 members in around 150 countries. IEEE Computer Society The Computer Society declares itself dedicated to advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing technology. It strives to be the leading provider of technical information and services to the world's computing professionals. Society of Automobile Engineers SAE International (SAE) is a professional organization for mobility engineering professionals in the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries. The Society is a standards development organization for the engineering of powered vehicles of all kinds, including cars, trucks, boats, aircraft, and others.

Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) The Institution of electrical Engineers is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and has a worldwide membership of just under 140,000. Founded in 1871, its members are from students to the most distinguished and highly qualified professionals. SME The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) is dedicated to bringing people and information together to advance manufacturing knowledge. SME is internationally recognized by manufacturing practitioners, companies and other organizations as a source for information, education and networking.

IIM The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) is the premier organization representing metallurgical engineers and professionals engaged in metallurgical industry, research and development and related activities.

PECMA PECMA is a society which helps the students in developing their managerial skills and business acumen by providing them with a platform and organizing for them various market related activities in which they can participate. This is an exclusive initiative by the college. AeSI Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) is the principal Society in India serving the professions in areas of aeronautics, aerospace and aviation. Its stated primary purpose is to "Advance the sciences, engineering, technology and management of aerospace, aeronautics and aviation and to foster and promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits".

For the all round development of the student, the institute provides a host of various student activities. These activities range from sports, personal-hobbies to technical interests. The students are encouraged to become a member of these bodies to help broaden their horizons. These student bodies not only help the students explore their hidden talent but also help in areas such as personality development and inculcating the spirit of organization in the students by providing them with a platform for hosting their respective club presentations

ART & PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Known for its fun filled and family like environment, APC is a club which organizes different art n photography related events like pot painting, clay modeling and quizzes, intra-club projects, workshops on designing softwares-art-photography techniques; involving loads of creativity and enjoyment. It is a platform to enhance your planning, event management skills, team work.

COMMUNICATION CLUB Communication club is the youngest of the official clubs, where you enjoy as you work. In this paced world, where we dont get to know the happenings in our college. Communication club takes on gathering info about all those students/faculty/college activities happening all over the college throughout the entire year, and getting them published in the leading newspapers, as well as on college website and in the half yearly faculty newsletter. The club gives you ample chance to express and explore yourself and be innovative in your way. Also be a part of organizing team of the fun events Netagiri, Hard talk and speed dating organized at Pecfest. DRAMATICS CLUB The Dramatics Club provides you with a platform not only to showcase your talent and prove your mettle, but also provides you with opportunities to learn and grow as an artist. The club encourages its members and motivates them to perform in the institute as well as at the national level inter-college fests. For the freshers, the club first conducts a workshop and teaches them the very basics like stage blocking, voice modulation etc. After this, when the freshers are all set to take to the stage, the club organizes programs like chitrahaar, aaghaaz, darbaar-e-aam and many others. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE (EDC) EDC is the recognized club of PEC-UT which has its modus operandi and commitment towards building and encouraging the fervor of Entrepreneurship. We organize events- story sessions, by eminent entrepreneurs, BPlans, quizzes, workshops. Recently we did competition APPRENTICE where the winner got internship in GRAND THORNTON. EDC helps you to create and build the world where you master the masters and gives you the opportunity to be a part of the league. EDC welcomes you all. ENERGY ENVIROVISION CLUB Keeping in view the deteriorating condition of the environment, the Energy Envirovision Club has always strived to arouse awareness and friendliness towards the environment and welcomes all those who want to join hands and work for the same cause.

MUSIC CLUB Music is the essence of life. The Music Club holds workshops, competitions and presentations throughout the year. It encourages participation of members in inter-college competitions. It supports budding engineers and instrumentalists and will continue in its endeavor to bring exciting and jubilating events to add color to the life of the students of this college. If music is your life, your soul, the Music Club is the place to be.

PROJECTION AND DESIGN CLUB Projection Club is one of the most popular and well-established clubs of the college. They are the filmi junta of the college or the techno movie makers. From showing films on the Auditorium's silver screen to showcasing aspects of life through their own documentaries, they do it all. The members project their creativity using softwares like adobe, coral, flash, etc. The club specializes in graphics designing and its responsibilities include handling all the creative and design work in the college.

SPEAKERS ASSOCIATION AND STUDY CIRCLE (SAASC) SAASC is indeed the place for you to hone your writing abilities and communication skills. It provides the perfect platform for students to come forward and take part in activities like debates, quizzes, JAMS, creative writing and much more. Not only do these events enable students to bring out their creative side but are also intellectually stimulating throughout the year.

ROTARACT CLUB Rotaract is the youth wing Rotary International. Rotaract Clubs are a part of a global effort to bring peace and understanding to the world. Through the Rotaract program, young adults not only augment their knowledge and skills, but they also address the physical and social needs of their communities while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service.

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