Control Charts For Variables

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Control Charts for Variables

A quality characteristic that is measured on a numerical scale is called a variable. dimension length, width weight temperature volume

A quality characteristic that is a variable, it is usually necessary to monitor both the mean value of the quality characteristic and its variability. Control of the process average or mean quality level is usually done with the control chart for means or x chart. Process variability can be monitor with either a control chart for the standard deviation, called the s chart, or a control chart for the range, called an R chart.

The need for controlling both process mean and process variability


Statistical Basis of the Charts Suppose that a quality characteristic is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation , where both and are known. If x1, x2, ......, xn is a sample of size n, the average of this sample is

we know that x is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation x = / n . The probability is 1- that any sample mean will fall between

In practice, we usually will no know and . They must be estimated from preliminary samples or subgroups taken when the process is thought to be in control. These estimates should usually be based on at least 20 to 25 samples. Suppose that m samples are available, each containing n observations on the quality characteristic. Typically, n will be small, often either 4, 5, or 6.

The best estimator of , the process average, is the grand average,

We may estimate from either the standard deviations or the ranges of the m samples. Let R1, R2, ....., Rm be the ranges of the m samples. The average range is

The formulas for constructing the control limits on the x chart are as follows:

The formulas for constructing the control limits on the R chart are as follows:

Example Piston for automotive engine are produced by a forging process. We wish to establish statistical control of inside diameter of the ring manufactured by this process using x and R charts. Twenty-five samples, each of size five, have been taken when we think the process is in control. The inside diameter measurement data from these samples are shown in table.

x chart

R chart


x AND S charts are preferable to their more familiar Counterparts, x and R charts, when either 1. 2. The sample size n is moderately large, n > 10 or 12 The sample size n is variable.

The construction of x and S charts Setting up and operating control charts for x and S requires about the same sequence of step as those for the x and R charts, except that for each sample we must calculate the sample average x and sample standard deviation S.

The sample variance :

The formulas for constructing the control limits on the S chart are as follow : For given

For not given

Example Construction of x and S charts using the pistonring inside diameter measurements in table.

Revise the Control Limits

Suppose that one or more of the values of either x and R plot out of control. It is necessary to revise the control limit by examining each of the out of control points, looking for an assignable cause. If an assignable cause is found, the point is discarded and an the control limits are recalculated, using only the remaining points.

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